C# | 358 lines | 213 code | 32 blank | 113 comment | 17 complexity | 35e71f1f600492cd17bfebe457eaaaf2 MD5 | raw file
- namespace JumpJump.Runtime
- {
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- /// <summary>
- /// this class use for define a absolute position
- /// 2 dimension X,Y
- /// </summary>
- [Serializable]
- public class Coordinate
- {
- #region Fields
- /// <summary>
- /// how many direction one coordinate have
- /// </summary>
- public const int DirectionCount = 6;
- /// <summary>
- /// x,y delta when go to different direction
- /// delta[i,0]: X
- /// delta[i,1]: Y
- /// new X = X + delta[directionID, 0]
- /// </summary>
- public static int[,] Delta = new int[6, 2]
- {
- { 0, 1 },
- { 1, 1 },
- { 1, 0 },
- { 0, -1 },
- { -1, -1 },
- { -1, 0 },
- };
- /// <summary>
- /// the margin of top for each Y
- /// coorhashY[i] means controls whose Y coordinate is i
- /// in UI have a property canvas.top = coorhashY[i]
- /// </summary>
- public static double[] CoorHashY = new double[18]
- {
- -1, 615, 580, 541, 502, 463, 424, 385.25, 346.5,
- 307.75, 269, 230, 191, 152, 114, 75, 36, 0
- };
- /// <summary>
- /// the margin of left of each X
- /// coorhashX[i] means controls whose X coordinate is i
- /// in UI have a property canvas.top = coorhashX[i]
- /// Careful: this X is not same as X in coordinate class
- /// X in coordinate is oblique (X1)
- /// X here is horizontal (X2)
- /// X2 = start(X1) + offset(X1, Y)
- /// </summary>
- public static double[] CoorHashX = new double[]
- {
- -1,
- 0,
- 21.333,
- 44.666,
- 67.333,
- 90.832,
- 114.207,
- 136.707,
- 160.082,
- 183.914,
- 206.832,
- 228.832,
- 254.332,
- 276.666,
- 298.332,
- 323.332,
- 344.832,
- 369.582,
- 391.332,
- 414.748,
- 437.998,
- 460.123,
- 485.123,
- 508.623,
- 531.498,
- 550
- };
- /// <summary>
- /// each X in coordinate have a start value for X in horizontal
- /// start(X1) = EachXStartWithHashX[i]
- /// </summary>
- public static int[] EachXStartWithHashX = new int[]
- {
- -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11,
- 12, 13, 19, 21, 23, 25
- };
- /// <summary>
- /// initial X value
- /// </summary>
- public int X = -1;
- /// <summary>
- /// initial Y value
- /// </summary>
- public int Y = -1;
- /// <summary>
- /// name and value for each direction
- /// </summary>
- public enum Direction
- {
- // 0 1
- // 5 X 2
- // 4 3
- /// <summary>
- /// 0 position
- /// </summary>
- UpLeft = 0,
- /// <summary>
- /// 1 position
- /// </summary>
- UpRight = 1,
- /// <summary>
- /// 2 position
- /// </summary>
- Right = 2,
- /// <summary>
- /// 3 position
- /// </summary>
- DownRight = 3,
- /// <summary>
- /// 4 position
- /// </summary>
- DownLeft = 4,
- /// <summary>
- /// 5 position
- /// </summary>
- Left = 5,
- }
- #endregion
- #region Constructor
- /// <summary>
- /// Initializes a new instance of the Coordinate class.
- /// Constructor for input x,y
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="x">x value</param>
- /// <param name="y">y value</param>
- public Coordinate(int x, int y)
- {
- this.X = x;
- this.Y = y;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Initializes a new instance of the Coordinate class.
- /// default constructor
- /// </summary>
- public Coordinate()
- {
- }
- #endregion
- #region Public Methods
- /// <summary>
- /// for each (dx, dy), which stand for the mouse position
- /// calculate the (X,Y) value in chessboard
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="dx">mouse position X</param>
- /// <param name="dy">mouse position Y</param>
- /// <param name="x">chessboard position X</param>
- /// <param name="y">chessboard position Y</param>
- public static void TransformDxToX(double dx, double dy, ref int x, ref int y)
- {
- int lineNumY = (int)((dy - 12.5) / 39);
- double pieceCenterY = lineNumY * 39 + 12.5;
- if (dy - pieceCenterY <= 12.5)
- {
- y = lineNumY;
- y = 17 - y;
- }
- else if (pieceCenterY + 39 - dy <= 12.5)
- {
- y = lineNumY + 1;
- y = 17 - y;
- }
- else
- {
- y = -1;
- }
- double k = Math.Sqrt(3.0);
- double b = 170;
- double disX = (k * (dx - 12.5) + 650 - dy - b) / 2;
- int lineNumX = (int)(disX / 40.1);
- double pieceCenterX = lineNumX * 40.1;
- if (Math.Abs(disX - pieceCenterX) <= 12.5)
- {
- x = lineNumX + 1;
- }
- else if (pieceCenterX + 39 - disX <= 12.5)
- {
- x = lineNumX + 2;
- }
- else
- {
- x = -1;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// for each (X, Y) in chessboard
- /// calculate the position of (dx, dy) in UI
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="x">chessboard position X</param>
- /// <param name="y">chessboard position Y</param>
- /// <param name="dx">UI position X</param>
- /// <param name="dy">UI position Y</param>
- public static void TransformXToDx(int x, int y, ref double dx, ref double dy)
- {
- dy = CoorHashY[y];
- int tranX = EachXStartWithHashX[x];
- int offset = Validator.CoordinateRange[x, 1] - y;
- tranX = tranX + offset;
- dx = CoorHashX[tranX];
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// override tostring
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>X = value, Y = value</returns>
- public override string ToString()
- {
- string str = string.Empty;
- str += "X = " + this.X + ", ";
- str += "Y = " + this.Y;
- return str;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// override the hash code of this
- /// </summary>
- /// <returns>(11,11) hash code is 1111</returns>
- public override int GetHashCode()
- {
- return this.X * 100 + this.Y;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// override Equals
- /// if two coordinate have same X and Y, equals
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="obj">object to compare</param>
- /// <returns>true or false</returns>
- public override bool Equals(object obj)
- {
- if (obj is Coordinate)
- {
- Coordinate send = obj as Coordinate;
- if (this.X == send.X && this.Y == send.Y)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Ovverride euqals, compare x,y direcitly
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="x">x coordinate</param>
- /// <param name="y">coordinate</param>
- /// <returns>true or false</returns>
- public bool IsSameCoordinate(int x, int y)
- {
- if (this.X == x && this.Y == y)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// for a given direction, calculate the coordinate
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="dir">direction input</param>
- /// <returns>chessboard position</returns>
- public Coordinate GetNeighbour(Direction dir)
- {
- int x = -1;
- int y = -1;
- switch (dir)
- {
- case Direction.UpLeft:
- x = this.X;
- y = this.Y + 1;
- break;
- case Direction.UpRight:
- x = this.X + 1;
- y = this.Y + 1;
- break;
- case Direction.Right:
- x = this.X + 1;
- y = this.Y;
- break;
- case Direction.DownRight:
- x = this.X;
- y = this.Y - 1;
- break;
- case Direction.DownLeft:
- x = this.X - 1;
- y = this.Y - 1;
- break;
- case Direction.Left:
- x = this.X - 1;
- y = this.Y;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // if is validate position, return a new coordinate
- if (Validator.ValidatePosition(x, y))
- {
- Coordinate coor = new Coordinate(x, y);
- return coor;
- }
- else
- {
- return null;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }