Pascal | 420 lines | 195 code | 34 blank | 191 comment | 21 complexity | f085792a4014e70f98e234f1f1f7bb7d MD5 | raw file
- {
- * UUtils.pas
- *
- * Miscellaneous support routines for Version Information Editor.
- *
- * $Rev: 60 $
- * $Date: 2011-03-24 17:26:58 +0100 (Thu, 24 Mar 2011) $
- *
- * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- *
- * Version: MPL 1.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
- * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
- * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is Utils.pas.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Peter Johnson
- * (http://www.delphidabbler.com/).
- *
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-2011 Peter
- * Johnson. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * NONE
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- }
- unit UUtils;
- interface
- uses
- // Delphi
- SysUtils;
- function NextField(TextLine: string; var StringStart: Integer;
- var Field: string; Separator: Char): Boolean;
- {Finds next text field in a delimited string.
- @param TextLine [in] String from which field is to be extracted.
- @param StringStart [in/out] In: index of start of field. Out: Set to start
- of following field.
- @param Field [in/out] Set to content of required field.
- @param Separator [in] Character used to separate fields.
- @return True if a field was found, False if no more fields.
- }
- procedure Replace(DelStr, InsStr: string; var S: string);
- {Replaces first occurence of a substring in a string with another string.
- @param DelStr [in] String to be replaced.
- @param InsStr [in] String to replace DelStr.
- @param S [in/out] In: String to be modified. Out: Modified string. S is
- not changed if DelStr is not a substring of S.
- }
- function TrimSpaces(const Str: string): string;
- {Trims leading and trailing spaces from a string.
- @param Str [in] String to be trimmed.
- @return Trimmed string.
- }
- function YearToStr(const TheDate: TDateTime; const InFull: Boolean): string;
- {Gets year part of a date as string.
- @param TheDate [in] Date from which year is required.
- @param InFull [in] True if four digit year require, False for 2 digit year.
- @return Required year in required format.
- }
- function RemoveExtension(const FileName: string): string;
- {Removes any extension from a file name.
- @param FileName [in] File name to be processed.
- @return File name without extension..
- }
- function EnsureExtension(const FileName, Filters: string;
- const FilterIndex: Integer): string;
- {Ensures a file name has an extension based on a file filter.
- @param FileName [in] Name of file requiring extension.
- @param Filters [in] Pipe delimited file filters, in format used by file
- dialog boxes.
- @param FilterIndex [in] Index of required filter in Filters.
- @return If FileName has extension it is returned unchanged, otherwise the
- extension from Filters specified by FiltErIndex is added to FileName.
- }
- function UserAppDataFolder: string;
- {Gets current user's application data folder.
- @return Required folder.
- }
- implementation
- uses
- // Delphi
- Classes, Windows, ShlObj, ActiveX;
- function NextField(TextLine: string; var StringStart: Integer;
- var Field: string; Separator: Char): Boolean;
- {Finds next text field in a delimited string.
- @param TextLine [in] String from which field is to be extracted.
- @param StringStart [in/out] In: index of start of field. Out: Set to start
- of following field.
- @param Field [in/out] Set to content of required field.
- @param Separator [in] Character used to separate fields.
- @return True if a field was found, False if no more fields.
- }
- var
- StringEnd: Integer; // end of string
- L: Integer; // length of string
- Done: Boolean; // loop termination flag
- begin
- // Find length of given line
- L := Length(TextLine);
- // Check if StringStart is beyond length of line
- if StringStart > L then
- begin
- // StringStart is beyond line end - return nul string & false - no field
- Field := '';
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- begin
- // StringStart is within line
- // set string end to string start & initialise loop control flag
- StringEnd := StringStart;
- Done := False;
- // loop while string end is within string and separator not found
- while (StringEnd <= L) and not Done do
- begin
- if TextLine[StringEnd] = Separator then
- // we have found separator - halt loop
- Done := True
- else
- // haven't yet found separator - try next string position
- StringEnd := StringEnd + 1;
- end;
- // check if we found separator
- if Done then
- // separator found: return line from StartString to just before separator
- Field := Copy(TextLine, StringStart, StringEnd - StringStart)
- else
- // no separator found - return line from StringStart to end of line
- Field := Copy(TextLine, StringStart, StringEnd - StringStart);
- // Set StringStart for next time to just after StringEnd
- StringStart := StringEnd + 1;
- // Succesful result
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Replace(DelStr, InsStr: string; var S: string);
- {Replaces first occurence of a substring in a string with another string.
