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Objective C | 486 lines | 447 code | 39 blank | 0 comment | 52 complexity | 722410771c866ec17f243a2f8fa78698 MD5 | raw file
  1. function se10(parameter_name,parameter_values,varargin)
  2. %% run PARSE with several different values of a parameter
  3. % examples:
  4. % se10; % tests the code
  5. % se10('freq_off',-52:2:100,'dataset','fourtube_se');
  6. % se10('echo_time',1000:1000:11000,'dataset','fourtube_se');
  7. % se10('dataset','fourtube_se');
  8. % This is the currently the top level script for sePARSE code.
  9. % add your datasets and specific parameters in dataset_load.m
  10. % add new optional parameter try..catch blocks in se_opt.m
  11. % Varargin is a matlab keyword that is used to pull in optional name, value
  12. % pairs which are then parsed by the local function varparser
  13. % separse4 does most of the work
  14. % uses NIfTI toolbox from
  15. %
  16. %
  17. % msb 05 Feb '07
  18. % msb 19 Feb '07
  19. % msb 22 Feb '07
  20. %
  21. % dependencies:
  22. % se10
  23. % |- plotter
  24. % |- make_nii, from mathworks user site.
  25. % |- save_nii, from mathworks user site.
  26. % |- dataset_load
  27. % |- se_opts
  28. % |- varparser
  29. % |- load_procpar
  30. % '- query_procpar
  31. seversion=10;
  32. %% init some things...
  33. tic % start the process timer
  34. if exist('parameter_name','var')
  35. disp([parameter_name ' will be evaluated at ']);
  36. disp(parameter_values)
  37. else % if the code is called without parameters then execute test case
  38. disp('running sanity check.')
  39. parameter_name='test';
  40. parameter_values='0';
  41. s=['mv psis.mat psis' num2str(seversion) '.bak'];
  42. system(s);
  43. end
  44. try % flag to show progress or not with frequently updated figs
  46. if
  47. disp('progress display is turned on.')
  48. else
  49. disp('progress display is turned off.')
  50. end
  51. catch
  53. end
  54. if strcmp(parameter_name,'dataset')
  55. dataset=parameter_values;
  56. disp(['analyzing ' dataset])
  57. parameter_name=parameter_values;
  58. parameter_values=1;
  59. else
  60. try % choose the dataset using input value or default value...
  61. dataset=varparser('dataset',varargin);
  62. disp(['using dataset ' dataset])
  63. catch
  64. dataset='fourtube'; % an real example dataset to see if the code is working.
  65. disp(['using a default dataset of ' dataset])
  66. end
  67. end
  68. %% select dataset =======================================================
  69. % also contains some dataset specific defaults
  70. settings={}; % init with empty cell array that dataset_load fills in
  71. dataset_load % call the dataset and opt parameter loading script
  72. %% make a place to save the data
  73. savedir=['sweepresults_' num2str(seversion) '_' parameter_name]; % where should the results go
  74. try
  75. mkdirresult=mkdir( savedir );
  76. if mkdirresult==1
  77. disp(['running will write to directory ' savedir '. continuing in 5 sec.'])
  78. pause(5)
  79. end
  80. catch
  81. error('couldn not make dir for results')
  82. end
  83. %% run the sweep
  84. sweep_count=0; % parameter value trial counter
  85. figure(2);
  86. figx=size(parameter_values,2); % one little figure for each trial
  87. figy=4;
  88. yres=64;
  89. yrng=1:yres;
  90. for parameter_value=parameter_values % try each parameter value
  91. sweep_count=sweep_count+1;
  92. coefficientmaps=separse4(mr_data,plot_a,parameter_name,parameter_value,varargin{:},settings{:});
  93. paramvolume(:,:,sweep_count)=coefficientmaps;
  94. save([savedir '/' parameter_name num2str(parameter_value)],'coefficientmaps') % save current result
  95. set(0,'CurrentFigure',2);
  96. for idx=1:figy
  97. subplot('Position',[(sweep_count-1)/figx (idx-1)/figy (1/figx) (1/figy)]) % plot them all in a row.
