Java | 338 lines | 294 code | 23 blank | 21 comment | 2 complexity | 5695287be12d4b07dd72dbe8b385f1c1 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- /*
- * Licensed to Metamarkets Group Inc. (Metamarkets) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. Metamarkets licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- package io.druid.query.extraction.namespace;
- import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
- import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotationIntrospectorPair;
- import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.GuiceAnnotationIntrospector;
- import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.GuiceInjectableValues;
- import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
- import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
- import com.google.inject.Binder;
- import com.google.inject.Guice;
- import com.google.inject.Module;
- import io.druid.guice.annotations.Json;
- import io.druid.jackson.DefaultObjectMapper;
- import org.junit.Assert;
- import org.junit.Test;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.Map;
- /**
- *
- */
- public class URIExtractionNamespaceTest
- {
- public static ObjectMapper registerTypes(
- final ObjectMapper mapper
- )
- {
- mapper.setInjectableValues(
- new GuiceInjectableValues(
- Guice.createInjector(
- ImmutableList.of(
- new Module()
- {
- @Override
- public void configure(Binder binder)
- {
- binder.bind(ObjectMapper.class).annotatedWith(Json.class).toInstance(mapper);
- binder.bind(ObjectMapper.class).toInstance(mapper);
- }
- }
- )
- )
- )
- ).registerSubtypes(URIExtractionNamespace.class, URIExtractionNamespace.FlatDataParser.class);
- final GuiceAnnotationIntrospector guiceIntrospector = new GuiceAnnotationIntrospector();
- mapper.setAnnotationIntrospectors(
- new AnnotationIntrospectorPair(
- guiceIntrospector, mapper.getSerializationConfig().getAnnotationIntrospector()
- ),
- new AnnotationIntrospectorPair(
- guiceIntrospector, mapper.getDeserializationConfig().getAnnotationIntrospector()
- )
- );
- return mapper;
- }
- @Test
- public void testCSV()
- {
- URIExtractionNamespace.CSVFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.CSVFlatDataParser(
- ImmutableList.of(
- "col1",
- "col2",
- "col3"
- ), "col2", "col3"
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"), parser.getParser().parse("A,B,C"));
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void testBadCSV()
- {
- URIExtractionNamespace.CSVFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.CSVFlatDataParser(
- ImmutableList.of(
- "col1",
- "col2",
- "col3"
- ), "col2", "col3ADFSDF"
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"), parser.getParser().parse("A,B,C"));
- }
- @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
- public void testBadCSV2()
- {
- URIExtractionNamespace.CSVFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.CSVFlatDataParser(
- ImmutableList.of(
- "col1",
- "col2",
- "col3"
- ), "col2", "col3"
- );
- Map<String, String> map = parser.getParser().parse("A");
- }
- @Test
- public void testTSV()
- {
- URIExtractionNamespace.TSVFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.TSVFlatDataParser(
- ImmutableList.of("col1", "col2", "col3"),
- "|",
- "col2",
- "col3"
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"), parser.getParser().parse("A|B|C"));
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void testBadTSV()
- {
- URIExtractionNamespace.TSVFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.TSVFlatDataParser(
- ImmutableList.of("col1", "col2", "col3fdsfds"),
- ",",
- "col2",
- "col3"
- );
- Map<String, String> map = parser.getParser().parse("A,B,C");
- Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"), parser.getParser().parse("A,B,C"));
- }
- @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
- public void testBadTSV2()
- {
- URIExtractionNamespace.TSVFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.TSVFlatDataParser(
- ImmutableList.of("col1", "col2", "col3"),
- ",",
- "col2",
- "col3"
- );
- Map<String, String> map = parser.getParser().parse("A");
- Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"), parser.getParser().parse("A,B,C"));
- }
- @Test
- public void testJSONFlatDataParser()
- {
- final String keyField = "keyField";
- final String valueField = "valueField";
- URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser(
- new ObjectMapper(),
- keyField,
- valueField
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(
- ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"),
- parser.getParser()
- .parse(
- String.format(
- "{\"%s\":\"B\", \"%s\":\"C\", \"FOO\":\"BAR\"}",
- keyField,
- valueField
- )
- )
- );
- }
- @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
- public void testJSONFlatDataParserBad()
