PHP | 737 lines | 587 code | 114 blank | 36 comment | 171 complexity | d70e64e62e454d9ba046918d6fc3ce97 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
- ini_set('arg_separator.output','&');
- ini_set('session.use_trans_sid','0');
- putenv('TZ=CET');
- header('Content-Encoding: gzip');
- header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
- header('Expires: ' . date("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + (60 * 60 * 20)) . ' GMT');
- /*-------------------------------------*/
- /* C O O K I E S + S E S S I O N S */
- /*-------------------------------------*/
- @session_start();
- //Cookie bzw Session um neue Beitrage als NEU zu kennzeichnen (ist aber unter Win buggy (timezone))
- if (isset($_SESSION['lastvisit']))
- {
- define('LASTVISIT',$_SESSION['lastvisit']);
- }
- elseif (isset($_COOKIE['lastvisit']))
- {
- define('LASTVISIT',$_COOKIE['lastvisit']);
- $_SESSION['lastvisit'] = $GLOBALS['lastvisit'] = $_COOKIE['lastvisit'];
- session_register('lastvisit');
- }
- else
- {
- define('LASTVISIT','');
- }
- if (isset($_POST['commentsend'])) // Setzt nach dem Absenden des Formulares ein Cookie f?r ein paar Minuten, dass ein erneutes Kommentar verhindert (Spam Schutz)
- {
- setcookie('commentwritten_' . $_POST['commentsend'],1,time()+360);
- if(isset($_POST['name']))
- {
- $_SESSION['sess_name'] = $GLOBALS['sess_name'] = $_POST['name'];
- setcookie('cook_name',$_POST['name'],time()+31536000);
- }
- if(isset($_POST['email']))
- {
- $_SESSION['sess_email'] = $GLOBALS['sess_email'] = $_POST['email'];
- setcookie('cook_email',$_POST['email'],time()+31536000);
- }
- session_register('sess_name','sess_email'); // Merkt sich Name,EMail damit man es nicht bei jedem Kommentar neu eintragen muss...
- }
- setcookie('lastvisit','',time()-3600);
- setcookie('lastvisit',date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),time()+31536000);
- /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
- /* F U N K T I O N E N + D B C O N N E C T I O N */
- /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
- require_once('functions.inc.php');
- require_once('class.ChooseLanguage.inc.php');
- require_once('class.FormatLongString.inc.php');
- require_once('class.ChooseFormatDate.inc.php');
- require_once('class.Newslist.inc.php');
- require_once('class.Helpers.inc.php');
- require_once('class.Author.inc.php');
- require_once('class.AuthorList.inc.php');
- require_once('class.CategoryList.inc.php');
- /*-------------------------------*/
- /* V A R I A B L E N (berechnen) */
- /*-------------------------------*/
- define('PICTUREPATH','pics/'); // Relativer Pfad zu den Newsbildern
- define('SHOW_RS',10); // Anzahl der News die pro Seite angezeigt werden sollen
- define('NOW',date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
- define('NOW_TIMESTAMP',time());
- define('PHP_SELF',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
- if (isset($_GET['cat'])) { define('CAT',$_GET['cat']); }
- if (isset($_POST['author'])) { define('AUTHOR',$_POST['author']); }
- if (isset($_POST['cat_search'])) { define('CAT_SEARCH',$_POST['cat_search']); }
- if (isset($_GET['profile'])) { define('PROFILE',$_GET['profile']); }
- if (isset($_POST['search']) && strlen(trim($_POST['search'])) > 0)
- {
- $search = (string) $_POST['search'];
- }
- elseif (isset($_GET['search']) && strlen(trim($_GET['search'])) > 0)
- {
- $search = (string) urldecode($_GET['search']);
- }
- if (isset($search))
- {
- $searchstring_temp = (string) $search;
- define('SEARCHSTRING',htmlentities($search));
- }
- else
- {
- $searchstring_temp = (string) '';
- define('SEARCHSTRING','');
- }
- $lg = (object) new ChooseLanguage();
