Lua | 522 lines | 353 code | 81 blank | 88 comment | 55 complexity | f4ea8f4dfe82a4dcb5a8ebb0f8ca6753 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0
- --[[
- =head1 NAME
- applets.IrServer.IrServerApplet - IrServer Applet for SqueezeBox Duet Controllers
- This applet listens on a TCP port for a simple command language
- that in the interprets as commands to send to its infrared transmitter
- using /usr/bin/testir. You can visit:
- http://IPADDR:8174/help
- for a succinct help message on the command language understood.
- Note that Phillips-type (RC5|RC6) commands appear not to be supported
- by the underlying irtx driver on the controller -- see this thread:
- http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=40367
- This includes some rudimentary support for making RC6 remote work,
- but I never got it to actually turn on my XBox360.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Greg J. Badros - badros@cs.washington.edu
- Copyright (C) 2009 Greg J. Badros
- =head1 LICENSE
- This file is part of IrServer
- IrServer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- IrServer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with IrServer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- =cut
- --]]
- -- stuff we use
- local tostring, ipairs, tonumber = tostring, ipairs, tonumber
- local oo = require("loop.simple")
- local io = require("io")
- local string = require("string")
- local math = require("math")
- local Applet = require("jive.Applet")
- local Timer = require("jive.ui.Timer")
- local Icon = require("jive.ui.Icon")
- local Label = require("jive.ui.Label")
- local Window = require("jive.ui.Window")
- local Popup = require("jive.ui.Popup")
- local log = require("jive.utils.log").addCategory("irserver", jive.utils.log.DEBUG)
- local socket = require("socket")
- local os = require("os")
- local Framework = require("jive.ui.Framework")
- module(..., Framework.constants)
- oo.class(_M, Applet)
- local label = nil
- local server = nil
- local ip, port
- local numCommands = 0
- local window, popup
- local timer
- -- ah = asHex, returns a "space" signal
- function ah(n)
- return n and string.format("0x%x", n) or ""
- end
- -- assumes n < 0x80000000, and returns a "mark" signal
- function aH(n)
- return n and ah(n + 0x80000000) or ""
- end
- -- see http://winlirc.sourceforge.net/technicaldetails.html
- function setStrings(d)
- d.str_carrier = ah(d.ir_carrier)
- d.str_gap = ah(d.ir_gap)
- d.str_ptrail = aH(d.ir_ptrail)
- if (d.mode == "rc6") then
- d.str_header = aH(d.ir_header_1) .. " " .. ah(d.ir_header_2) .. " " .. aH(d.ir_one_1) .. " " .. ah(d.ir_one_2)
- if (d.ir_ptrail == 0) then
- d.str_ptrail = ""
- end
- else
- d.str_header = aH(d.ir_header_1) .. " " .. ah(d.ir_header_2)
- end
- if (d.mode == "rc6") then
- -- untested
- -- see http://www.sbprojects.com/knowledge/ir/rc6.htm
- d.str_one = aH(d.ir_one_1) .. " " .. ah(d.ir_one_2)
- d.str_zero = ah(d.ir_zero_1) .. " " .. aH(d.ir_zero_2)
- elseif (d.mode == "rc5") then
- -- untested
- -- see http://www.sbprojects.com/knowledge/ir/rc5.htm
- d.str_one = ah(d.ir_one_1) .. " " .. aH(d.ir_one_2)
- d.str_zero = aH(d.ir_zero_1) .. " " .. ah(d.ir_zero_2)
- else
- -- this is tested -- for Sony IR protocol, space-encoding
- d.str_one = aH(d.ir_one_1) .. " " .. ah(d.ir_one_2)
- d.str_zero = aH(d.ir_zero_1) .. " " .. ah(d.ir_zero_2)
- end
- -- must happen after setting d.str_{one,zero}
- d.str_pdata = ""
- if (d.pdata_bits and d.pdata_bits > 0) then
- local pdata_binary = pdataToBinary(d.pdata, d)
- for i,v in ipairs(pdata_binary) do
- d.str_pdata = d.str_pdata .. " " .. v
- end
- end
- log:debug("setstrings: device ir_carrier = " .. tostring(d.ir_carrier))
- log:debug("setstrings: device freq = " .. d.str_carrier)
- log:debug("setstrings: device header = " .. d.str_header)
- log:debug("setstrings: device pdata = " .. d.str_pdata)
- end
- -- use pioneer amp as the defaults
- local device = {}
- device.ir_carrier = 40000
- device.ir_gap = 25162
- device.ir_ptrail = 554
- device.ir_header_1, device.ir_header_2 = 8500, 4200
- device.ir_one_1, device.ir_one_2 = 550, 1540
- device.ir_zero_1, device.ir_zero_2 = 550, 500
- device.ctrl_bits = 32
- device.ctrl_constlen = false
- device.ctrl_repeat = 1
- device.pdata_bits = 0
- setStrings(device)
- local devPioneerAmp = device
- local devSonyTV = {}
- devSonyTV.ir_carrier = 40000
- devSonyTV.ir_gap = 44881
- devSonyTV.ir_ptrail = nil
- devSonyTV.ir_header_1, devSonyTV.ir_header_2 = 2400, 588
- devSonyTV.ir_one_1, devSonyTV.ir_one_2 = 1200, 600
- devSonyTV.ir_zero_1, devSonyTV.ir_zero_2 = 600, 600
- devSonyTV.ctrl_bits = 12
- devSonyTV.ctrl_constlen = true
- devSonyTV.ctrl_repeat = 2
- devSonyTV.pdata_bits = 0
- setStrings(devSonyTV)
- -- initialize some built-in devices; these can be overridden later
- devices = {}
- devices["sonytv"] = devSonyTV
- devices["pioneeramp"] = devPioneerAmp
- -- from SetupSSHApplet.lua
- function _getIPAddress()
- local ipaddr
- local cmd = io.popen("/sbin/ifconfig eth0")
- for line in cmd:lines() do
- ipaddr = string.match(line, "inet addr:([%d%.]+)")
- if ipaddr ~= nil then break end
- end
- cmd:close()
- return ipaddr or "?.?.?.?"
