Vim Script | 877 lines | 54 code | 26 blank | 797 comment | 27 complexity | 25a3675ad7ea120c3c486d56a05a7591 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0, WTFPL, BSD-3-Clause, CC-BY-SA-4.0, AGPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0, BSD-2-Clause, MIT, AGPL-1.0
- " Copyright 2015-present Greg Hurrell. All rights reserved.
- " Licensed under the terms of the BSD 2-clause license.
- ""
- " @header
- "
- " @image https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wincent/ferret/media/ferret.jpg center
- " @image https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wincent/ferret/media/ferret.gif center
- "
- ""
- " @plugin ferret Ferret plug-in for Vim
- "
- " # Intro
- "
- " > "ferret (verb)<br />
- " > (ferret something out) search tenaciously for and find something: she had
- " > the ability to ferret out the facts."
- "
- " *ferret-features*
- " Ferret improves Vim's multi-file search in four ways:
- "
- " ## 1. Powerful multi-file search
- "
- " Ferret provides an |:Ack| command for searching across multiple files using
- " ripgrep (https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep), The Silver Searcher
- " (https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher), or Ack
- " (http://beyondgrep.com/). Support for passing options through to the
- " underlying search command exists, along with the ability to use full regular
- " expression syntax without doing special escaping. On modern versions
- " of Vim (version 8 or higher, or Neovim), searches are performed
- " asynchronously (without blocking the UI).
- "
- " Shortcut mappings are provided to start an |:Ack| search (<leader>a) or to
- " search for the word currently under the cursor (<leader>s).
- "
- " Results are normally displayed in the |quickfix| window, but Ferret also
- " provides a |:Lack| command that behaves like |:Ack| but uses the
- " |location-list| instead, and a <leader>l mapping as a shortcut to |:Lack|.
- "
- " |:Back| and |:Black| are analogous to |:Ack| and |:Lack|, but scoped to search
- " within currently open buffers only. |:Quack| is scoped to search among the
- " files currently in the |quickfix| list.
- "
- " ## 2. Streamlined multi-file replace
- "
- " The companion to |:Ack| is |:Acks| (mnemonic: "Ack substitute", accessible via
- " shortcut <leader>r), which allows you to run a multi-file replace across all
- " the files placed in the |quickfix| window by a previous invocation of |:Ack|
- " (or |:Back|, or |:Quack|).
- "
- " Correspondingly, results obtained by |:Lack| can be targeted for replacement
- " with |:Lacks|.
- "
- " ## 3. Quickfix listing enhancements
- "
- " The |quickfix| listing itself is enhanced with settings to improve its
- " usability, and natural mappings that allow quick removal of items from the
- " list (for example, you can reduce clutter in the listing by removing lines
- " that you don't intend to make changes to).
- "
- " Additionally, Vim's |:cn|, |:cp|, |:cnf| and |:cpf| commands are tweaked to
- " make it easier to immediately identify matches by centering them within the
- " viewport.
- "
- " ## 4. Easy operations on files in the quickfix listing
- "
- " Finally, Ferret provides a |:Qargs| command that puts the files currently in
- " the |quickfix| listing into the |:args| list, where they can be operated on in
- " bulk via the |:argdo| command. This is what's used under the covers on older
- " versions of Vim by |:Acks| to do its work (on newer versions the built-in
- " |:cdo| or |:cfdo| are used instead).
- "
- " Ferret also provides a |:Largs| command, which is a |location-list| analog
- " for |:Qargs|.
- "
- " # Installation
- "
- " To install Ferret, use your plug-in management system of choice.
