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- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#
- # Copyright (c) 2008, Xavier Basty
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- '''GrapeFruit - Color manipulation in Python'''
- # $Id: grapefruit.py 31 2008-06-15 10:48:06Z xbasty $
- __author__ = 'Xavier Basty <xbasty@gmail.com>'
- __version__ = '0.1a3'
- # The default white reference, use 2° Standard Observer, D65 (daylight)
- _DEFAULT_WREF = (0.95043, 1.00000, 1.08890)
- _oneThird = 1.0 / 3
- _srgbGammaCorrInv = 0.03928 / 12.92
- _sixteenHundredsixteenth = 16.0 / 116
- _RybWheel = (
- 0, 26, 52,
- 83, 120, 130,
- 141, 151, 162,
- 177, 190, 204,
- 218, 232, 246,
- 261, 275, 288,
- 303, 317, 330,
- 338, 345, 352,
- 360)
- _RgbWheel = (
- 0, 8, 17,
- 26, 34, 41,
- 48, 54, 60,
- 81, 103, 123,
- 138, 155, 171,
- 187, 204, 219,
- 234, 251, 267,
- 282, 298, 329,
- 360)
- class Color:
- '''Hold a color value.
- Example usage:
- To create an instance of the grapefruit.Color from RGB values:
- >>> import grapefruit
- >>> r, g, b = 1, 0.5, 0
- >>> col = grapefruit.Color.NewFromRgb(r, g, b)
- To get the values of the color in another colorspace:
- >>> h, s, v = col.hsv
- >>> l, a, b = col.lab
- To get the complementary of a color:
- >>> compl = col.ComplementaryColor()
- >>> print compl.hsl
- (210.0, 1.0, 0.5)
- To directly convert RGB values to their HSL equivalent:
- >>> h, s, l = Color.RgbToHsl(r, g, b)
- '''
- 'std_A' : (1.09847, 1.00000, 0.35582),
- 'std_B' : (0.99093, 1.00000, 0.85313),
- 'std_C' : (0.98071, 1.00000, 1.18225),
- 'std_D50' : (0.96421, 1.00000, 0.82519),
- 'std_D55' : (0.95680, 1.00000, 0.92148),
- 'std_D65' : (0.95043, 1.00000, 1.08890),
- 'std_D75' : (0.94972, 1.00000, 1.22639),
- 'std_E' : (1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000),
- 'std_F1' : (0.92834, 1.00000, 1.03665),
- 'std_F2' : (0.99145, 1.00000, 0.67316),
- 'std_F3' : (1.03753, 1.00000, 0.49861),
- 'std_F4' : (1.09147, 1.00000, 0.38813),
- 'std_F5' : (0.90872, 1.00000, 0.98723),
- 'std_F6' : (0.97309, 1.00000, 0.60191),
- 'std_F7' : (0.95017, 1.00000, 1.08630),
- 'std_F8' : (0.96413, 1.00000, 0.82333),
- 'std_F9' : (1.00365, 1.00000, 0.67868),
- 'std_F10' : (0.96174, 1.00000, 0.81712),
- 'std_F11' : (1.00899, 1.00000, 0.64262),
- 'std_F12' : (1.08046, 1.00000, 0.39228),
- 'sup_A' : (1.11142, 1.00000, 0.35200),
- 'sup_B' : (0.99178, 1.00000, 0.84349),
- 'sup_C' : (0.97286, 1.00000, 1.16145),
- 'sup_D50' : (0.96721, 1.00000, 0.81428),
- 'sup_D55' : (0.95797, 1.00000, 0.90925),
- 'sup_D65' : (0.94810, 1.00000, 1.07305),
- 'sup_D75' : (0.94417, 1.00000, 1.20643),
- 'sup_E' : (1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000),
- 'sup_F1' : (0.94791, 1.00000, 1.03191),
- 'sup_F2' : (1.03245, 1.00000, 0.68990),
- 'sup_F3' : (1.08968, 1.00000, 0.51965),
- 'sup_F4' : (1.14961, 1.00000, 0.40963),
- 'sup_F5' : (0.93369, 1.00000, 0.98636),
- 'sup_F6' : (1.02148, 1.00000, 0.62074),
- 'sup_F7' : (0.95780, 1.00000, 1.07618),
- 'sup_F8' : (0.97115, 1.00000, 0.81135),
- 'sup_F9' : (1.02116, 1.00000, 0.67826),
- 'sup_F10' : (0.99001, 1.00000, 0.83134),
- 'sup_F11' : (1.03820, 1.00000, 0.65555),
- 'sup_F12' : (1.11428, 1.00000, 0.40353)}
- 'aliceblue': '#f0f8ff',
- 'antiquewhite': '#faebd7',
- 'aqua': '#00ffff',
- 'aquamarine': '#7fffd4',
- 'azure': '#f0ffff',
- 'beige': '#f5f5dc',
- 'bisque': '#ffe4c4',
- 'black': '#000000',
- 'blanchedalmond': '#ffebcd',
- 'blue': '#0000ff',
- 'blueviolet': '#8a2be2',
- 'brown': '#a52a2a',
- 'burlywood': '#deb887',
- 'cadetblue': '#5f9ea0',
- 'chartreuse': '#7fff00',
- 'chocolate': '#d2691e',
- 'coral': '#ff7f50',
- 'cornflowerblue': '#6495ed',
- 'cornsilk': '#fff8dc',
- 'crimson': '#dc143c',
- 'cyan': '#00ffff',
- 'darkblue': '#00008b',
- 'darkcyan': '#008b8b',
- 'darkgoldenrod': '#b8860b',
- 'darkgray': '#a9a9a9',
- 'darkgrey': '#a9a9a9',
- 'darkgreen': '#006400',
- 'darkkhaki': '#bdb76b',
- 'darkmagenta': '#8b008b',
- 'darkolivegreen': '#556b2f',
- 'darkorange': '#ff8c00',
- 'darkorchid': '#9932cc',
- 'darkred': '#8b0000',
- 'darksalmon': '#e9967a',
- 'darkseagreen': '#8fbc8f',
- 'darkslateblue': '#483d8b',
- 'darkslategray': '#2f4f4f',
- 'darkslategrey': '#2f4f4f',
