Java | 1024 lines | 787 code | 153 blank | 84 comment | 169 complexity | a212a4c8cf24f4d82a95153a1fdb834f MD5 | raw file
- package jasi.semantics.procedure;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import jasi.Main;
- import jasi.datatype.SBoolean;
- import jasi.datatype.SChar;
- import jasi.datatype.SEmptyList;
- import jasi.datatype.SNumber;
- import jasi.datatype.SPair;
- import jasi.datatype.SString;
- import jasi.datatype.SUndefined;
- import jasi.datatype.SVariable;
- import jasi.parser.Reader;
- import jasi.semantics.Environment;
- import jasi.semantics.Scheme;
- import jasi.semantics.Utils;
- public class PrimitiveProcedure extends Procedure {
- //procecure Ids
- public final static int PLUS = 0;
- public final static int MINUS = PLUS + 1;
- public final static int MULTIPLICATION = MINUS + 1;
- public final static int DIVISION = MULTIPLICATION + 1;
- public final static int NOT = DIVISION + 1;
- public final static int GT = NOT + 1;
- public final static int LT = GT + 1;
- public final static int GT_EQ = LT + 1;
- public final static int LT_EQ = GT_EQ + 1;
- public final static int MAKE_STRING = LT_EQ + 1;
- public final static int SYMBOL_TO_STRING = MAKE_STRING + 1;
- public final static int STRING_TO_SYMBOL = SYMBOL_TO_STRING + 1;
- public final static int STRING_LENGTH = STRING_TO_SYMBOL + 1;
- public final static int STRING_REF = STRING_LENGTH + 1;
- public final static int STRING_SET = STRING_REF + 1;
- public final static int NUMBER_TO_STRING = STRING_SET + 1;
- public final static int STRING_TO_NUMBER = NUMBER_TO_STRING + 1;
- public final static int CHAR_UPCASE = STRING_TO_NUMBER + 1;
- public final static int CHAR_DOWNCASE = CHAR_UPCASE + 1;
- public final static int CHAR_LT = CHAR_DOWNCASE + 1;
- public final static int CHAR_PRED_ALPHABETIC = CHAR_LT + 1;
- public final static int CHAR_PRED_NUMERIC = CHAR_PRED_ALPHABETIC + 1;
- public final static int CHAR_PRED_WHITESPACE = CHAR_PRED_NUMERIC + 1;
- public final static int CHAR_PRED_LOWERCASE = CHAR_PRED_WHITESPACE + 1;
- public final static int CHAR_PRED_UPPERCASE = CHAR_PRED_LOWERCASE + 1;
- public final static int READ = 100;
- public final static int EVAL = READ + 1;
- public final static int APPLY = EVAL + 1;
- public final static int ERROR = APPLY + 1;
- public final static int INTERACTION_ENVIRONMENT = ERROR + 1;
- public final static int DISPLAY = INTERACTION_ENVIRONMENT + 1;
- public final static int WRITE = DISPLAY + 1;
- public final static int NEWLINE = WRITE + 1;
- public final static int CONS = NEWLINE + 1;
- public final static int LIST = CONS + 1;
- public final static int PRED_EQ = LIST + 1;
- public final static int PRED_EQV = PRED_EQ + 1;
- public final static int PRED_EQUAL = PRED_EQV + 1;
- public final static int CAR = PRED_EQUAL + 1;
- public final static int CDR = CAR + 1;
- public final static int SET_CAR = CDR + 1;
- public final static int SET_CDR = SET_CAR + 1;
- public final static int PRED_PAIR = SET_CDR + 1;
- public final static int PRED_LIST = PRED_PAIR + 1;
- public final static int PRED_BOOLEAN = PRED_LIST + 1;
- public final static int PRED_CHAR = PRED_BOOLEAN + 1;
- public final static int PRED_STRING = PRED_CHAR + 1;
- public final static int PRED_SYMBOL = PRED_STRING + 1;
- public final static int PRED_NUMBER = PRED_SYMBOL + 1;
- public final static int PRED_PROCEDURE = PRED_NUMBER + 1;
- public final static int PRED_NULL = PRED_PROCEDURE + 1;
- //procedure id of this PrimitiveProcedure
- private int id;
- public PrimitiveProcedure(int id) {
- this.id = id;
- }
- public Object apply(Object o, Environment env) {
- ArrayList<Object> args = null;
- if(o != null) {
- if(o instanceof ArrayList)
- args = (ArrayList)o;
- else
- throw new RuntimeException("arguments not ArrayList:" + o);
- }
- //for all the procedures that take a limited number of arguments, we pass
- //min, max integers specifying the number of minimum and maximum arguments
- //they can take. For a procedure that can take any arguments we pass a -ve
- //value for max.