- @param DelStr [in] String to be replaced.
- @param InsStr [in] String to replace DelStr.
- @param S [in/out] In: String to be modified. Out: Modified string. S is
- not changed if DelStr is not a substring of S.
- }
- var
- Start: Integer; // starting location of DelStr in S
- begin
- // Find where DelStr begins in S, if it does
- Start := Pos(DelStr, S);
- // Check if DelStr is in S, quit if it isn't
- if Start = 0 then
- Exit;
- // Delete DelStr from S
- Delete(S, Start, Length(DelStr));
- // Insert InsStr in S at same place DelStr was deleted
- Insert(InsStr, S, Start);
- end;
- function TrimLeftSpaces(const Str: string): string;
- {Trims spaces from left hand side of a string.
- @param Str [in] String to be trimmed.
- @return Trimmed string.
- }
- var
- Start: Integer; // cursor into string searching for first non-space char
- Finish: Integer; // position of end of string
- Done: Boolean; // loop control flag
- begin
- // Initialise Start to first char in string and Finish to length of string
- Start := 1;
- Finish := Length(Str);
- // Initialise loop
- Done := False;
- // Loop searching for first non-space character before Finish cursor
- while (Start <= Finish) and not Done do
- begin
- if Str[Start] <> ' ' then
- Done := True
- else
- Start := Start + 1;
- end;
- // Return string from Start to Finish cursors
- Result := Copy(Str, Start, Finish - Start + 1)
- end;
- function TrimRightSpaces(const Str: string): string;
- {Trims spaces from right hand side of a string.
- @param Str [in] String to be trimmed.
- @return Trimmed string.
- }
- var
- Finish: Integer; // cursor into string looking for last non-space char
- Done: Boolean; // loop control flag
- begin
- // Initialise end of string to last character in string
- Finish := Length(Str);
- // Initialise loop
- Done := False;
- // Loop searching for last non-space character before start of string
- while (Finish > 0) and not Done do
- begin
- if Str[Finish] <> ' ' then
- Done := True
- else
- Finish := Finish - 1;
- end;
- // Return all string up to Finish cursor
- Result := Copy(Str, 1, Finish)
- end;
- function TrimSpaces(const Str: string): string;
- {Trims leading and trailing spaces from a string.
- @param Str [in] String to be trimmed.
- @return Trimmed string.
- }
- begin
- Result := TrimLeftSpaces(TrimRightSpaces(Str));
- end;
- function YearToStr(const TheDate: TDateTime; const InFull: Boolean): string;
- {Gets year part of a date as string.
- @param TheDate [in] Date from which year is required.
- @param InFull [in] True if four digit year require, False for 2 digit year.
- @return Required year in required format.
- }
- begin
- if InFull then
- Result := FormatDateTime('yyyy', TheDate)
- else
- Result := FormatDateTime('yy', TheDate);
- end;
- function RemoveExtension(const FileName: string): string;
- {Removes any extension from a file name.
- @param FileName [in] File name to be processed.
- @return File name without extension.
- }
- var
- P: Byte; // position of start of extension in FileName
- begin
- // Find position of start of extension, if any
- P := Pos('.', FileName);
- if P > 0 then
- // There is an extension - remove it and return result
- Result := Copy(FileName, 1, P - 1)
- else
- // There is no extension - return whole file name
- Result := FileName;
- end;
- function EnsureExtension(const FileName, Filters: string;
- const FilterIndex: Integer): string;
- {Ensures a file name has an extension based on a file filter.
- @param FileName [in] Name of file requiring extension.
- @param Filters [in] Pipe delimited file filters, in format used by file
- dialog boxes.