- end
- function tobinary(n, dev)
- local answer = {}
- if (dev.lsb_first) then
- local i = 0
- while i < dev.ctrl_bits do
- answer[i] = n % 2 == 0 and dev.str_zero or dev.str_one
- n = math.floor(n/2)
- i = i + 1
- if (n == 0 and dev.ctrl_constlen == false) then
- break
- end
- end
- else
- local i = dev.ctrl_bits
- while i > 0 do
- answer[i] = n % 2 == 0 and dev.str_zero or dev.str_one
- n = math.floor(n/2)
- i = i - 1
- if (n == 0 and dev.ctrl_constlen == false) then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return answer
- end
- function pdataToBinary(n, dev)
- local answer = {}
- -- this assumes const len pdata sections
- if (dev.lsb_first) then
- local i = 0
- while i < dev.pdata_bits do
- answer[i] = n % 2 == 0 and dev.str_zero or dev.str_one
- n = math.floor(n/2)
- i = i + 1
- end
- else
- local i = dev.pdata_bits
- -- n = n * 2 TODO
- while i > 0 do
- answer[i] = n % 2 == 0 and dev.str_zero or dev.str_one
- n = math.floor(n/2)
- i = i - 1
- end
- end
- return answer
- end
- function fullcmd(n, dev)
- if (n == nil) then
- return nil
- end
- log:debug("fullcmd: device pdata = " .. dev.str_pdata)
- log:debug("fullcmd: device freq = " .. dev.str_carrier)
- log:debug("fullcmd: device header = " .. dev.str_header)
- log:debug("fullcmd: n = " .. tostring(n))
- local answer = dev.str_carrier .. " "
- local codes = dev.str_header .. dev.str_pdata
- local binary = tobinary(n,dev)
- for i,v in ipairs(binary) do
- codes = codes .. " " .. v
- end
- codes = codes .. " " .. dev.str_ptrail .. " " .. dev.str_gap .. " "
- for r = 1, dev.ctrl_repeat do
- answer = answer .. codes
- end
- log:debug("fullcmd: answer = " .. answer)
- return answer
- end
- function menu(self, menuItem)
- log:debug("irserver started")
- -- log:debug("fullcmd-amp " .. fullcmd(0xA55A38C7, devPioneerAmp))
- -- log:debug("fullcmd-sony " .. fullcmd(0x070, devSonyTV))
- -- Popup a little display
- popup = Popup("popupIcon")
- -- popup:setAllowScreensaver(false)
- -- popup:setAlwaysOnTop(true)
- -- popup:setAutoHide(true)
- -- popup:setTransparent(false)
- log:info("irserver binding to 8174")
- -- load namespace
- -- create a TCP socket and bind it to the local host, at any port
- server = socket.bind("*", 8174)
- -- find out which port the OS chose for us
- ip, port = server:getsockname()
- ipaddr = _getIPAddress()
- -- print a message informing what's up
- log:info("Please telnet to "..ipaddr..":"..port)
- --FIXME, this window does not layout correctly (Bug 5412)
- local icon = Icon("iconConnecting")
- local text = Label("text", "Httpd IRServer - "..ipaddr..":"..tostring(port))
- label = Label("text", "\nNum commands: "..tostring(numCommands))
- popup:addWidget(icon)
- popup:addWidget(label)
- popup:addWidget(text)
- timer = Timer(500, function()
- log:debug("runserver1")
- self:runServer()
- end, true)
- timer:start()
- function(event)
- server:close()
- log:debug("closing on key_press")
- popup:hide()
- end)
- self:tieAndShowWindow(popup)
- return popup
- end
- function nonnegnum(w)
- if (w == nil) then
- return nil
- end
- -- n.b. that I need the 16 to specify hex here, else 0x80000000 and up come out negative
- -- (that is not the behaviour I get on my windows box lua 5.1 impl, but is what the squeezeplayer
- -- and the on-board jive seem to do)
- local n = tonumber(w, 16)
- if (n == nil or n < 0) then
- return nil
- end
- return n
- end
- function handleCommands(client, line, dev)
- for w in string.gmatch(line, "0x%x+") do
- local c = fullcmd(nonnegnum(w), dev)
- if (c ~= nil) then
- sendCommand(client, c)
- end
- end
- end
- function sendCommand(client, cmd)
- log:info("/usr/bin/testir "..cmd)
- os.execute("/usr/bin/testir "..cmd)
- client:send(cmd .. "\n")
- numCommands = numCommands + 1
- label:setValue("\nNum commands: "..tostring(numCommands))
- log:debug("set num commands ", numCommands)
- end
- function runServer(self)
- local full_command = nil
- local response = nil
- -- wait for a connection from any client
- server:settimeout(0.5)
- local client = server:accept()
- repeat
- if client ~= nil then
- -- make sure we don't block waiting for this client's line
