https://github.com/araddon/demisauce · Python · 111 lines · 83 code · 20 blank · 8 comment · 4 complexity · 19e88d14bced36a7271da38fb3b1a368 MD5 · raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import tornado.auth
- import tornado.httpserver
- import tornado.ioloop
- import tornado.options
- import tornado.web
- import tornado.escape
- from tornado.options import define, options
- import os, logging, functools
- import jinja2
- #from demisaucepy import options as dsoptions
- import demisaucepy.options
- import demisauce
- tornado.options.parse_command_line() # must force load of options for metaclass
- from demisaucepy import cache_setup
- from demisaucepy.cache import DummyCache, MemcacheCache
- import demisauce
- from demisauce import model
- from demisauce.lib.cacheextension import FragmentCacheExtension
- import demisaucepy
- from demisauce.lib import helpers
- from demisauce.appbase import AppBase
- log = logging.getLogger("demisauce")
- SITE_ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
- PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.realpath(SITE_ROOT + '/../../' )
- if "/Users" in SITE_ROOT:
- db_root = os.path.realpath(PROJECT_ROOT + '/database/' )
- else:
- db_root = os.path.realpath(SITE_ROOT + '/' )
- class Jinja2Environment( jinja2.Environment ):
- def load( self, template_path):
- tmpl = self.get_template( template_path )
- if tmpl:
- setattr(tmpl, "generate", tmpl.render)
- return tmpl
- class Application(tornado.web.Application):
- def __init__(self):
- template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "demisauce/views")
- # Have one global connection to the DB across app
- cache_setup.load_cache()
- memcache_cache = MemcacheCache(options.memcached_servers)
- self.db = model.get_database(cache=memcache_cache)
- log.debug("gearman_servers = %s" % options.gearman_servers)
- settings = {
- "title": u"Local 151",
- "template_path": template_path,
- "static_path":os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "demisauce/static"),
- "xsrf_cookies": False,
- "cookie_secret":"32oETzKXQAGaYdkL5gEmGeJJFuYh7EQnp2XdTP1o/Vo=",
- "login_url":"/user/signin",
- "redis_host":options.redis_host,
- "demisauce_url":options.demisauce_url,
- "asset_url":options.asset_url,
- "oauth_callback":("%saccount/" % options.base_url),
- "debug":options.debug,
- "base_url":options.base_url,
- "twitter_consumer_key":options.twitter_consumer_key,
- "twitter_consumer_secret":options.twitter_consumer_secret,
- "facebook_api_key":options.facebook_api_key,
- "facebook_secret":options.facebook_secret,
- "sqlalchemy_default_url":options.sqlalchemy_default_url,
- "sqlalchemy_default_echo":options.sqlalchemy_default_echo,
- #"template_path":template_path,
- }## "ui_modules": {"Entry": EntryModule},
- from demisauce import controllers
- _handlers = [] + controllers._controllers
- from demisauce.controllers import account, home, dashboard, template,\
- admin, site, api, service
- _handlers += account._controllers + \
- home._controllers + dashboard._controllers + template._controllers + \
- admin._controllers + site._controllers + api._controllers + \
- service._controllers
- from demisauce.controllers import CustomErrorHandler
- self.error_handler = CustomErrorHandler
- jinja_env = Jinja2Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_path),
- extensions=[FragmentCacheExtension])
- #jinja_env.fragment_cache = DummyCache()
- jinja_env.fragment_cache = memcache_cache
- # custom filters etc
- jinja_env.filters.update(helpers._filters)
- settings.update({"jinja2_env":jinja_env})
- # start web app
- tornado.web.Application.__init__(self, _handlers, **settings)
- def main():
- application = Application()
- http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
- http_server.listen(options.port)
- tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()