Python | 474 lines | 390 code | 30 blank | 54 comment | 53 complexity | b62a7d1b932b22855c7aa76e4c4af998 MD5 | raw file
- if '__package__' not in globals() or __package__ is None or len(__package__)==0:
- def _mimport(name,level):
- return __import__(name,globals())
- else:
- def _mimport(name,level):
- return __import__(name,globals(),{},[],level)
- _data=_mimport('mdsdata',1)
- _dtypes=_mimport('_mdsdtypes',1)
- class Compound(_data.Data):
- def __init__(self,*args, **params):
- """MDSplus compound data.
- """
- if self.__class__.__name__=='Compound':
- raise TypeError("Cannot create instances of class Compound")
- if 'args' in params:
- args=params['args']
- if 'params' in params:
- params=params['params']
- if not hasattr(self,'_dtype'):
- self._dtype=_dtypes.fromName('DTYPE_'+self.__class__.__name__.upper())
- if 'opcode' in params:
- self._opcode=params['opcode']
- try:
- self._argOffset=self.argOffset
- except:
- self._argOffset=len(self.fields)
- if isinstance(args,tuple):
- if len(args) > 0:
- if isinstance(args[0],tuple):
- args=args[0]
- self.args=args
- for keyword in params:
- if keyword in self.fields:
- super(type(self),self).__setitem__(self._fields[keyword],params[keyword])
- def __hasBadTreeReferences__(self,tree):
- for arg in self.args:
- if isinstance(arg,_data.Data) and arg.__hasBadTreeReferences__(tree):
- return True
- return False
- def __fixTreeReferences__(self,tree):
- from copy import deepcopy
- ans = deepcopy(self)
- newargs=list(ans.args)
- for idx in range(len(newargs)):
- if isinstance(newargs[idx],_data.Data) and newargs[idx].__hasBadTreeReferences__(tree):
- newargs[idx]=newargs[idx].__fixTreeReferences__(tree)
- ans.args=tuple(newargs)
- return ans
- def __getattr__(self,name,*args):
- if name in self.__dict__:
- return self.__dict__[name]
- if name == '_opcode_name':
- return 'undefined'
- if name == '_fields':
- return dict()
- if name == 'args':
- try:
- return self.__dict__[name]
- except:
- return None
- if name == '_opcode':
- return None
- if name == '_argOffset':
- return 0
- if name == 'opcode':
- return self._opcode
- if name == 'dtype':
- return self._dtype
- if name == self._opcode_name:
- return self._opcode
- if name in self._fields:
- try:
- return self.args[self._fields[name]]
- except:
- return None
- raise AttributeError('No such attribute '+str(name))
- def __getitem__(self,num):
- try:
- return self.args[num]
- except:
- return None
- def __setattr__(self,name,value):
- if name == 'opcode':
- self._opcode=value
- if name == 'args':
- if isinstance(value,tuple):
- self.__dict__[name]=value
- return
- else:
- raise TypeError('args attribute must be a tuple')
- if name in self._fields:
- tmp=list(self.args)
- while len(tmp) <= self._fields[name]:
- tmp.append(None)
- tmp[self._fields[name]]=value
- self.args=tuple(tmp)
- return
- if name == self._opcode_name:
- self._opcode=value
- return
- super(Compound,self).__setattr__(name,value)
- def __setitem__(self,num,value):
- if isinstance(num,slice):
- indices=num.indices(num.start+len(value))
- idx=0
- for i in range(indices[0],indices[1],indices[2]):
- self.__setitem__(i,value[idx])
- idx=idx+1
- else:
- try:
- tmp=list(self.args)
- except:
- tmp=list()
- while len(tmp) <= num:
- tmp.append(None)
- tmp[num]=value
- self.args=tuple(tmp)
- return
- # def decompile(self):
- # arglist=list()
- # for arg in self.args:
- # arglist.append(makeData(arg).decompile())
- # return 'Build_'+self.__class__.__name__+'('+','.join(arglist)+')'
- def getArgumentAt(self,idx):
- """Return argument at index idx (indexes start at 0)
- @rtype: Data,None
- """
- return Compound.__getitem__(self,idx+self._argOffset)
- def getArguments(self):
- """Return arguments
- @rtype: Data,None
- """
- return Compound.__getitem__(self,slice(self._argOffset,None))
- def getDescAt(self,idx):
- """Return descriptor with index idx (first descriptor is 0)
- @rtype: Data
- """
- return Compound.__getitem__(self,idx)
- def getDescs(self):
- """Return descriptors or None if no descriptors
- @rtype: tuple,None
- """
- return self.args
- def getNumDescs(self):
- """Return number of descriptors
- @rtype: int
- """
- try:
- return len(self.args)
- except:
- return 0
- def setArgumentAt(self,idx,value):
- """Set argument at index idx (indexes start at 0)"""
- return super(type(self),self).__setitem__(idx+self._argOffset,value)
- def setArguments(self,args):
- """Set arguments
- @type args: tuple
- """
- return super(type(self),self).__setitem__(slice(self._argOffset,None),args)
- def setDescAt(self,n,value):
- """Set descriptor at index idx (indexes start at 0)"""
- return super(type(self),self).__setitem__(n,value)
- def setDescs(self,args):
- """Set descriptors
- @type args: tuple
- """
- self.args=args
- class MetaClass(type):
