/ facerecog --username xjed09/FaceMngr/FaceMngr_complete.cpp
C++ | 429 lines | 358 code | 64 blank | 7 comment | 67 complexity | 5688939ffd11b1dd67eeda93215ef3e2 MD5 | raw file
- #define DLLSRC
- #include "FaceMngr_complete.h"
- CFaceMngr::CFaceMngr(void)
- {
- tfaceImg8 = tfaceImg32 = tfeature = tmodel = NULL;
- align = NULL;
- light = NULL;
- feature = NULL;
- ss = NULL;
- }
- CFaceMngr::~CFaceMngr(void)
- {
- cvReleaseMat(&tfaceImg8);
- cvReleaseMat(&tfaceImg32);
- cvReleaseMat(&tfeature);
- delete align;
- delete light;
- delete feature;
- delete ss;
- ClearList();
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::Init( CvSize faceSz /*= cvSize(0,0)*/ )
- {
- align = new CFaceAlign;
- if (! align->Init(faceSz)) return false;
- m_faceSz = align->m_faceSz;
- light = new CLightPrep;
- if (! light->Init(m_faceSz, true)) return false;
- feature = new CFaceFeature;
- if (! (m_featureSz = feature->Init(m_faceSz, light->m_mask))) return false;
- ss = new CSubspace;
- tfaceImg8 = cvCreateMat(m_faceSz.height, m_faceSz.width, CV_8UC1);
- tfaceImg32 = cvCreateMat(m_faceSz.height, m_faceSz.width, CV_32FC1);
- tfeature = cvCreateMat(m_featureSz, 1, CV_FT_FC1);
- stamp = 0;
- return true;
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::Pic2NormFace( CvArr *pic, CvMat *faceImg8, DWORD flag /*= FM_DO_NORM*/,
- CvPoint2D32f *leftEye /*= NULL*/, CvPoint2D32f *rightEye /*= NULL*/ )
- {
- IplImage *tpic8 = NULL;
- bool isrgb = false;
- if (! CV_IS_GRAY(pic))
- {
- isrgb = true;
- CvSize picSz = cvGetSize(pic);
- tpic8 = cvCreateImage(picSz, 8, 1);
- cvCvtColor(pic, tpic8, CV_BGR2GRAY);
- }
- else tpic8 = (IplImage *)pic;
- if (flag & FM_DO_FACE_ALIGN)
- {
- if ( ! align->GetFace(tpic8, faceImg8, leftEye, rightEye) ) // ???FaceAlign_Coord?
- #else
- if ( ! align->GetFace(tpic8, faceImg8, flag & FM_ALIGN_USE_BUF) ) // ??????????
- #endif
- {
- if(isrgb) cvReleaseImage(&tpic8);
- return false;
- }
- }
- else cvResize(tpic8, faceImg8, CV_INTER_NN); // if flag & FM_DO_FACE_ALIGN
- if (flag & FM_DO_LIGHT_PREP)
- light->RunLightPrep(faceImg8);
- if (isrgb) cvReleaseImage(&tpic8);
- return true;
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::NormFace2Model( CvArr *faceImg8, CvMat *model )
- {
- if (! ss->m_bTrained)
- {
- ::MessageBox1("Can't generate model: training hasn't done!");
- return false;
- }
- cvConvertScale(faceImg8, tfaceImg32, 1.0/255);
- feature->GetFeature(tfaceImg32, tfeature);
- ss->Project(tfeature, model);
- return true;
- }
- void CFaceMngr::SaveToModel( LPCTSTR path, int classId, CvMat *model )
- {
- SModel sm;
- sm.model = model;
- sm.classId = classId;
- sm.picPath = path;
- m_lstModel.push_back(sm);
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::SavePicToModel( LPCTSTR strPath, int classId, DWORD flag )
- {
- CString path = strPath;
- IplImage *pic = cvLoadImage(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
- if (!pic) return false;
- if (! Pic2NormFace(pic, tfaceImg8, flag))
- {
- cvReleaseImage(&pic); // ????
