Python | 134 lines | 58 code | 52 blank | 24 comment | 7 complexity | 3a3b17254ad0659e1f619c2782563288 MD5 | raw file
- ''' Auxiliary functions for development test suite.
- '''
- __all__ = ['distributeInput', 'finish', 'cleanup', \
- 'startLogging']
- # standard library
- import logging
- import socket
- import shutil
- import glob
- import os
- # subproject library
- import grmpy.tests.random.modules.clsMail
- ''' Logging.
- '''
- def startLogging():
- ''' Start logging of performance.
- '''
- logging.captureWarnings(True)
- logger = logging.getLogger('DEV-TEST')
- formatter = logging.Formatter(' %(asctime)s %(message)s \n', datefmt = '%I:%M:%S %p')
- handler = logging.FileHandler('logging.test.txt', mode = 'w')
- handler.setFormatter(formatter)
- logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- logger.addHandler(handler)
- ''' Auxiliary functions.
- '''
- def distributeInput(parser):
- ''' Check input for estimation script.
- '''
- # Parse arguments.
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # Distribute arguments.
- hours = args.hours
- # Assertions.
- assert (isinstance(hours, float))
- assert (hours > 0.0)
- # Finishing.
- return hours
- def finish(dict_, HOURS):
- ''' Finishing up a run of the testing battery.
- '''
- # Antibugging.
- assert (isinstance(dict_, dict))
- # Auxiliary objects.
- hostname = socket.gethostname()
- # Finish logging.
- with open('logging.test.txt', 'a') as file_:
- file_.write(' Summary \n\n')
- str_ = ' Test {0:<10} Success {1:<10} Failures {2:<10}\n'
- for label in sorted(dict_.keys()):
- success = dict_[label]['success']
- failure = dict_[label]['failure']
- file_.write(str_.format(label, success, failure))
- file_.write('\n')
- # Send notification.
- subject = ' grmToolbox: Completed Testing Battery '
- message = ' A ' + str(HOURS) +' hour run of the testing battery on @' + hostname + ' is completed.'
- mailObj = modules.clsMail.mailCls()
- mailObj.setAttr('subject', subject)
- mailObj.setAttr('message', message)
- mailObj.setAttr('attachment', 'logging.test.txt')
- mailObj.lock()
- mailObj.send()
- def cleanup():
- ''' Cleanup after test battery.
- '''
- files = []
- files = files + glob.glob('*.grm.*')
- files = files + glob.glob('.grm.*')
- files = files + glob.glob('*.ini')
- files = files + glob.glob('*.pkl')
- files = files + glob.glob('*.txt')
- files = files + glob.glob('*.dat')
- for file_ in files:
- try:
- os.remove(file_)
- except OSError:
- pass
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(file_)
- except OSError:
- pass