Lua | 172 lines | 136 code | 15 blank | 21 comment | 14 complexity | fa6fd6c48d47e10c579a39844d7e9f07 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Unlicense, LGPL-3.0, LGPL-2.1, BSD-3-Clause, GPL-2.0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- GridCooldownText module setup
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("GridCooldownText")
- local AceOO = AceLibrary("AceOO-2.0")
- local media = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0", true)
- GridCooldownText = GridStatus:NewModule("GridCooldownText")
- GridCooldownText.menuName = L["Cooldown Text"]
- GridCooldownText.options = false
- GridCooldownText.defaultDB = {
- FontSize = 10,
- Font = "Arial Narrow",
- }
- function GridCooldownText:OnEnable()
- local opt = GridFrame.options.args.advanced.args
- opt["cooldowntext"] = {
- type = "group",
- name = L["Cooldown Text"],
- desc = L["Cooldown Text options."],
- --order = 110,
- args = {
- ["fontsize"] = {
- type = "range",
- name = L["Cooldown Text Font Size"],
- desc = L["Adjust the font size for Cooldown Text."],
- --order = 111,
- min = 6,
- max = 24,
- step = 1,
- get = function ()
- return GridCooldownText.db.profile.FontSize
- end,
- set = function (v)
- GridCooldownText.db.profile.FontSize = v
- local font = media and media:Fetch('font', GridCooldownText.db.profile.Font) or STANDARD_TEXT_FONT
- GridFrame:WithAllFrames(function (f) f.frame.IconCDText:SetFont(font, v, "OUTLINE") end)
- end,
- }
- }
- }
- if media then
- opt["cooldowntext"].args["font"] = {
- type = "text",
- name = L["Cooldown Text Font"],
- desc = L["Adjust the font setting for Cooldown Text."],
- -- order = 112,
- validate = media:List("font"),
- get = function ()
- return GridCooldownText.db.profile.Font
- end,
- set = function (v)
- GridCooldownText.db.profile.Font = v
- local font = media:Fetch("font", v)
- local fontsize = GridCooldownText.db.profile.FontSize
- GridFrame:WithAllFrames(function (f) f.frame.IconCDText:SetFont(font, fontsize, "OUTLINE") end)
- end,
- }
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- utility functions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function getTimeText(time)
- local text
- local minutes = math.floor(time/60)
- local seconds = math.ceil(time % 60)
- if minutes > 89 then
- text = format("%dh", math.ceil(time/3600))
- elseif minutes > 0 then
- --Display: Xm
- text = format("%dm", minutes)
- else
- text = seconds
- end
- return text
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- FontString Update code
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local updatePeriod = 0.1
- local activeCooldowns = {}
- -- Frame to run the OnUpdate script that will update the FontStrings
- local onUpdateFrame = CreateFrame("Frame")
- local lastUpdate = 0
- onUpdateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() GridCooldownText_UpdateStrings(arg1) end)
- -- variable to store the current time, updated each update Period
- local currentTime = GetTime()
- function GridCooldownText_UpdateStrings( elapsed )
- lastUpdate = lastUpdate + elapsed
- if lastUpdate > updatePeriod then --update needed
- lastUpdate = 0
- currentTime = GetTime()
- local activeString = false
- for modelFrame, text in pairs(activeCooldowns) do
- local hideText = true
- if modelFrame:IsShown() then
- if text.start < currentTime then
- local timeLeft = text.endTime - currentTime
- if timeLeft > updatePeriod then
- text:SetText(getTimeText(timeLeft))
- activeString = true
- hideText = false
- end
- else
- hideText = false
- --text:SetText("")
- end
- end
- if hideText then
- text:Hide()
- activeCooldowns[modelFrame] = nil
- end
- end
- if not activeString then
- this:Hide()
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- f.IconCD.SetCooldown hook
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local GridCooldownTextFrameClass = AceOO.Class(GridFrame.frameClass)
- local _frameClass = nil
- if not _frameClass then
- _frameClass = GridFrame.frameClass
- GridFrame.frameClass = GridCooldownTextFrameClass
- end
- function GridCooldownTextFrameClass.prototype:CreateFrames()
- GridCooldownTextFrameClass.super.prototype.CreateFrames(self)
- local f = self.frame
- -- set media based on shared media
- local font = media and media:Fetch("font", GridCooldownText.db.profile.Font) or STANDARD_TEXT_FONT
- local size = GridCooldownText.db.profile.FontSize or 10
- -- create cooldown icon text
- f.IconCDText = f.IconCD:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY")
- f.IconCDText:SetAllPoints(f.IconBG)
- f.IconCDText:SetFontObject(NumberFontNormalYellow)
- f.IconCDText:SetFont(font, size, "OUTLINE")
- f.IconCDText:SetJustifyH("CENTER")
- f.IconCDText:SetJustifyV("CENTER")
- f.IconCD.SetCooldownOld = f.IconCD.SetCooldown
- f.IconCD.SetCooldown = function(self, start, duration)
- f.IconCD.SetCooldownOld(self, start, duration)
- local text = f.IconCDText
- if start > 0 and duration >= 2 then
- text.start = start
- text.endTime = start + duration
- if GetTime() > start then
- duration = text.endTime - GetTime()
- end
- text:SetText(getTimeText(duration))
- text:Show()
- activeCooldowns[self] = text
- onUpdateFrame:Show()
- end
- end
- end