- "
- " If you don't have a "plug-in management system of choice", I recommend
- " Pathogen (https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen) due to its simplicity and
- " robustness. Assuming that you have Pathogen installed and configured, and that
- " you want to install Ferret into `~/.vim/bundle`, you can do so with:
- "
- " ```
- " git clone https://github.com/wincent/ferret.git ~/.vim/bundle/ferret
- " ```
- "
- " Alternatively, if you use a Git submodule for each Vim plug-in, you could do
- " the following after `cd`-ing into the top-level of your Git superproject:
- "
- " ```
- " git submodule add https://github.com/wincent/ferret.git ~/vim/bundle/ferret
- " git submodule init
- " ```
- "
- " To generate help tags under Pathogen, you can do so from inside Vim with:
- "
- " ```
- " :call pathogen#helptags()
- " ```
- "
- " @mappings
- "
- " ## Circumstances where mappings do not get set up
- "
- " Note that Ferret will not try to set up the <leader> mappings if any of the
- " following are true:
- "
- " - A mapping with the same |{lhs}| already exists.
- " - An alternative mapping for the same functionality has already been set up
- " from a |.vimrc|.
- " - The mapping has been suppressed by setting |g:FerretMap| to 0 in your
- " |.vimrc|.
- "
- " ## Mappings specific to the quickfix window
- "
- " Additionally, Ferret will set up special mappings in |quickfix| listings,
- " unless prevented from doing so by |g:FerretQFMap|:
- "
- " - `d` (|visual-mode|): delete visual selection
- " - `dd` (|Normal-mode|): delete current line
- " - `d`{motion} (|Normal-mode|): delete range indicated by {motion}
- "
- "
- " @footer
- "
- " # Custom autocommands
- "
- " *FerretWillWrite* *FerretDidWrite*
- " For maximum compatibility with other plug-ins, Ferret runs the following
- " "User" autocommands before and after running the file writing operations
- " during |:Acks| or |:Lacks|:
- "
- " - FerretWillWrite
- " - FerretDidWrite
- "
- " For example, to call a pair of custom functions in response to these events,
- " you might do:
- "
- " ```
- " autocmd! User FerretWillWrite
- " autocmd User FerretWillWrite call CustomWillWrite()
- " autocmd! User FerretDidWrite
- " autocmd User FerretDidWrite call CustomDidWrite()
- " ```
- "
- "
- " # Overrides
- "
- " Ferret overrides the 'grepformat' and 'grepprg' settings, preferentially
- " setting `rg`, `ag`, `ack` or `ack-grep` as the 'grepprg' (in that order) and
- " configuring a suitable 'grepformat'.
- "
- " Additionally, Ferret includes an |ftplugin| for the |quickfix| listing that
- " adjusts a number of settings to improve the usability of search results.
- "
- " @indent
- " *ferret-nolist*
- " ## 'nolist'
- "
- " Turned off to reduce visual clutter in the search results, and because
- " 'list' is most useful in files that are being actively edited, which is not
- " the case for |quickfix| results.
- "
- " *ferret-norelativenumber*
- " ## 'norelativenumber'
- "
- " Turned off, because it is more useful to have a sense of absolute progress
- " through the results list than to have the ability to jump to nearby results
- " (especially seeing as the most common operations are moving to the next or
- " previous file, which are both handled nicely by |:cnf| and |:cpf|
- " respectively).
- "
- " *ferret-nowrap*
- " ## 'nowrap'
- "
- " Turned off to avoid ugly wrapping that makes the results list hard to read,
- " and because in search results, the most relevant information is the
- " filename, which is on the left and is usually visible even without wrapping.
- "
- " *ferret-number*
- " ## 'number'
- "
- " Turned on to give a sense of absolute progress through the results.
- "
- " *ferret-scrolloff*
- " ## 'scrolloff'
- "
- " Set to 0 because the |quickfix| listing is usually small by default, so
- " trying to keep the current line away from the edge of the viewpoint is
- " futile; by definition it is usually near the edge.
- "
- " *ferret-nocursorline*
- " ## 'nocursorline'
- "
- " Turned off to reduce visual clutter.
- "
- " @dedent
- "
- " To prevent any of these |quickfix|-specific overrides from being set up, you
- " can set |g:FerretQFOptions| to 0 in your |.vimrc|:
- "
- " ```
- " let g:FerretQFOptions=0
- " ```
- "
- "
- " # Troubleshooting
- "
- " *ferret-quotes*
- " ## Ferret fails to find patterns containing spaces
- "
- " As described in the documentation for |:Ack|, the search pattern is passed
- " through as-is to the underlying search command, and no escaping is required
- " other than preceding spaces by a single backslash.
