PHP | 266 lines | 223 code | 27 blank | 16 comment | 25 complexity | 5d2332ac68036bdea0f16f572f90896b MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- include_once 'class.TickerBase.inc.php';
- include_once 'class.TickerMessage.inc.php';
- class Ticker extends TickerBase {
- private $list_size;
- private $messages;
- private $messagelist;
- private $conn;
- private $db_table = 'ticker_backup';
- CONST COOKIE_NAME = 'ticker_comment';
- private $mail_conn_string;
- function __construct($list_size = 6) {
- if (parent::readINIsettings() === FALSE) {
- die ("Couldn't load ticker settings");
- } // end if
- $this->setListSize($list_size);
- } // end constructor
- private function setListSize($size = 6) {
- $this->list_size = (int) $size;
- if (isset($this->messagelist)) {
- unset($this->messagelist);
- } // end if
- if (isset($this->messages)) {
- unset($this->messages);
- } // end if
- } // end function
- protected function isValidAuthor($header = '') {
- if (strlen(trim($GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['whitelist'])) == 0) {
- return (boolean) TRUE; // return true if whitelist is empty
- } else {
- @$headerstring = (string) $header;
- if (strlen(trim($headerstring)) === 0) {
- return (boolean) FALSE;
- } // end if
- unset($headerstring);
- }// end if
- /* get e-mail address from mail header and compare it with */
- $from = $header->fromaddress . ' ' . $header->from[0]->mailbox . '@' . $header->from[0]->host;
- /* convert whitelist to an array */
- if (!is_array($GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['whitelist'])) {
- $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['whitelist'] = (array) explode(',', $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['whitelist'])
- }// end if
- foreach ($GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['whitelist'] as $white) {
- if (strpos($from, $white) != FALSE) {
- return (boolean) TRUE; // return true if the e-mail was found in the whitelist
- } // end if
- } // end foreach
- unset($whitelist);
- unset($from);
- return (boolean) FALSE;
- } // end function
- protected function isValidMail(&$header, &$body) {
- $start_string =& $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['start_string'];
- $start_string_length = (int) strlen($start_string);
- if (($start_string_length === 0) || (isset($header->subject) && $header->subject == $start_string) || (substr_count($body, $start_string) > 0)) {
- return (boolean) TRUE;
- } // end if
- unset($start_string_length);
- return (boolean) FALSE;
- } // end function
- private function createMailConnString() {
- if (!isset($this->mail_conn_string)) {
- $mailbox_setting =& $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox'];
- $port =& $mailbox_setting['mail_server_port'];
- $mail_type =& $mailbox_setting['mail_server_type'];
- $folder =& $mailbox_setting['folder'];
- $type = (string) (($mail_type == 'POP3') ? 'pop3' : 'imap');
- $conn_string = '{' . $mailbox_setting['mail_server'];
- if ($mailbox_setting['mail_server_ssl'] === TRUE) {
- if ($mailbox_setting['mail_server_sc'] === TRUE) {
- $conn_string .= ':' . $port . '/' . $type . '/ssl/novalidate-cert}';
- } else {
- $conn_string .= ':' . $port . '/' . $type . '/ssl}' . $folder;
- }// end if
- } else {
- $conn_string .= ':' . $port . '}' . $folder;
- }// end if
- $this->mail_conn_string = (string) $conn_string;
- } // end if
- } // end function
- protected function addTickerMessage($message = '', $author = '') {
- /* if message is empty don't add message */
- if (strlen(trim($message)) === 0 || $this->hasMessageWritten() === TRUE) {
- return (boolean) FALSE;
- } // end if
- $settings =& $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings'];
- /* if name is given, add it to the message string */
- $message = (string) $settings['start_string'] . $message;
- if (strlen(trim($author)) > 0) {
- $message .= ' – ' . $author;
- } // end if
- $this->createMailConnString();
- $mbox = imap_open($this->mail_conn_string, $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['email'],
- $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['password']) or die ('Error: ' . imap_last_error());
- /* add message to the mailbox */
- imap_append($mbox,
- $this->mail_conn_string,
- 'From: ' . $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['email'] . "\r\n" .
- 'To: ' . $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['email'] . "\r\n" .
- 'Subject: ' . $settings['start_string'] . "\r\n\r\n" .
