Python | 279 lines | 253 code | 13 blank | 13 comment | 106 complexity | 18b6a1965dcaccc5081f43ff37be2f64 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import os,sys,time,timeit,os.path,threading,string
- from subprocess import *
- from datetime import datetime
- class restart(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- output = Popen("ps aux | grep capture.sh", shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout
- output = output.read()
- output=output.strip()
- id=output.split(" ")
- i = 0
- killid=id[5]
- print killid
- print os.system('kill '+str(killid))
- print os.system('kill '+str(int(killid)+1))
- print os.system('kill '+str(int(killid)+2))
- os.system("sh ~/Pictures/capture.sh")
- class Monitor(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- while 1:
- output = Popen("ls -l ~/Pictures/", shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout
- s = output.readlines()
- for lines in s:
- if '0.raw' in lines:
- raw=lines[-12:-7]
- t=str(datetime.now())
- e=t[11:16]
- if raw==e:
- print 'pass'
- pass
- else:
- restart().start()
- time.sleep(15)
- class Start(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- print os.getpid()
- os.system("sh ~/Pictures/capture.sh")
- class Mirror(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- if mode=="1" and connect=="w" and compression=="n":
- ## rgb convert
- atrix="nc -l 9000 > ~/Pictures/0.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr32 -s 540x960 \-i - ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- #xperia x10 & g1 rgb convert
- xperia="nc -l 9000 > ~/Pictures/0.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -s 480x854 \-i ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- ##Nexus S rgb convert
- nexuss="nc -l 9000 > ~/Pictures/0.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb32 -s 480x800 \-i ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- if device == "Atrix" or device=='atrix':
- standard=atrix
- if device == "X10" or device=='x10':
- standard=xperia
- if device == "NexusS" or "nexuss":
- standard=nexuss
- script="while true; do "+standard+";done"
- q=open("/home/"+user+"/Pictures/capture.sh",'w').write(script)
- os.system('touch ~/Pictures/0.png')
- Start().start()
- #Monitor().start()
- print "Opening Chrome, Refresh page if no image appears"
- time.sleep(5)
- g=os.system('google-chrome ~/Pictures/video.html')
- if g <= 0:
- print "Opening Firefox, Refresh page if no image appears"
- else:
- os.system('firefox video.html')
- if mode=="1" and connect=="w" and compression=="y":
- ##atrix rgb convert
- atrix="nc -1 9000 | zcat > ~/Pictures/0.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr32 -s 540x960 \-i ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- #xperia x10 & g1 rgb convert
- xperia="nc -1 9000 | zcat > ~/Pictures/0.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -s 480x854 \-i ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- ##Nexus S rgb convert
- nexuss="nc -l 9000 | zcat > ~/Pictures/0.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb32 -s 480x800 \-i ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- if device == "Atrix":
- standard=atrix
- if device == "atrix":
- standard=atrix
- if device == "X10":
- standard=xperia
- if device == "x10":
- standard=xperia
- if device == "NexusS" or "nexuss":
- standard=nexuss
- script="while true; do "+standard+";done"
- q=open("/home/"+user+"/Pictures/capture.sh",'w').write(script)
- os.system('touch ~/Pictures/0.png')
- Start().start()
- #Monitor().start()
- print "Opening Chrome, Refresh page if no image appears"
- time.sleep(5)
- g=os.system('google-chrome ~/Pictures/video.html')
- if g <= 0:
- print "Opening Firefox, Refresh page if no image appears"
- else:
- os.system('firefox video.html')
- if mode=="2" and connect=="w" and compression=="n":
- if device=="atrix" or device=="Atrix":
- standard="w=540:h=960:format=rgb32"
- if device=="X10" or device=="x10":
- xperia="w=480:h=854:i420:format=rgb32"
- if device=="nexuss" or device=="Nexuss":
- standard="w=480:h=800:i420:format=rgb32"
- os.system("(while true; do nc -l 9000; done) | mplayer -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "+standard+" -nosound - ")
- if mode=="2" and connect=="w" and compression=="y":
- if device=="atrix" or device=="Atrix":
- standard="w=540:h=960:i420:format=rgb32"
- if device=="X10" or device=="x10":
- xperia="w=480:h=854:i420:format=rgb32"
- if device=="nexuss" or device=="Nexuss":
- standard="w=480:h=800:i420:format=rgb32"
- s='480x800'
- os.system("while true; do nc -l 9000; done | zcat | mplayer -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "+standard+" -nosound - ")
- if mode=='3' and connect=='w' and compression=='n':
- if device=="atrix" or device=="Atrix":
- standard="bgr32 -s 540x960"
- if device=="X10" or device=="x10":
- xperia="rgb565 -s 480x854"
- if device=="nexuss" or device=="Nexuss":
- standard="rgb32 -s 480x800"
- os.system("while true; do nc -l 9000;done | ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt "+standard+" -i - -f mpeg2video - | vlc -")
- if mode=='3' and connect=='w' and compression=='y':
- if device=="atrix" or device=="Atrix":
- standard="bgr32 -s 540x960"
- if device=="X10" or device=="x10":
- xperia="rgb565 -s 480x854"
- if device=="nexuss" or device=="Nexuss":
- standard="rgb32 -s 480x800"
- os.system("while true; do nc -l 9000;done | zcat | ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt "+standard+" -i - -f mpeg2video - | vlc - ")
- if mode=='3' and connect=='a':
- if device=="atrix" or device=="Atrix":
- standard="bgr32 -s 540x960"
- if device=="X10" or device=="x10":
- xperia="rgb565 -s 480x854"
- if device=="nexuss" or device=="Nexuss":