- 'darkturquoise': '#00ced1',
- 'darkviolet': '#9400d3',
- 'deeppink': '#ff1493',
- 'deepskyblue': '#00bfff',
- 'dimgray': '#696969',
- 'dimgrey': '#696969',
- 'dodgerblue': '#1e90ff',
- 'firebrick': '#b22222',
- 'floralwhite': '#fffaf0',
- 'forestgreen': '#228b22',
- 'fuchsia': '#ff00ff',
- 'gainsboro': '#dcdcdc',
- 'ghostwhite': '#f8f8ff',
- 'gold': '#ffd700',
- 'goldenrod': '#daa520',
- 'gray': '#808080',
- 'grey': '#808080',
- 'green': '#008000',
- 'greenyellow': '#adff2f',
- 'honeydew': '#f0fff0',
- 'hotpink': '#ff69b4',
- 'indianred': '#cd5c5c',
- 'indigo': '#4b0082',
- 'ivory': '#fffff0',
- 'khaki': '#f0e68c',
- 'lavender': '#e6e6fa',
- 'lavenderblush': '#fff0f5',
- 'lawngreen': '#7cfc00',
- 'lemonchiffon': '#fffacd',
- 'lightblue': '#add8e6',
- 'lightcoral': '#f08080',
- 'lightcyan': '#e0ffff',
- 'lightgoldenrodyellow': '#fafad2',
- 'lightgreen': '#90ee90',
- 'lightgray': '#d3d3d3',
- 'lightgrey': '#d3d3d3',
- 'lightpink': '#ffb6c1',
- 'lightsalmon': '#ffa07a',
- 'lightseagreen': '#20b2aa',
- 'lightskyblue': '#87cefa',
- 'lightslategray': '#778899',
- 'lightslategrey': '#778899',
- 'lightsteelblue': '#b0c4de',
- 'lightyellow': '#ffffe0',
- 'lime': '#00ff00',
- 'limegreen': '#32cd32',
- 'linen': '#faf0e6',
- 'magenta': '#ff00ff',
- 'maroon': '#800000',
- 'mediumaquamarine': '#66cdaa',
- 'mediumblue': '#0000cd',
- 'mediumorchid': '#ba55d3',
- 'mediumpurple': '#9370db',
- 'mediumseagreen': '#3cb371',
- 'mediumslateblue': '#7b68ee',
- 'mediumspringgreen': '#00fa9a',
- 'mediumturquoise': '#48d1cc',
- 'mediumvioletred': '#c71585',
- 'midnightblue': '#191970',
- 'mintcream': '#f5fffa',
- 'mistyrose': '#ffe4e1',
- 'moccasin': '#ffe4b5',
- 'navajowhite': '#ffdead',
- 'navy': '#000080',
- 'oldlace': '#fdf5e6',
- 'olive': '#808000',
- 'olivedrab': '#6b8e23',
- 'orange': '#ffa500',
- 'orangered': '#ff4500',
- 'orchid': '#da70d6',
- 'palegoldenrod': '#eee8aa',
- 'palegreen': '#98fb98',
- 'paleturquoise': '#afeeee',
- 'palevioletred': '#db7093',
- 'papayawhip': '#ffefd5',
- 'peachpuff': '#ffdab9',
- 'peru': '#cd853f',
- 'pink': '#ffc0cb',
- 'plum': '#dda0dd',
- 'powderblue': '#b0e0e6',
- 'purple': '#800080',
- 'red': '#ff0000',
- 'rosybrown': '#bc8f8f',
- 'royalblue': '#4169e1',
- 'saddlebrown': '#8b4513',
- 'salmon': '#fa8072',
- 'sandybrown': '#f4a460',
- 'seagreen': '#2e8b57',
- 'seashell': '#fff5ee',
- 'sienna': '#a0522d',
- 'silver': '#c0c0c0',
- 'skyblue': '#87ceeb',
- 'slateblue': '#6a5acd',
- 'slategray': '#708090',
- 'slategrey': '#708090',
- 'snow': '#fffafa',
- 'springgreen': '#00ff7f',
- 'steelblue': '#4682b4',
- 'tan': '#d2b48c',
- 'teal': '#008080',
- 'thistle': '#d8bfd8',
- 'tomato': '#ff6347',
- 'turquoise': '#40e0d0',
- 'violet': '#ee82ee',
- 'wheat': '#f5deb3',
- 'white': '#ffffff',
- 'whitesmoke': '#f5f5f5',
- 'yellow': '#ffff00',
- 'yellowgreen': '#9acd32'}
- def __init__(self, values, mode='rgb', alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Instantiate a new grapefruit.Color object.
- Parameters:
- :values:
- The values of this color, in the specified representation.
- :mode:
- The representation mode used for values.
- :alpha:
- the alpha value (transparency) of this color.
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- '''
- if not(isinstance(values, tuple)):
- raise TypeError, 'values must be a tuple'
- if mode=='rgb':
- self.__rgb = values
- self.__hsl = Color.RgbToHsl(*values)
- elif mode=='hsl':
- self.__hsl = values
- self.__rgb = Color.HslToRgb(*values)
- else:
- raise ValueError('Invalid color mode: ' + mode)
- self.__a = alpha
- self.__wref = wref
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self.__eq__(other)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- try:
- if isinstance(other, Color):
- return (self.__rgb==other.__rgb) and (self.__a==other.__a)
- if len(other) != 4:
- return False
- rgba = self.__rgb + (self.__a,)
- return reduce(lambda x, y: x and (y[0]==y[1]), zip(rgba, other), True)
- except TypeError:
- return False
- except AttributeError:
- return False
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self.__rgb + (self.__a,))
- def __str__(self):
- '''A string representation of this grapefruit.Color instance.