- $sp = (object) new FormatLongString($searchstring_temp);
- $dp = (object) new ChooseFormatDate();
- $helpers = (object) new Helpers();
- $sp->SetSessionURL(session_name(),session_id());
- // $language_select->lang_content
- define('LANG_ISO',str_replace('_','-',$lg->getLang()));
- define('HIGHLIGHT',$sp->SetURLencoder('search',urlencode($searchstring_temp),'&'));
- define('SESSIONID',$sp->SetURLencoder(session_name(),session_id(),'&'));
- defined('CAT') ? define('LISTCAT',$sp->SetURLencoder('cat',CAT,'&')) : define('LISTCAT','');
- (defined('CAT') && !isset($search)) ? define('ONLY_CAT','?cat=' . CAT) : define('ONLY_CAT','');
- if (isset($_POST['comment'])) { $comment = (string) $_POST['comment']; }
- if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $name = (string) $_POST['name']; }
- if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = (string) $_POST['email']; }
- if (isset($_POST['commentsend'])) { $commentsend = (int) $_POST['commentsend']; }
- if (isset($_COOKIE['cook_name'])) // ?berpr?fung f?r das Vorausf?llen des Formulares
- {
- $sess_name = (string) $_COOKIE['cook_name'];
- }
- elseif(isset($_SESSION['sess_name']))
- {
- $sess_name = (string) $_SESSION['sess_name'];
- }
- else
- {
- $sess_name = (string) '';
- }
- if (isset($_COOKIE['cook_email'])) // ?berpr?fung f?r das Vorausf?llen des Formulares
- {
- $sess_email = (string) $_COOKIE['cook_email'];
- }
- elseif(isset($_SESSION['sess_email']))
- {
- $sess_email = (string) $_SESSION['sess_email'];
- }
- else
- {
- $sess_email = (string) '';
- }
- if (isset($_POST['id']))
- {
- $id = (int) $_POST['id'];
- }
- elseif (isset($_GET['id']))
- {
- $id = (int) $_GET['id'];
- }
- if (isset($id))
- {
- define('ONLY_ID','?id=' . $id);
- $commentcheck = (string) 'commentwritten_' . $id; // Variable f?r dynamische Variable
- }
- else
- {
- define('ONLY_ID','');
- }
- /* Startpunkt f?r Auflistung */
- if (isset($_POST['startlisting']))
- {
- $startlisting = (int) $_POST['startlisting'];
- }
- elseif (isset($_GET['startlisting']))
- {
- $startlisting = (int) $_GET['startlisting'];
- }
- if (!isset($startlisting) || $startlisting < 0) // Falls kein Startwert f?r Weiter/Zur?ck Links gegeben bei 0 anfangen
- {
- define('STARTLISTING',0);
- }
- elseif ($startlisting > SUM_NEWS) // Falls Startwert gr??er als die Anzahl and Datens?tzen
- {
- }
- else
- {
- define('STARTLISTING',$startlisting);
- }
- if (isset($startlisting)) { unset($startlisting); }
- /*---------------------------------------*/
- /* D B A B F R A G E D E R N E W S */
- /*---------------------------------------*/
- if (isset($id) && is_int($id) && $id != 0) // Auswahl der Abfrage zur Darstellung der News gesamt, Kategorie oder ID Nummer
- {
- $newslist = new NewsList('onenews', STARTLISTING, SHOW_RS, $id, '', '', '');
- }
- elseif (defined('CAT'))
- {
- $newslist = new NewsList('category', STARTLISTING, SHOW_RS, CAT, '', '', '');
- }
- elseif (isset($search))
- {
- $newslist = new NewsList('search', 0, 0, 0, AUTHOR, $search, CAT_SEARCH);
- }
- else
- {
- $newslist = new NewsList('all', STARTLISTING, SHOW_RS, $id, '', '', '');
- } // end if
- define('SUM_NEWS',count($newslist->getNewsListCountAll()));
- echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>';
- ?>
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php echo 'xml:lang="' . LANG_ISO . '" lang="' . LANG_ISO . '"'; ?>>
- <head>
- <title><?php echo $lg->TranslateEncode('newssystem_title'); ?></title>
- <meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes" />
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
- <?php echo '<meta http-equiv="expires" content="'.gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + (60 * 60 * 20)).'" />'; ?>
