Python | 439 lines | 365 code | 45 blank | 29 comment | 12 complexity | 1effb69fef4e2b96e1b65d07a469fc0a MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
- #
- # Revelation - a password manager for GNOME 2
- # http://oss.codepoet.no/revelation/
- # $Id$
- #
- # Module for handling GPass data
- #
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erik Grinaker
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- #
- import base
- from revelation import data, entry
- import locale, re
- from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
- from Crypto.Hash import SHA
- IV = "\x05\x17\x01\x7b\x0c\x03\x36\x5e"
- def decrypt(ciphertext, password, magic = None):
- "Decrypts a data stream"
- # decrypt data
- if len(ciphertext) % 8 != 0:
- raise base.FormatError
- key = SHA.new(password).digest()
- cipher = Blowfish.new(key, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, IV)
- plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
- # check magic string
- if magic != None:
- if plaintext[:len(magic)] != magic:
- raise base.PasswordError
- else:
- plaintext = plaintext[len(magic):]
- # remove padding
- padchar = plaintext[-1]
- if plaintext[-ord(padchar):] != padchar * ord(padchar):
- raise base.FormatError
- plaintext = plaintext[:-ord(padchar)]
- return plaintext
- def encrypt(plaintext, password):
- "Encrypts a data stream"
- # right-pad data
- padlen = 8 - len(plaintext) % 8
- if padlen == 0:
- padlen = 8
- plaintext += chr(padlen) * padlen
- # encrypt data
- key = SHA.new(password).digest()
- cipher = Blowfish.new(key, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, IV)
- return cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
- class GPass04(base.DataHandler):
- "Data handler for GPass 0.4.x data"
- name = "GPass 0.4.x"
- importer = True
- exporter = True
- encryption = True
- def __init__(self):
- base.DataHandler.__init__(self)
- def export_data(self, entrystore, password):
- "Exports data to a data stream"
- data = "GNOME Password Manager\n"
- iter = entrystore.iter_nth_child(None, 0)
- while iter is not None:
- e = entrystore.get_entry(iter)
- if type(e) != entry.FolderEntry:
- e = e.convert_generic()
- data += e.name + "\n"
- data += e[entry.UsernameField] + "\n"
- data += e[entry.PasswordField] + "\n"
- data += e[entry.HostnameField] + "\n"
- data += str(e.updated) + "\n"
- data += str(e.updated) + "\n"
- data += "0\n"
- data += str(len(e.description) + 1) + "\n"
- data += e.description + "\n"
- iter = entrystore.iter_traverse_next(iter)
- return encrypt(data, password)
- def import_data(self, input, password):
- "Imports data from a data stream to an entrystore"
- plaintext = decrypt(input, password, "GNOME Password Manager\n")
- entrystore = data.EntryStore()
- lines = plaintext.splitlines()
- while len(lines) > 0:
- e = entry.GenericEntry()
- e.name = lines[0]
- e[entry.UsernameField] = lines[1]
- e[entry.PasswordField] = lines[2]
- e[entry.HostnameField] = lines[3]
- e.updated = int(lines[5])
- desclen = int(lines[7])
- if e[entry.HostnameField] == "http://":
- e[entry.HostnameField] = ""
- del lines[:8]
- d = ""
- while len(d) < desclen and len(lines) > 0:
- d += lines[0] + "\n"
- del lines[0]
- e.description = re.sub("[\r\n]+", " ", d).strip()
- entrystore.add_entry(e)
- return entrystore
- class GPass05(base.DataHandler):
- "Data handler for GPass 0.5.x data"
- name = "GPass 0.5.x (or newer)"
- importer = True
- exporter = True
- encryption = True
- def __init__(self):
- base.DataHandler.__init__(self)
- def __getint(self, input):
- "Fetches an integer from the input"
- if len(input) < 4:
- raise base.FormatError
- return ord(input[0]) << 0 | ord(input[1]) << 8 | ord(input[2]) << 16 | ord(input[3]) << 24
- def __getstr(self, input):
- "Fetches a string from the input"
- length = self.__getint(input[:4])
- if len(input) < (4 + length):
- raise base.FormatError
- string = input[4:4 + length]
- if len(string) != length:
- raise base.FormatError
- return string
- def __mkint(self, input):
- "Creates a string-representation of an integer"
- string = ""
- for i in range(4):
- string += chr(input >> i * 8 & 0xff)
- return string
- def __mkstr(self, input):
- "Makes a string suitable for inclusion in the data stream"
- return self.__mkint(len(input)) + input
- def __normstr(self, string):
- "Normalizes a string"
- string = re.sub("[\r\n]+", " ", string)
