C | 313 lines | 200 code | 42 blank | 71 comment | 20 complexity | 48e7e883de8aac3cdcb8fa6b1036052d MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0, AGPL-1.0
- /**
- * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2010, Vrai Stacey.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- #include <fudge/fudge.h>
- #include <fudge/envelope.h>
- #include <fudge/codec.h>
- #include <fudge/string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* For more basic examples of Fudge-C use, see the "simple.c" and
- "prettyprint.c" files that should be in the same directory as this one.
- This file demostrates the registering and use of user types with the Fudge
- API.
- A custom type must have an encoding function (takes a FudgeField instance
- holding the type and encodes it on to an array of bytes), a decoding
- function (constructs a FudgeField instance of the type from an array of
- of bytes) and a type coercion function (converts a FudgeField instance of
- the type in to other types).
- In addition to these, the example uses a custom addField implementation.
- This is not required but is recommended as it allows the new type to added
- to messages in the same manner as built in types.
- */
- /* The user type - a simple address details record */
- typedef enum
- {
- Status_Unknown,
- Status_Active,
- Status_Past
- } AddressStatus;
- typedef struct
- {
- AddressStatus status;
- fudge_i16 house_number;
- char street_name [ ADDRESSDETAILS_NAME_FIELD_LEN ];
- char postal_code [ ADDRESSDETAILS_POST_FIELD_LEN ];
- } AddressDetails;
- /* Utility field to add an AddressDetails structure to a FudgeMsg. Not
- required, but allows the user type to match the standard Fudge-C API. */
- FudgeStatus FudgeMsg_addFieldAddressDetails ( FudgeMsg message,
- const FudgeString name,
- const fudge_i16 * ordinal,
- const AddressDetails * details )
- {
- if ( ! ( message && details ) )
- return FudgeMsg_addFieldOpaque ( message,
- name,
- ordinal,
- ( const fudge_byte * ) details,
- sizeof ( AddressDetails ) );
- }
- /* Encoding and decoding functions for AddressDetails. These are required
- if a type is to be used by Fudge. */
- FudgeStatus FudgeCodec_encodeFieldAddressDetails ( const FudgeField * field,
- fudge_byte * * data )
- {
- /* The FudgeMsg_addFieldAddressDetails would have simply copied the
- structure in to a byte array. */
- const AddressDetails * details = ( const AddressDetails * ) field->data.bytes;
- /* First, encode the length of the field */
- FudgeCodec_encodeFieldLength ( field->numbytes, data );
- /* Second, add the fields in turn. Use the encoding functions provided
- by the Fudge API to ensure endian correctness and that the target
- pointer is correctly advanced after each write. */
- FudgeCodec_encodeI32 ( ( fudge_i32 ) details->status, data );
- FudgeCodec_encodeI16 ( details->house_number, data );
- FudgeCodec_encodeByteArray ( ( const fudge_byte * ) details->street_name,
- FUDGE_TRUE, data );
- FudgeCodec_encodeByteArray ( ( const fudge_byte * ) details->city,
- FUDGE_TRUE, data );
- FudgeCodec_encodeByteArray ( ( const fudge_byte * ) details->postal_code,
- FUDGE_TRUE, data );
- return FUDGE_OK;
- }
- FudgeStatus FudgeCodec_decodeFieldAddressDetails ( const fudge_byte * bytes,
- const fudge_i32 width,
- FudgeFieldData * data )
- {
- AddressDetails * details;
- /* Make sure that field is of the expected size */
- if ( width != sizeof ( AddressDetails ) )
- /* Allocate the target structure and point the data structure's byte
- pointer at it. This memory will be owned by the parent FudgeMsg. */
- if ( ! ( details = ( AddressDetails * ) malloc ( width ) ) )
- data->bytes = ( const fudge_byte * ) details;
- /* Decode and copy in the integer values, advancing the source bytes
- pointer after each one */
- details->status = ( AddressStatus ) FudgeCodec_decodeI32 ( bytes );
- bytes += sizeof ( fudge_i32 );
- details->house_number = FudgeCodec_decodeI16 ( bytes );
- bytes += sizeof ( fudge_i16 );
- /* Copy in the string components and advance the source bytes pointer */
- memcpy ( details->street_name, bytes, ADDRESSDETAILS_NAME_FIELD_LEN );
- memcpy ( details->city, bytes, ADDRESSDETAILS_CITY_FIELD_LEN );
- memcpy ( details->postal_code, bytes, ADDRESSDETAILS_POST_FIELD_LEN );
- return FUDGE_OK;
- }
- /* Type coercing function for AddressDetails. Required, but can simply refuse
- to coerce the value (returning either FUDGE_COERCION_NOT_REQUIRED if the
- types match or FUDGE_INVALID_TYPE_COERCION if not).