- return false;
- }
- CvMat *model = cvCreateMat(m_modelSz, 1, CV_MODEL_FC1);
- cvReleaseImage(&pic);
- if (! NormFace2Model(tfaceImg8, model))
- {
- cvReleaseMat(&model);
- return false;
- }
- SaveToModel(path, classId, model);
- if (flag & FM_SAVE_NORM_FACE)
- {
- int p = path.ReverseFind('\\');
- CString fd = path.Left(p+1), fn = path.Right(path.GetLength() - p - 1);
- ::CreateDirectory(fd + FACE_REL_PATH, NULL);
- cvSaveImage(fd + FACE_REL_PATH + fn, tfaceImg8);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void CFaceMngr::ClearList()
- {
- smd_iter iter = m_lstModel.begin();
- for (; iter != m_lstModel.end(); iter++)
- {
- cvReleaseMat(&(iter->model));
- }
- m_lstModel.clear();
- }
- int CFaceMngr::GetModelCount()
- {
- return m_lstModel.size();
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::Train( LPCTSTR rootPath, vector<SFInfo> &paths, DWORD flag )
- {
- /* ??? */
- ClearList(); // ???????????????Model
- m_rtPath = rootPath;
- m_rtPath.TrimRight('\\');
- m_rtPath += '\\';
- if (flag & FM_SAVE_NORM_FACE) ::CreateDirectory(m_rtPath + FACE_REL_PATH, NULL);
- /* ???????????? */
- //if (flag & FM_SHOW_DETAIL) cout<<"Computing Feature..."<<endl;
- sfi_iter iter = paths.begin();
- for (; iter != paths.end(); iter++)
- {
- CString path = m_rtPath + (iter->picPath).TrimLeft('\\');
- IplImage *pic = cvLoadImage(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
- if (!pic) continue; // ??????
- if (! Pic2NormFace(pic, tfaceImg8, flag, &(iter->leye), &(iter->reye)))
- {
- cvReleaseImage(&pic);
- continue; // ????
- }
- if (flag & FM_SAVE_NORM_FACE)
- cvSaveImage(m_rtPath + FACE_REL_PATH + iter->picPath, tfaceImg8);
- cvConvertScale(tfaceImg8, tfaceImg32, 1.0/255);
- CvMat *ft = cvCreateMat(m_featureSz, 1, CV_FT_FC1);
- feature->GetFeature(tfaceImg32, ft);
- if (flag & FM_SAVE_REL_PATH) path = iter->picPath;
- SaveToModel(path, iter->classId, ft);
- cvReleaseImage(&pic);
- }
- if (GetModelCount() <= 1)
- {
- CString msg;
- msg.Format("Too few \"%s faces\" were found.", (flag & FM_DO_FACE_ALIGN) ?
- "aligned" : "pictures that contain");
- ::MessageBox1(msg);
- ClearList();
- return false;
- }
- /* ?? */
- //if (flag & FM_SHOW_DETAIL) cout<<"Computing Subspace..."<<endl;
- m_trainNum = GetModelCount();
- CvMat *inputs = cvCreateMat(m_featureSz, m_trainNum, CV_FT_FC1);
- int *trainIds = new int[m_trainNum];
- FormTrainMat(inputs, trainIds);
- ss->Train(inputs, trainIds);
- m_modelSz = ss->GetSubspaceDim();
- m_trainclsNum = ss->classNum;
- if (flag & FM_TRAIN_SAVE2MODEL) TrainResSave2Model();
- /* ?? */
- else ClearList();
- delete []trainIds;
- cvReleaseMat(&inputs);
- tmodel = cvCreateMat(m_modelSz, 1, CV_MODEL_FC1);
- stamp = cvGetTickCount()%100000000;
- return true;
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::HasTrained()
- {
- return ss->m_bTrained;
- }
- void CFaceMngr::FormTrainMat( CvMat *inputs, int *trainIds )
- {
- smd_iter iter = m_lstModel.begin();
- CvMat sub, *src;
- int i = 0;
- for (; iter != m_lstModel.end(); iter++)
- {
- src = iter->model;
- cvGetCol(inputs, &sub, i);
- cvCopy(src, &sub);
- trainIds[i++] = iter->classId;
- }
- }
- void CFaceMngr::TrainResSave2Model()
- {
- int mdSz = ss->GetSubspaceDim();
- smd_iter iter = m_lstModel.begin();
- for (; iter != m_lstModel.end(); iter++)
- {
- // ????????????????????