- @param FilterIndex [in] Index of required filter in Filters.
- @return If FileName has extension it is returned unchanged, otherwise the
- extension from Filters specified by FiltErIndex is added to FileName.
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function SelectedFilter(Filter: string; Index: Integer): string;
- {Gets file extension from a filter string.
- @param Filter [in] Pipe delimited file filters, in format used by file
- dialog boxes.
- @param FilterIndex [in] Index of required filter in Filters.
- @return Required extension.
- }
- var
- List: TStringList; // list to hold extensions represented by filters
- BarPos: Integer; // position of a bar char (|) in a string
- begin
- // Create string to hold extensions
- List := TStringList.Create;
- try
- // Scan thru filter string pulling out extensions
- // Each filter is in form <description>|<extension> and multiple filters
- // are separated by another '|' character
- BarPos := AnsiPos('|', Filter);
- while BarPos > 0 do
- begin
- // strip away description (up to first bar)
- Filter := Copy(Filter, BarPos + 1, $FFFF);
- // find any bar following extension
- BarPos := AnsiPos('|', Filter);
- if BarPos > 0 then
- begin
- // there is a bar => more filters: extension occurs before bar
- // .. copy out extension and add to list
- List.Add(Copy(Filter, 1, BarPos - 1));
- // .. delete extension and move to start of next filter
- Filter := Copy(Filter, BarPos + 1, $FFFF);
- BarPos := AnsiPos('|', Filter);
- end
- else if Filter <> '' then
- // no bar => last filter: store extension if it exists
- List.Add(Filter);
- end;
- // Decrease index: filters have 1 based indices, string lists are 0 based
- Dec(Index);
- // Check index is valid (in range)
- if (Index >= 0) and (Index < List.Count) then
- begin
- // Get hold of selected extension and strip off any leading '*.'
- Result := List[Index];
- if AnsiPos('*.', Result) > 0 then
- Result := Copy(Result, 2, $FFFF);
- end
- else
- // Index out of range: return empty string
- Result := '';
- finally
- List.Free;
- end;
- end;
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- var
- Ext: string; // file's extension
- begin
- // Get extension from file
- Ext := ExtractFileExt(FileName);
- if Ext = '' then
- begin
- // File name has no extension: add required one from filter
- Ext := SelectedFilter(Filters, FilterIndex);
- Result := FileName + Ext;
- end
- else
- // File name already has etension: return unchanged
- Result := FileName;
- end;
- procedure FreePIDL(PIDL: PItemIDList);
- {Uses to shell allocator to free the memory used by a PIDL.
- @param PIDL [in] PIDL to be freed.
- }
- var
- Malloc: IMalloc; // shell's allocator
- begin
- // Try to get shell allocator
- if Succeeded(SHGetMalloc(Malloc)) then
- // Use allocator to free PIDL: Malloc is freed by Delphi
- Malloc.Free(PIDL);
- end;
- function PIDLToFolderPath(PIDL: PItemIDList): string;
- {Gets full path to a file system folder from a PIDL.
- @param PIDL [in] PIDL describing folder.
- @return Required folder name or '' if PIDL refers to a virtual folder.
- }
- begin
- // Set max length of return string
- SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH);
- // Get the path
- if SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL, PChar(Result)) then
- Result := PChar(Result)
- else
- Result := '';
- end;
- function SpecialFolderPath(CSIDL: Integer): string;
- {Gets full path to a special file system folder.
- @param CSIDL [in] Identifier of required folder.
- @return Required folder or '' if the special folder is virtual or CSIDL not
- supported.
- }
- var
- PIDL: PItemIDList; // PIDL of the special folder
- begin
- Result := '';
- // Get PIDL for required folder
- if Succeeded(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, CSIDL, PIDL)) then
- begin
- try
- // Get path from PIDL
- Result := PIDLToFolderPath(PIDL);
- finally
- // Free the PIDL using shell allocator
- end;
- end
- end;
- function UserAppDataFolder: string;
- {Gets current user's application data folder.
- @return Required folder.
- }
- begin
- Result := SpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_APPDATA);
- end;
- end.