  98. imagesc(coefficientmaps(yrng+((idx-1)*yres),:)) % display the current result
  99. axis off
  100. colormap gray;
  101. end
  102. drawnow
  103. elapsed_time=toc;
  104. disp([ 'elapsed time: ' num2str(elapsed_time)])
  105. end
  106. %% save all the results as a single 3D nifti format volume for inspection
  107. paramvolume(65:128,:,:)=paramvolume(65:128,:,:)*100000; % scaling factor because Mag image is small valued.
  108. save paramvolume paramvolume
  109. try
  110. nii=make_nii(paramvolume,[2 2 2]);
  111. save_nii(nii,[savedir '/sigvolume']);
  112. catch
  113. disp('could not make the nifti volumes. Do you have the nii tools installed?')
  114. end
  115. %% functions ==================================================
  116. function coefficientmaps = separse4(mr_data,plot_a,varargin)
  117. % example: cfm = separse2('fourtube',1)
  118. % mark bolding
  119. % 29 Nov '06 msb
  120. % 03 Jan '07 msb new trajectories
  121. % 19 Jan '07 msb converting to SE
  122. % 05 Feb '07 msb converting to SE second try, merging pre- and main code
  123. % 19 Feb '07 msb is "try catch" crazy
  124. % 22 Feb '07 msb is adding more parameters... SE third try rolling in
  125. % functions and making p into a structure
  126. % 27 Feb '07 msb SE works I think, now trying to search from echo and not
  127. % first data point.
  128. %
  129. % original:
  130. % D Twieg UAB Biomedical Engineering
  131. % uses hexagonal evaluation grid.
  132. %% constants ===========================================================
  133. % also see the tweakers
  134. plot_a.fig=1; % figure number for plot
  135. maxIter=200; % the maximum number of iterations
  136. sq2=sqrt(2);
  137. twopi=2*pi;
  138. % gam=4258.0;
  139. % gmax=3.643; % low-g
  140. % fov = 12.8; % field of view in cm calibration traj dependent
  141. % nres = 64; % nominal resolution for reconstruction
  142. %% tweakers <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  143. trimoff=220; % how many initial data points to discard
  144. % trimoff=8280 % echo time for current spin echo data
  145. shift_fft=0; % calibration v. signal time offset
  146. dc_offset=21+1i*32;
  147. hammfilter=0; % hamming filter in k-space 1=on, 0=off
  148. %% look for varargs, optional inputs to the function =====================
  149. disp(['=== loading ' num2str(size(varargin,2)/2) ' optional settings ==='])
  150. se_opts % call the option loading script to parse the varargin
  151. disp('=== end of optional settings ===')
  152. %% try to grab some values from "procpar" ===============================
  153. % Varian stores all of the acquisition parameters in procpar.
  154. % it contains offsets, FOV, thk, powers, etc.
  155. try
  156. % using resto the resonance offset frequency as an example
  157. procpar_vars=load_procpar(mr_data);
  158. showprocvar('thk',procpar_vars)
  159. showprocvar('pss0',procpar_vars)
  160. catch
  161. disp('could not read values from the procpar file...')
  162. end
  163. %% bring all of the plots to the front at the start
  164. if(
  165. figure(plot_a.fig)
  166. end
  167. %% load the calibration trajectory, kss =================================
  168. phi=[];
  169. ktraj=[];
  170. try
  171. load(calibrationdata); % brings in phi and ktraj
  172. catch
  173. error('Could not load the calibration data. Booo.');
  174. end
  175. disp(['processing map ' num2str(whichfid)]);
  176. % gmax=4.6833; % hi-g maximum read gradient used. Not the Varian
  177. % system maximum gradient!