- Returns:
- The RGBA representation of this grapefruit.Color instance.
- '''
- return '(%g, %g, %g, %g)' % (self.__rgb + (self.__a,))
- def __unicode__(self):
- '''A unicode string representation of this grapefruit.Color instance.
- Returns:
- The RGBA representation of this grapefruit.Color instance.
- '''
- return u'(%g, %g, %g, %g)' % (self.__rgb + (self.__a,))
- def __iter__(self):
- return iter(self.__rgb + (self.__a,))
- def __len__(self):
- return 4
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToHsl(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from RGB coordinates to HSL.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (h, s, l) tuple in the range:
- h[0...360],
- s[0...1],
- l[0...1]
- >>> Color.RgbToHsl(1, 0.5, 0)
- (30.0, 1.0, 0.5)
- '''
- minVal = min(r, g, b) # min RGB value
- maxVal = max(r, g, b) # max RGB value
- l = (maxVal + minVal) / 2.0
- if minVal==maxVal:
- return (0.0, 0.0, l) # achromatic (gray)
- d = maxVal - minVal # delta RGB value
- if l < 0.5: s = d / (maxVal + minVal)
- else: s = d / (2.0 - maxVal - minVal)
- dr, dg, db = [(maxVal-val) / d for val in (r, g, b)]
- if r==maxVal:
- h = db - dg
- elif g==maxVal:
- h = 2.0 + dr - db
- else:
- h = 4.0 + dg - dr
- h = (h*60.0) % 360.0
- return (h, s, l)
- @staticmethod
- def _HueToRgb(n1, n2, h):
- h %= 6.0
- if h < 1.0: return n1 + ((n2-n1) * h)
- if h < 3.0: return n2
- if h < 4.0: return n1 + ((n2-n1) * (4.0 - h))
- return n1
- @staticmethod
- def HslToRgb(h, s, l):
- '''Convert the color from HSL coordinates to RGB.
- Parameters:
- :h:
- The Hue component value [0...1]
- :s:
- The Saturation component value [0...1]
- :l:
- The Lightness component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- >>> Color.HslToRgb(30.0, 1.0, 0.5)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0)
- '''
- if s==0: return (l, l, l) # achromatic (gray)
- if l<0.5: n2 = l * (1.0 + s)
- else: n2 = l+s - (l*s)
- n1 = (2.0 * l) - n2
- h /= 60.0
- hueToRgb = Color._HueToRgb
- r = hueToRgb(n1, n2, h + 2)
- g = hueToRgb(n1, n2, h)
- b = hueToRgb(n1, n2, h - 2)
- return (r, g, b)
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToHsv(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from RGB coordinates to HSV.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (h, s, v) tuple in the range:
- h[0...360],
- s[0...1],
- v[0...1]
- >>> Color.RgbToHsv(1, 0.5, 0)
- (30.0, 1, 1)
- '''
- v = max(r, g, b)
- d = v - min(r, g, b)
- if d==0: return (0.0, 0.0, v)
- s = d / v
- dr, dg, db = [(v - val) / d for val in (r, g, b)]
- if r==v:
- h = db - dg # between yellow & magenta
- elif g==v:
- h = 2.0 + dr - db # between cyan & yellow
- else: # b==v
- h = 4.0 + dg - dr # between magenta & cyan
- h = (h*60.0) % 360.0
- return (h, s, v)
- @staticmethod
- def HsvToRgb(h, s, v):
- '''Convert the color from RGB coordinates to HSV.
- Parameters:
- :h:
- The Hus component value [0...1]
- :s:
- The Saturation component value [0...1]
- :v:
- The Value component [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- >>> Color.HslToRgb(30.0, 1.0, 0.5)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0)
- '''
- if s==0: return (v, v, v) # achromatic (gray)
- h /= 60.0
- h = h % 6.0
- i = int(h)
- f = h - i
- if not(i&1): f = 1-f # if i is even
- m = v * (1.0 - s)
- n = v * (1.0 - (s * f))
- if i==0: return (v, n, m)
- if i==1: return (n, v, m)
- if i==2: return (m, v, n)
- if i==3: return (m, n, v)
- if i==4: return (n, m, v)
- return (v, m, n)
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToYiq(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from RGB to YIQ.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (y, i, q) tuple in the range:
- y[0...1],
- i[0...1],
- q[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.RgbToYiq(1, 0.5, 0)
- '(0.592263, 0.458874, -0.0499818)'
- '''
- y = (r * 0.29895808) + (g * 0.58660979) + (b *0.11443213)
- i = (r * 0.59590296) - (g * 0.27405705) - (b *0.32184591)
- q = (r * 0.21133576) - (g * 0.52263517) + (b *0.31129940)
- return (y, i, q)
- @staticmethod
- def YiqToRgb(y, i, q):
- '''Convert the color from YIQ coordinates to RGB.
- Parameters:
- :y:
- Tte Y component value [0...1]
- :i:
- The I component value [0...1]
- :q:
- The Q component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.YiqToRgb(0.592263, 0.458874, -0.0499818)
- '(1, 0.5, 5.442e-007)'
- '''
- r = y + (i * 0.9562) + (q * 0.6210)
- g = y - (i * 0.2717) - (q * 0.6485)
- b = y - (i * 1.1053) + (q * 1.7020)
- return (r, g, b)
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToYuv(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from RGB coordinates to YUV.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (y, u, v) tuple in the range:
- y[0...1],
- u[-0.436...0.436],
- v[-0.615...0.615]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.RgbToYuv(1, 0.5, 0)
- '(0.5925, -0.29156, 0.357505)'
- '''
- y = (r * 0.29900) + (g * 0.58700) + (b * 0.11400)
- u = -(r * 0.14713) - (g * 0.28886) + (b * 0.43600)
- v = (r * 0.61500) - (g * 0.51499) - (b * 0.10001)
- return (y, u, v)
- @staticmethod
- def YuvToRgb(y, u, v):
- '''Convert the color from YUV coordinates to RGB.
