Java | 50 lines | 25 code | 15 blank | 10 comment | 0 complexity | 290891d9bfb78506ef1501d12ffe2b10 MD5 | raw file
- package spell;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import spell.SpellCorrector.NoSimilarWordFoundException;
- /**
- * A simple main class for running the spelling corrector
- */
- public class Main {
- /**
- * Give the dictionary file name as the first argument and the word to correct
- * as the second argument.
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSimilarWordFoundException, IOException {
- String dictionaryFileName = args[0];
- String inputWord = args[1];
- /**
- * Create an instance of your corrector here
- */
- SpellCorrector corrector = new SpellingCorrector();
- Trie trie1 = new Words();
- trie1.add("bob");
- trie1.add("karen");
- trie1.add("smith");
- trie1.add("smal");
- Trie trie2 = new Words();
- trie2.add("bob");
- trie2.add("karen");
- trie2.add("smith");
- trie2.add("smab");
- boolean test = trie1.equals(trie2);
- System.out.println(test);
- corrector.useDictionary(dictionaryFileName);
- String suggestion = corrector.suggestSimilarWord(inputWord);
- System.out.println("Suggestion is: " + suggestion);
- }
- }