C# | 296 lines | 234 code | 60 blank | 2 comment | 91 complexity | c3f199cf0155e991f8e89348a6fc2e90 MD5 | raw file
- using System;
- using System.Linq;
- using CoreDroid.Contract;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using DiskDroid.FileSystem.Contract;
- using Mono.Unix.Native;
- using System.Text;
- namespace DiskDroid.FileSystem
- {
- [ServiceContract]
- public class DirectoryService
- {
- public static readonly DateTime UnixEpoch = new DateTime (1970, 1, 1);
- public static DateTime UnixToDateTime (long unix)
- {
- return UnixEpoch.Add (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (unix)).ToLocalTime ();
- }
- private Dictionary<string, FileSystemItemInfo> cache = new Dictionary<string, FileSystemItemInfo> ();
- private uint? currentUID = null;
- protected uint CurrentUID {
- get {
- if (currentUID == null) {
- currentUID = Syscall.getuid ();
- }
- return currentUID.Value;
- }
- }
- private IEnumerable<uint> currentGID = null;
- protected IEnumerable<uint> CurrentGID {
- get {
- if (currentGID == null) {
- List<uint> groupList = new List<uint> ();
- groupList.Add (Syscall.getgid ());
- uint[] buf = new uint[32];
- int amount = Syscall.getgroups (32, buf);
- uint[] ret = new uint[amount];
- Array.Copy (buf, ret, amount);
- groupList.AddRange (ret);
- currentGID = groupList.ToArray ();
- }
- return currentGID;
- }
- }
- [ServiceMember]
- public FileSystemItemInfo Get (string path, int lifeTime)
- {
- // fix path
- if (path.Length > 1 && path.EndsWith ("/"))
- path = path.Remove (path.Length - 1);
- if (this.cache.ContainsKey (path) && DateTime.UtcNow > this.cache [path].LoadTime.AddSeconds (lifeTime))
- this.cache.Remove (path);
- if (!this.cache.ContainsKey (path)) {
- Stat? stat = new Stat ();
- Stat tmpStat = new Stat ();
- stat = Syscall.stat (path, out tmpStat) == 0 ? tmpStat as Stat? : null;
- string symlinkPath = null;
- Stat? usingStat = new Stat ();
- if (stat.HasValue) {
- if ((stat.Value.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IFLNK) == FilePermissions.S_IFLNK) {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
- Syscall.readlink (path, sb);
- symlinkPath = sb.ToString ();
- tmpStat = new Stat ();
- usingStat = Syscall.stat (path, out tmpStat) == 0 ? tmpStat as Stat? : null;
- } else
- usingStat = stat;
- }
- if (usingStat != null) {
- this.cache.Add (path, this.CreateItem (path, usingStat.Value, symlinkPath));
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- return cache [path];
- }
- private FileSystemItemInfo CreateItem (string path, Stat stat, string symlinkPath)
- {
- FileSystemItemInfo item = null;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IFDIR) == FilePermissions.S_IFDIR) {
- item = new DirectoryItemInfo (path);
- // TODO: search for mount device
- } else {
- item = new FileItemInfo (path);
- ((FileItemInfo)item).Size = stat.st_size; // i know, also directories, links and whatever have a size, but I want to have the pure data size shown
- ((FileItemInfo)item).IsBlockDevice = (stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IFBLK) == FilePermissions.S_IFBLK;
- ((FileItemInfo)item).IsCharacterDevice = (stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IFCHR) == FilePermissions.S_IFCHR;
- ((FileItemInfo)item).IsSocket = (stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IFSOCK) == FilePermissions.S_IFSOCK;
- ((FileItemInfo)item).IsFIFO = (stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IFIFO) == FilePermissions.S_IFIFO;
- }
- item.LastAccessTime = UnixToDateTime (stat.st_atime);
- item.LastModificationTime = UnixToDateTime (stat.st_mtime);
- item.LastStatusChangeTime = UnixToDateTime (stat.st_ctime);
- item.LinkTarget = symlinkPath;
- item.UID = stat.st_uid;
- item.User = Mono.Posix.Syscall.getusername (Convert.ToInt32 (item.UID));