- Parameters:
- :y:
- The Y component value [0...1]
- :u:
- The U component value [-0.436...0.436]
- :v:
- The V component value [-0.615...0.615]
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.YuvToRgb(0.5925, -0.2916, 0.3575)
- '(0.999989, 0.500015, -6.3276e-005)'
- '''
- r = y + (v * 1.13983)
- g = y - (u * 0.39465) - (v * 0.58060)
- b = y + (u * 2.03211)
- return (r, g, b)
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToXyz(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from sRGB to CIE XYZ.
- The methods assumes that the RGB coordinates are given in the sRGB
- colorspace (D65).
- .. note::
- Compensation for the sRGB gamma correction is applied before converting.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (x, y, z) tuple in the range:
- x[0...1],
- y[0...1],
- z[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.RgbToXyz(1, 0.5, 0)
- '(0.488941, 0.365682, 0.0448137)'
- '''
- r, g, b = [((v <= 0.03928) and [v / 12.92] or [((v+0.055) / 1.055) **2.4])[0] for v in (r, g, b)]
- x = (r * 0.4124) + (g * 0.3576) + (b * 0.1805)
- y = (r * 0.2126) + (g * 0.7152) + (b * 0.0722)
- z = (r * 0.0193) + (g * 0.1192) + (b * 0.9505)
- return (x, y, z)
- @staticmethod
- def XyzToRgb(x, y, z):
- '''Convert the color from CIE XYZ coordinates to sRGB.
- .. note::
- Compensation for sRGB gamma correction is applied before converting.
- Parameters:
- :x:
- The X component value [0...1]
- :y:
- The Y component value [0...1]
- :z:
- The Z component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.XyzToRgb(0.488941, 0.365682, 0.0448137)
- '(1, 0.5, 6.81883e-008)'
- '''
- r = (x * 3.2406255) - (y * 1.5372080) - (z * 0.4986286)
- g = -(x * 0.9689307) + (y * 1.8757561) + (z * 0.0415175)
- b = (x * 0.0557101) - (y * 0.2040211) + (z * 1.0569959)
- return tuple((((v <= _srgbGammaCorrInv) and [v * 12.92] or [(1.055 * (v ** (1/2.4))) - 0.055])[0] for v in (r, g, b)))
- @staticmethod
- def XyzToLab(x, y, z, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Convert the color from CIE XYZ to CIE L*a*b*.
- Parameters:
- :x:
- The X component value [0...1]
- :y:
- The Y component value [0...1]
- :z:
- The Z component value [0...1]
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- The color as an (L, a, b) tuple in the range:
- L[0...100],
- a[-1...1],
- b[-1...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.XyzToLab(0.488941, 0.365682, 0.0448137)
- '(66.9518, 0.43084, 0.739692)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.XyzToLab(0.488941, 0.365682, 0.0448137, Color.WHITE_REFERENCE['std_D50'])
- '(66.9518, 0.411663, 0.67282)'
- '''
- # White point correction
- x /= wref[0]
- y /= wref[1]
- z /= wref[2]
- # Nonlinear distortion and linear transformation
- x, y, z = [((v > 0.008856) and [v**_oneThird] or [(7.787 * v) + _sixteenHundredsixteenth])[0] for v in (x, y, z)]
- # Vector scaling
- l = (116 * y) - 16
- a = 5.0 * (x - y)
- b = 2.0 * (y - z)
- return (l, a, b)
- @staticmethod
- def LabToXyz(l, a, b, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Convert the color from CIE L*a*b* to CIE 1931 XYZ.
- Parameters:
- :l:
- The L component [0...100]
- :a:
- The a component [-1...1]
- :b:
- The a component [-1...1]
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- The color as an (x, y, z) tuple in the range:
- x[0...q],
- y[0...1],
- z[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.LabToXyz(66.9518, 0.43084, 0.739692)
- '(0.488941, 0.365682, 0.0448137)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.LabToXyz(66.9518, 0.411663, 0.67282, Color.WHITE_REFERENCE['std_D50'])
- '(0.488941, 0.365682, 0.0448138)'
- '''
- y = (l + 16) / 116
- x = (a / 5.0) + y
- z = y - (b / 2.0)
- return tuple((((v > 0.206893) and [v**3] or [(v - _sixteenHundredsixteenth) / 7.787])[0] * w for v, w in zip((x, y, z), wref)))
- @staticmethod
- def CmykToCmy(c, m, y, k):
- '''Convert the color from CMYK coordinates to CMY.
- Parameters:
- :c:
- The Cyan component value [0...1]
- :m:
- The Magenta component value [0...1]
- :y:
- The Yellow component value [0...1]
- :k:
- The Black component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (c, m, y) tuple in the range:
- c[0...1],
- m[0...1],
- y[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.CmykToCmy(1, 0.32, 0, 0.5)
- '(1, 0.66, 0.5)'
- '''
- mk = 1-k
- return ((c*mk + k), (m*mk + k), (y*mk + k))
- @staticmethod
- def CmyToCmyk(c, m, y):
- '''Convert the color from CMY coordinates to CMYK.
