XML | 473 lines | 372 code | 53 blank | 48 comment | 0 complexity | 03a6e08ee9b923ed9d71e8545340ea6a MD5 | raw file
- <!-- jEdit 4.0 Plugin Guide, (C) 2001 John Gellene -->
- <!-- jEdit buffer-local properties: -->
- <!-- :indentSize=1:tabSize=2:noTabs=true:maxLineLen=72: -->
- <!-- This file contains a discussion of the host architecture -->
- <!-- in the jEdit Plugin API -->
- <!-- $Id: host-design.xml 3930 2001-12-02 07:34:52Z spestov $
- -->
- <chapter id="host-design"><title>jEdit as a Plugin Host</title>
- <para>
- A good way to start learning what a plugin requires is to look at what
- the host application does with one. We start our discussion of
- plugins by outlining how jEdit loads and displays them. This section
- only provides a broad overview of the more important components that
- make up jEdit; specifics of the API will be documented in
- subsequent chapters.
- </para>
- <sect1 id="host-design-load"><title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugin API</primary>
- <secondary>loading at startup</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- Loading Plugins</title>
- <para>
- As part of its startup routine, jEdit's <function>main</function>
- method calls various methods to load and initialize plugins.
- This occurs after the application has done the following:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- parsed command line options;
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- started the edit server (unless instructed not to
- by a command line option) and;
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- loaded application properties, any user-supplied properties, and the
- application's set of actions that will be available from jEdit's menu
- bar (as well as the toolbar and keyboard shortcuts);
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- Plugin loading occurs before jEdit creates any windows or loads any files
- for editing. It also occurs before jEdit runs any startup scripts.
- </para>
- <sect2 id="host-design-loader"><title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>JAR class loader</primary>
- </indexterm>
- The JARClassLoader</title>
- <para>
- Plugins are loaded from files with the <filename>.jar</filename>
- filename extension located in the <filename>jars</filename>
- subdirectories of the jEdit installation and user settings directories
- (see <xref linkend="settings-directory" />).
- </para>
- <para>
- For each JAR archive file it finds, jEdit creates an instance of the
- <classname>JARClassLoader</classname> class. This is a jEdit-specific
- class
- that implements the Java platform's abstract class
- <classname>ClassLoader</classname>. The constructor for the
- <classname>JARClassLoader</classname> object does the following:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- Adds any class file with a name ending with
- <filename>Plugin.class</filename> to an internal collection of
- plugin class names maintained by the
- <classname>JARClassLoader</classname>. See <xref
- linkend="plugin-classes" />.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- Loads any properties defined in files ending with
- the extension <filename>.props</filename> that are contained
- in the archive. See <xref linkend="api-resource-properties" />.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- Loads as stored BeanShell code the routine for creating a
- docking or floating window containing the visible components of
- each plugin contained in the archive. This code is contained in an
- XML file named <filename>dockables.xml</filename> and located at the top
- level of the archive file. See <xref linkend="api-resources-activiation" />.
- This file is required if the plugin provides for a docking or
- floating window.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- Loads any data on the plugin's actions from a file named
- <filename>actions.xml</filename> (if it exists) located at the
- top level of the archive file. See <xref
- linkend="api-resources-action" />.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- Adds to a collection maintained by jEdit a new object of
- type <classname>EditPlugin.JAR</classname>. This is a data structure
- holding the name of the jar archive file, a reference to the
- <classname>JARClassLoader</classname> and a collection,
- initially empty, of plugins found in the archive file.
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>
- Once all plugin JAR files have been examined for the above resources,
- jEdit initializes all class files whose names end in
- <filename>Plugin.class</filename>, as identified in the first pass
- through the JAR archive. We will call these classes
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugin API</primary>
- <secondary>plugin core class</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <firstterm>plugin core classes</firstterm>. Plugin core classes provide
- the principal point of contact between jEdit and the plugin, and
- must extend jEdit's abstract <classname>EditPlugin</classname> class.
- Use of a class name ending in <classname>Plugin</classname> is also
- required.
- </para>
- <para>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugins</primary>
- <secondary>dependencies</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- For each plugin core class, the loader first checks the plugin's
- properties to see if it is subject to any dependencies. For example, a
- plugin may require that the version of the Java runtime environment or
- of jEdit itself be equal to or above some threshold version. A plugin
- can also require the presence of another plugin. If any dependency is
- not satisified, the loader marks the plugin as <quote>broken</quote> and
- logs an error message.
- </para>
- <para>
- If all dependencies are satisfied, a new instance
- of the plugin core class is created and added to the collection
- maintained by the appropriate <classname>EditPlugin.JAR</classname>
- object. By
- accessing that object, jEdit can keep track of plugins it has
- successfully loaded, and call methods or perform routines on them.