- "
- " So, to find "foo bar", you would search like:
- "
- " ```
- " :Ack foo\ bar
- " ```
- "
- " Unescaped spaces in the search are treated as argument separators, so a
- " command like the following means pass the `-w` option through, search for
- " pattern "foo", and limit search to the "bar" directory:
- "
- " ```
- " :Ack -w foo bar
- " ```
- "
- " Note that including quotes will not do what you intend.
- "
- " ```
- " " Search for '"foo' in the 'bar"' directory:
- " :Ack "foo bar"
- "
- " " Search for "'foo' in the "bar'" directory:
- " :Ack 'foo bar'
- " ```
- "
- " This approach to escaping is taken in order to make it straightfoward to use
- " powerful Perl-compatible regular expression syntax in an unambiguous way
- " without having to worry about shell escaping rules:
- "
- " ```
- " :Ack \blog\((['"]).*?\1\) -i --ignore-dir=src/vendor src dist build
- " ```
- "
- " # FAQ
- "
- " ## Why do Ferret commands start with "Ack", "Lack" and so on?
- "
- " Ferret was originally the thinnest of wrappers (7 lines of code in my
- " |.vimrc|) around `ack`. The earliest traces of it can be seen in the initial
- " commit to my dotfiles repo in May, 2009 (https://wincent.com/h).
- "
- " So, even though Ferret has a new name now and actually prefers `rg` then `ag`
- " over `ack`/`ack-grep` when available, I prefer to keep the command names
- " intact and benefit from years of accumulated muscle-memory.
- "
- "
- " # Related
- "
- " Just as Ferret aims to improve the multi-file search and replace experience,
- " Loupe does the same for within-file searching:
- "
- " https://github.com/wincent/loupe
- "
- "
- " # Website
- "
- " The official Ferret source code repo is at:
- "
- " http://git.wincent.com/ferret.git
- "
- " A mirror exists at:
- "
- " https://github.com/wincent/ferret
- "
- " Official releases are listed at:
- "
- " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=5220
- "
- "
- " # License
- "
- " Copyright 2015-present Greg Hurrell. All rights reserved.
- "
- " Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- " modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- "
- " 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
- " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- "
- " 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- " this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- " and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- "
- "
- "
- " # Development
- "
- " ## Contributing patches
- "
- " Patches can be sent via mail to greg@hurrell.net, or as GitHub pull requests
- " at: https://github.com/wincent/ferret/pulls
- "
- " ## Cutting a new release
- "
- " At the moment the release process is manual:
- "
- " - Perform final sanity checks and manual testing
- " - Update the |ferret-history| section of the documentation
- " - Verify clean work tree:
- "
- " ```
- " git status
- " ```
- "
- " - Tag the release:
- "
- " ```
- " git tag -s -m "$VERSION release" $VERSION
- " ```
- "
- " - Publish the code:
- "
- " ```
- " git push origin master --follow-tags
- " git push github master --follow-tags
- " ```
- "
- " - Produce the release archive:
- "
- " ```
- " git archive -o ferret-$VERSION.zip HEAD -- .
- " ```
- "
- " - Upload to http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=5220
- "
- "
- " # Authors
- "
- " Ferret is written and maintained by Greg Hurrell <greg@hurrell.net>.
- "
- " Other contributors that have submitted patches include (in alphabetical
- " order):
- "
- " - Daniel Silva
- " - Filip SzymaĆski
- " - Joe Lencioni
- " - Jon Parise
- " - Nelo Wallus
- " - Tom Dooner
- " - Vaibhav Sagar
- " - Yoni Weill
- "
- " This list produced with:
- "
- " ```
- " :read !git shortlog -s HEAD | grep -v 'Greg Hurrell' | cut -f 2-3 | sed -e 's/^/- /'
- " ```
- "
- " # History
- "
- " ## master (not yet released)
- "
- " - Add |g:FerretAckWordWord| setting, to pass `-w` to the underlying search
- " tool when |<Plug>(FerretAckWord)| is pressed
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/issues/66).