- Parameters:
- :c:
- The Cyan component value [0...1]
- :m:
- The Magenta component value [0...1]
- :y:
- The Yellow component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (c, m, y, k) tuple in the range:
- c[0...1],
- m[0...1],
- y[0...1],
- k[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g, %g)' % Color.CmyToCmyk(1, 0.66, 0.5)
- '(1, 0.32, 0, 0.5)'
- '''
- k = min(c, m, y)
- if k==1.0: return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- mk = 1-k
- return ((c-k) / mk, (m-k) / mk, (y-k) / mk, k)
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToCmy(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from RGB coordinates to CMY.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (c, m, y) tuple in the range:
- c[0...1],
- m[0...1],
- y[0...1]
- >>> Color.RgbToCmy(1, 0.5, 0)
- (0, 0.5, 1)
- '''
- return (1-r, 1-g, 1-b)
- @staticmethod
- def CmyToRgb(c, m, y):
- '''Convert the color from CMY coordinates to RGB.
- Parameters:
- :c:
- The Cyan component value [0...1]
- :m:
- The Magenta component value [0...1]
- :y:
- The Yellow component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- >>> Color.CmyToRgb(0, 0.5, 1)
- (1, 0.5, 0)
- '''
- return (1-c, 1-m, 1-y)
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToHtml(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from (r, g, b) to #RRGGBB.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- A CSS string representation of this color (#RRGGBB).
- >>> Color.RgbToHtml(1, 0.5, 0)
- '#ff8000'
- '''
- return '#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple((min(round(v*255), 255) for v in (r, g, b)))
- @staticmethod
- def HtmlToRgb(html):
- '''Convert the HTML color to (r, g, b).
- Parameters:
- :html:
- the HTML definition of the color (#RRGGBB or #RGB or a color name).
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- Throws:
- :ValueError:
- If html is neither a known color name or a hexadecimal RGB
- representation.
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.HtmlToRgb('#ff8000')
- '(1, 0.501961, 0)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.HtmlToRgb('ff8000')
- '(1, 0.501961, 0)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.HtmlToRgb('#f60')
- '(1, 0.4, 0)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.HtmlToRgb('f60')
- '(1, 0.4, 0)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.HtmlToRgb('lemonchiffon')
- '(1, 0.980392, 0.803922)'
- '''
- html = html.strip().lower()
- if html[0]=='#':
- html = html[1:]
- elif Color.NAMED_COLOR.has_key(html):
- html = Color.NAMED_COLOR[html][1:]
- if len(html)==6:
- rgb = html[:2], html[2:4], html[4:]
- elif len(html)==3:
- rgb = ['%c%c' % (v,v) for v in html]
- else:
- raise ValueError, 'input #%s is not in #RRGGBB format' % html
- return tuple(((int(n, 16) / 255.0) for n in rgb))
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToPil(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from RGB to a PIL-compatible integer.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- A PIL compatible integer (0xBBGGRR).
- >>> '0x%06x' % Color.RgbToPil(1, 0.5, 0)
- '0x0080ff'
- '''
- r, g, b = [min(int(round(v*255)), 255) for v in (r, g, b)]
- return (b << 16) + (g << 8) + r
- @staticmethod
- def PilToRgb(pil):
- '''Convert the color from a PIL-compatible integer to RGB.
- Parameters:
- pil: a PIL compatible color representation (0xBBGGRR)
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- the range:
- r: [0...1]
- g: [0...1]
- b: [0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.PilToRgb(0x0080ff)
- '(1, 0.501961, 0)'
- '''
- r = 0xff & pil
- g = 0xff & (pil >> 8)
- b = 0xff & (pil >> 16)
- return tuple((v / 255.0 for v in (r, g, b)))
- @staticmethod
- def _WebSafeComponent(c, alt=False):
- '''Convert a color component to its web safe equivalent.
- Parameters:
- :c:
- The component value [0...1]
- :alt:
- If True, return the alternative value instead of the nearest one.
- Returns:
- The web safe equivalent of the component value.
- '''
- # This sucks, but floating point between 0 and 1 is quite fuzzy...
- # So we just change the scale a while to make the equality tests
- # work, otherwise it gets wrong at some decimal far to the right.
- sc = c * 100.0
- # If the color is already safe, return it straight away
- d = sc % 20
- if d==0: return c
- # Get the lower and upper safe values
- l = sc - d
- u = l + 20
- # Return the 'closest' value according to the alt flag
- if alt:
- if (sc-l) >= (u-sc): return l/100.0
- else: return u/100.0
- else:
- if (sc-l) >= (u-sc): return u/100.0
- else: return l/100.0
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToWebSafe(r, g, b, alt=False):
- '''Convert the color from RGB to 'web safe' RGB
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- :alt:
- If True, use the alternative color instead of the nearest one.
- Can be used for dithering.
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.RgbToWebSafe(1, 0.55, 0.0)
- '(1, 0.6, 0)'
- '''
- webSafeComponent = Color._WebSafeComponent
- return tuple((webSafeComponent(v, alt) for v in (r, g, b)))
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToGreyscale(r, g, b):
- '''Convert the color from RGB to its greyscale equivalent
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- Returns:
- The color as an (r, g, b) tuple in the range:
- the range:
- r[0...1],
- g[0...1],
- b[0...1]
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % Color.RgbToGreyscale(1, 0.8, 0)
- '(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)'
- '''
- v = (r + g + b) / 3.0
- return (v, v, v)
- @staticmethod
- def RgbToRyb(hue):
- '''Maps a hue on the RGB color wheel to Itten's RYB wheel.
- Parameters:
- :hue:
- The hue on the RGB color wheel [0...360]
- Returns:
- An approximation of the corresponding hue on Itten's RYB wheel.
- >>> Color.RgbToRyb(15)
- 26
- '''
- d = hue % 15
- i = int(hue / 15)
- x0 = _RybWheel[i]
- x1 = _RybWheel[i+1]
- return x0 + (x1-x0) * d / 15
- @staticmethod
- def RybToRgb(hue):
- '''Maps a hue on Itten's RYB color wheel to the standard RGB wheel.