- <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
- <style type="text/css">
- <!--
- @import url("newssystem.css");
- -->
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="nsmenu">
- <?php
- /*---------*/
- /* M E N ? */
- /*---------*/
- $categorylist = (object) new CategoryList($lg->getLangContent());
- if (count($categorylist->getCategoryList()) > 0)
- {
- echo '<h2 class="nsmenu"><a href="' . PHP_SELF . '" style="color:white;text-decoration:none;">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('menu') . '</a></h2>
- <div class="nsmenucontent">';
- foreach ($categorylist->getCategoryList() as $name => $value)
- {
- $values = (array) explode('_', $value);
- if (defined('CAT') && CAT == $values[0]) { $cat_name = (string) $name; }
- if (defined('CAT_SEARCH') && CAT_SEARCH == $values[0]) { $cat_name = (string) $name; }
- $sum_cat_news = (int) (($values[1] == 1) ? ($values[1]) : $values[1] );
- echo ' <a href="' . PHP_SELF . '?cat=' . $values[0] . SESSIONID . '" class="menu">' . $sp->FormatShortText($name) . ' <small class="ns">(' . $sum_cat_news . ')</small></a><br />';
- } // end foreach
- if (isset($sum_cat_news)) { unset($sum_cat_news); }
- echo '<form method="post" action="' . PHP_SELF . '" title="' . $lg->TranslateEncode('search') . '" style="text-align:center">
- <fieldset class="ns">
- <legend>' . $lg->TranslateEncode('search') . '</legend>
- <br /><em><label for="search" class="ns">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_keyword') . ':</label></em><br />
- <input type="text" name="search" id="search" size="9" value="' . SEARCHSTRING . '" tabindex="1" class="ns" /><br />';
- if (isset($_GET['advsearch']))
- {
- echo ' <em><label for="cat_search" class="ns">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_category') . ':</label></em><br />
- <select name="cat_search" id="cat_search" size="1" tabindex="2" class="ns">
- <option value="all" selected="selected">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_all') . '</option>';
- foreach ($categorylist->getCategoryList() as $name => $value)
- {
- $values = (array) explode('_', $value);
- $CategoryName = (string) $sp->FormatShortText($name);
- $catselect = (string) (($values[0] == CAT_SEARCH) ? ' selected="selected"' : '');
- echo '<option value="' . $values[0] . '"' . $catselect . '>' . $name . '</option>';
- } // end foreach
- if (isset($CategoryName)) { unset($CategoryName); }
- if (isset($catselect)) { unset($catselect); }
- if (isset($name)) { unset($name); }
- if (isset($value)) { unset($value); }
- if (isset($values)) { unset($values); }
- echo ' </select><br />
- <em><label for="author" class="ns">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_author') . ':</label></em><br />
- <select name="author" id="author" size="1" tabindex="3" class="ns">
- <option value="all" selected="selected">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_all') . '</option>'; // Suchformular
- $authorlist = (object) new AuthorList();
- if (count($authorlist->getAuthorList()) > 0)
- {
- foreach ($authorlist->getAuthorList() as $author)
- {
- if ($author->getCountArticles() > 0)
- {
- $AuthorNick = $sp->FormatShortText($author->getAuthorName());
- $authorselect = (($author->getAuthorID() == AUTHOR) ? ' selected="selected"' : '');
- echo '<option value="' . $author->getAuthorID() . '"' . $authorselect . '>' . $AuthorNick . ' (' . $author->getCountArticles() . ')</option>';
- } // end if
- } // end foreach
- if (isset($AuthorNick)) { unset($AuthorNick); }
- if (isset($authorselect)) { unset($authorselect); }
- } // end if
- if (isset($author)) { unset($author); }
- if (isset($authorlist)) { unset($authorlist); }
