Assembly | 152 lines | 88 code | 21 blank | 43 comment | 0 complexity | f44373ee374e8862cc35d595a3259594 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
- ; File name : main.asm
- ; Project name : XTIDE Univeral BIOS Configurator
- ; Created date : 16.4.2010
- ; Last update : 30.4.2010
- ; Author : Tomi Tilli
- ; Description : Program start and exit.
- ; Include .inc files
- %include "emulate.inc" ; Emulation library. Must be first!
- %include "BiosData.inc" ; For BIOS Data Area variables
- %include "Variables.inc" ; Global variables for this program
- %include "MenuPage.inc" ; Menu page and item structs
- %include "RomVars.inc" ; XTIDE Universal BIOS ROMVARS
- ; Section containing code
- SECTION .text
- ; Program first instruction.
- ORG 100h ; Code starts at offset 100h (DOS .COM)
- Start:
- jmp Main_Start
- ; Include library sources
- %include "math.asm"
- %include "print.asm"
- %include "string.asm"
- %include "keys.asm"
- %include "file.asm"
- %include "menu.asm"
- ; Include sources for this program
- %include "Strings.asm" ; For program strings
- %include "MenuEvent.asm" ; For handling menu library events
- %include "MenuEventHotkey.asm" ; For handling menu hotkeys
- %include "MenuPage.asm" ; For accessing MENUPAGE structs
- %include "MenuPageItem.asm" ; For accessing MENUPAGEITEM structs
- %include "MenuPageItemFormat.asm" ; For printing menuitem names
- %include "FormatTitle.asm" ; For printing menu title
- %include "BiosFile.asm" ; For loading and saving BIOS file
- %include "EEPROM.asm" ; For handling EEPROM contents
- %include "Flash.asm" ; For flashing EEPROM
- %include "MainMenu.asm" ; For main menu
- %include "ConfigurationMenu.asm" ; For XTIDE Universal BIOS configuration menu
- %include "BootLoaderValueMenu.asm" ; For selecting boot loader type
- %include "IdeControllerMenu.asm" ; For configuring IDEVARS
- %include "BusTypeValueMenu.asm" ; For selecting bus type
- %include "DrvParamsMenu.asm" ; For configuring DRVPARAMS
- %include "BootMenuSettingsMenu.asm" ; For configuring boot menu
- %include "FlashMenu.asm" ; For flash settings
- %include "SdpCommandValueMenu.asm" ; For selecting SDP command
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Program start
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- Main_Start:
- call MenuDraw_ClrScr ; Clear screen
- call Main_InitializeVariables
- ; Create main menu
- mov si, g_MenuPageMain ; DS:SI points to MENUPAGE for main menu
- call MainMenu_SetMenuitemVisibility
- call Main_EnterMenu ; Enter menu
- call MenuDraw_ClrScr ; Clear screen
- ; Exit to DOS
- mov ax, 4C00h ; Exit to DOS
- int 21h
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Initializes global variables used in this program.
- ;
- ; Main_InitializeVariables
- ; Parameters:
- ; Nothing
- ; Returns:
- ; Nothing
- ; Corrupts registers:
- ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, ES
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- Main_InitializeVariables:
- ; Zero all global variables
- mov di, g_cfgVars ; ES:DI points to global variables
- mov cx, (CFGVARS_size+ROMVARS_size)/2 ; Size in words
- xor ax, ax ; To store zero
- cld ; STOSW to increment DI
- rep stosw ; Zero all variables
- ; Find Xtide Universal BIOS segment
- mov dx, 0D000h ; XTIDE default segment
- call EEPROM_FindXtideUniversalBiosROM
- jnc SHORT .InitializeVariables
- mov dx, es ; XTIDE segment to DX
- .InitializeVariables:
- mov WORD [g_cfgVars+CFGVARS.wEepromSegment], dx
- mov BYTE [g_cfgVars+CFGVARS.bPageSize], 1
- mov BYTE [g_cfgVars+CFGVARS.bSdpCommand], CMD_SDP_ENABLE
- ret
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Enters main or submenu.
- ;
- ; Main_EnterMenu
- ; Parameters:
- ; DS:SI: Ptr to MENUPAGE (also menu user far pointer for MENUVARS.user)
- ; Returns:
- ; CX: Index of last pointed Menuitem (not necessary selected with ENTER)
- ; FFFFh if cancelled with ESC
- ; Corrupts registers:
- ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- Main_EnterMenu:
- call MenuPage_GetNumberOfVisibleItems
- mov cl, al ; Number of visible menuitems to CL
- mov ax, (CNT_SCRN_ROW<<8) | WIDTH_MENU
- mov ch, [cs:g_cfgVars+CFGVARS.wFlags] ; Load program flags to CH
- and ch, FLG_MNU_HIDENFO ; Clear all but info flag
- xor dx, dx ; No selection timeout
- mov di, MenuEvent_Handler ; CS:DI points to menu event handler
- inc BYTE [cs:g_cfgVars+CFGVARS.bMenuCnt]
- call Menu_Enter
- dec BYTE [cs:g_cfgVars+CFGVARS.bMenuCnt]
- jz SHORT .Return
- ; Update info visibility for previous menu where to resume
- test BYTE [cs:g_cfgVars+CFGVARS.wFlags], FLG_CFGVARS_HIDEINFO
- jnz SHORT .HideInfo
- call Menu_ShowInfo
- ret
- .HideInfo:
- call Menu_HideInfo
- .Return:
- ret
- ; Section containing uninitialized data
- SECTION .bss
- ALIGN WORD_ALIGN ; All global variables
- g_cfgVars: resb CFGVARS_size