- " - Use `:normal!` instead of |:normal| to avoid running custom mappings
- " (patch from Yoni Weill, https://github.com/wincent/ferret/pull/67).
- " - Append a trailing slash when autocompleting a directory name
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/issues/69).
- "
- " ## 5.0 (8 June 2019)
- "
- " - The |<Plug>(FerretAcks)| mapping now uses |/\v| "very magic" mode by
- " default. This default can be changed using the |g:FerretVeryMagic| option.
- " - |:Acks| now preferentially uses |:cdo| (rather than |:cfdo|) to make
- " replacements, which means that it no longer operates on a per-file level and
- " instead targets individual entries within the |quickfix| window. This is
- " relevant if you've used Ferrets mappings to delete entries from the window.
- " The old behavior can be restored with the |g:FerretAcksCommand| option.
- " - Ferret now has a |:Lacks| command, an analog to |:Acks| which applies to the
- " |location-list|.
- " - Likewise, Ferret now has a |:Largs| command, analogous to |:Qargs|, which
- " applies to the |location-list| instead of the |quickfix| window.
- " - The Ferret bindings that are set-up in the |quickfix| window when
- " |g:FerretQFMap| is enabled now also apply to the |location-list|.
- "
- " ## 4.1 (31 January 2019)
- "
- " - Added |:Quack| command, analogous to |:Ack| but scoped to the files
- " currently listed in the |quickfix| window.
- " - Fixed option autocompletion.
- "
- " ## 4.0.2 (11 January 2019)
- "
- " - Restore compatibility with versions of `rg` prior to v0.8
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/issues/59).
- "
- " ## 4.0.1 (8 January 2019)
- "
- " - Make |:Acks| behavior the same irrespective of the |'gdefault'| setting.
- "
- " ## 4.0 (25 December 2018)
- "
- " - Try to avoid "press ENTER to continue" prompts.
- " - Put search term in |w:quickfix_title| for use in statuslines
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/pull/57).
- " - Add |g:FerretExecutableArguments| and |ferret#get_default_arguments()|
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/pull/46).
- "
- " ## 3.0.3 (23 March 2018)
- "
- " - Fix for |:Lack| results opening in quickfix listing in Neovim
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/issues/47).
- "
- " ## 3.0.2 (25 October 2017)
- "
- " - Fix broken |:Back| and |:Black| commands
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/issues/48).
- "
- " ## 3.0.1 (24 August 2017)
- "
- " - Fix failure to handle search patterns containing multiple escaped spaces
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/issues/49).
- "
- " ## 3.0 (13 June 2017)
- "
- " - Improve handling of backslash escapes
- " (https://github.com/wincent/ferret/issues/41).
- " - Add |g:FerretAutojump|.
- " - Drop support for vim-dispatch.
- "
- " ## 2.0 (6 June 2017)
- "
- " - Add support for Neovim, along with |g:FerretNvim| setting.
- "
- " ## 1.5 "Cinco de Cuatro" (4 May 2017)
- "
- " - Improvements to the handling of very large result sets (due to wide lines or
- " many results).
- " - Added |g:FerretLazyInit|.
- " - Added missing documentation for |g:FerretJob|.
- " - Added |g:FerretMaxResults|.
- " - Added feature-detection for `rg` and `ag`, allowing Ferret to gracefully
- " work with older versions of those tools that do not support all desired
- " command-line switches.
- "
- " ## 1.4 (21 January 2017)
- "
- " - Drop broken support for `grep`, printing a prompt to install `rg`, `ag`, or
- " `ack`/`ack-grep` instead.
- " - If an `ack` executable is not found, search for `ack-grep`, which is the
- " name used on Debian-derived distros.
