http://egfs.googlecode.com/ · Erlang · 204 lines · 181 code · 18 blank · 5 comment · 4 complexity · a24e49b78e9fd36acf6e787e20e05f1d MD5 · raw file
- -module(client).
- -include("../include/egfs.hrl").
- -import(toolkit).
- -export([write/0, read/0]).
- -define(STRIP_SIZE, 8192).
- -define(CHKID, <<0,0,172,10,0,9,103,237>>).
- -define(Node, {data_server, lt@lt}).
- -define(NextNode, {data_server, ltlt@lt}).
- -define(SIZE, 1073741824). %% 2684354560
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %% write & read tester
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- write() ->
- FileID = 2000,
- ChunkIndex = 0,
- Nodelist = [?Node, ?NextNode],
- [H|T] = Nodelist,
- Reply = gen_server:call(H, {writechunk, FileID, ChunkIndex, ?CHKID, T}),
- io:format("[~p, ~p] Reply ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Reply]),
- {ok, Host, Port} = Reply,
- Result = send_control(Host, Port),
- io:format("[~p, ~p] Result ~p~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Result]).
- read() ->
- Reply = gen_server:call(?Node, {readchunk, ?CHKID, 0, ?SIZE}),
- io:format("Reply ~p~n", [Reply]),
- {ok, Host, Port} = Reply,
- Result = receive_control(Host, Port),
- io:format("Result ~p~n", [Result]).
- %% send data to data server
- send_control(Host, Port) ->
- {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [binary, {packet, 2}, {active, true}]),
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- receive
- {tcp, Socket, Binary} ->
- {ok, Data_Port} = binary_to_term(Binary),
- Parent = self(),
- Child = spawn_link(fun() -> send_data(Host, Data_Port, Parent) end),
- Result = transfer_control(Socket, Child);
- {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
- Result = {error, control_connect, "control connect broken when waitin for data port"}
- end,
- gen_tcp:close(Socket),
- Result.
- transfer_control(Socket, Child) ->
- receive
- {finish, Child, Len} ->
- Child ! {die, self()},
- wait_for_check(Socket, Len);
- {tcp, Socket, Binary} ->
- Term = binary_to_term(Binary),
- case Term of
- {error, Why} ->
- {error, control_connect, Why};
- _Any ->
- transfer_control(Socket, Child)
- end;
- {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
- {error, control_connect, "control connect broken"}
- end.
- wait_for_check(Socket, Len) ->
- receive
- {tcp, Socket, Binary} ->
- Term = binary_to_term(Binary),
- case Term of
- {check, Len} ->
- Result = {ok, check},
- gen_tcp:send(Socket, term_to_binary(Result)),
- {ok, check, Len};
- _Other ->
- Result = {error, check, "length error"},
- gen_tcp:send(Socket, term_to_binary(Result)),
- Result
- end;
- {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
- {error, check, "broken socket"};
- _Any ->
- wait_for_check(Socket, Len)
- end.
- send_data(Host, Port, Parent) ->
- {ok, Hdl} = file:open("hello_1.mp3", [binary, raw, read]),
- {ok, FileSize} = toolkit:get_file_size("hello_1.mp3"),
- {ok, DataSocket} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [binary, {packet, 2}, {active, true}]),
- io:format("Transfer begin: ~p~n", [erlang:time()]),
- loop_send(Parent, DataSocket, Hdl, 0, FileSize, 0),
- gen_tcp:close(DataSocket),
- io:format("Transfer end: ~p~n", [erlang:time()]).
- loop_send(Parent, DataSocket, Hdl, Begin, End, Len) when Begin < End ->
- {ok, Binary} = file:pread(Hdl, Begin, ?STRIP_SIZE),
- gen_tcp:send(DataSocket, Binary),
- Size = size(Binary),
- Len2 = Len + Size,
- Begin2 = Begin + Size,
- loop_send(Parent, DataSocket, Hdl, Begin2, End, Len2);
- loop_send(Parent, DataSocket, _, _, _, Len) ->
- Parent ! {finish, self(), Len},
- wait_to_die(Parent, DataSocket).
