Markdown | 188 lines | 111 code | 77 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 2e08449fdafe4a7f2070c21ecd45d458 MD5 | raw file
- =====
- This project is left here for historical purposes, but it has been eclipsed by other grep replacements like [ack](https://beyondgrep.com/), [silver searcher](https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher), and [ripgrep](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep) (personally, I'm using ripgrep these days).
- Thank you to everyone who contributed to and benefited from grep-fu.
- Grep-Fu
- =======
- Grep-Fu is a very fast, Rails-oriented command-line helper script for grep. It's a ruby wrapper for speeding up text searches within the files of a Rails project. The simplest, common usage:
- grep-fu account_deletion
- This will display a list of files which contain the search text:
- ./app/models/account.rb
- ./app/controllers/accounts_controller.rb
- *NOTE:* Grep-Fu will only work as expected if you are in the root directory of a Rails project!
- Installation
- ------------
- Grep-Fu is now a gem:
- gem install grep-fu
- Often, it can help reduce typing by aliasing the admittedly lengthy "grep-fu" command:
- alias g='grep-fu'
- Putting this (or a similar shortcut) in your .bashrc or .profile will allow you to use a shorthand version of the command:
- g account_deletion
- Even Faster
- -----------
- For more targeted (faster) searches, you can specify one of the following flags to narrow down the search:
- a - app
- m - app/models
- c - app/controllers
- v - app/views
- h - app/helpers
- l - lib
- p - public
- css - public/stylesheets
- js - public/javascripts
- s - spec
- t - test
- vp - vendor/plugins
- mig - db/migrate
- So to search only your helpers for the term "helpless":
- grep-fu h helpless
- Multiple word searches and searches containing special regex characters should be surrounded by quotes:
- grep-fu s "should be tested"
- grep-fu "^[^\?] fishy fishy fishy fish$"
- Running grep-fu without parameters will show you what options are available.
- Off the Beaten Path
- ----------------------------
- Occasionally, you'll want to search a directory that's not defined in one of the targeted paths, but you don't want to scan the entire Rails project. In that case, you can provide a specific directory to grep:
- grep-fu lib/tasks troweler
- You can even step up out of the current directory. Grep-Fu will use any path shortcuts your underlying OS recognizes.
- grep-fu ../../different_rails_project "def similar_method"
- grep-fu ~/Projects/roger_tracking last_known_location
- I want to see what it found!
- ----------------------------
- For more detail, you can add the '--verbose' flag to command:
- grep-fu c budget_dragon --verbose
- This will output the filename, line number, and found line.
- ./app/model/budget.rb:18:
- budget_dragon # Bob in accounting's been drinking again
- This should be used for fairly narrow searches, as it can produce a whole lot of output.
- Thanks go out to [Scotty Moon](http://github.com/scottymoon) for this feature.
- Colors
- ------
- If you'd like to see grep-fu's output in color, add the '--color' flag:
- grep-fu mig ExtraBiggened --color --verbose
- Under most color schemes, the --color option is only useful if --verbose is used as well.
- If you'd rather have color all the time, you can change the setting COLOR_ON_BY_DEFAULT in the code to true. If you do this, then you can use the '--no-color' flag to disable the feature:
- grep-fu mig DoublePlusUnBiggened --no-color
- Thanks go out to [Joshua French](http://github.com/osake) for this feature.
- Single-Line Output
- ------------------
- Sometimes you need to output all the files grep-fu finds onto a single line; for example, when piping the list into another command:
- grep-fu "# Pipe me!" --single-line
- The list of files with matches will display on a single line:
- ./test/unit/calamity_test.rb ./test/unit/havoc_test.rb ./test/unit/mayhem_test.rb...
- This is handy if you want to go ahead and load all the files it finds into a text editor.
- gvim -p `gx "#TODO"`
- Ignoring More Stuff
- ---------------------
- When performing an untargeted search, Grep-fu determines which directories to skip by using the PRUNE_PATHS constant. If you have a directory you'd like to skip searching by default, simply add its path (relative to the Rails root) to PRUNE_PATHS.
- For example, if you have an unusually large set of migrations, you might want to step over them by default. Change the line
- PRUNE_PATHS = ['/.svn', '/.git', '/vendor', '/log', '/public', '/tmp', '/coverage']
- to
- PRUNE_PATHS = ['/.svn', '/.git', '/vendor', '/log', '/public', '/tmp', '/coverage', '/db/migrations']
- And migrations will no longer be searched. Note that targeted searches and specified directories always override the PRUNE_PATHS option.
- Version Information
- -------------------
- Passing the '--version' flag to grep-fu will return the current version.
- grep-fu --version
- returns
- grep-fu 0.5.0
- Technical mumbo-jumbo
- ---------------------
- Grep-Fu speeds up the searching process by only searching the files you care about. It does this by constructing a "find" command which is piped into grep. Find "prunes" the following search directories:
- * public
- * logs
- * vendor
- * tmp
- * coverage
- * .svn
- * .git
- Note that all these directories are still searchable with targeted searches or a directory specification; they're simply not searched by default
- Grep-fu also ignores files larger than 100K, which tend to be unsearchable binaries or SQL dumps.
- The pruning options for find are some of the ugliest in the CLI world. Using Ruby allows us to construct a giant, hideous command that does exactly what we need.
- Note on Patches/Pull Requests
- -----------------------------
- * Fork the project.
- * Make your feature addition or bug fix.
- * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
- (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
- Copyright
- ---------
- Copyright (c) 2010 Eric Budd. See LICENSE for details.