- </para>
- <sidebar><title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugin API</primary>
- <secondary>using class libraries</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- Additional class libraries for plugins</title>
- <para>
- JAR files with no plugin core classes are also loaded by jEdit; no special
- initialization is performed on them, and the classes they contain are
- made available to other plugins. For example, many plugins that rely on
- third-party class libraries ship them as separate JAR archives.
- </para>
- <para>
- A plugin that bundles extra JAR archives must define a property that
- lists these JAR files in order for the plugin manager to be able to
- remove the plugin completely. See <xref
- linkend="api-resource-properties" />.
- </para>
- </sidebar>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="host-design-plugin-start"><title>Starting the Plugin</title>
- <para>
- After creating and storing the plugin core object, jEdit calls the
- <function>start()</function> method of the plugin core class.
- Because this method is defined as an empty <quote>no-op</quote> in the
- <classname>EditPlugin</classname> abstract class, a plugin need not
- provide its own implementation if the plugin does not require its
- own initialization. If the only initialization required is to register
- the plugin core object with the EditBus, it is better to do that
- simply by deriving the class from <classname>EBPlugin</classname>
- instead of <classname>EditPlugin</classname>.
- </para>
- <!--
- <para>
- The
- <function>start()</function> method can perform initialization of the
- object's data
- members. It can also register itself with
- jEdit's <firstterm>EditBus</firstterm> object, which manages messaging
- between plugins and the host application. We will discuss the
- EditBus in more detail in <xref linkend="host-display-manager" />
- and <xref linkend="api-message" />.
- </para>
- -->
- <para>
- At this point, we can identify the following practical requirements
- for a plugin:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- it must be packaged as a JAR archive;
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- the JAR archive must contain an XML data file named
- <filename>dockables.xml</filename> containing code on how the plugin will
- create a docking or floating window when it is activated;
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- if the plugin requires initialization when jEdit starts up,
- the JAR archive must contain at least one plugin core
- class whose name ends in <filename>Plugin</filename> and which
- extends the <classname>EditPlugin</classname> abstract class;
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- the JAR archive may contain data concerning actions for display
- in jEdit's menu bar and elsewhere in a file entitled
- <filename>actions.xml</filename>; and
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- the archive must contain
- at least one properties file having a <filename>.props</filename>
- extension. Certain properties giving information
- about the plugin must be defined.
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- We will provide more detail on these requirements later.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="host-design-display"><title>The User Interface of a Plugin</title>
- <para>
- <!-- To display a user interface, plugins can either directly extend Java's
- <classname>JFrame</classname>, <classname>JDialog</classname>, or
- <classname>JWindow</classname> classes, or use jEdit's dockable window
- API. Plugin windows are typically defined in classes that are
- part of the plugin package but separate from the plugin core
- class. -->
- To display a user interface, plugins provide a top-level component
- derived (directly or indirectly) from the Swing
- <classname>JComponent</classname> class. This component will be
- embedded in a docking of floating window created by the Plugin API. It
- is typically defined in a class that is part of the plugin package but
- separate from the plugin core class (if one exists).
- </para>
- <sect2 id="host-display-view"><title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>View</primary>
- <secondary>use in Plugin API</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugin API</primary>
- <secondary>use of View object</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- The Role of the View Object</title>
- <para>
- A <classname>View</classname> is jEdit's top-level frame window that
- contains one or more (if the view is split) text areas, a menu bar,
- a toolbar and other window
- decorations, as well as docked plugin components. The
- <classname>View</classname> class
- performs two important operations that deal
- with plugins: creating plugin menu items, and managing dockable
- windows.
- </para>
- <para>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugin API</primary>
- <secondary>menu creation</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- When a view is being created, its initialization routine
- iterates through the collection of loaded plugins and calls
- the <function>createMenuItems()</function> method of
- each plugin core class. In the parent class,
- <classname>EditPlugin</classname>, this method is an empty
- <quote>no-op</quote>. In order to add items to jEdit's menu bar
- under the <guilabel>Plugins</guilabel> heading, the plugin core class
- supplies its own version of <function>createMenuItems()</function>.
- As we will explain in the next chapter,
- the typical plugin, instead of creating Java
- <classname>JMenu</classname> and <classname>JMenuItem</classname>
- objects directly, relies on a method in a utility class to
- create menu entries.
- </para>
- <para>
- The <classname>View</classname> also creates and initializes a
- <classname>DockableWindowManager</classname> object. This object is
- responsible for creating, closing and managing dockable windows.
- </para>
- <para>
- The <classname>View</classname> class contains a number of methods
- that can be called from plugins; see <xref linkend="class-view" /> for
- details.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="host-display-manager">
- <title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugin API</primary>
- <secondary>DockableWindowManager class</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>DockableWindowManager</primary>
- <secondary>use in Plugin API</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- The DockableWindowManager and the EditBus</title>
- <para>
- The <classname>DockableWindowManager</classname> keeps track of docked
- and floating windows. When the <classname>View</classname> object
- initializes its <classname>DockableWindowManager</classname>, the
- manager iterates through the list of registered dockable windows and
- examines options supplied by the user in the <guilabel>Global
- Options</guilabel> dialog box. It displays any windows that the user
- designated as <quote>auto open</quote>. The
- <classname>DockableWindowManager</classname> object is also invoked
- whenever the user requests a dockable window is opened or closed.
- </para>
- <para>
- The <classname>DockableWindowManager</classname> creates and displays
- plugin windows by routing messages through the application's
- <classname>EditBus</classname> object that we mentioned earlier. The
- EditBus mantains a list of objects that have requested to receive
- messages. When a message is sent using this class, all registered
- components receive it in turn.
- </para>
- <para>
- Plugins register with the EditBus to receive messages reflecting
- changes in the application's state, including changes in buffers,
- views and editing pane, changes in the set of propoerties maintained
- by the application, and the closing of the application. A full list
- of message classes used by the EditBus are summarized beginning with
- <xref linkend="class-EBMessage"/>.
- </para>
- <para>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugin API</primary>
- <secondary>EBComponent class</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- Classes for objects that subscribe to the EditBus must implement the
- <classname>EBComponent</classname> interface, which defines the single
- method <function>handleMessage()</function>. A
- <classname>View</classname>, for example, can receive and handle EditBus
- messages because it also implements <classname>EBComponent</classname>.
- </para>
- <para>
- Any class in a plugin can receive messages by providing an
- implementation of the <classname>EBComponent</classname>
- interface. A <quote>plugin core class</quote> that implements the
- <classname>EBPlugin</classname> interface (and whose name ends with
- <quote>Plugin</quote> for identification purposes) will automtically be
- added to the EditBus during jEdit's startup routine. Any other
- class - for example, a docking window component that needs to receive
- notification of buffer changes - must perform its own registration by calling
- <function>EditBus.addToBus(this)</function> during its initialization.
- If this class if derived from <classname>JComponent</classname>, a
- convenient place to register would be in an implementation of the
- <classname>JComponent</classname> method
- <function>addNotify()</function>.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="host-display-message">
- <title>
- <indexterm>
- <primary>Plugin API</primary>
- <secondary>creating dockable windows</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- Dockable Window Creation</title>
- <para>
- To activate a plugin window, the
- <classname>DockableWindowManager</classname> finds and executes the
- BeanShell code extracted from the plugin's
- <filename>dockables.xml</filename> file during application startup. This
- code will typically consist of a call to the constructor of the docking
- window component that passes two parameters: the
- <classname>View</classname> associated with the docking window
- component, and a<classname>String</classname> representing the compnent's
- docking or floating position. The return value of the constructor call
- is stored
- </para>
- <para>
- As a final step in plugin activation, the manager creates another window
- object that will contain the object returned by this constructor call.
- This object
- implements the <classname>DockableWindowContainer</classname> interface;
- depending on the settings for the plugin selected by the user, it will
- either be a tabbed window pane in one of the docked windows attached
- to the <classname>View</classname> object, or a separate, floating frame
- window. Plugins need not be aware of the implementation details of the
- container.
- </para>
- <para>
- Eventually the <classname>DockableWindowManager</classname> destroys
- the plugin window,
- whether docking or floating, in response to user action or as
- part of the destruction of the corresponding <classname>View</classname>
- object.
- </para>
- <para>
- The <classname>DockableWindowManager</classname> and
- <classname>EditBus</classname> classes contain a number of methods
- that can be called from plugins; see <xref linkend="class-view" /> for
- details.
- </para>
- <!--
- <para>
- This summary shows that a plugin wishing to use the dockable window
- API has the following additional requirements:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- the plugin class must extend <classname>EBPlugin</classname>
- instead of <classname>EditPlugin</classname> in order to
- receive the <classname>CreateDockableWindow</classname> message;
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- it must register its dockable windows in its
- <function>start()</function> method; and
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- it must create and arrange any dockable windows it provides
- in response to the appropriate
- <classname>CreateDockableWindow</classname> message;
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- -->
- <para>
- With this broad outline of how jEdit behaves as a plugin host in the
- background, we will next review the programming elements that make up
- a plugin.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- </chapter>