- echo ' </select><br /><br />';
- }
- else
- {
- echo ' <br />
- <input type="hidden" name="cat_search" value="all" />
- <input type="hidden" name="author" value="all" />';
- } // end if
- echo ' <input type="hidden" name="startlisting" value="' . STARTLISTING . '" />
- <input type="hidden" name="' . session_name() . '" value="' . session_id() . '" />
- <input type="submit" value="' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_search') . '" tabindex="4" class="ns" /><br /><br />';
- if (!isset($_GET['advsearch'])) { echo '<small class="ns"><a href="' . PHP_SELF . '?advsearch=1&' . session_name() . '=' . session_id() . '">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('advanced_search') . '</a></small>'; }
- echo ' </fieldset>
- </form>
- <form action="' . PHP_SELF . '" method="post" title="' . $lg->TranslateEncode('language') . '" style="text-align:center">
- <fieldset class="ns">
- <legend>' . ucfirst($lg->TranslateEncode('language')) . '</legend><br />
- <label for="lang" class="ns">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('OSM') . '</label>
- <br />' . $lg->returnDropdownLang() . '<br /><br />
- <label for="lang_content" class="ns">' . ucfirst($lg->TranslateEncode('Content')) . '</label>
- <br />' . $lg->returnDropdownLangContent() . '<br /><br />
- <label for="timeset" class="ns">' . ucfirst($lg->TranslateEncode('time')) . '</label>
- <br />' . $dp->returnDropdownSelecttime() . '<br />
- <input type="hidden" name="startlisting" value="' . STARTLISTING . '" class="ns" />
- <input type="hidden" name="' . session_name() . '" value="' . session_id() . '" class="ns" />
- <br /><input type="submit" value="' . $lg->TranslateEncode('Change') . '" tabindex="7" class="ns" />
- </fieldset>
- </form>';
- echo '<small class="ns">'
- . $helpers->getSumNews() . ' ' . $lg->TranslateEncode('news') . '<br />'
- . $helpers->getSumComments() . ' ' . $lg->TranslateEncode('comments') . '<br />'
- . user_online24() . ' ' . $lg->TranslateEncode('user_online') . '</small>
- <br /><br /><small class="ns">';
- if ($dp->GetTimeset() == 1) // Falls swatch Zeit
- {
- echo '<a href="http://www.swatch.com/alu_beat/fs_itime.html" target="_blank">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('timezone_is') . ' BMT</a><br />';
- echo '<strong>' . $lg->TranslateEncode('swatch_time') . ':<br />' . $dp->swatchdate() . ' – ' . $dp->swatchtime() . '</strong>';
- }
- elseif ($dp->GetTimeset() == 2)
- {
- echo '<a href="http://www.stacken.kth.se/~kvickers/timezone.html" target="_blank">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('timezone_is') . ' ' . getenv('TZ') . '</a><br />';
- echo '<strong>' . $lg->TranslateEncode('ISO_time') . ':<br />' . $dp->ShortDate() . ' – ' . $dp->TimeString() . '</strong>';
- }
- else
- {
- echo '<a href="http://www.stacken.kth.se/~kvickers/timezone.html" target="_blank">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('timezone_is') . ' ' . getenv('TZ') . '</a><br />';
- echo '<strong>' . $lg->TranslateEncode('time') . ':<br />' . $dp->ShortDate() . ' – ' . $dp->TimeString() . '</strong>';
- } // end if
- echo '</small><br />';
- echo '<br /><div style="text-align:center;"><a href="rss.php?lang=' . $lg->getLangContent() . LISTCAT . '"><img src="xml.gif" alt="RSS Content Syndication" width="36" height="14" border="0" /></a></div>';
- echo '</div>
- </div>
- <div id="nscontent">';
- } // end if [$db->rs_num_rows($rs_category) > 0]
- if (isset($categorylist)) { unset($categorylist); }
- /*---------------------------------*/
- /* A U S G A B E D E R N E W S */
- /*---------------------------------*/