- CvMat *model = cvCreateMat(mdSz, 1, CV_MODEL_FC1);
- ss->Project(iter->model, model);
- cvReleaseMat(&(iter->model));
- iter->model = model;
- }
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::ModelRecognize( CvMat *model, SMatch *info )
- {
- if (GetModelCount() == 0)
- {
- ::MessageBox1("There are no models in the memory! Please enroll first.");
- return false;
- }
- SModel *minpm;
- smd_iter iter = m_lstModel.begin();
- double minDist = 1e9, curVal; // minDist should be among -1~1 for angle metric
- for (; iter != m_lstModel.end(); iter++)
- {
- curVal = ss->CalcVectorDist(iter->model, model);
- if (curVal < minDist)
- {
- minDist = curVal;
- minpm = &(*iter);
- }
- }
- info->classId = minpm->classId;
- info->dist = minDist;
- info->picPath = minpm->picPath;
- return true;
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::PicRecognize( CvArr *pic, DWORD flag, SMatch *info )
- {
- if (GetModelCount() == 0)
- {
- ::MessageBox1("There are no models in the memory! Please enroll first.");
- return false;
- }
- if (! Pic2NormFace(pic, tfaceImg8, flag))
- {
- ::MessageBox1("Failed processing face detection or alignment.");
- return false;
- }
- if ( NormFace2Model(tfaceImg8, tmodel) &&
- ModelRecognize(tmodel, info) )
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- double CFaceMngr::BatchPicRecog( LPCTSTR rootPath, vector<SFInfo> &testList, vector<SMatch> &resList, DWORD flag )
- {
- sfi_iter testIter = testList.begin();
- SMatch info;
- int correctNum = 0;
- for (; testIter != testList.end(); testIter++)
- {
- CString path = rootPath;
- path += '\\';
- path += testIter->picPath;
- IplImage *img = cvLoadImage(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
- if (! PicRecognize(img, flag, &info))
- info.classId = FM_RECOG_NOT_DONE;
- resList.push_back(info);
- if (info.classId == testIter->classId) correctNum++;
- }
- return correctNum/testList.size();
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::WriteMatToFile( ofstream &os )
- {
- if (!HasTrained())
- {
- ::MessageBox1("You haven't trained yet!");
- return false;
- }
- WriteIntText(os, stamp, "stamp:");
- ss->WriteDataToFile(os);
- return true;
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::WriteModelToFile( ofstream &os )
- {
- if (GetModelCount() == 0)
- {
- ::MessageBox1("There are no models in the memory!.");
- return false;
- }
- WriteIntText(os, stamp, "stamp:");
- int dataBytes = CV_MODEL_FC1 == CV_32FC1 ? 4:8; // ????????????????????
- WriteIntText(os, dataBytes, "dataBytes:");
- WriteIntText(os, GetModelCount(), "modelNum:");
- WriteIntText(os, m_modelSz, "modelSz:");
- WriteStringLine(os, "data:");
- smd_iter iter = m_lstModel.begin();
- for (; iter != m_lstModel.end(); iter++)
- {
- WriteIntText(os, iter->classId);
- WriteCvMatBin(os,iter->model);
- WriteStringLine(os, iter->picPath+"\n");
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool CFaceMngr::ReadMatFromFile( ifstream &is )
- {
- int new_sig;
- ReadIntText(is, new_sig);
- if (new_sig != stamp)
- {
- ClearList();
- stamp = new_sig;
- }
- bool ret = ss->ReadDataFromFile(is);
- if (ss->inputDim != m_featureSz)
- {
- ss->Release();
- MessageBox1("Feature size not match!");
- return false;
- }
- m_modelSz = ss->GetSubspaceDim();
- cvReleaseMat(&tmodel);
- tmodel = cvCreateMat(m_modelSz, 1, CV_MODEL_FC1);
- return ret;
- }
- int CFaceMngr::ReadModelFromFile( ifstream &is )
- {
- int new_sig;
- ReadIntText(is, new_sig);
- int dataBytes, modelNum;
- ReadIntText(is, dataBytes);
- if ((dataBytes == 4 && CV_MODEL_FC1 == CV_64FC1) ||
- (dataBytes == 8 && CV_MODEL_FC1 == CV_32FC1))
- {
- ::MessageBox1("float/double not match!");
- return 0;
- }
- if (new_sig != stamp) // ??????append models???????????????(??????)
- {
- ClearList();
- ss->Release();
- stamp = new_sig;
- }
- ReadIntText(is, modelNum);
- ReadIntText(is, m_modelSz);
- CString tmp;
- for (int i = 0; i < modelNum; i++)
- {
- SModel sm;
- ReadStringLine(is, tmp);
- ReadIntText(is, sm.classId, false);
- sm.model = cvCreateMat(m_modelSz, 1, CV_MODEL_FC1);
- ReadCvMatBin(is, sm.model, false);
- ReadStringLine(is, sm.picPath);
- m_lstModel.push_back(sm);
- }
- return modelNum;
- }
- #endif