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- Demisauce Web is the web application that hosts web services for use by
- other applications. The library applications for consuming these web
- services are in other projects, depending on which technology you need.
- Installation and Setup
- ======================
- Install `Demisauce <http://github.com/araddon/demisauce/tree/master/install>`_ as an appliance, need VMware, KVM, etc.
- Powered By `Tornado <http://www.tornadoweb.org>`_, MySql, `Gearman <http://www.gearman.org>`_, `Redis <http://www.tornadoweb.org>`_
- Make a config file as follows::
- paster make-config demisauce development.ini
- Tweak the config file as appropriate for your database and settings.
- Also, you can run command line tool to update admin email/pwd and host url::
- paster setup-app development.ini
- paster updatesite -p yourpwd -e sysadmin@demisauce.org -s http://yoursite.com -i development.ini
- the paster "setup-app" will output a "site key" (an api key to update into your
- ini setting). It will also give you your username, password::
- paster serve --reload development.ini
- Development
- ======================
- After making changes to the model, if you are using SQLAlchemy to
- create db, you can write changes to db using: (runs websetup.py setup_config())::
- paster setup-app development.ini
- To delete table's, and reload the fixture one table (or set of
- related tables such as poll's).
- Default ini is library_test.ini::
- paster dataload -c person -i development.ini
- OR
- paster dataload -c site
- ======================
- Use's nosetest, see full `nosetest documentation<http://www.somethingaboutorange.com/mrl/projects/nose/>`_
- To run tests::
- nosetests -s
- run just one file worth of tests::
- nosetests -s test_loads.py
- gets all folders which may have doctest, not just tests::
- nosetests -w ../ --with-doctest -v
- includes test folder for doctests::
- nosetests --with-doctest --doctest-tests
- OR
- python setup.py test