Unknown | 61 lines | 51 code | 10 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 02057685cef6ea8713b94358f411731e MD5 | raw file
- /**
- Run a command in its own in its own private global namespace, with its
- own class manager and interpeter context. (kind of like unix "chroot" for
- a namespace).
- The root bsh system object is extended (with the extend() command) and
- made visible here, so that general system info (e.g. current working
- directory) is effectively inherited. Because the root bsh object is
- extended it is effectively read only / copy on write...
- e.g. you can change directories in the child context, do imports, change
- the classpath, etc. and it will not affect the calling context.
- <p>
- run() is like source() except that it runs the command in a new,
- subordinate and prune()'d namespace. So it's like "running" a command
- instead of "sourcing" it. run() teturns the object context in which the
- command was run.
- <p>
- Returns the object context so that you can gather results.
- <p>
- Parameter runArgument an argument passed to the child context under the
- name runArgument. e.g. you might pass in the calling This context
- from which to draw variables, etc.
- <p>
- @return Returns the object context so that you can gather results.
- @param runArgument an argument passed to the child context under the
- name runArgument. e.g. you might pass in the calling This context
- from which to draw variables, etc.
- */
- bsh.help.run= "usage: Thread run( filename )";
- run( String filename, Object runArgument )
- {
- // Our local namespace is going to be the new root (global)
- // make local copies of the system stuff.
- //
- // Extend the root system object
- // this is problematic... probably need more here...
- this.bsh=extend(global.bsh);
- this.bsh.help=extend(bsh.help);
- // save the classpath before pruning
- this.cp = this.caller.namespace.getClassManager()
- .getClassPath().getUserClassPathComponents();
- // Cut us off... make us the root (global) namespace for this command
- // Prune() will also create a new class manager for us.
- this.namespace.prune();
- // Inherit user classpath
- this.namespace.getClassManager().setClassPath( cp );
- this.interpreter.source( filename, this.namespace );
- return this;
- }
- run( String filename ) {
- run( filename, null );
- }