- def __new__(meta,classname,bases,classDict):
- if len(classDict)==0:
- classDict=dict(bases[0].__dict__)
- newClassDict=classDict
- newClassDict['_fields']=dict()
- idx=0
- if 'fields' in classDict:
- for f in classDict['fields']:
- name=f[0:1].upper()+f[1:]
- exec ("def get"+name+"(self): return self.__getattr__('"+f+"')")
- exec ("newClassDict['get'+name]=get"+name)
- newClassDict['get'+name].__doc__='Get the '+f+' field\n@rtype: Data'
- exec ('def set'+name+'(self,value): return self.__setattr__("'+f+'",value)')
- exec ("newClassDict['set'+name]=set"+name)
- newClassDict['set'+name].__doc__='Set the '+f+' field\n@type value: Data\n@rtype: None'
- exec ("newClassDict['_dtype']=_dtypes.DTYPE_"+classname.upper())
- newClassDict['_fields'][f]=idx
- idx=idx+1
- c=type.__new__(meta,classname,bases,newClassDict)
- else:
- c=type.__new__(meta,classname,bases,classDict)
- return c
- class _Action(Compound):
- """
- An Action is used for describing an operation to be performed by an
- MDSplus action server. Actions are typically dispatched using the
- mdstcl DISPATCH command
- """
- fields=('dispatch','task','errorLog','completionMessage','performance')
- Action=MetaClass('Action',(_Action,),{})
- class _Call(Compound):
- """
- A Call is used to call routines in shared libraries.
- """
- fields=('image','routine')
- _opcode_name='retType'
- Call=MetaClass('Call',(_Call,),{})
- class _Conglom(Compound):
- """A Conglom is used at the head of an MDSplus conglomerate. A conglomerate is a set of tree nodes used
- to define a device such as a piece of data acquisition hardware. A conglomerate is associated with some
- external code providing various methods which can be performed on the device. The Conglom class contains
- information used for locating the external code.
- """
- fields=('image','model','name','qualifiers')
- Conglom=MetaClass('Conglom',(_Conglom,),{})
- class _Dependency(Compound):
- """A Dependency object is used to describe action dependencies. This is a legacy class and may not be recognized by
- some dispatching systems
- """
- fields=('arg1','arg2')
- Dependency=MetaClass('Dependency',(_Dependency,),{})
- class _Dimension(Compound):
- """A dimension object is used to describe a signal dimension, typically a time axis. It provides a compact description
- of the timing information of measurements recorded by devices such as transient recorders. It associates a Window
- object with an axis. The axis is generally a range with possibly no start or end but simply a delta. The Window
- object is then used to bracket the axis to resolve the appropriate timestamps.
- """
- fields=('window','axis')
- Dimension=MetaClass('Dimension',(_Dimension,),{})
- class _Dispatch(Compound):
- """A Dispatch object is used to describe when an where an action should be dispatched to an MDSplus action server.
- """
- fields=('ident','phase','when','completion')
- def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
- if 'dispatch_type' not in kwargs:
- kwargs['dispatch_type']=2
- kwargs['opcode']=kwargs['dispatch_type']
- super(_Dispatch,self).__init__(args=args,params=kwargs)
- if self.completion is None:
- self.completion = None
- Dispatch=MetaClass('Dispatch',(_Dispatch,),{})
- class _Function(Compound):
- """A Function object is used to reference builtin MDSplus functions. For example the expression 1+2
- is represented in as Function instance created by Function(opcode='ADD',args=(1,2))
- """
- fields=tuple()
- def __init__(self,opcode,args):
- """Create a compiled MDSplus function reference.
- Number of arguments allowed depends on the opcode supplied.
- """
- # from _opcodes.opcodes import find_opcode
- super(Function,self).__init__(args=args,opcode=opcode)
- # opc=find_opcode(self._opcode)
- # if opc:
- # opc.check_args(args)
- # self._opcode=opc.number
- # else:
- # raise Exception("Invalid opcode - "+str(self._opcode))
- # self.__dict__['opc']=opc
- # def setOpcode(self,opcode):
- # """Set opcode
- # @param opcode: either a string or a index number of the builtin operation
- # @type opcode: str,int
- # """
- # from _opcodes.opcodes import find_opcode
- # opc=find_opcode(opcode)
- # if not opc:
- # raise Exception("Invalid opcode - "+str(opcode))
- # self.opcode=opcode
- # self.__dict__['opc']=opc
- #
- # The following code can be used if we want to implement TDI opcodes in python code using the opcodes.py module.
- # If it is commened out, it will default to using TdiEvaluate to perform the evaluation.
- #
- # def evaluate(self):
- # """Returns the answer when the function is evaluated."""
- # return self.opc.evaluate(self.args)
- #
- # def decompile(self):
- # return self.opc.str(self.args)
- # def __str__(self):
- # """Returns the string representation of the function."""