- client:settimeout(4)
- -- receive the line
- local line, err = client:receive()
- log:debug("raw line = "..(line or "nil")..", err="..(err or "nil"))
- -- if there was no error, send it back to the client
- if not err then
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "^GET /", "", 1)
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, " HTTP/1.[0-9]$", "", 1)
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "+", " ")
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "%%20", " ")
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "?", " ")
- line = string.lower(line)
- if line == "quit" then
- client:close()
- server:close()
- popup:hide()
- window:hide()
- return nil
- end
- if line == "help" then
- client:send("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\nIrServer Help:\n"
- .. "testir RAW ARGUMENTS TO /usr/bin/testir\n"
- .. "devcmd DEVNAME CMD1 ...\n"
- .. "command CMD1 ...\n"
- .. "quit\n"
- .. "\n\n All '...'s can be replaced by hex commands (e.g. 0x070)")
- break
- end
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "^testir ", "", 1)
- if (changes > 0) then
- log:debug("testir ".. line)
- full_command = line
- break
- end
- -- "setdev" newdevname carrier gap ptrail hdr1 hdr2 one1 one2 zero1 zero2 numbits constlen repeat
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "^setdev ", "", 1)
- if (changes > 0) then
- log:debug("setdev ".. line)
- local devparams = {}
- local i = 1
- local devname = nil
- local mode = ""
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "^([_%w]+) ", function (s)
- devname=s
- return ""
- end)
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "^mode:(rc[56]) ", function (s)
- mode = s
- return ""
- end)
- for w in string.gmatch(line, "0x%x+") do
- devparams[i] = nonnegnum(w)
- i = i + 1
- end
- device = {}
- device.mode = mode
- device.ir_carrier = devparams[1]
- device.ir_gap = devparams[2]
- device.ir_ptrail = devparams[3]
- device.ir_header_1, device.ir_header_2 = devparams[4], devparams[5]
- device.ir_one_1, device.ir_one_2 = devparams[6], devparams[7]
- device.ir_zero_1, device.ir_zero_2 = devparams[8], devparams[9]
- device.ctrl_bits = devparams[10] or 16
- device.ctrl_constlen = devparams[11] or true
- device.ctrl_repeat = devparams[12] or 1
- device.pdata_bits = devparams[13] or 0
- device.pdata = devparams[14] or 0
- log:debug("device mode = " .. device.mode)
- log:debug("devparams[1] = " .. devparams[1])
- log:debug("devparams[2] = " .. devparams[2])
- log:debug("device.ir_carrier = " .. device.ir_carrier)
- setStrings(device)
- if (devname ~= nil) then
- devices[devname] = device
- log:debug("stored new device as devname="..devname)
- end
- response = "did setdev " .. line
- local command = nonnegnum(devparams[15])
- if (command ~= nil) then
- full_command = fullcmd(command, device)
- end
- break
- end
- -- "devcmd" DEVICENAME command [or 0x0]
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "^devcmd ", "", 1)
- if (changes > 0) then
- log:debug("devcmd ".. line)
- local devname = nil
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "^([_%w]+) ", function(s)
- devname = s
- return ""
- end)
- if (devname and devices[devname] ~= nil) then
- device = devices[devname]
- handleCommands(client, line, device)
- else
- log:error("could not handle devname from line = "..line)
- end
- break
- end
- -- "command" 0xHEX
- line, changes = string.gsub(line, "^command ", "", 1)
- if (changes > 0) then
- log:debug("command ".. line)
- handleCommands(client, line, device)
- break
- end
- end
- log:debug("line = '" .. (line or "nil") .. "'")
- end
- until true
- if (full_command ~= nil and client ~= null) then
- sendCommand(client, full_command)
- else
- if (response ~= nil) then
- log:debug("no command - " .. response)
- end
- if (client ~= nil and response ~= nil) then
- client:send(response)
- end
- end
- -- done with client, close the object
- if (client ~= null) then
- client:close()
- end
- timer = Timer(500, function()
- -- log:debug("runserver1")
- self:runServer()
- end, true)
- timer:start()
- end