- final int n = -1;
- switch(id) {
- case PLUS:
- return applyPlus(args, 0, n);
- case MINUS:
- return applyMinus(args, 1, n);
- return applyMultiplication(args, 0 ,n);
- case DIVISION:
- return applyDivision(args, 1, n);
- case NOT:
- return applyNot(args, 1 ,1);
- case GT:
- return applyGreaterThan(args, 0, n);
- case LT:
- return applyLessThan(args, 0 ,n);
- case GT_EQ:
- return applyGreaterThanEqual(args, 0 , n);
- case LT_EQ:
- return applyLessThanEqual(args, 0 , n);
- return applyMakeString(args, 1, 2);
- return applySymbolToString(args, 1, 1);
- return applyStringToSymbol(args, 1, 1);
- return applyStringLength(args, 1, 1);
- case STRING_REF:
- return applyStringRef(args, 2, 2);
- case STRING_SET:
- return applyStringSet(args, 3, 3);
- return applyNumberToString(args, 1, 1);
- return applyStringToNumber(args, 1, 1);
- return applyCharUpCase(args, 1, 1);
- return applyCharDownCase(args, 1, 1);
- case CHAR_LT:
- return applyCharLess(args, 2, 2);
- return applyCharPredAlphabetic(args, 1, 1);
- return applyCharPredNumeric(args, 1, 1);
- return applyCharPredWhitespace(args, 1, 1);
- return applyCharPredLowerCase(args, 1, 1);
- return applyCharPredUpperCase(args, 1, 1);
- case READ:
- return applyRead();
- case EVAL:
- return applyEval(args, 1 ,2, env);
- case ERROR:
- return applyError(args, 1, 1);
- case APPLY:
- return applyApply(args, 2 ,2, env);
- return applyInteractionEnvironment(args, 0 ,0);
- case PRED_EQ:
- return applyPredEq(args , 2, 2);
- case PRED_EQV:
- return applyPredEqv(args, 2, 2);
- case PRED_EQUAL:
- return applyPredEqual(args, 2, 2);
- case DISPLAY:
- return applyDisplay(args, 1, 2);
- case WRITE:
- return applyWrite(args, 1, 2);
- case NEWLINE:
- return applyNewline();
- case CONS:
- return applyCons(args, 2 , 2);
- case CAR:
- return applyCar(args, 1, 1);
- case CDR:
- return applyCdr(args, 1, 1);
- case SET_CAR:
- return applySetCar(args, 2, 2);
- case SET_CDR:
- return applySetCdr(args, 2, 2);
- case PRED_PAIR:
- return applyPredPair(args, 1, 1);
- case PRED_LIST:
- return applyPredList(args, 1, 1);
- case LIST:
- return applyList(args, 0 , n);
- return applyPredBoolean(args, 1 ,1);
- case PRED_CHAR:
- return applyPredChar(args, 1 ,1);
- case PRED_NULL:
- return applyPredNull(args, 1 ,1);
- return applyPredNumber(args, 1 ,1);
- return applyPredProcedure(args, 1 ,1);
- return applyPredString(args, 1 ,1);
- return applyPredSymbol(args, 1 ,1);
- default:
- throw new RuntimeException("not a valid primitive procedure id:" + id);
- }
- }
- //min-max is the number of minimum and maximum arguments this procedure
- //can take.