- # return self.opc.str(self.args)
- #
- #def compile_function(name,*args):
- #
- # opcode=find_opcode(name)
- # if opcode:
- # if opcode.class_of:
- # return opcode.class_of(*args)
- # else:
- # return opc(opcode.number,*args)
- # else:
- # return opc('BUILD_CALL',None,*args)
- Function=MetaClass('Function',(_Function,),{})
- class _Method(Compound):
- """A Method object is used to describe an operation to be performed on an MDSplus conglomerate/device
- """
- fields=('timeout','method','object')
- Method=MetaClass('Method',(_Method,),{})
- class _Procedure(Compound):
- """A Procedure is a deprecated object
- """
- fields=('timeout','language','procedure')
- Procedure=MetaClass('Procedure',(_Procedure,),{})
- class _Program(Compound):
- """A Program is a deprecated object"""
- fields=('timeout','program')
- Program=MetaClass('Program',(_Program,),{})
- class _Range(Compound):
- """A Range describes a ramp. When used as an axis in a Dimension object along with a Window object it can be
- used to describe a clock. In this context it is possible to have missing begin and ending values or even have the
- begin, ending, and delta fields specified as arrays to indicate a multi-speed clock.
- """
- fields=('begin','ending','delta')
- def decompile(self):
- parts=list()
- for arg in self.args:
- parts.append(_data.makeData(arg).decompile())
- return ' : '.join(parts)
- Range=MetaClass('Range',(_Range,),{})
- class _Routine(Compound):
- """A Routine is a deprecated object"""
- fields=('timeout','image','routine')
- Routine=MetaClass('Routine',(_Routine,),{})
- class _Signal(Compound):
- """A Signal is used to describe a measurement, usually time dependent, and associated the data with its independent
- axis (Dimensions). When Signals are indexed using s[idx], the index is resolved using the dimension of the signal
- """
- fields=('value','raw')
- def _getDims(self):
- return self.getArguments()
- dims=property(_getDims)
- """The dimensions of the signal"""
- # def decompile(self):
- # arglist=list()
- # for arg in self.args:
- # arglist.append(makeData(arg).decompile())
- # return 'Build_Signal('+','.join(arglist)+')'
- def dim_of(self,idx=0):
- """Return the signals dimension
- @rtype: Data
- """
- if idx < len(self.dims):
- return self.dims[idx]
- else:
- return _data.makeData(None)
- def __getitem__(self,idx):
- """Subscripting <==> signal[subscript]. Uses the dimension information for subscripting
- @param idx: index or Range used for subscripting the signal based on the signals dimensions
- @type idx: Data
- @rtype: Signal
- """
- if isinstance(idx,slice):
- idx = Range(idx.start,idx.stop,idx.step)
- return _data.Data.execute('$[$]',self,idx)
- def getDimensionAt(self,idx=0):
- """Return the dimension of the signal
- @param idx: The index of the desired dimension. Indexes start at 0. 0=default
- @type idx: int
- @rtype: Data
- """
- try:
- return self.dims[idx]
- except:
- return None
- def getDimensions(self):
- """Return all the dimensions of the signal
- @rtype: tuple
- """
- return self.dims
- def setDimensionAt(self,idx,value):
- """Set the dimension
- @param idx: The index into the dimensions of the signal.
- @rtype: None
- """
- return self.setArgumentAt(idx,value)
- def setDimensions(self,value):
- """Set all the dimensions of a signal
- @param value: The dimensions
- @type value: tuple
- @rtype: None
- """
- return self.setArguments(value)
- Signal=MetaClass('Signal',(_Signal,),{})
- class _Window(Compound):
- """A Window object can be used to construct a Dimension object. It brackets the axis information stored in the
- Dimension to construct the independent axis of a signal.
- """
- fields=('startIdx','endIdx','timeAt0')
- # def decompile(self):
- # return 'Build_Window('+makeData(self.startIdx).decompile()+','+makeData(self.endIdx).decompile()+','+makeData(self.timeAt0)+')'
- Window=MetaClass('Window',(_Window,),{})
- class _Opaque(Compound):
- """An Opaque object containing a binary uint8 array and a string identifying the type.
- """
- fields=('data','otype')
- # def decompile(self):
- # return 'Build_Opaque('+makeData(self.data).decompile()+','+makeData(self.otype).decompile()+')'
- def getImage(self):
- import Image
- from StringIO import StringIO
- return Image.open(StringIO(_data.makeData(self.getData()).data().data))
- def fromFile(filename,typestring):
- """Read a file and return an Opaque object
- @param filename: Name of file to read in
- @type filename: str
- @param typestring: String to denote the type of file being stored
- @type typestring: str
- @rtype: Opaque instance
- """
- import numpy as _N
- f = open(filename,'rb')
- try:
- opq=Opaque(_data.makeData(_N.fromstring(f.read(),dtype="uint8")),typestring)
- finally:
- f.close()
- return opq
- fromFile=staticmethod(fromFile)
- Opaque=MetaClass('Opaque',(_Opaque,),{})