- For this example a simple string conversion is supported. */
- FudgeStatus FudgeType_coerceAddressDetails ( const FudgeField * source,
- const fudge_type_id type,
- FudgeFieldData * target,
- fudge_i32 * numbytes )
- {
- /* Used for string output */
- static const char * statusString [ 3 ] = { "Unknown", "Active", "Past" };
- size_t statusInt;
- switch ( type )
- {
- {
- FudgeStatus status;
- char * tempstr;
- const AddressDetails * details = ( const AddressDetails * ) source->data.bytes;
- int stringlen;
- /* Calculate how much space will be needed for the string and set
- the return value */
- /* Allocate string space in temporary buffer */
- if ( ! ( tempstr = ( char * ) malloc ( stringlen ) ) )
- /* Encode string - yes snprintf is better, but it's not portable
- enough for the example code. */
- statusInt = ( size_t ) ( details->status >= 0 && details->status <= 3 ? details->status
- : Status_Unknown );
- sprintf ( tempstr,
- "[%s] %d %s, %s. %s.",
- statusString [ statusInt ],
- details->house_number,
- details->street_name,
- details->city,
- details->postal_code );
- /* Use the temporary string to create the return value FudgeString */
- status = FudgeString_createFromASCIIZ ( &( target->string ), tempstr );
- free ( tempstr );
- *numbytes = FudgeString_getSize ( target->string );
- return status;
- }
- default:
- }
- }
- void fatalFudgeError ( FudgeStatus status, const char * context );
- AddressDetails * constructAddressDetails ( AddressStatus status,
- fudge_i16 number,
- const char * street,
- const char * city,
- const char * postal );
- int main ( int argc, char * argv [ ] )
- {
- FudgeStatus status;
- FudgeMsg message;
- FudgeMsgEnvelope envelope;
- AddressDetails * details [ 2 ];
- fudge_i16 ordinal;
- fudge_byte * encoded;
- fudge_i32 encodedsize;
- /* Initialise the Fudge library */
- if ( ( status = Fudge_init ( ) ) )
- fatalFudgeError ( status, "Failed to initialise Fudge library" );
- /* Register the AddressDetails type */
- if ( ( status = FudgeRegistry_registerType ( FUDGE_TYPE_ADDRESSDETAILS,
- FudgeCodec_decodeFieldAddressDetails,
- FudgeCodec_encodeFieldAddressDetails,
- FudgeType_coerceAddressDetails ) ) )
- fatalFudgeError ( status, "Failed to register AddressDetails type" );
- /* Construct and encode two address details */
- details [ 0 ] = constructAddressDetails ( Status_Past, 123, "Fake St.", "Some City", "P05 T4L" );
- details [ 1 ] = constructAddressDetails ( Status_Active, 45, "Faux Road", "Some Town", "FUD 63C" );
- /* Create a message and add the two details */
- if ( ( status = FudgeMsg_create ( &message ) ) )
- fatalFudgeError ( status, "Failed to create Fudge message" );
- for ( ordinal = 0; ordinal < 2; ++ordinal )
- FudgeMsg_addFieldAddressDetails ( message, 0, &ordinal, details [ ordinal ] );
- /* Encode the message */
- if ( ( status = FudgeMsgEnvelope_create ( &envelope, 0, 0, 0, message ) ) )
- fatalFudgeError ( status, "Failed to create Fudge messag envelope" );
- if ( ( status = FudgeCodec_encodeMsg ( envelope, &encoded, &encodedsize ) ) )
- fatalFudgeError ( status, "Failed to encode Fudge message" );
- /* Clean up source details and messge */
- free ( details [ 0 ] );
- free ( details [ 1 ] );
- FudgeMsgEnvelope_release ( envelope );
- FudgeMsg_release ( message );
- /* Decode the message and release the encoded bytes array */
- if ( ( status = FudgeCodec_decodeMsg ( &envelope, encoded, encodedsize ) ) )
- fatalFudgeError ( status, "Failed to decode Fudge message" );
- free ( encoded );
- /* Retrieve, convert and display the fields */
- for ( ordinal = 0; ordinal < 2; ++ordinal )
- {
- FudgeField field;
- FudgeFieldData data;
- FudgeTypePayload payload;
- fudge_i32 datasize;
- char * ascii;
- if ( ( status = FudgeMsg_getFieldByOrdinal ( &field, FudgeMsgEnvelope_getMessage ( envelope ), ordinal ) ) )
- fatalFudgeError ( status, "Failed to find field" );
- /* Convert the field in to a string */
- if ( ( status = FudgeMsg_getFieldAs ( &field, FUDGE_TYPE_STRING, &data, &payload, &datasize ) ) )
- fatalFudgeError ( status, "Failed to convert field to string" );
- /* This is a bit paranoid, but it's checking that the string
- conversion actually resulted in string payload */
- if ( payload != FUDGE_TYPE_PAYLOAD_STRING )
- {
- fprintf ( stderr, "FATAL ERROR: Retrieving field %d as a string returned a non-string!\n", ordinal );
- exit ( 1 );
- }
- FudgeString_convertToASCIIZ ( &ascii, data.string );
- printf ( "Field %d: %s\n", ordinal, ascii );
- free ( ascii );
- FudgeString_release ( data.string );
- }
- /* Clean up */
- FudgeMsgEnvelope_release ( envelope );
- return 0;
- }
- void fatalFudgeError ( FudgeStatus status, const char * context )
- {
- fprintf ( stderr, "FATAL ERROR: %s : %s\n", context, FudgeStatus_strerror ( status ) );
- exit ( 1 );
- }
- AddressDetails * constructAddressDetails ( AddressStatus status,
- fudge_i16 number,
- const char * street,
- const char * city,
- const char * postal )
- {
- AddressDetails * details = ( AddressDetails * ) malloc ( sizeof ( AddressDetails ) );
- details->status = status;
- details->house_number = number;
- strncpy ( details->street_name, street, ADDRESSDETAILS_NAME_FIELD_LEN );
- strncpy ( details->city, city, ADDRESSDETAILS_CITY_FIELD_LEN );
- strncpy ( details->postal_code, postal, ADDRESSDETAILS_POST_FIELD_LEN );
- return details;
- }