  178. Ta=.068; % duration of acquisition in ms
  179. % Ta=.025; % post echo
  180. % Ta=0.045;
  181. % kf=nres/(2*fov);
  182. % delt=1.0/(gam*gmax*fov); % theoretical time step
  183. delt=1.0/198511.166253; % defined from sw in procpar
  184. numTimePts=floor(Ta/delt); % number of acquisition points
  185. kss=ktraj(shift_fft+trimoff+1:numTimePts+trimoff+shift_fft); % k trajectory with lead in and lead out trimmed off
  186. phi=real(phi)+imag(phi);
  187. phi=phi(shift_fft+trimoff+1:numTimePts+trimoff+shift_fft); % trim phi to the correct length and offset
  188. kss=kss*1.61; % empirical scaling
  189. %% build Hamming filter to correct for sample spacing ====================
  190. if hammfilter==1
  191. kr=abs(kss); % find the radius of each point
  192. kfe=max(kr); % kfe set as max radius
  193. kch=(0.54+0.46*cos(pi*kr/(sq2*kfe))); % circular Hamming, circumscribed
  194. kss=kss.*kch;
  195. end
  196. %% lengths and stopping tolerances for progressive conjugate =============
  197. % gradient search. For different rosettes, the lengths should be
  198. % integer multiples of a single "echo time" -- i.e., the number of
  199. % samples between successive crossings of the k-origin.
  200. % You can determine this length by plotting the magnitude of the signal
  201. % and counting the number of points between peaks. The first number, N1, in
  202. % NLIST should be an integer multiple of the echo time, and it should be
  203. % sufficiently long to give a complete circle of rosette
  204. % lobes, covering k-space more or less symmetrically. Check this by
  205. % plotting kss(1:N1).
  206. swoopsize=121.0; % one pass through the center of k space
  207. N1=floor(5*swoopsize); % one "slice"
  208. NLIST=[(N1*cumsum(ones(1,5)*4))';numTimePts]; % analyze a little data then a little more
  209. NLENGTHS = size(NLIST,1); % how many sections is it divided into
  210. % FLIST=[0.3 ; 0.12 ; 0.1 ; 0.1 ; 0.1]; % tighten the tolerance as more data is added
  211. FLIST=[0.2 ; 0.1 ; 0.05 ; 0.05 ; 0.05 ; 0.05]; % tighten the tolerance as more data is added
  212. whichplot='slice';plotter;fprintf('%s',whichplot)
  213. %% makehex1; % builds numVox, xx, yy, xa, ya, XX, YY hexagonal evaluation grid
  214. % makehex1.m
  215. % generate hexagonal sampling grid
  216. % D. Twieg
  217. fov = 12.8; % field of view in cm calibration traj dependent
  218. nres = 64; % nominal resolution for reconstruction
  219. delxnom=fov/nres;
  220. %% make hexagonal grid
  221. [xx,yy]=hexgrid80(delxnom);
  222. %% count hex grid points and define arrays
  223. RA=1.0*fov/2; % radius
  224. nl=1;
  225. xa=zeros(80*80,1);
  226. ya=xa;
  227. ia=xa;
  228. ja=xa;
  229. for nc=1:80 % number of columns
  230. for nr=1:80 % number of rows
  231. if sqrt(xx(nr,nc).^2+yy(nr,nc).^2) < RA % if it is in the radius
  232. xa(nl)=xx(nr,nc); % x coordinates
  233. ya(nl)=yy(nr,nc); % y coordinates
  234. ia(nl)=nr; % row index
  235. ja(nl)=nc; % col index
  236. nl=nl+1;
  237. end
  238. end
  239. end
  240. [XX,YY]=meshgrid(((1:64)-33)*fov/64); % standard rectilinear grid for data display
  241. %% initialize parameter arrays and structures
  242. numVox = nl-1; % numVox is the number of grid points
  243. Voxels = 1:numVox; % handy array of voxel indicies
  244. p.Mperp = zeros(1,numVox); % parameter estimate array. initial mag
  245. p.fRa = zeros(1,numVox); % parameter estimate array. freq and decay
  246. p.Rb = zeros(1,numVox); % parameter to account for 2*R2 prime
  247. p.echo_time = echo_time;
  248. ExponentA = zeros(size(xx)); % storage for hex grid representation
  249. ExponentB = zeros(size(xx));
  250. Magnitude = zeros(size(xx));
  251. CC = zeros(1,maxIter); % array to store current cost result
  252. %% load the data.=========================================================
  253. disp(['loading ' mr_data]);
  254. %try
  255. for signal_index=whichfid % load the set of wanted signals
  256. [the_data_RE,the_data_IM]=LOAD_FID(mr_data,signal_index);
  257. the_data(:,signal_index)=the_data_RE+1i*the_data_IM + dc_offset; % combine re and im parts and dc offset
  258. end
  259. % catch
  260. % error('could not load the data.')