- if (count($newslist->getNewsList()) > 0 && !defined('PROFILE')) // Schleife zur Auflistung der News
- {
- if (defined('CAT') || (defined('CAT_SEARCH') && CAT_SEARCH != 'all'))
- {
- echo '<h3 class="nsnewsheader' . CAT . '">' . $sp->FormatShortText($cat_name) . '</h3><br />';
- } // end if
- if ((isset($search) || defined('CAT_SEARCH')) && !isset($id))
- {
- echo '<h2 class="nsneutralheader">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('search_result_for') . ' „' . $sp->FormatShortText($search) . '“</h2><h4 class="ns">' . SUM_NEWS . ' ' . $lg->TranslateEncode('news_found') . '</h4>';
- } // end if
- foreach ($newslist->getNewsList() as $news)
- {
- $css_color = (string) $news->getCategoryID();
- $NewsHeadline = (string) $sp->FormatShortText($news->getHeadline());
- $author = (object) $news->getAuthor();
- $AuthorNick = (string) $sp->FormatShortText($author->getAuthorName());
- $CategoryName = (string) $sp->FormatShortText($news->getCategoryName());
- $newsimage_alttext = (string) $sp->FormatShortText($news->getImageAlttext());
- $nocomments = (boolean) $news->getNoComments();
- if ((!defined('CAT') && !defined('CAT_SEARCH')) || (defined('CAT_SEARCH') && CAT_SEARCH == 'all'))
- {
- echo '<h3 class="nsnewsheader' . $css_color . '">' . $CategoryName . '</h3>';
- } // end if Falls Gesamt?bersicht werden Kategorien angezeigt
- echo '<p class="nsnewssubheader' . $css_color . '">
- <big class="nspostdate">' . $dp->LongDate($dp->ISOdatetimeToUnixtimestamp($news->getNewsdate())) . '</big>
- <big class="nspostauthor">' . ucfirst($lg->TranslateEncode('posted_by')) . ' <a href="' . PHP_SELF . '?profile=' . $author->getAuthorID() . '">' . $AuthorNick . '</a></big>
- </p>
- <h4 class="nsheader' . $css_color . '">' . $NewsHeadline;
- if ((LASTVISIT != '') && (LASTVISIT < $news->getNewsdate())) { echo ' <span class="nshighlight">(' . strtoupper($lg->TranslateEncode('new')) . ')</span>'; }
- echo '</h4>
- <p class="nsnewstext' . $css_color . '">';
- if (strlen(trim($news->getImage())) > 0) { echo '<img src="' . PICTUREPATH . $news->getImage() . '" alt="' . $newsimage_alttext . '" class="nsnewspic" />'; }
- if (isset($search))
- {
- echo $sp->SearchResult($news->getNewstext(), $news->getNewsID());
- }
- elseif (!isset($id)) // Ausgabe Newstext
- {
- echo (($news->getShowFullText() != true) ? $sp->AbstractText($news->getNewstext(), $news->getNewsID()) : $sp->FormatLongText($news->getNewstext()));
- }
- else
- {
- echo $sp->FormatLongText($news->getNewstext());
- } // end if
- if (count($news->getLinks()) > 0) // Gibt Linkliste aus falls String vorhanden
- {
- echo '<br /><strong>' . $lg->TranslateEncode('links') . ':</strong><br />';
- foreach ($news->getLinks() as $link => $linktext)
- {
- echo '• <a href="' . $link . '" target="_blank" class="nsnewslink' . $css_color . '">' . $sp->FormatShortText($linktext) . '<br /></a>';
- } // end foreach
- } // end if
- echo '</p>';
- if (strlen(trim($news->getSource())) > 0 || $nocomments == false)
- {
- echo '<p class="nsnewssubheader' . $css_color . '">
- <big class="nssource">';
- if (strlen(trim($news->getSource())) > 0)
- {
- echo '<strong>' . $lg->TranslateEncode('source') . ':</strong> ';
- echo ((strlen(trim($news->getSourceLink())) > 0) ? '<a href="' . $news->getSourceLink() . '">' . $news->getSource() . '</a>' : $news->getSource());
- } // Gibt Quelle aus falls vorhanden
- echo ' </big>
- <big class="nscomments">';
- if ((!isset($id)) && ($nocomments == false)) // Anzeige der Anzahl von Kommentaren
- {
- $commentlist = $news->getComments();
- $count_comments = count($commentlist->getCommentList());
- $comment_link_title = (string) '';
- if ($count_comments > 0) // Gibt Namen der Kommentarautoren im title Tag aus.