- Parameters:
- :hue:
- The hue on Itten's RYB color wheel [0...360]
- Returns:
- An approximation of the corresponding hue on the standard RGB wheel.
- >>> Color.RybToRgb(15)
- 8
- '''
- d = hue % 15
- i = int(hue / 15)
- x0 = _RgbWheel[i]
- x1 = _RgbWheel[i+1]
- return x0 + (x1-x0) * d / 15
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromRgb(r, g, b, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed RGB values.
- Parameters:
- :r:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :g:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :b:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromRgb(1.0, 0.5, 0.0)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromRgb(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5)
- '''
- return Color((r, g, b), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromHsl(h, s, l, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed HSL values.
- Parameters:
- :h:
- The Hue component value [0...1]
- :s:
- The Saturation component value [0...1]
- :l:
- The Lightness component value [0...1]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5, 0.5)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5)
- '''
- return Color((h, s, l), 'hsl', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromHsv(h, s, v, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed HSV values.
- Parameters:
- :h:
- The Hus component value [0...1]
- :s:
- The Saturation component value [0...1]
- :v:
- The Value component [0...1]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsv(30, 1, 1)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsv(30, 1, 1, 0.5)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5)
- '''
- h2, s, l = Color.RgbToHsl(*Color.HsvToRgb(h, s, v))
- return Color((h, s, l), 'hsl', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromYiq(y, i, q, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed YIQ values.
- Parameters:
- :y:
- The Y component value [0...1]
- :i:
- The I component value [0...1]
- :q:
- The Q component value [0...1]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> str(Color.NewFromYiq(0.5922, 0.45885,-0.05))
- '(0.999902, 0.499955, -6.6905e-005, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromYiq(0.5922, 0.45885,-0.05, 0.5))
- '(0.999902, 0.499955, -6.6905e-005, 0.5)'
- '''
- return Color(Color.YiqToRgb(y, i, q), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromYuv(y, u, v, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed YUV values.
- Parameters:
- :y:
- The Y component value [0...1]
- :u:
- The U component value [-0.436...0.436]
- :v:
- The V component value [-0.615...0.615]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> str(Color.NewFromYuv(0.5925, -0.2916, 0.3575))
- '(0.999989, 0.500015, -6.3276e-005, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromYuv(0.5925, -0.2916, 0.3575, 0.5))
- '(0.999989, 0.500015, -6.3276e-005, 0.5)'
- '''
- return Color(Color.YuvToRgb(y, u, v), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromXyz(x, y, z, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed CIE-XYZ values.
- Parameters:
- :x:
- The Red component value [0...1]
- :y:
- The Green component value [0...1]
- :z:
- The Blue component value [0...1]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> str(Color.NewFromXyz(0.488941, 0.365682, 0.0448137))
- '(1, 0.5, 6.81883e-008, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromXyz(0.488941, 0.365682, 0.0448137, 0.5))
- '(1, 0.5, 6.81883e-008, 0.5)'
- '''
- return Color(Color.XyzToRgb(x, y, z), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromLab(l, a, b, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed CIE-LAB values.
- Parameters:
- :l:
- The L component [0...100]
- :a:
- The a component [-1...1]
- :b:
- The a component [-1...1]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> str(Color.NewFromLab(66.9518, 0.43084, 0.739692))
- '(1, 0.5, 1.09491e-008, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromLab(66.9518, 0.43084, 0.739692, wref=Color.WHITE_REFERENCE['std_D50']))
- '(1.01238, 0.492011, -0.14311, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromLab(66.9518, 0.43084, 0.739692, 0.5))
- '(1, 0.5, 1.09491e-008, 0.5)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromLab(66.9518, 0.43084, 0.739692, 0.5, Color.WHITE_REFERENCE['std_D50']))
- '(1.01238, 0.492011, -0.14311, 0.5)'
- '''
- return Color(Color.XyzToRgb(*Color.LabToXyz(l, a, b, wref)), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromCmy(c, m, y, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed CMY values.
- Parameters:
- :c:
- The Cyan component value [0...1]
- :m:
- The Magenta component value [0...1]
- :y:
- The Yellow component value [0...1]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromCmy(0, 0.5, 1)
- (1, 0.5, 0, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromCmy(0, 0.5, 1, 0.5)
- (1, 0.5, 0, 0.5)
- '''
- return Color(Color.CmyToRgb(c, m, y), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromCmyk(c, m, y, k, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed CMYK values.
- Parameters:
- :c:
- The Cyan component value [0...1]
- :m:
- The Magenta component value [0...1]
- :y:
- The Yellow component value [0...1]
- :k:
- The Black component value [0...1]
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> str(Color.NewFromCmyk(1, 0.32, 0, 0.5))
- '(0, 0.34, 0.5, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromCmyk(1, 0.32, 0, 0.5, 0.5))
- '(0, 0.34, 0.5, 0.5)'
- '''
- return Color(Color.CmyToRgb(*Color.CmykToCmy(c, m, y, k)), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromHtml(html, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed HTML color definition.
- Parameters:
- :html:
- The HTML definition of the color (#RRGGBB or #RGB or a color name).
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque.
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> str(Color.NewFromHtml('#ff8000'))
- '(1, 0.501961, 0, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromHtml('ff8000'))
- '(1, 0.501961, 0, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromHtml('#f60'))
- '(1, 0.4, 0, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromHtml('f60'))
- '(1, 0.4, 0, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromHtml('lemonchiffon'))
- '(1, 0.980392, 0.803922, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromHtml('#ff8000', 0.5))
- '(1, 0.501961, 0, 0.5)'
- '''
- return Color(Color.HtmlToRgb(html), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- @staticmethod
- def NewFromPil(pil, alpha=1.0, wref=_DEFAULT_WREF):
- '''Create a new instance based on the specifed PIL color.