- "
- " ## 1.3 (8 January 2017)
- "
- " - Reset |'errorformat'| before each search (fixes issue #31).
- " - Added |:Back| and |:Black| commands, analogous to |:Ack| and |:Lack| but
- " scoped to search within currently open buffers only.
- " - Change |:Acks| to use |:cfdo| when available rather than |:Qargs| and
- " |:argdo|, to avoid polluting the |arglist|.
- " - Remove superfluous |QuickFixCmdPost| autocommands, resolving clash with
- " Neomake plug-in (patch from Tom Dooner, #36).
- " - Add support for searching with ripgrep (`rg`).
- "
- " ## 1.2a (16 May 2016)
- "
- " - Add optional support for running searches asynchronously using Vim's |+job|
- " feature (enabled by default in sufficiently recent versions of Vim); see
- " |g:FerretJob|, |:FerretCancelAsync| and |:FerretPullAsync|.
- "
- " ## 1.1.1 (7 March 2016)
- "
- " - Fix another edge case when searching for patterns containing "#", only
- " manifesting under dispatch.vim.
- "
- " ## 1.1 (7 March 2016)
- "
- " - Fix edge case when searching for strings of the form "<foo>".
- " - Fix edge case when searching for patterns containing "#" and "%".
- " - Provide completion for `ag` and `ack` options when using |:Ack| and |:Lack|.
- " - Fix display of error messages under dispatch.vim.
- "
- " ## 1.0 (28 December 2015)
- "
- " - Fix broken |:Qargs| command (patch from Daniel Silva).
- " - Add |g:FerretQFHandler| and |g:FerretLLHandler| options (patch from Daniel
- " Silva).
- " - Make |<Plug>| mappings accessible even |g:FerretMap| is set to 0.
- " - Fix failure to report filename when using `ack` and explicitly scoping
- " search to a single file (patch from Daniel Silva).
- " - When using `ag`, report multiple matches per line instead of just the first
- " (patch from Daniel Silva).
- " - Improve content and display of error messages.
- "
- " ## 0.3 (24 July 2015)
- "
- " - Added highlighting of search pattern and related |g:FerretHlsearch| option
- " (patch from Nelo-Thara Wallus).
- " - Add better error reporting for failed or incorrect searches.
- "
- " ## 0.2 (16 July 2015)
- "
- " - Added |FerretDidWrite| and |FerretWillWrite| autocommands (patch from Joe
- " Lencioni).
- " - Add |<Plug>(FerretAcks)| mapping (patch from Nelo-Thara Wallus).
- "
- " ## 0.1 (8 July 2015)
- "
- " - Initial release, extracted from my dotfiles
- " (https://github.com/wincent/wincent).
- ""
- " @option g:FerretLoaded any
- "
- " To prevent Ferret from being loaded, set |g:FerretLoaded| to any value in your
- " |.vimrc|. For example:
- "
- " ```
- " let g:FerretLoaded=1
- " ```
- if exists('g:FerretLoaded') || &compatible || v:version < 700
- finish
- endif
- let g:FerretLoaded = 1
- " Temporarily set 'cpoptions' to Vim default as per `:h use-cpo-save`.
- let s:cpoptions = &cpoptions
- set cpoptions&vim
- ""
- " @option g:FerretLazyInit boolean 1
- "
- " In order to minimize impact on Vim start-up time Ferret will initialize itself
- " lazily on first use by default. If you wish to force immediate initialization
- " (for example, to cause |'grepprg'| and |'grepformat'| to be set as soon as Vim
- " launches), then set |g:FerretLazyInit| to 0 in your |.vimrc|:
- "
- " ```
- " let g:FerrerLazyInit=0
- " ```
- if !get(g:, 'FerretLazyInit', 1)
- call ferret#private#init()
- endif
- ""
- " @command :Ack {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Searches for {pattern} in all the files under the current directory (see
- " |:pwd|), unless otherwise overridden via {options}, and displays the results
- " in the |quickfix| listing.