- item.GID = stat.st_gid;
- item.Group = Mono.Posix.Syscall.getgroupname (Convert.ToInt32 (item.GID));
- item.OtherMode = 0;
- item.GroupMode = 0;
- item.UserMode = 0;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IXOTH) == FilePermissions.S_IXOTH)
- item.OtherMode = item.OtherMode | FilePermission.Execute;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IWOTH) == FilePermissions.S_IWOTH)
- item.OtherMode = item.OtherMode | FilePermission.Write;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IROTH) == FilePermissions.S_IROTH)
- item.OtherMode = item.OtherMode | FilePermission.Read;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IXGRP) == FilePermissions.S_IXGRP)
- item.GroupMode = item.GroupMode | FilePermission.Execute;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IWGRP) == FilePermissions.S_IWGRP)
- item.GroupMode = item.GroupMode | FilePermission.Write;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IRGRP) == FilePermissions.S_IRGRP)
- item.GroupMode = item.GroupMode | FilePermission.Read;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IXUSR) == FilePermissions.S_IXUSR)
- item.UserMode = item.UserMode | FilePermission.Execute;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IWUSR) == FilePermissions.S_IWUSR)
- item.UserMode = item.UserMode | FilePermission.Write;
- if ((stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_IRUSR) == FilePermissions.S_IRUSR)
- item.UserMode = item.UserMode | FilePermission.Read;
- item.UIDBit = (stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_ISUID) == FilePermissions.S_ISUID;
- item.GIDBit = (stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_ISGID) == FilePermissions.S_ISGID;
- item.StickyBit = (stat.st_mode & FilePermissions.S_ISVTX) == FilePermissions.S_ISVTX;
- return item;
- }
- [ServiceMember]
- public IEnumerable<FileSystemItemInfo> GetContents (DirectoryItemInfo directory, int lifeTime)
- {
- directory = this.Reload<DirectoryItemInfo> (directory);
- if (!directory.CanRead () && directory.CanExecute ())
- throw(new AccessViolationException ("you are not allowed to read and execute <" + directory.Path + ">"));
- List<FileSystemItemInfo> items = new List<FileSystemItemInfo> ();
- items.AddRange (System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories (directory.Path).OrderBy (d => d).Select (d => this.Get (d, lifeTime)));
- items.AddRange (System.IO.Directory.GetFiles (directory.Path).OrderBy (f => f).Select (f => this.Get (f, lifeTime)));
- return items.AsEnumerable ();
- }
- public void Copy (FileSystemItemInfo source, DirectoryItemInfo target)
- {
- source = this.Reload<FileSystemItemInfo> (source);
- target = this.Reload<DirectoryItemInfo> (target);
- if (!source.CanCopy () && target.CanWrite ())
- throw(new AccessViolationException ("you are not allowed to copy <" + source.Path + ">"));
- if (!(source is FileItemInfo) && string.IsNullOrEmpty (source.LinkTarget))
- throw(new ArgumentException ("can only copy files and symbolic links, recursive operations are not supported by directory service"));
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (source.LinkTarget)) {
- System.IO.File.Copy (source.Path, System.IO.Path.Combine (target.Path, source.Name));
- } else {
- Syscall.symlink (source.LinkTarget, System.IO.Path.Combine (target.Path, source.Name));
- }
- }
- public void Move (FileSystemItemInfo source, DirectoryItemInfo target)
- {
- source = this.Reload<FileSystemItemInfo> (source);
- target = this.Reload<DirectoryItemInfo> (target);
- if (!source.CanMove () && target.CanWrite ())
- throw(new AccessViolationException ("you are not allowed to move <" + source.Path + ">"));
- if (!(source is FileItemInfo) && string.IsNullOrEmpty (source.LinkTarget))