- Parameters:
- :pil:
- A PIL compatible color representation (0xBBGGRR)
- :alpha:
- The color transparency [0...1], default is opaque
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference, default is 2° D65.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> str(Color.NewFromPil(0x0080ff))
- '(1, 0.501961, 0, 1)'
- >>> str(Color.NewFromPil(0x0080ff, 0.5))
- '(1, 0.501961, 0, 0.5)'
- '''
- return Color(Color.PilToRgb(pil), 'rgb', alpha, wref)
- def __GetAlpha(self):
- return self.__a
- alpha = property(fget=__GetAlpha, doc='The transparency of this color. 0.0 is transparent and 1.0 is fully opaque.')
- def __GetWRef(self):
- return self.__wref
- whiteRef = property(fget=__GetWRef, doc='the white reference point of this color.')
- def __GetRGB(self):
- return self.__rgb
- rgb = property(fget=__GetRGB, doc='The RGB values of this Color.')
- def __GetHue(self):
- return self.__hsl[0]
- hue = property(fget=__GetHue, doc='The hue of this color.')
- def __GetHSL(self):
- return self.__hsl
- hsl = property(fget=__GetHSL, doc='The HSL values of this Color.')
- def __GetHSV(self):
- h, s, v = Color.RgbToHsv(*self.__rgb)
- return (self.__hsl[0], s, v)
- hsv = property(fget=__GetHSV, doc='The HSV values of this Color.')
- def __GetYIQ(self):
- return Color.RgbToYiq(*self.__rgb)
- yiq = property(fget=__GetYIQ, doc='The YIQ values of this Color.')
- def __GetYUV(self):
- return Color.RgbToYuv(*self.__rgb)
- yuv = property(fget=__GetYUV, doc='The YUV values of this Color.')
- def __GetXYZ(self):
- return Color.RgbToXyz(*self.__rgb)
- xyz = property(fget=__GetXYZ, doc='The CIE-XYZ values of this Color.')
- def __GetLAB(self):
- return Color.XyzToLab(wref=self.__wref, *Color.RgbToXyz(*self.__rgb))
- lab = property(fget=__GetLAB, doc='The CIE-LAB values of this Color.')
- def __GetCMY(self):
- return Color.RgbToCmy(*self.__rgb)
- cmy = property(fget=__GetCMY, doc='The CMY values of this Color.')
- def __GetCMYK(self):
- return Color.CmyToCmyk(*Color.RgbToCmy(*self.__rgb))
- cmyk = property(fget=__GetCMYK, doc='The CMYK values of this Color.')
- def __GetHTML(self):
- return Color.RgbToHtml(*self.__rgb)
- html = property(fget=__GetHTML, doc='This Color as an HTML color definition.')
- def __GetPIL(self):
- return Color.RgbToPil(*self.__rgb)
- pil = property(fget=__GetPIL, doc='This Color as a PIL compatible value.')
- def __GetwebSafe(self):
- return Color.RgbToWebSafe(*self.__rgb)
- webSafe = property(fget=__GetwebSafe, doc='The web safe color nearest to this one (RGB).')
- def __GetGreyscale(self):
- return Color.RgbToGreyscale(*self.rgb)
- greyscale = property(fget=__GetGreyscale, doc='The greyscale equivalent to this color (RGB).')
- def ColorWithAlpha(self, alpha):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one with a new alpha value.
- Parameters:
- :alpha:
- The transparency of the new color [0...1].
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromRgb(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0).ColorWithAlpha(0.5)
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5)
- '''
- return Color(self.__rgb, 'rgb', alpha, self.__wref)
- def ColorWithWhiteRef(self, wref, labAsRef=False):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one with a new white reference.
- Parameters:
- :wref:
- The whitepoint reference.
- :labAsRef:
- If True, the L*a*b* values of the current instance are used as reference
- for the new color; otherwise, the RGB values are used as reference.
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> c = Color.NewFromRgb(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, Color.WHITE_REFERENCE['std_D65'])
- >>> c2 = c.ColorWithWhiteRef(Color.WHITE_REFERENCE['sup_D50'])
- >>> c2.rgb
- (1.0, 0.5, 0.0)
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % c2.whiteRef
- '(0.96721, 1, 0.81428)'
- >>> c2 = c.ColorWithWhiteRef(Color.WHITE_REFERENCE['sup_D50'], labAsRef=True)
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % c2.rgb
- '(1.01463, 0.490339, -0.148131)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % c2.whiteRef
- '(0.96721, 1, 0.81428)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % c.lab
- '(66.9518, 0.43084, 0.739692)'
- >>> '(%g, %g, %g)' % c2.lab
- '(66.9518, 0.43084, 0.739693)'
- '''
- if labAsRef:
- l, a, b = self.__GetLAB()
- return Color.NewFromLab(l, a, b, self.__a, wref)
- else:
- return Color(self.__rgb, 'rgb', self.__a, wref)
- def ColorWithHue(self, hue):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one with a new hue.
- Parameters:
- :hue:
- The hue of the new color [0...360].
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).ColorWithHue(60)
- (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).ColorWithHue(60).hsl
- (60, 1, 0.5)
- '''
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- return Color((hue, s, l), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref)
- def ColorWithSaturation(self, saturation):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one with a new saturation value.
- .. note::
- The saturation is defined for the HSL mode.
- Parameters:
- :saturation:
- The saturation of the new color [0...1].
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).ColorWithSaturation(0.5)
- (0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).ColorWithSaturation(0.5).hsl
- (30, 0.5, 0.5)
- '''
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- return Color((h, saturation, l), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref)
- def ColorWithLightness(self, lightness):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one with a new lightness value.