- private Object applyPlus(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- int result = 0;
- if(args == null)
- return new SNumber(result);
- //validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- for(int i=0; i < args.size(); i++) {
- Object o = args.get(i);
- if(o instanceof SNumber) {
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- result += Double.valueOf(d).intValue();
- }
- else {
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid argument, not a number:" + o);
- }
- }
- return new SNumber(result);
- }
- private Object applyMinus(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- //validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- int result = 0;
- for(int i=0; i < args.size(); i++) {
- Object o = args.get(i);
- Utils.validateType(o, SNumber.class);
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- if(i == 0 && args.size() > 1) {
- result = Double.valueOf(d).intValue();
- }
- else result -= Double.valueOf(d).intValue();
- }
- return new SNumber(result);
- }
- private Object applyMultiplication(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- int result = 1;
- if(args == null)
- return new SNumber(result);
- //validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- for(int i=0; i < args.size(); i++) {
- Object o = args.get(i);
- if(o instanceof SNumber) {
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- result *= Double.valueOf(d).intValue();
- }
- else {
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid argument, not a number:" + o);
- }
- }
- return new SNumber(result);
- }
- private Object applyDivision(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- int result = 1;
- if(args == null)
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- //validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- for(int i=0; i < args.size(); i++) {
- Object o = args.get(i);
- if(o instanceof SNumber) {
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- if(i == 0 && args.size() > 1)
- result = Double.valueOf(d).intValue();
- else
- result /= Double.valueOf(d).intValue();
- }
- else {
- throw new RuntimeException("invalid argument, not a number:" + o);
- }
- }
- return new SNumber(result);
- }
- private Object applyNot(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance(!Utils.isTrue(args.get(0)));
- }
- private Object applyGreaterThan(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null || args.size() == 1) {
- return SBoolean.getInstance(true);
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SNumber.class);
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- for(int i = 1; i < args.size(); i++) {
- Object o2 = args.get(i);
- Utils.validateType(o2, SNumber.class);
- double d2 = ((SNumber)o2).getValue();
- if(d2 < d)
- d = d2;
- else
- return SBoolean.getInstance(false);
- }
- return SBoolean.getInstance(true);
- }
- private Object applyGreaterThanEqual(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null || args.size() == 1) {
- return SBoolean.getInstance(true);
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SNumber.class);
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- for(int i = 1; i < args.size(); i++) {
- Object o2 = args.get(i);
- Utils.validateType(o2, SNumber.class);
- double d2 = ((SNumber)o2).getValue();
- if(d2 <= d)
- d = d2;
- else
- return SBoolean.getInstance(false);
- }
- return SBoolean.getInstance(true);
- }
- private Object applyLessThan(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null || args.size() == 1) {
- return SBoolean.getInstance(true);
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SNumber.class);
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- for(int i = 1; i < args.size(); i++) {
- Object o2 = args.get(i);
- Utils.validateType(o2, SNumber.class);
- double d2 = ((SNumber)o2).getValue();
- if(d2 > d)
- d = d2;
- else
- return SBoolean.getInstance(false);
- }
- return SBoolean.getInstance(true);
- }
- private Object applyLessThanEqual(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null || args.size() == 1) {
- return SBoolean.getInstance(true);
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SNumber.class);
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- for(int i = 1; i < args.size(); i++) {
- Object o2 = args.get(i);
- Utils.validateType(o2, SNumber.class);
- double d2 = ((SNumber)o2).getValue();
- if(d2 >= d)
- d = d2;
- else
- return SBoolean.getInstance(false);
- }
- return SBoolean.getInstance(true);
- }
- private Object applyMakeString(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SNumber.class);
- int len = (int)((SNumber)o).getValue();
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len);
- char ch = ' ';
- if(args.size() > 1) {
- o = args.get(1);
- Utils.validateType(o, SChar.class);
- ch = ((SChar)o).getValue();
- }
- while(len-- > 0) {
- sb.append(ch);
- }
- return new SString(sb);
- }
- public Object applySymbolToString(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SVariable.class);
- return new SString(((SVariable)o).getName());
- }
- public Object applyStringToSymbol(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SString.class);
- return SVariable.getInstance(((SString)o).getValue().toString());
- }
- public Object applyStringLength(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SString.class);
- return new SNumber(((SString)o).getValue().length());
- }
- public Object applyStringRef(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o1 = args.get(0);
- Object o2 = args.get(1);
- Utils.validateType(o1, SString.class);
- Utils.validateType(o2, SNumber.class);
- return new SChar(((SString)o1).getValue().