- standard="rgb32 -s 480x800"
- os.system("while true; do /home/"+user+"/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools/adb shell fbread ;done | ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt "+standard+" -i - -f mpeg2video - | vlc -")
- if mode=="2" and connect=="a":
- if device=="atrix" or device=="Atrix":
- standard="w=540:h=960:format=rgb32"
- if device=="X10" or device=="x10":
- xperia="w=480:h=854:i420:format=rgb32"
- if device=="nexuss" or device=="Nexuss":
- standard="w=480:h=800:i420:format=rgb32"
- os.system("while true; do /home/"+user+"/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools/adb shell fbread ;done | mplayer -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo "+standard+" -cache 4096 -fixed-vo -nosound - ")
- if mode=="1" and connect=="a":
- ##atrix rgb convert
- atrix="/home/"+user+"/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools/adb shell 'fbread > /sdcard/frame.raw';/home/"+user+"/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools/adb pull /sdcard/frame.raw /home/"+user+"/Pictures/0.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr32 -s 540x960 \-i ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- #xperia x10 & g1 rgb convert
- xperia="/home/"+user+"/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools/adb shell 'cat /dev/graphics/fb0 > /sdcard/frame.raw';/home/"+user+"/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools/adb pull /sdcard/frame.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -s 480x854 \-i ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- ##Nexus S rgb convert
- nexuss="/home/"+user+"/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools/adb shell 'cat /dev/graphics/fb0 > /sdcard/frame.raw';/home/"+user+"/android-sdk-linux_86/platform-tools/adb pull /sdcard/frame.raw ~/Pictures/0.raw && ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb32 -s 480x800 \-i ~/Pictures/0.raw -f image2 -vcodec png ~/Pictures/0.png"
- if device == "Atrix" or device=='atrix':
- standard=atrix
- if device == "X10" or device=='x10':
- standard=xperia
- if device == "NexusS" or device=="nexuss":
- standard=nexuss
- script="while true; do "+standard+";done"
- q=open("/home/"+user+"/Pictures/capture.sh",'w').write(script)
- os.system('touch ~/Pictures/0.png')
- Start().start()
- #Monitor().start()
- print "Opening Chrome, Refresh page if no image appears"
- time.sleep(5)
- g=os.system('google-chrome ~/Pictures/video.html')
- if g <= 0:
- print "Opening Firefox, Refresh page if no image appears"
- else:
- os.system('firefox video.html')
- class stream(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- os.system("nc -l 9003 | mplayer -fixed-vo - ")
- stream().start()
- sys.exit()
- class lxstream(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- config = Popen("nc -l 9001", shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout
- run = config.readlines()
- run=run[0].strip()
- print run
- os.system('while true; do nc '+phonewifi+' 9001; done | '+run)
- print "Make sure to start GroundWork on the device"
- lxstream().start()
- sys.exit()
- class type(threading.Thread):
- def run(self):
- n=0
- while True:
- os.system('nc -l 9001 > ground.work')
- try:
- status = open('ground.work','r').readlines()
- time.sleep(1)
- if status[0].strip()=='file':
- print "Streaming File"
- os.system('rm ground.work')
- type().start()
- stream()
- sys.exit()
- if status[0].strip()=='mirror':
- Mirror.start()
- except:
- n=n+1
- print 'exception',n
- time.sleep(5)
- def setup():
- global user,device,phonewifi,mode,connect,compression
- print "Please save your settings this time"
- person = Popen("whoami", shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout
- person = person.read()
- user=person.strip()
- phonewifi=raw_input('What is the Android/Meego device ip address: ')
- device=raw_input("Atrix or X10 or NexusS or N9: ")
- if device=='n9' or device=='N9':
- a=open("config.txt",'w').write(user+'\n'+phonewifi+'\n'+device)
- lxstream().start()
- else:
- mode=raw_input("Browser(1) or Mplayer(2) or VLC(3): ")
- connect=raw_input("Use Wifi(W) or usb(adb required to be installed and in path(A))")
- compression='n'
- compression=raw_input('Use Compression over wifi?(Use for slow wifi Networks) (y or n)')
- save=raw_input("Do you want to save your settings? (y or n) ")
- if save=="y" or "Y":
- a=open("config.txt",'w').write(user+'\n'+phonewifi+'\n'+device+'\n'+mode+'\n'+connect+'\n'+compression)
- reset=raw_input('Do you want to use saved settings? (y or n)')
- if reset=='n' or reset=='N':
- setup()
- else:
- b=open('config.txt','r').readlines()
- user=b[0].strip()
- phonewifi=b[1].strip()
- device=b[2].strip()
- if device=='n9' or device=='N9':
- lxstream().start()
- sys.exit()
- mode=b[3].strip()
- connect=b[4].strip()
- compression=b[5].strip()
- if mode=="1":
- print 'User: ',user +'\n','Wifi: ',phonewifi +'\n','Device: ',device +'\n','OutputMode: Browser'+'\n','Compression on ?: ',compression
- if mode=="2":
- print 'User: ',user +'\n','Wifi: ',phonewifi +'\n','Device: ',device +'\n','OutputMode: Mplayer'+'\n','Compression on ?: ',compression
- if mode=='3':
- print 'User: ',user +'\n','Wifi: ',phonewifi +'\n','Device: ',device +'\n','OutputMode: VLC'+'\n','Compression on ?: ',compression
- html="""
- <html>
- <head>
- </head>
- <body>
- <p>
- <img src="0.png" id="reloader" onload="setTimeout('document.getElementById(\'reloader\').src=\'0.png?\'+new Date().getMilliseconds()', 900)" />
- </p>
- </body>
- </html>
- """
- if device=='n9' or device=='N9':
- sys.exit()
- else:
- c = os.system("test -e video.html && echo 'testing for video file'")
- if c !=0:
- F=open('video.html','w').write(html)
- Mirror().start()
- stream().start()