- throw(new ArgumentException ("can only copy files and symbolic links, recursive operations are not supported by directory service"));
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (source.LinkTarget)) {
- System.IO.File.Move (source.Path, System.IO.Path.Combine (target.Path, source.Name));
- } else {
- Syscall.symlink (source.LinkTarget, System.IO.Path.Combine (target.Path, source.Name));
- this.Delete (source);
- }
- }
- public void Delete (FileSystemItemInfo item)
- {
- item = this.Reload<FileSystemItemInfo> (item);
- if (!item.CanDelete ())
- throw(new AccessViolationException ("you are not allowed to move <" + item.Path + ">"));
- if (item is DirectoryItemInfo && string.IsNullOrEmpty (item.LinkTarget)) {
- System.IO.Directory.Delete (item.Path);
- } else {
- Syscall.unlink (item.Path);
- }
- item.SetExpired ();
- }
- public void ChangeOwner (FileSystemItemInfo item, uint newUID, uint newGID)
- {
- item = this.Reload< FileSystemItemInfo> (item);
- if (!item.CanChange ())
- throw(new AccessViolationException ("you are not allowed to change <" + item.Path + ">"));
- Syscall.chown (item.Path, newUID, newGID);
- item.SetExpired ();
- }
- public void ChangePermissions (FileSystemItemInfo item, FilePermission userMode, FilePermission groupMode, FilePermission otherMode, bool uidBit, bool gidBit, bool stickyBit)
- {
- item = this.Reload< FileSystemItemInfo> (item);
- if (!item.CanChange ())
- throw(new AccessViolationException ("you are not allowed to change <" + item.Path + ">"));
- Stat? stat = new Stat ();
- Stat tmpStat = new Stat ();
- stat = Syscall.stat (item.Path, out tmpStat) == 0 ? tmpStat as Stat? : null;
- if (stat.HasValue) {
- FilePermissions mode = stat.Value.st_mode;
- mode = mode ^ FilePermissions.S_IXOTH ^ FilePermissions.S_IWOTH ^ FilePermissions.S_IROTH;
- mode = mode ^ FilePermissions.S_IXGRP ^ FilePermissions.S_IWGRP ^ FilePermissions.S_IRGRP;
- mode = mode ^ FilePermissions.S_IXUSR ^ FilePermissions.S_IWUSR ^ FilePermissions.S_IRUSR;
- mode = mode ^ FilePermissions.S_ISUID ^ FilePermissions.S_ISGID ^ FilePermissions.S_ISVTX;
- if ((otherMode & FilePermission.Execute) == FilePermission.Execute)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IXOTH;
- if ((otherMode & FilePermission.Write) == FilePermission.Write)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IWOTH;
- if ((otherMode & FilePermission.Read) == FilePermission.Read)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IROTH;
- if ((groupMode & FilePermission.Execute) == FilePermission.Execute)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IXGRP;
- if ((groupMode & FilePermission.Write) == FilePermission.Write)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IWGRP;
- if ((groupMode & FilePermission.Read) == FilePermission.Read)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IRGRP;
- if ((userMode & FilePermission.Execute) == FilePermission.Execute)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IXUSR;
- if ((userMode & FilePermission.Write) == FilePermission.Write)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IWUSR;
- if ((userMode & FilePermission.Read) == FilePermission.Read)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_IRUSR;
- if (uidBit)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_ISUID;
- if (gidBit)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_ISGID;
- if (stickyBit)
- mode = mode | FilePermissions.S_ISVTX;
- Syscall.chmod (item.Path, mode);
- item.SetExpired ();
- } else {
- throw(new ArgumentException ("<" + item.Path + "> is not more existing or accessable"));
- }
- }
- private T Reload<T> (T item) where T : FileSystemItemInfo
- {
- item = this.Get (item.Path, 0) as T;
- if (item == null)
- throw(new ArgumentException ("<" + item.Path + "> is not more existing or accessable"));
- return item;
- }
- }
- }