- "
- " `rg` (ripgrep) then `ag` (The Silver Searcher) will be used preferentially if
- " present on the system, because they are faster, falling back to
- " `ack`/`ack-grep` as needed.
- "
- " On newer versions of Vim (version 8 and above), the search process runs
- " asynchronously in the background and does not block the UI.
- "
- " Asynchronous searches are preferred because they do not block, despite the
- " fact that Vim itself is single threaded.
- "
- " The {pattern} is passed through as-is to the underlying search program, and no
- " escaping is required other than preceding spaces by a single backslash. For
- " example, to search for "\bfoo[0-9]{2} bar\b" (ie. using `ag`'s Perl-style
- " regular expression syntax), you could do:
- "
- " ```
- " :Ack \bfoo[0-9]{2}\ bar\b
- " ```
- "
- " Likewise, {options} are passed through. In this example, we pass the `-w`
- " option (to search on word boundaries), and scope the search to the "foo" and
- " "bar" subdirectories:
- "
- " ```
- " :Ack -w something foo bar
- " ```
- "
- " As a convenience <leader>a is set-up (|<Plug>(FerretAck)|) as a shortcut to
- " enter |Cmdline-mode| with `:Ack` inserted on the |Cmdline|. Likewise <leader>s
- " (|<Plug>(FerretAckWord)|) is a shortcut for running |:Ack| with the word
- " currently under the cursor.
- "
- " @command :Ack! {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Like |:Ack|, but returns all results irrespective of the value of
- " |g:FerretMaxResults|.
- "
- command! -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,ferret#private#ackcomplete Ack call ferret#private#ack(<bang>0, <q-args>)
- ""
- " @command :Lack {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Just like |:Ack|, but instead of using the |quickfix| listing, which is global
- " across an entire Vim instance, it uses the |location-list|, which is a
- " per-window construct.
- "
- " Note that |:Lack| always runs synchronously via |:cexpr|.
- "
- " @command :Lack! {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Like |:Lack|, but returns all results irrespective of the value of
- " |g:FerretMaxResults|.
- "
- command! -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,ferret#private#lackcomplete Lack call ferret#private#lack(<bang>0, <q-args>)
- ""
- " @command :Back {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Like |:Ack|, but searches only listed buffers. Note that the search is still
- " delegated to the underlying |'grepprg'| (`rg`, `ag`, `ack` or `ack-grep`),
- " which means that only buffers written to disk will be searched. If no buffers
- " are written to disk, then |:Back| behaves exactly like |:Ack| and will search
- " all files in the current directory.
- "
- " @command :Back! {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Like |:Back|, but returns all results irrespective of the value of
- " |g:FerretMaxResults|.
- "
- command! -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,ferret#private#backcomplete Back call ferret#private#back(<bang>0, <q-args>)
- ""
- " @command :Black {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Like |:Lack|, but searches only listed buffers. As with |:Back|, the search is
- " still delegated to the underlying |'grepprg'| (`rg`, `ag`, `ack` or
- " `ack-grep`), which means that only buffers written to disk will be searched.
- " Likewise, If no buffers are written to disk, then |:Black| behaves exactly
- " like |:Lack| and will search all files in the current directory.
- "
- " @command :Black! {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Like |:Black|, but returns all results irrespective of the value of
- " |g:FerretMaxResults|.
- "
- command! -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,ferret#private#blackcomplete Black call ferret#private#black(<bang>0, <q-args>)
- ""
- " @command :Quack {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Like |:Ack|, but searches only among files currently in the |quickfix|
- " listing. Note that the search is still delegated to the underlying
- " |'grepprg'| (`rg`, `ag`, `ack` or `ack-grep`), which means that only
- " buffers written to disk will be searched. If no buffers are written
- " to disk, then |:Quack| behaves exactly like |:Ack| and will search all
- " files in the current directory.
- "
- " @command :Quack! {pattern} {options}
- "
- " Like |:Quack|, but returns all results irrespective of the value of
- " |g:FerretMaxResults|.