  261. % end
  262. theSignal=sum(the_data(trimoff+1:numTimePts+trimoff,:),2)'; % trim the signal to the proper size
  263. theSignal=theSignal.*exp(-1i*phi)'; % phi correction
  264. theSignal=theSignal.*exp(-1i*twopi*freq_off*(1:numTimePts)*delt); % frequency offset
  265. theSignal=theSignal*sig_weight*numVox*delt/max(abs(theSignal)); % regularization
  266. clear the_data_RE the_data_IM
  267. %% Load psis, the basis functions representing the effect of k-traj on
  268. % signal. only need calculate psis once for a given traj and grid
  269. psis=psisGen(kss,numVox,numTimePts,xa,ya);
  270. %% prep done. main code.==================================================
  271. disp('setup is finished. beginning search...');
  272. old_timeLength = 0; % the time length from previous iteration
  273. iteration = 1; % record number of steps and estimations in parameter space
  274. CCold = 1e+15; % last "current cost"
  275. CCnew = 1e+14; % current "current cost"
  276. for nlen = 1:NLENGTHS % for each data length, this is the main code loop
  277. timeLength = NLIST(nlen);
  278. timeVec=1:timeLength;
  279. while (abs(CCold-CCnew) > FLIST(nlen)*CCold || timeLength ~= old_timeLength ) % while not converged or new data
  280. sigEstimate = estimateSignal(p,psis,timeVec); % estimate the signal
  281. sigdiff = (theSignal(timeVec)-sigEstimate); % estimate the error
  282. %---------------------parameter gradient evaluation----------------
  283. % define direction of 1-D search
  284. if (timeLength ~= old_timeLength) % more data, reset search direction
  285. g = calcGrad(psis,timeVec,sigdiff,p);
  286. h = g;
  287. whichplot='gradients';plotter;fprintf('%s',whichplot)
  288. else
  289. gold = g;
  290. g = calcGrad(psis,timeVec,sigdiff,p);
  291. ga = max(0,((g-gold)*g')/(gold*gold'));
  292. h = g + ga*h;
  293. whichplot='gradients';plotter;fprintf('%s',whichplot)
  294. end
  295. delpf = NewtonMeth(p,psis,timeVec,sigEstimate,theSignal,h); % how far do we step?