- wait_to_die(Parent, DataSocket) ->
- receive
- {die, Parent} ->
- gen_tcp:close(DataSocket),
- {ok, die};
- _Any ->
- wait_to_die(Parent, DataSocket)
- end.
- %% receive data from data server
- receive_control(Host, Port) ->
- {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [binary, {packet, 2}, {active, true}]),
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- receive
- {tcp, Socket, Binary} ->
- {ok, Data_Port} = binary_to_term(Binary),
- Parent = self(),
- Child = spawn_link(fun() -> receive_data(Host, Data_Port, Parent) end),
- Result = transfer_control_read(Socket, Child);
- {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
- Result = {error, control_connect, "control connect broken when waitin for data port"}
- end,
- Result.
- transfer_control_read(Socket, Child) ->
- receive
- {finish, Child, Len} ->
- ?DEBUG("[~p, ~p]:read a chunk, size is ~p.~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Len]),
- gen_tcp:send(Socket, term_to_binary({check, data_length})),
- wait_for_check_result(Socket, Len);
- {error, Child, Why} ->
- ?DEBUG("[~p, ~p]:data receive socket error!~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Why]),
- {error, read_data, Why};
- {tcp, Socket, Binary} ->
- Term = binary_to_term(Binary),
- case Term of
- {stop, Why} ->
- ?DEBUG("[~p, ~p]:stop ctrl message from dataserver~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE]),
- Child ! {stop, self(), Why},
- {error, stop, "receive stop from data server"};
- _Other ->
- ?DEBUG("[~p, ~p]:unknow msg from control socket:~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Term]),
- transfer_control_read(Socket, Child)
- end;
- {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
- ?DEBUG("[~p, ~p]: read control socket broken~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE]),
- {error, control_connect, "read control socket broken"};
- Any ->
- ?DEBUG("[~p, ~p]:unknow messege!:~p~n",[?MODULE, ?LINE, Any]),
- transfer_control_read(Socket, Child)
- end.
- wait_for_check_result(Socket, Len) ->
- receive
- {tcp, Socket, Binary} ->
- Term = binary_to_term(Binary),
- case Term of
- {check, Len} ->
- {ok, Len};
- {check, _Other} ->
- {error, check_len_error, "data received length check error"};
- _Any ->
- wait_for_check_result(Socket, Len)
- end;
- {tcp_closed, Socket} ->
- ?DEBUG("[~p, ~p] control socket broken when waiting for check result~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE]),
- {error, control_socket, "Control socket broken waiting for check result"};
- _AnyOther ->
- wait_for_check_result(Socket, Len)
- end.
- receive_data(Host, Port, Parent) ->
- io:format("data port:~p~n", [Port]),
- {ok, Hdl} = file:open("recv.dat", [raw, append, binary]),
- {ok, DataSocket} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [binary, {packet, 2}, {active, true}]),
- io:format("Transfer begin: ~p~n", [erlang:time()]),
- loop_receive(Parent, DataSocket, Hdl, 0),
- gen_tcp:close(DataSocket),
- file:close(Hdl),
- io:format("Transfer end: ~p~n", [erlang:time()]).
- loop_receive(Parent, DataSocket, Hdl, Len) ->
- receive
- {tcp, DataSocket, Data} ->
- write(Data, Hdl),
- Len2 = Len + size(Data),
- loop_receive(Parent, DataSocket, Hdl, Len2);
- {tcp_closed, DataSocket} ->
- Parent ! {finish, self(), Len},
- io:format("read chunk over!~n");
- {stop, Parent, _Why} ->
- gen_tcp:close(DataSocket)
- end.
- write(Data, Hdl) ->
- file:write(Hdl, Data).