- charAt(Double.valueOf(((SNumber)o2).getValue()).intValue()));
- }
- public Object applyStringSet(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o1 = args.get(0);
- Object o2 = args.get(1);
- Object o3 = args.get(2);
- Utils.validateType(o1, SString.class);
- Utils.validateType(o2, SNumber.class);
- Utils.validateType(o3, SChar.class);
- StringBuffer sb = ((SString)o1).getValue();
- int i = Double.valueOf(((SNumber)o2).getValue()).intValue();
- char c = ((SChar)o3).getValue();
- //set c at i in sb
- sb.setCharAt(i, c);
- return SUndefined.getInstance();
- }
- public Object applyNumberToString(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SNumber.class);
- double d = ((SNumber)o).getValue();
- return new SString(Integer.toString(Double.valueOf(d).intValue()));
- }
- public Object applyStringToNumber(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SString.class);
- String s = ((SString)o).getValue().toString();
- try {
- return new SNumber(Integer.parseInt(s));
- }
- catch(NumberFormatException ex) {
- return SBoolean.getInstance(false);
- }
- }
- public Object applyCharUpCase(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SChar.class);
- char c = ((SChar)o).getValue();
- if(Character.isLowerCase(c))
- return new SChar(Character.toUpperCase(c));
- else return o;
- }
- public Object applyCharDownCase(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SChar.class);
- char c = ((SChar)o).getValue();
- if(Character.isUpperCase(c))
- return new SChar(Character.toLowerCase(c));
- else return o;
- }
- public Object applyCharLess(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o1 = args.get(0);
- Object o2 = args.get(1);
- Utils.validateType(o1, SChar.class);
- Utils.validateType(o2, SChar.class);
- Character c1 = Character.valueOf(((SChar)o1).getValue());
- Character c2 = Character.valueOf(((SChar)o2).getValue());
- return SBoolean.getInstance(c1.compareTo(c2) < 0);
- }
- public Object applyCharPredAlphabetic(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SChar.class);
- char c = ((SChar)o).getValue();
- return SBoolean.getInstance(Character.isLetter(c));
- }
- public Object applyCharPredNumeric(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SChar.class);
- char c = ((SChar)o).getValue();
- return SBoolean.getInstance(Character.isDigit(c));
- }
- public Object applyCharPredWhitespace(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SChar.class);
- char c = ((SChar)o).getValue();
- return SBoolean.getInstance(Character.isWhitespace(c));
- }
- public Object applyCharPredLowerCase(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SChar.class);
- char c = ((SChar)o).getValue();
- return SBoolean.getInstance(Character.isLowerCase(c));
- }
- public Object applyCharPredUpperCase(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(o, SChar.class);
- char c = ((SChar)o).getValue();
- return SBoolean.getInstance(Character.isUpperCase(c));
- }
- private Object applyPredEq(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance(args.get(0) == args.get(1));
- }
- private Object applyPredEqv(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o1 = args.get(0);
- Object o2 = args.get(1);
- return SBoolean.getInstance(checkEqv(o1,o2));
- }
- private Object applyPredEqual(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object o1 = args.get(0);
- Object o2 = args.get(1);
- return SBoolean.getInstance(checkEqual(o1, o2));
- }
- //checks if two objects should return #t for eqv?
- //on o1 and o2
- private boolean checkEqv(Object o1, Object o2) {
- //this takes care of both being #t or #f or same symbol
- //or both being empty list
- if(o1 == o2) return true;
- //false if they're not of same type
- if(o1.getClass() != o2.getClass()) return false;
- //true if they're chars with same value
- if(o1 instanceof SChar)
- return ((SChar)o1).getValue() == ((SChar)o2).getValue();
- //true if they're numbers with same numeric value
- if(o1 instanceof SNumber)
- return ((SNumber)o1).getValue() == ((SNumber)o2).getValue();
- //true if they're both strings with same string value
- if(o1 instanceof SString)
- return ((SString)o1).getValue().toString().equals(((SString)o2).getValue().toString());
- //todo:
- //true if they're procedures or pairs having same location
- //if nothing then false
- return false;
- }
- //checks if two objects should return #t for equal?