- {
- final String keyField = "keyField";
- final String valueField = "valueField";
- URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser(
- new ObjectMapper(),
- keyField,
- valueField
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(
- ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"),
- parser.getParser()
- .parse(
- String.format(
- "{\"%sDFSDFDS\":\"B\", \"%s\":\"C\", \"FOO\":\"BAR\"}",
- keyField,
- valueField
- )
- )
- );
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void testJSONFlatDataParserBad2()
- {
- final String keyField = "keyField";
- final String valueField = "valueField";
- URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser(
- registerTypes(new ObjectMapper()),
- null,
- valueField
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(
- ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"),
- parser.getParser()
- .parse(
- String.format(
- "{\"%sDFSDFDS\":\"B\", \"%s\":\"C\", \"FOO\":\"BAR\"}",
- keyField,
- valueField
- )
- )
- );
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void testJSONFlatDataParserBad3()
- {
- final String keyField = "keyField";
- final String valueField = "valueField";
- URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser(
- registerTypes(new ObjectMapper()),
- keyField,
- null
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(
- ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"),
- parser.getParser()
- .parse(
- String.format(
- "{\"%sDFSDFDS\":\"B\", \"%s\":\"C\", \"FOO\":\"BAR\"}",
- keyField,
- valueField
- )
- )
- );
- }
- @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
- public void testJSONFlatDataParserBad4()
- {
- final String keyField = "keyField";
- final String valueField = "valueField";
- URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser(
- registerTypes(new ObjectMapper()),
- "",
- ""
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(
- ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"),
- parser.getParser()
- .parse(
- String.format(
- "{\"%sDFSDFDS\":\"B\", \"%s\":\"C\", \"FOO\":\"BAR\"}",
- keyField,
- valueField
- )
- )
- );
- }
- @Test
- public void testObjectMapperFlatDataParser()
- {
- URIExtractionNamespace.ObjectMapperFlatDataParser parser = new URIExtractionNamespace.ObjectMapperFlatDataParser(
- registerTypes(new ObjectMapper())
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableMap.of("B", "C"), parser.getParser().parse("{\"B\":\"C\"}"));
- }
- @Test
- public void testSimpleJSONSerDe() throws IOException
- {
- final ObjectMapper mapper = registerTypes(new DefaultObjectMapper());
- for (URIExtractionNamespace.FlatDataParser parser : ImmutableList.of(
- new URIExtractionNamespace.CSVFlatDataParser(
- ImmutableList.of(
- "col1",
- "col2",
- "col3"
- ), "col2", "col3"
- ),
- new URIExtractionNamespace.ObjectMapperFlatDataParser(mapper),
- new URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser(mapper, "keyField", "valueField"),
- new URIExtractionNamespace.TSVFlatDataParser(ImmutableList.of("A", "B"), ",", "A", "B")
- )) {
- final String str = mapper.writeValueAsString(parser);
- final URIExtractionNamespace.FlatDataParser parser2 = mapper.readValue(
- str,
- URIExtractionNamespace.FlatDataParser.class
- );
- Assert.assertEquals(str, mapper.writeValueAsString(parser2));
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testSimpleToString() throws IOException
- {
- final ObjectMapper mapper = registerTypes(new DefaultObjectMapper());
- for (URIExtractionNamespace.FlatDataParser parser : ImmutableList.of(
- new URIExtractionNamespace.CSVFlatDataParser(
- ImmutableList.of(
- "col1",
- "col2",
- "col3"
- ), "col2", "col3"
- ),
- new URIExtractionNamespace.ObjectMapperFlatDataParser(mapper),
- new URIExtractionNamespace.JSONFlatDataParser(mapper, "keyField", "valueField"),
- new URIExtractionNamespace.TSVFlatDataParser(ImmutableList.of("A", "B"), ",", "A", "B")
- )) {
- Assert.assertFalse(parser.toString().contains("@"));
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testExplicitJson() throws IOException
- {
- final ObjectMapper mapper = registerTypes(new DefaultObjectMapper());
- URIExtractionNamespace namespace = mapper.readValue("{\"type\":\"uri\", \"uri\":\"file:/foo\", \"namespaceParseSpec\":{\"format\":\"simpleJson\"}, \"pollPeriod\":\"PT5M\", \"versionRegex\":\"a.b.c\", \"namespace\":\"testNamespace\"}", URIExtractionNamespace.class);
- Assert.assertEquals(URIExtractionNamespace.ObjectMapperFlatDataParser.class.getCanonicalName(), namespace.getNamespaceParseSpec().getClass().getCanonicalName());
- Assert.assertEquals("file:/foo", namespace.getUri().toString());
- Assert.assertEquals("testNamespace", namespace.getNamespace());
- Assert.assertEquals("a.b.c", namespace.getVersionRegex());
- Assert.assertEquals(5L * 60_000L, namespace.getPollMs());
- }
- }