- {
- $comment_link_title .= (string) $lg->TranslateEncode('comments_by') . ' ';
- $commentlist->getAuthors();
- foreach ($commentlist->getAuthors() as $author)
- {
- $comment_link_title .= (string) $sp->FormatShortText($author) . ', ';
- } // foreach
- $comment_link_title = (string) substr($comment_link_title, 0, (strlen($comment_link_title)-2)); // Letztes Kosmma entfernen
- } // end if
- echo '<a href="' . PHP_SELF . '?id=' . $news->getNewsID() . HIGHLIGHT . SESSIONID . '" title="' . $comment_link_title . '">' . $count_comments . ' ';
- echo (($count_comments != 1) ? $lg->TranslateEncode('comments') : $lg->TranslateEncode('comment'));
- echo '</a>';
- } // end if
- echo ' </big>
- </p>';
- }
- echo '<br />';
- } // end if [count($newslist->getNewsList()) > 0 && !defined('PROFILE')]
- if (isset($cat_name)) { unset($cat_name); }
- if (isset($max)) { unset($max); }
- if (isset($link_list)) { unset($link_list); }
- if (isset($count_comments)) { unset($count_comments); }
- if (isset($NewsHeadline)) { unset($NewsHeadline); }
- if (isset($AuthorNick)) { unset($AuthorNick); }
- if (isset($CategoryName)) { unset($CategoryName); }
- if (isset($newsimage_alttext)) { unset($newsimage_alttext); }
- if (isset($comment_link_title)) { unset($comment_link_title); }
- if (isset($author)) { unset($author); }
- if (isset($id) && is_int($id) && $id != 0) // N?chter/Vorheriger Artikel Ausgabe
- {
- echo '<div class="nsquicknav"><span class="nsalileft"><small class="ns">';
- $prev_news = $news->getPreviousNews();
- if ($prev_news != false)
- {
- echo '« <a href="' . PHP_SELF . '?id=' . $prev_news->getNewsID() . SESSIONID . '" title="' . $prev_news->getHeadline() . '">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('previous_newsarticle') . '</a>';
- }
- else
- {
- echo ' ';
- } // end if
- if (isset($prev_news)) { unset($prev_news); }
- echo '</span><span class="nsalicenter"> </span><span class="nsaliright">';
- $next_news = $news->getNextNews();
- if ($next_news != false)
- {
- echo '<a href="' . PHP_SELF . '?id=' . $next_news->getNewsID() . SESSIONID . '" title="' . $next_news->getHeadline() . '">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('next_newsarticle') . '</a> »';
- }
- else
- {
- echo ' ';
- } // end if
- if (isset($next_news)) { unset($next_news); }
- echo '</span></small></div>';
- } // end if
- /*-----------------------------------------------*/
- /* A U S G A B E V O N K O M M E N T A R E N */
- /*-----------------------------------------------*/
- if (isset($id) && is_int($id) && $id != 0) // Z?hler rauf + Ausgabe der Kommentare bei Einzelnewsansicht
- {
- if ($nocomments == false) { echo '<h3 class="nsnewsheader' . $css_color . '">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('Comments') . '</h3>'; }
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- /* E I N T R A G E N V O N K O M M E N T A R E N */
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- if (isset($commentsend) && !isset($_COOKIE[$commentcheck])) // ?berpr?fung des Formulares/Cookies und Eintragen eines Kommentars
- {
- if ($news->insertComment($comment, $name, $email) == false)
- {
- echo ' <div><em>' . $lg->TranslateEncode('error_comment') . '</em></div>';
- } // end if
- } // end if
- if (isset($name)) { unset($name); }
- if (isset($comment)) { unset($comment); }
- if (isset($email)) { unset($email); }
- if (isset($commentsend)) { unset($commentsend); }
- $news->updateNewsRead();
- $day_old = (int) 0;
- $commentlist = $news->getComments();
- if (count($commentlist->getCommentList()) > 0)
- {
- foreach ($commentlist->getCommentList() as $comment)
- {
- $CommentText = (string) $sp->FormatLongText($comment->getCommentText());
- $CommentAuthor = (string) $sp->FormatShortText($comment->getAuthorName());