  296. p.Mperp = p.Mperp + delpf*(h(Voxels)); % take a step magnitude
  297. p.fRa = p.fRa + delpf*(h(Voxels+numVox)); % take a step freq and Ra
  298. p.Rb = p.Rb + real(delpf*(h(Voxels+numVox*2))); % take a step Rb
  299. for nl = Voxels % read parameter values into the hex grid locations
  300. Magnitude(ia(nl),ja(nl)) = p.Mperp(nl); % amplitude, complex magnitude image
  301. ExponentA(ia(nl),ja(nl)) = p.fRa(nl); % freq and part of R that may reverse after echo?
  302. ExponentB(ia(nl),ja(nl)) = p.Rb(nl); % R correction after echo, now we can find R2 and R2'
  303. end
  304. M0Rect =griddata(yy,xx,abs(Magnitude),XX,YY,'cubic'); % resample M on a rect grid
  305. frRect =griddata(yy,xx,imag(ExponentA)/(twopi*delt),XX,YY,'cubic'); % resample f on a rect grid
  306. R2Rect =griddata(yy,xx,real(-1*ExponentA)/delt,XX,YY,'cubic'); % resample R2 on a rect grid
  307. R2primeRect =griddata(yy,xx,real(-1*ExponentB)/delt,XX,YY,'cubic');
  308. %----------------------------------------
  309. sigEstimate = estimateSignal(p,psis,timeLength);
  310. sigdif = theSignal(1:timeLength)-sigEstimate;
  311. CC(iteration)= sigdif*sigdif';
  312. whichplot='progress';plotter;fprintf('%s',whichplot)
  313. old_timeLength = timeLength;
  314. CCold = CCnew;
  315. CCnew = CC(iteration);
  316. iteration = iteration + 1;
  317. end
  318. end
  319. %% all done, show results -----------------
  320. coefficientmaps=[frRect;M0Rect;R2Rect;R2primeRect];
  321. return % FIN!
  322. %% sub-functions ====================================
  323. %% Newtons method
  324. function delpf = NewtonMeth(p,psis,timeVec,signalEstimate,theSignal,h)
  325. numVox=size(p.Mperp,2);
  326. Voxels=1:numVox;
  327. delta = 1e-6; % step size for gradient estimation. <<<
  328. % delta = 1e-7;
  329. % delta = 1e-8;
  330. sigdiff = signalEstimate-theSignal(timeVec);
  331. f_0 = sigdiff*sigdiff';
  332. p0.echo_time=p.echo_time;
  333. p0.Mperp = p.Mperp + delta*(h(Voxels)); % M perp
  334. p0.fRa = p.fRa + delta*(h(Voxels+numVox)); % f and R
  335. p0.Rb = p.Rb + delta*(h(Voxels+numVox*2));% R prime
  336. sigdiff = estimateSignal(p0,psis,timeVec) - theSignal(timeVec);
  337. f_a_p = sigdiff*sigdiff';
  338. p0.Mperp = p.Mperp - delta*(h(Voxels)); % M perp
  339. p0.fRa = p.fRa - delta*(h(Voxels+numVox)); % f and R
  340. p0.Rb = p.Rb - delta*(h(Voxels+numVox*2));% R prime
  341. sigdiff = estimateSignal(p0,psis,timeVec) - theSignal(timeVec);
  342. f_a_n = sigdiff*sigdiff';
  343. f_1_0 = (f_a_p-f_a_n)/(2*delta); % First derivative @ alpha = 0
  344. f_1_a_p = (f_a_p-f_0)/delta; % First derivative @ alpha = delta/2
  345. f_1_a_n = (f_0-f_a_n)/delta; % First derivative @ alpha = -delta/2
  346. f_2_0 = (f_1_a_p-f_1_a_n)/delta; % Second derivative @ alpha = 0
  347. delpf = max(0,-f_1_0/f_2_0); % min point
  348. return
  349. %% signal estimation
  350. function sigEst = estimateSignal(p,psis,timeVec)
  351. sigEst=zeros(size(timeVec)); % array to hold the signal
  352. b=p.Mperp; % initial magnetization
  353. preechodecay =exp(p.fRa - real(p.Rb));
  354. postechodecay=exp(p.fRa + real(p.Rb)); % imag part p.fRa is freq, real parts are relaxation
  355. sigEst(1)=b*psis(:,1); % first time point
  356. for t=timeVec(2:end) % iterate over time points