- $message . "\r\n"
- );
- imap_close($mbox);
- unset($message);
- /*
- mail($GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['email'],
- $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['start_string'],
- $message,
- 'From: ' . $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['email'] . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion());
- */
- /* set cookie and session that user has written a message (prevent flooding) */
- $_SESSION[COOKIE_NAME] = time() + $settings['spamprotection'];
- $_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME] = time() + $settings['spamprotection'];
- setcookie(COOKIE_NAME, time(), time()+ $settings['spamprotection']);
- //$this->setMessages();
- return (boolean) TRUE;
- } // end function
- protected function hasMessageWritten() {
- if ((isset($_SESSION[COOKIE_NAME]) && time() < $_SESSION[COOKIE_NAME]) || isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_NAME])) {
- return (boolean) TRUE;
- } // end if
- return (boolean) FALSE;
- } // end function
- protected function setMessages() {
- if (!isset($this->messages)) {
- $this->createMailConnString();
- /* create mailbox connection */
- $mbox = imap_open($this->mail_conn_string, $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['email'], $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['password']) or die ('Error: ' . imap_last_error());
- $settings =& $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings'];
- $start_string =& $settings['start_string'];
- $start_string_length = (int) strlen($start_string);
- $headers = imap_headers($mbox);
- $count_mails = (int) count($headers);
- unset($headers);
- $counter = (int) $this->list_size;
- $this->messages = (array) array();
- if ($count_mails > 0) { // if mailbox is not empty
- for ($i = $count_mails; $i > 0; $i--) {
- $header = imap_header($mbox, $i);
- $body = imap_body($mbox, $i);
- /* if mail does not fit the rules continue with next
- (and maybe delete it) */
- if ($this->isValidAuthor($header) === FALSE || $this->isValidMail(&$header, &$body) === FALSE) {
- if ($settings['delete_false_mails'] == TRUE) {
- imap_delete($mbox, $i);
- } // end if
- continue;
- } // end if
- /* only go though the fist XX mails
- the rest will be deleted or archived */
- if ($counter <= 0) { // do this for all mails
- if ($settings['db_backup'] == TRUE) {
- $tm_backup = new TickerMessage($i, $body, $header, imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $i));
- $this->backupMessage($tm_backup);
- } // end if
- if ($settings['delete_old_mails'] == TRUE) {
- imap_delete($mbox, $i);
- } // end if
- continue;
- } // end if
- /* create now message object and stick it into an array */
- $tm = new TickerMessage($i, $body, $header, imap_fetchstructure($mbox, $i));
- $this->messages[$i] = $tm;
- $counter--;
- } // end for
- unset($header);
- unset($body);
- unset($tm);
- } // end if
- imap_expunge($mbox);
- imap_close($mbox);
- } // end if
- } // end function
- private function setConnection() {
- if (!isset($this->conn)) {
- $this->conn = mysql_pconnect($settings['host'], $settings['user'], $settings['password']) or die ('Connection not possible! => ' . mysql_error());
- mysql_select_db($settings['database']) or die ('Couldn\'t connect to "' . $this->database . '" => ' . mysql_error());
- $this->db_table =& $settings['translation_table'];
- } // end if
- } // end function
- private function backupMessage(&$tm) {
- $this->setConnection();
- $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->db_table . '(date, message)';
- $sql .= ' VALUES (' . $tm->getTimestamp() . ',"' . addslashes($tm->getText()) . '");';
- $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn) or die ('Request not possible! SQL Statement: ' . $sql . ' / ' . mysql_error());
- } // end function
- protected function setMessageList() {
- if (!isset($this->messagelist)) {
- $this->setMessages();
- $this->messagelist = (array) array_keys($this->messages);
- } // end if
- } // end function
- public function getMessages() {
- $this->setMessages();
- if (isset($this->messages)) {
- return (array) $this->messages;
- } else {
- return (boolean) FALSE;
- } // end if
- } // end if
- public function getMessage($id = -1) {
- $this->setMessages();
- if (array_key_exists($id, $this->messages)) {
- return (object) $this->messages[$id];
- } else {
- return (boolean) FALSE;
- } // end if
- } // end if
- public function getMessageList() {
- $this->setMessageList();
- return (array) $this->messagelist;
- } // end function
- public function getListSize() {
- return (int) $this->list_size;
- } // end function
- public function getStartString() {
- return (string) $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['start_string'];
- } // end function
- public function getEndString() {
- return (string) $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['end_string'];
- } // end function
- public function getEmail() {
- return (string) $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Mailbox']['email'];
- } // end function
- public function getMaxMessageSize() {
- return (int) $GLOBALS[TICKER_GLOBALNAME]['Settings']['max_length'];
- } // end function
- } // end class Ticker
- ?>