- $CommentEmail = (string) $sp->CheckMailHomepage($comment->getAuthorMail());
- $timestring_comment = (int) $dp->ISOdatetimeToUnixtimestamp($comment->getCommentDate());
- $date_comment = (string) $dp->DateString($timestring_comment);
- $time_comment = (string) $dp->TimeString($timestring_comment);
- $CommentEmailFormat = (string) (($CommentEmail != '') ? '<a href="' . $CommentEmail . '" target="_blank">' . $CommentAuthor . '</a>' : $CommentAuthor);
- if (date('d',$timestring_comment) != $day_old) { echo '<h4 class="nscommentdate">' . $date_comment . '</h4>'; }
- echo '<p class="nsnewssubheader' . $css_color . '">
- <big class="nspostdate">' . $CommentEmailFormat . '</big>
- <big class="nspostauthor">' . $time_comment . '</big>
- </p>
- <p class="nsnewstext' . $css_color . '" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;">' . $CommentText . '</p><br />';
- $day_old = (int) date('d',$timestring_comment);
- }
- if (isset($day_old)) { unset($day_old); }
- if (isset($CommentText)) { unset($CommentText); }
- if (isset($CommentAuthor)) { unset($CommentAuthor); }
- if (isset($CommentEmail)) { unset($CommentEmail); }
- if (isset($date_comment)) { unset($date_comment); }
- if (isset($time_comment)) { unset($time_comment); }
- if (isset($CommentEmailFormat)) { unset($CommentEmailFormat); }
- }
- else
- {
- if ($nocomments == false) { echo '<p class="nsnewstext' . $css_color . '" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;"><strong>' . $lg->TranslateEncode('no_comments') . '</strong></p>'; }
- }
- if (isset($news)) { unset($news); }
- if (isset($css_color)) { unset($css_color); }
- if (isset($comment)) { unset($comment); }
- if (isset($commentlist)) { unset($commentlist); }
- /*-----------------*/
- /* F O R M U L A R */
- /*-----------------*/
- if (!isset($_COOKIE[$commentcheck]) && !isset($commentsend) && $nocomments == false) // Formular f?r Kommentar
- {
- echo '<br /><form method="post" action="' . PHP_SELF . '" title="' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_write_answer') . '">
- <fieldset class="abstand" class="ns">
- <legend class="ns">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_write_answer') . '</legend><br />
- <label for="name" class="ns">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_name') . ':</label><br />
- <input type="text" id="name" name="name" size="50" value="' . $sess_name . '" accesskey="n" tabindex="8" class="ns" /><br />
- <label for="email" class="ns">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_email') . ' ' . $lg->TranslateEncode('or') . ' ' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_homepage') . ':</label><br />
- <input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="50" value="' . $sess_email . '" accesskey="e" tabindex="9" class="ns" /><br />
- <label for="comment" class="ns">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_comment') . ':</label><br />
- <textarea cols="40" rows="3" id="comment" name="comment" accesskey="k" tabindex="10" class="ns"></textarea><br />
- <input type="hidden" name="commentsend" value="' . $id . '" />
- <input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $id . '" />
- <input type="hidden" name="startlisting" value="' . STARTLISTING . '" />
- <input type="hidden" name="' . session_name() . '" value="' . session_id() . '" />
- <br /><input type="submit" name="submitcomment" id="submitcomment" value="' . $lg->TranslateEncode('form_send') . '" accesskey="s" tabindex="11" class="ns" />
- </fieldset>
- </form>';
- }
- }
- if (isset($commentcheck)) { unset($commentcheck); }
- if (isset($sess_email)) { unset($sess_email); }
- if (isset($sess_name)) { unset($sess_name); }
- if (isset($nocomments)) { unset($nocomments); }