  357. if t < p.echo_time
  358. b=b.*(preechodecay); % phase evolution and decay due to model
  359. else
  360. b=b.*(postechodecay); % after the echo some of the phase changes reverse
  361. end
  362. sigEst(t)=b*psis(:,t); % effect of motion through k-space
  363. end
  364. return
  365. %% gradient calculation
  366. function g = calcGrad(psis,timeVec,sigdiff,p)
  367. numVox=size(p.fRa,2);
  368. Voxels=1:numVox;
  369. CC_conj = conj(-sigdiff);
  370. fR_grad = zeros(numVox,1); % freq and decay
  371. Rp_grad = zeros(numVox,1); % R prime
  372. M = transpose(p.Mperp); % M perp
  373. wfpre = transpose(exp(p.fRa - real(p.Rb))); % before spin echo
  374. wfpost = transpose(exp(p.fRa + real(p.Rb))); % after spin echo
  375. wf_n = ones(numVox,1);
  376. M_grad = psis(:,1)*CC_conj(1);
  377. for t = timeVec
  378. if t < p.echo_time
  379. wf_n = wf_n.*wfpre;
  380. else
  381. wf_n = wf_n.*wfpost;
  382. end
  383. temp = wf_n.*psis(:,t)*CC_conj(t);
  384. M_grad = M_grad + temp;
  385. fR_grad = fR_grad + (t-1)*temp;
  386. if t > p.echo_time
  387. Rp_grad = Rp_grad + (t-p.echo_time)*temp;
  388. end
  389. end
  390. fR_grad = M.*fR_grad;
  391. Rp_grad = M.*Rp_grad;
  392. g(Voxels) = -conj(2*M_grad);
  393. g(Voxels+numVox) = -conj(2*fR_grad);
  394. g(Voxels+numVox*2) = -conj(2*Rp_grad);
  395. return
  396. function psis=psisGen(kss,numVox,numTimePts,xa,ya)
  397. try
  398. disp('looking for cached psis, delete the psis.mat file to recalculate');
  399. disp('psis depends on the k traj and evaluation grid');
  400. load psis
  401. catch
  402. disp('psis could not be loaded. regenerating psis...');
  403. kx=real(kss);
  404. ky=imag(kss);
  405. psis = zeros(numVox,numTimePts);
  406. % here psis is the array of ideal local responses to the encoding gradients for unit-magnitude on-resonance
  407. % magnetization vectors at each pixel (xa,ya) location. These are "basis"
  408. % functions of a sort.
  409. figure(3)
  410. for nloc = 1:numVox % for each location...
  411. psis(nloc,:) = exp(-2i*pi*(kx(1:numTimePts)*xa(nloc)+ky(1:numTimePts)*ya(nloc))); % effect at each Voxel due to k-traj
  412. if mod(nloc,500) == 0 % show calculation progress once every 500 steps
  413. imagesc(real(psis));
  414. drawnow;
  415. end
  416. end
  417. fprintf('%s','saving psis ')
  418. save('psis','psis')
  419. disp('done')
  420. end
  421. return
  422. function [xx,yy]=hexgrid80(delxnom)
  423. w=1.128/(2*delxnom);
  424. delx=1.0/(sqrt(3)*w); % circumscribed hexagon;
  425. % gives minimum bias error
  426. dely=delx*sqrt(3)/2;
  427. xx=zeros(80,80);
  428. yy=xx;
  429. for nc=1:80
  430. for nr=1:2:79
  431. yy(nr,nc)=(nr-41)*dely; % y locations
  432. yy(nr+1,nc)=(nr-40)*dely;
  433. xx(nr,nc)=(nc-33)*delx; % x locations
  434. xx(nr+1,nc)=((nc-33)+0.5)*delx;
  435. end
  436. end
  437. return
  438. %% display a value from procpar
  439. function showprocvar(procvar,procpar_vars)
  440. value=query_procpar(procvar,procpar_vars);
  441. disp([procvar ' was '])
  442. disp(value)
  443. return
  444. %% eq. 8.15, 8.18 from Haacke
  445. % { exp(-t*R2)*exp(-t*R2') | 0 < t < tau
  446. % Mtransverse(t) = Mtransverse(0) * { exp(-t*R2)*exp((t-TE)*R2') | tau < t < 2tau
  447. % { exp(-t*R2)*exp((TE-t)*R2') | 2tau < t