- //on o1 and o2
- private boolean checkEqual(Object o1, Object o2) {
- if(o1.getClass() == o2.getClass() && o1 instanceof SPair) {
- SPair sp1 = (SPair)o1;
- SPair sp2 = (SPair)o2;
- while(true) {
- o1 = sp1.getCar();
- o2 = sp2.getCar();
- if(!checkEqual(o1,o2)) return false;
- o1 = sp1.getCdr();
- o2 = sp1.getCdr();
- if(!(o1 instanceof SPair && o2 instanceof SPair))
- return checkEqv(o1,o2);
- else {
- sp1 = (SPair)o1;
- sp2 = (SPair)o2;
- }
- }
- }
- else return checkEqv(o1, o2);
- }
- private Object applyRead() {
- //todo: may be we should get reader set for this class
- return Main.reader.read();
- }
- private Object applyEval(ArrayList args, int min, int max, Environment env) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- if(args.size() > 1)
- env = (Environment)args.get(1);
- return Scheme.eval(args.get(0), env);
- }
- private Object applyApply(ArrayList args, int min, int max, Environment env) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object proc = args.get(0);
- Utils.validateType(proc, Procedure.class);
- if(args.size() > 0) {
- Object argsList = args.get(1);
- if(argsList instanceof SPair) {
- ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();
- while(argsList instanceof SPair) {
- arr.add(Utils.car(argsList));
- argsList = Utils.cdr(argsList);
- }
- return ((Procedure)proc).apply(arr, env);
- }
- }
- return ((Procedure)proc).apply(null, env);
- }
- private Object applyError(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- throw new RuntimeException(args.get(0).toString());
- }
- private Object applyInteractionEnvironment(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if(args != null) {
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- }
- return Environment.getGlobalEnvironment();
- }
- //args should be array-list containing two elements, first is the object
- //to be printed and second is the port.
- //NOTE: port functionality is not supported, output goes automatically to
- //standard output
- private Object applyDisplay(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- System.out.print(args.get(0));
- return SUndefined.getInstance();
- }
- //args should be array-list containing two elements, first is the object
- //to be printed and second is the port.
- //NOTE: port functionality is not supported, output goes automatically to
- //standard output
- private Object applyWrite(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- String s = args.get(0).toString();
- //s = s.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\");
- //s = s.replaceAll("#\\", "#");
- //s = s.replaceAll("\"", "\\\"");
- System.out.print(s);
- return SUndefined.getInstance();
- }
- private Object applyNewline() {
- System.out.println("");
- return SUndefined.getInstance();
- }
- private Object applyCons(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return Utils.cons(args.get(0), args.get(1));
- }
- private Object applyCar(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return Utils.car(args.get(0));
- }
- private Object applyCdr(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return Utils.cdr(args.get(0));
- }
- private Object applySetCar(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object oPair = args.get(0);
- Object oItem = args.get(1);
- Utils.validateType(oPair, SPair.class);
- SPair p = (SPair)oPair;
- p.setCar(oItem);
- return SUndefined.getInstance();
- }
- private Object applySetCdr(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- Object oPair = args.get(0);
- Object oItem = args.get(1);
- Utils.validateType(oPair, SPair.class);
- SPair p = (SPair)oPair;
- p.setCdr(oItem);
- return SUndefined.getInstance();
- }
- private Object applyList(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if(args != null && args.size() > 0) {
- int len = args.size();
- SPair result = new SPair();
- SPair tmp = result;
- for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
- tmp.setCar(args.get(i));
- if(i == len-1) {
- tmp.setCdr(SEmptyList.getInstance());
- }
- else {
- SPair sp = new SPair();
- tmp.setCdr(sp);
- tmp = sp;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- else return SEmptyList.getInstance();
- }
- private Object applyPredPair(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance((args.get(0) instanceof SPair));
- }
- private Object applyPredBoolean(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance((args.get(0) instanceof SBoolean));
- }
- private Object applyPredChar(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance((args.get(0) instanceof SChar));
- }
- private Object applyPredString(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance((args.get(0) instanceof SString));
- }
- private Object applyPredSymbol(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance((args.get(0) instanceof SVariable));
- }
- private Object applyPredNumber(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance((args.get(0) instanceof SNumber));
- }
- private Object applyPredProcedure(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance((args.get(0) instanceof Procedure));
- }
- private Object applyPredList(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance(Utils.isSchemeList(args.get(0)));
- }
- private Object applyPredNull(ArrayList args, int min, int max) {
- if (args == null) {
- throw new RuntimeException("must provide arguments");
- }
- // validate number of arguments
- validateArgsSize(args.size(), min, max);
- return SBoolean.getInstance((args.get(0) instanceof SEmptyList));
- }
- //validates if min <= size <= max.
- //max < 0 is treated as infinity.
- private void validateArgsSize(int size, int min, int max) {
- if(size < min || (size > max && max >= 0))
- throw new RuntimeException("argument list size is not valid.");
- }
- public String toString() {
- return "#<Primitive-Procedure>#";
- }
- }