- string = string.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding(), "replace")
- string = string.encode("utf-8", "replace")
- return string
- def __packint(self, input):
- "Packs an integer"
- if input == 0:
- return "\x00"
- string = ""
- while input > 0:
- c = input % 0x80
- input = input / 0x80
- if input > 0:
- c |= 0x80
- string += chr(c)
- return string
- def __packstr(self, input):
- "Packs a string"
- return self.__packint(len(input)) + input
- def __unpackint(self, input):
- "Fetches a packed number from the input"
- value = 0
- b = 1
- for i in range(min(len(input), 6)):
- c = ord(input[i])
- if c & 0x80:
- value += b * (c & 0x7f)
- b *= 0x80;
- else:
- value += b * c
- return i + 1, value
- # if we didn't return in the for-loop, the input is invalid
- else:
- raise base.FormatError
- def __unpackstr(self, input):
- "Unpacks a string from the input"
- cut, length = self.__unpackint(input[:6])
- if len(input) < cut + length:
- raise base.FormatError
- return cut + length, input[cut:cut + length]
- def export_data(self, entrystore, password):
- "Exports data from an entrystore"
- plaintext = "GPassFile version 1.1.0"
- iter = entrystore.iter_children(None)
- id = 0
- foldermap = {}
- while iter != None:
- id += 1
- path = entrystore.get_path(iter)
- parentpath = path[:-1]
- if len(parentpath) > 0 and foldermap.has_key(parentpath):
- parentid = foldermap[parentpath]
- else:
- parentid = 0
- e = entrystore.get_entry(iter)
- if type(e) == entry.FolderEntry:
- foldermap[path] = id
- elif type(e) != entry.GenericEntry:
- e = e.convert_generic()
- entrydata = ""
- entrydata += self.__mkint(id)
- entrydata += self.__mkint(parentid)
- entrydata += self.__mkstr(type(e) == entry.FolderEntry and "folder" or "general")
- attrdata = ""
- attrdata += self.__packstr(e.name)
- attrdata += self.__packstr(e.description)
- attrdata += self.__packint(e.updated)
- attrdata += self.__packint(e.updated)
- attrdata += self.__packint(0)
- attrdata += self.__packint(0)
- if type(e) == entry.GenericEntry:
- attrdata += self.__packstr(e[entry.UsernameField])
- attrdata += self.__packstr(e[entry.PasswordField])
- attrdata += self.__packstr(e[entry.HostnameField])
- entrydata += self.__mkstr(attrdata)
- plaintext += entrydata
- iter = entrystore.iter_traverse_next(iter)
- return encrypt(plaintext, password)
- def import_data(self, input, password):
- "Imports data from a data stream to an entrystore"
- plaintext = decrypt(input, password, "GPassFile version 1.1.0")
- entrystore = data.EntryStore()
- foldermap = {}
- while len(plaintext) > 0:
- # parse data
- id = self.__getint(plaintext[:4])
- plaintext = plaintext[4:]
- parentid = self.__getint(plaintext[:4])
- plaintext = plaintext[4:]
- entrytype = self.__getstr(plaintext)
- plaintext = plaintext[4 + len(entrytype):]
- attrdata = self.__getstr(plaintext)
- plaintext = plaintext[4 + len(attrdata):]
- l, name = self.__unpackstr(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- l, desc = self.__unpackstr(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- l, ctime = self.__unpackint(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- l, mtime = self.__unpackint(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- l, expire = self.__unpackint(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- l, etime = self.__unpackint(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- if entrytype == "general":
- l, username = self.__unpackstr(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- l, password = self.__unpackstr(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- l, hostname = self.__unpackstr(attrdata)
- attrdata = attrdata[l:]
- else:
- username = password = hostname = ""
- # create entry
- if entrytype == "general":
- e = entry.GenericEntry()
- e.name = self.__normstr(name)
- e.description = self.__normstr(desc)
- e.updated = mtime
- e[entry.HostnameField] = self.__normstr(hostname)
- e[entry.UsernameField] = self.__normstr(username)
- e[entry.PasswordField] = self.__normstr(password)
- elif entrytype == "folder":
- e = entry.FolderEntry()
- e.name = self.__normstr(name)
- e.description = self.__normstr(desc)
- e.updated = mtime
- else:
- continue
- # add entry to entrystore
- if foldermap.has_key(parentid):
- parent = foldermap[parentid]
- else:
- parent = None
- iter = entrystore.add_entry(e, parent)
- if type(e) == entry.FolderEntry:
- foldermap[id] = iter
- return entrystore