- Parameters:
- :lightness:
- The lightness of the new color [0...1].
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).ColorWithLightness(0.25)
- (0.5, 0.25, 0.0, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).ColorWithLightness(0.25).hsl
- (30, 1, 0.25)
- '''
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- return Color((h, s, lightness), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref)
- def DarkerColor(self, level):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one but darker.
- Parameters:
- :level:
- The amount by which the color should be darkened to produce
- the new one [0...1].
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).DarkerColor(0.25)
- (0.5, 0.25, 0.0, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).DarkerColor(0.25).hsl
- (30, 1, 0.25)
- '''
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- return Color((h, s, max(l - level, 0)), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref)
- def LighterColor(self, level):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one but lighter.
- Parameters:
- :level:
- The amount by which the color should be lightened to produce
- the new one [0...1].
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).LighterColor(0.25)
- (1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).LighterColor(0.25).hsl
- (30, 1, 0.75)
- '''
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- return Color((h, s, min(l + level, 1)), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref)
- def Saturate(self, level):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one but more saturated.
- Parameters:
- :level:
- The amount by which the color should be saturated to produce
- the new one [0...1].
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 0.5, 0.5).Saturate(0.25)
- (0.875, 0.5, 0.125, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 0.5, 0.5).Saturate(0.25).hsl
- (30, 0.75, 0.5)
- '''
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- return Color((h, min(s + level, 1), l), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref)
- def Desaturate(self, level):
- '''Create a new instance based on this one but less saturated.
- Parameters:
- :level:
- The amount by which the color should be desaturated to produce
- the new one [0...1].
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 0.5, 0.5).Desaturate(0.25)
- (0.625, 0.5, 0.375, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 0.5, 0.5).Desaturate(0.25).hsl
- (30, 0.25, 0.5)
- '''
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- return Color((h, max(s - level, 0), l), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref)
- def WebSafeDither(self):
- '''Return the two websafe colors nearest to this one.
- Returns:
- A tuple of two grapefruit.Color instances which are the two
- web safe colors closest this one.
- >>> c = Color.NewFromRgb(1.0, 0.45, 0.0)
- >>> c1, c2 = c.WebSafeDither()
- >>> str(c1)
- '(1, 0.4, 0, 1)'
- >>> str(c2)
- '(1, 0.6, 0, 1)'
- '''
- return (
- Color(Color.RgbToWebSafe(*self.__rgb), 'rgb', self.__a, self.__wref),
- Color(Color.RgbToWebSafe(alt=True, *self.__rgb), 'rgb', self.__a, self.__wref))
- def Gradient(self, target, steps=100):
- '''Create a list with the gradient colors between this and the other color.
- Parameters:
- :target:
- The grapefruit.Color at the other end of the gradient.
- :steps:
- The number of gradients steps to create.
- Returns:
- A list of grapefruit.Color instances.
- >>> c1 = Color.NewFromRgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha=1)
- >>> c2 = Color.NewFromRgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, alpha=0)
- >>> c1.Gradient(c2, 3)
- [(0.75, 0.25, 0.0, 0.75), (0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5), (0.25, 0.75, 0.0, 0.25)]
- '''
- gradient = []
- rgba1 = self.__rgb + (self.__a,)
- rgba2 = target.__rgb + (target.__a,)
- steps += 1
- for n in xrange(1, steps):
- d = 1.0*n/steps
- r = (rgba1[0]*(1-d)) + (rgba2[0]*d)
- g = (rgba1[1]*(1-d)) + (rgba2[1]*d)
- b = (rgba1[2]*(1-d)) + (rgba2[2]*d)
- a = (rgba1[3]*(1-d)) + (rgba2[3]*d)
- gradient.append(Color((r, g, b), 'rgb', a, self.__wref))
- return gradient
- def ComplementaryColor(self, mode='ryb'):
- '''Create a new instance which is the complementary color of this one.
- Parameters:
- :mode:
- Select which color wheel to use for the generation (ryb/rgb).
- Returns:
- A grapefruit.Color instance.
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).ComplementaryColor()
- (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0)
- >>> Color.NewFromHsl(30, 1, 0.5).ComplementaryColor().hsl
- (210, 1, 0.5)
- '''
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- if mode == 'ryb': h = Color.RgbToRyb(h)
- h = (h+180)%360
- if mode == 'ryb': h = Color.RybToRgb(h)
- return Color((h, s, l), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref)
- def MonochromeScheme(self):
- '''Return 4 colors in the same hue with varying saturation/lightness.
- Returns:
- A tuple of 4 grapefruit.Color in the same hue as this one,
- with varying saturation/lightness.
- >>> c = Color.NewFromHsl(30, 0.5, 0.5)
- >>> ['(%g, %g, %g)' % clr.hsl for clr in c.MonochromeScheme()]
- ['(30, 0.2, 0.8)', '(30, 0.5, 0.3)', '(30, 0.2, 0.6)', '(30, 0.5, 0.8)']
- '''
- def _wrap(x, min, thres, plus):
- if (x-min) < thres: return x + plus
- else: return x-min
- h, s, l = self.__hsl
- s1 = _wrap(s, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3)
- l1 = _wrap(l, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3)
- s2 = s
- l2 = _wrap(l, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6)
- s3 = s1
- l3 = max(0.2, l + (1-l)*0.2)
- s4 = s
- l4 = _wrap(l, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3)
- return (
- Color((h, s1, l1), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref),
- Color((h, s2, l2), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref),
- Color((h, s3, l3), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref),
- Color((h, s4, l4), 'hsl', self.__a, self.__wref))
- def TriadicScheme(self, angle=120, mode='ryb'):
- '''Return two colors forming a triad or a split complementary with this one.
- Parameters:
- :angle:
- The angle between the hues of the created colors.
- The default value makes a triad.
- :mode:
- …
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