# · Java · 174 lines · 117 code · 23 blank · 34 comment · 32 complexity · 2f71a4b0c56bbc6eb6054a6ed9004b76 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * FtpPlugin.java - Main class of virtual filesystem
- * Copyright (C) 2000 Slava Pestov
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- import java.awt.Component;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSBrowser;
- import org.gjt.sp.jedit.io.*;
- import org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.*;
- import org.gjt.sp.jedit.*;
- public class FtpPlugin extends EBPlugin
- {
- public void start()
- {
- loginHash = new Hashtable();
- VFSManager.registerVFS(FtpVFS.PROTOCOL,new FtpVFS());
- }
- public void createMenuItems(Vector menuItems)
- {
- menuItems.addElement(GUIUtilities.loadMenu("ftp"));
- }
- public void handleMessage(EBMessage msg)
- {
- if(msg instanceof EditorExiting)
- {
- // Clear cached directory listings
- DirectoryCache.clearAllCachedDirectories();
- }
- else if(msg instanceof VFSUpdate)
- {
- VFSUpdate vmsg = (VFSUpdate)msg;
- DirectoryCache.clearCachedDirectory(vmsg.getPath());
- }
- }
- public static void showOpenFTPDialog(View view)
- {
- String path = ((FtpVFS)VFSManager.getVFSForProtocol("ftp"))
- .showBrowseDialog(new Object[1],view);
- if(path != null)
- {
- String[] files = GUIUtilities.showVFSFileDialog(
- view,path,VFSBrowser.OPEN_DIALOG,true);
- if(files == null)
- return;
- Buffer buffer = null;
- for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
- {
- Buffer _buffer = jEdit.openFile(null,files[i]);
- if(_buffer != null)
- buffer = buffer;
- }
- if(buffer != null)
- view.setBuffer(buffer);
- }
- }
- public static void showSaveFTPDialog(View view)
- {
- String path = ((FtpVFS)VFSManager.getVFSForProtocol("ftp"))
- .showBrowseDialog(new Object[1],view);
- if(path != null)
- {
- String[] files = GUIUtilities.showVFSFileDialog(
- view,path,VFSBrowser.SAVE_DIALOG,false);
- if(files == null)
- return;
- view.getBuffer().save(view,files[0],true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * If a password has been saved for the host and user name in the
- * session, it sets the value of the session's PASSWORD_KEY value
- * accordingly. Otherwise, a login dialog box is displayed.
- * @param session The VFS session
- * @param comp The component that will parent the login dialog box
- * @return True if everything is ok, false if the user cancelled the
- * operation
- */
- public static boolean showLoginDialog(Object _session, Component comp)
- {
- VFSSession session = (VFSSession)_session;
- String host = (String)session.get(VFSSession.HOSTNAME_KEY);
- String user = (String)session.get(VFSSession.USERNAME_KEY);
- String password = (String)session.get(VFSSession.PASSWORD_KEY);
- if(host != null)
- {
- LoginInfo login = (LoginInfo)loginHash.get(host);
- if(login != null && (user == null || login.user.equals(user)))
- {
- if(user == null)
- {
- user = login.user;
- session.put(VFSSession.USERNAME_KEY,user);
- }
- if(password == null)
- {
- password = login.password;
- session.put(VFSSession.PASSWORD_KEY,password);
- }
- }
- if(user != null && password != null)
- return true;
- }
- /* since this can be called at startup time,
- * we need to hide the splash screen. */
- GUIUtilities.hideSplashScreen();
- LoginDialog dialog = new LoginDialog(comp,host,user,password);
- if(!dialog.isOK())
- return false;
- host = dialog.getHost();
- user = dialog.getUser();
- password = dialog.getPassword();
- session.put(VFSSession.HOSTNAME_KEY,host);
- session.put(VFSSession.USERNAME_KEY,user);
- session.put(VFSSession.PASSWORD_KEY,password);
- loginHash.put(host,new LoginInfo(user,password));
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Forgets all saved passwords.
- * @since jEdit 2.6pre3
- */
- public static void forgetPasswords()
- {
- loginHash.clear();
- }
- static class LoginInfo
- {
- String user, password;
- LoginInfo(String user, String password)
- {
- this.user = user;
- this.password = password;
- }
- }
- private static Hashtable loginHash;
- }