- "
- command! -bang -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,ferret#private#quackcomplete Quack call ferret#private#quack(<bang>0, <q-args>)
- ""
- " @command :Acks /{pattern}/{replacement}/
- "
- " Takes all of the files currently in the |quickfix| listing and performs a
- " substitution of all instances of {pattern} (a standard Vim search |pattern|)
- " by {replacement}.
- "
- " A typical sequence consists of an |:Ack| invocation to populate the |quickfix|
- " listing and then |:Acks| (mnemonic: "Ack substitute") to perform replacements.
- " For example, to replace "foo" with "bar" across all files in the current
- " directory:
- "
- " ```
- " :Ack foo
- " :Acks /foo/bar/
- " ```
- "
- " The pattern and replacement are passed through literally to Vim's
- " |:substitute| command, preserving all characters and escapes,
- " including references to matches in the pattern. For example, the
- " following could be used to swap the order of "foo123" and "bar":
- "
- " ```
- " :Acks /\v(foo\d+)(bar)/\2\1/
- " ```
- command! -nargs=1 Acks call ferret#private#acks(<q-args>, 'qf')
- ""
- " @command :Lacks /{pattern}/{replacement}/
- "
- " Takes all of the files in the current |location-list| and performs a
- " substitution of all instances of {pattern} by {replacement}. This is an analog
- " of the |:Acks| command, but operates on the |location-list| instead of the
- " |quickfix| listing.
- "
- command! -nargs=1 Lacks call ferret#private#acks(<q-args>, 'location')
- ""
- " @command :FerretCancelAsync
- "
- " Cancels any asynchronous search that may be in progress in the background.
- "
- command! FerretCancelAsync call ferret#private#async#cancel()
- ""
- " @command :FerretPullAsync
- "
- " Eagerly populates the |quickfix| (or |location-list|) window with any results
- " that may have been produced by a long-running asynchronous search in progress
- " in the background.
- "
- command! FerretPullAsync call ferret#private#async#pull()
- nnoremap <Plug>(FerretAck) :Ack<space>
- nnoremap <Plug>(FerretLack) :Lack<space>
- ""
- " @option g:FerretAckWordWord boolean 0
- "
- " When set to 1, passes the `-w` option to the underlying search tool whenever
- " |<Plug>(FerretAckWord)| is pressed. This forces the tool to match only on word
- " boundaries (ie. analagous to Vim's |star| mapping).
- "
- " The default is 0, which means the `-w` option is not passed and matches need
- " not occur on word boundaries (ie. analagous to Vim's |gstar| mapping).
- "
- " To override the default:
- "
- " ```
- " let g:FerretAckWordWord=1
- " ```
- let s:word=get(g:, 'FerretAckWordWord', 0)
- if s:word
- nnoremap <Plug>(FerretAckWord) :Ack -w <C-r><C-w><CR>
- else
- nnoremap <Plug>(FerretAckWord) :Ack <C-r><C-w><CR>
- endif
- nnoremap <Plug>(FerretAcks) :Acks <c-r>=(ferret#private#acks_prompt())<CR><Left><Left>
- ""
- " @option g:FerretMap boolean 1
- "
- " Controls whether to set up the Ferret mappings, such as |<Plug>(FerretAck)|
- " (see |ferret-mappings| for a full list). To prevent any mapping from being
- " configured, set to 0:
- "
- " ```
- " let g:FerretMap=0
- " ```
- let s:map=get(g:, 'FerretMap', 1)
- if s:map
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>(FerretAck)') && maparg('<leader>a', 'n') ==# ''
- ""
- " @mapping <Plug>(FerretAck)
- "
- " Ferret maps <leader>a to |<Plug>(FerretAck)|, which triggers the |:Ack|
- " command. To use an alternative mapping instead, create a different one in
- " your |.vimrc| instead using |:nmap|:
- "
- " ```
- " " Instead of <leader>a, use <leader>x.