- if (isset($commentsend)) { unset($commentsend); }
- if (isset($id)) { unset($id); }
- }
- else
- {
- /*---------------*/
- /* P R O F I L E */
- /*---------------*/
- if (!defined('PROFILE') && strlen(trim($newslist->getErrorMessage())) > 0)
- {
- echo '<strong><em>' . $lg->TranslateEncode($newslist->getErrorMessage()) . '</em></strong>';
- }
- else
- {
- $author = new Author(PROFILE);
- $authorname = (string) $sp->FormatShortText($author->getAuthorName());
- echo '<h2 class="nsneutralheader">' . ucfirst($lg->TranslateEncode('profile')) . '</h2>
- <h4 class="ns">'. $authorname .'</h2>
- <div class="nsprofiletext">';
- if (strlen(trim($author->getAuthorPicture())) > 0) { echo '<img src="' . PICTUREPATH . $author->getAuthorPicture() . '" alt="Icon" align="left" class="nsnewspic" />'; }
- echo $sp->FormatLongText($author->getAuthorAbstract()) . '</div>
- <br /><h4 class="ns">' . ucfirst($lg->TranslateEncode('latest_news_by')) . ' ' . $authorname . '</h4>';
- if (isset($authorname)) { unset($authorname); }
- $newslist_author = (object) $author->getLastArticles();
- if (count($newslist_author->getNewsList()) > 0)
- {
- echo '<div class="nsprofiletext">';
- foreach ($newslist_author->getNewsList() as $news)
- {
- $date_news = (string) $dp->ShortDate($dp->ISOdatetimeToUnixtimestamp($news->getNewsdate()));
- echo '<span class="nscolorbox' . $news->getCategoryID() . '" title="' . $sp->FormatShortText($news->getCategoryName()) . '"> » </span> <a href="' . PHP_SELF . '?id=' . $news->getNewsID() . '">' . $sp->FormatShortText($news->getHeadline()) . '</a> <small class="ns">(' . $date_news . ')</small><br />';
- } // end foreach
- echo '</div>';
- } // end if
- if (isset($news)) { unset($news); }
- if (isset($newslist_author)) { unset($newslist_author); }
- if (isset($search)) { unset($search); }
- if (isset($date_news)) { unset($date_news); }
- } // end if
- } // end if
- if (isset($dp)) { unset($dp); }
- if (isset($author)) { unset($author); }
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- /* A U S G A B E V O N Z U R ? C K / W E I T E R */
- /*---------------------------------------------------*/
- if ($newslist->getPrevPage() == true)
- {
- $prevpage = (string) '«« <a href="' . PHP_SELF . $sp->SetURLencoder('startlisting',(STARTLISTING - SHOW_RS)) . LISTCAT . SESSIONID . '">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('back') . '</a> ««';
- }
- else
- {
- $prevpage = (string) ' ';
- } // end if
- if ($newslist->getNextPage() == true)
- {
- $nextpage = (string) '»» <a href="' . PHP_SELF . $sp->SetURLencoder('startlisting',(STARTLISTING + SHOW_RS)) . LISTCAT . SESSIONID . '">' . $lg->TranslateEncode('next') . '</a> »»';
- }
- else
- {
- $nextpage = (string) ' ';
- } // end if
- if (count($newslist->getPages()) > 0)
- {
- $listpages = (string) $lg->TranslateEncode('page') . ': ';
- foreach ($newslist->getPages() as $page => $startlisting)
- {
- $listpages .= (string) ((($page * SHOW_RS) != STARTLISTING) ? '<a href="' . PHP_SELF . '?startlisting=' . $startlisting . LISTCAT . SESSIONID . '">' . $page . '</a> ' : $page . ' ');
- } // end foreach
- }
- else
- {
- $listpages = (string) ' ';
- } // end if
- if (isset($lg)) { unset($lg); }
- if (isset($sp)) { unset($sp); }
- if (isset($newslist)) { unset($newslist); }
- echo ' <br style="clear:both" />
- <span class="nsalileft">' . $prevpage . '</span>
- <span class="nsalicenter">' . $listpages . '</span>
- <span class="nsaliright">' . $nextpage . '</span>
- <br style="clear:both" />
- </div><h6 class="ns">Newsscript and all other Content © 2002 Flaimo.com</h6></body></html>';
- if (isset($prevpage)) { unset($prevpage); }
- if (isset($listpages)) { unset($listpages); }
- if (isset($nextpage)) { unset($nextpage); }
- ob_end_flush();
- ob_end_clean();
- ?>