- " nmap <leader>x <Plug>(FerretAck)
- " ```
- nmap <unique> <leader>a <Plug>(FerretAck)
- endif
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>FerretLack') && maparg('<leader>l', 'n') ==# ''
- ""
- " @mapping <Plug>(FerretLack)
- "
- " Ferret maps <leader>l to |<Plug>(FerretLack)|, which triggers the |:Lack|
- " command. To use an alternative mapping instead, create a different one in
- " your |.vimrc| instead using |:nmap|:
- "
- " ```
- " " Instead of <leader>l, use <leader>y.
- " nmap <leader>y <Plug>(FerretLack)
- " ```
- nmap <unique> <leader>l <Plug>(FerretLack)
- endif
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>(FerretAckWord)') && maparg('<leader>s', 'n') ==# ''
- ""
- " @mapping <Plug>(FerretAckWord)
- "
- " Ferret maps <leader>s (mnemonic: "selection) to |<Plug>(FerretAckWord)|,
- " which uses |:Ack| to search for the word currently under the cursor. To
- " use an alternative mapping instead, create a different one in your
- " |.vimrc| instead using |:nmap|:
- "
- " ```
- " " Instead of <leader>s, use <leader>z.
- " nmap <leader>z <Plug>(FerretAckWord)
- " ```
- nmap <unique> <leader>s <Plug>(FerretAckWord)
- endif
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>(FerretAcks)') && maparg('<leader>r', 'n') ==# ''
- ""
- " @mapping <Plug>(FerretAcks)
- "
- " Ferret maps <leader>r (mnemonic: "replace") to |<Plug>(FerretAcks)|, which
- " triggers the |:Acks| command and fills the prompt with the last search
- " term from Ferret. to use an alternative mapping instead, create a
- " different one in your |.vimrc| instead using |:nmap|:
- "
- " ```
- " " Instead of <leader>r, use <leader>u.
- " nmap <leader>u <Plug>(FerretAcks)
- " ```
- nmap <unique> <leader>r <Plug>(FerretAcks)
- endif
- endif
- ""
- " @command :Qargs
- "
- " This is a utility function that is used internally when running on older
- " versions of Vim (prior to version 8) but is also generally useful enough to
- " warrant being exposed publicly.
- "
- " It takes the files currently in the |quickfix| listing and sets them as
- " |:args| so that they can be operated on en masse via the |:argdo| command.
- command! -bar Qargs execute 'args' ferret#private#args('qf')
- ""
- " @command :Largs
- "
- " Just like |:Qargs|, but applies to the current |location-list|.
- "
- " It takes the files in the current |location-list| and sets them as
- " |:args| so that they can be operated on en masse via the |:argdo| command.
- command! -bar Largs execute 'args' ferret#private#args('location')
- ""
- " @option g:FerretQFCommands boolean 1
- "
- " Controls whether to set up custom versions of the |quickfix| commands, |:cn|,
- " |:cnf|, |:cp| an |:cpf|. These overrides vertically center the match within
- " the viewport on each jump. To prevent the custom versions from being
- " configured, set to 0:
- "
- " ```
- " let g:FerretQFCommands=0
- " ```
- let s:commands=get(g:, 'FerretQFCommands', 1)
- if s:commands
- " Keep quickfix result centered, if possible, when jumping from result to result.
- cabbrev <silent> <expr> cn ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 3) ? 'cn <bar> normal! zz' : 'cn')
- cabbrev <silent> <expr> cnf ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 4) ? 'cnf <bar> normal! zz' : 'cnf')
- cabbrev <silent> <expr> cp ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 3) ? 'cp <bar> normal! zz' : 'cp')
- cabbrev <silent> <expr> cpf ((getcmdtype() == ':' && getcmdpos() == 4) ? 'cpf <bar> normal! zz' : 'cpf')
- endif
- ""
- " @option g:FerretFormat string "%f:%l:%c:%m"
- "
- " Sets the '|grepformat|' used by Ferret.
- let g:FerretFormat=get(g:, 'FerretFormat', '%f:%l:%c:%m')
- " Restore 'cpoptions' to its former value.
- let &cpoptions = s:cpoptions
- unlet s:cpoptions