PageRenderTime 43ms CodeModel.GetById 14ms RepoModel.GetById 0ms app.codeStats 0ms

PHP | 200 lines | 180 code | 0 blank | 20 comment | 92 complexity | ed627311736aedc48e9d771d0d47101e MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): AGPL-3.0, LGPL-2.1, Apache-2.0
  1. <?php
  2. /*-------------------------------------------------------+
  3. | PHP-Fusion Content Management System
  4. | Copyright (C) PHP-Fusion Inc
  5. |
  6. +--------------------------------------------------------+
  7. | Filename: shoutbox_panel.php
  8. | Author: Nick Jones (Digitanium)
  9. +--------------------------------------------------------+
  10. | This program is released as free software under the
  11. | Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
  12. | modify it under the terms of this license which you
  13. | can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
  14. | at Removal of this
  15. | copyright header is strictly prohibited without
  16. | written permission from the original author(s).
  17. +--------------------------------------------------------*/
  18. if (!defined("IN_FUSION")) {
  19. die("Access Denied");
  20. }
  21. include_once INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/infusion_db.php";
  22. include_once INCLUDES."infusions_include.php";
  23. // Check if a locale file is available that match the selected locale.
  24. if (file_exists(INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/".LANGUAGE.".php")) {
  25. // Load the locale file matching selection.
  26. include INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/".LANGUAGE.".php";
  27. } else {
  28. // Load the default locale file.
  29. include INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/locale/English.php";
  30. }
  31. $shout_settings = get_settings("shoutbox_panel");
  32. $link = FUSION_SELF.(FUSION_QUERY ? "?".FUSION_QUERY : "");
  33. $link = preg_replace("^(&amp;|\?)s_action=(edit|delete)&amp;shout_id=\d*^", "", $link);
  34. $sep = stristr($link, "?") ? "&amp;" : "?";
  35. $shout_link = "";
  36. $shout_message = "";
  37. if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['s_action']) && $_GET['s_action'] == "delete") && (isset($_GET['shout_id']) && isnum($_GET['shout_id']))) {
  38. if ((iADMIN && checkrights("S")) || (iMEMBER && dbcount("(shout_id)", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."' AND shout_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"))) {
  39. $result = dbquery("DELETE FROM ".DB_SHOUTBOX." WHERE shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."'".(iADMIN ? "" : " AND shout_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"));
  40. }
  41. redirect($link);
  42. }
  43. if (!function_exists("sbwrap")) {
  44. function sbwrap($text) {
  45. global $locale;
  46. $i = 0;
  47. $tags = 0;
  48. $chars = 0;
  49. $res = "";
  50. $str_len = strlen($text);
  51. for ($i = 0; $i < $str_len; $i++) {
  52. $chr = mb_substr($text, $i, 1, $locale['charset']);
  53. if ($chr == "<") {
  54. if (mb_substr($text, ($i+1), 6, $locale['charset']) == "a href" || mb_substr($text, ($i+1), 3, $locale['charset']) == "img") {
  55. $chr = " ".$chr;
  56. $chars = 0;
  57. }
  58. $tags++;
  59. } elseif ($chr == "&") {
  60. if (mb_substr($text, ($i+1), 5, $locale['charset']) == "quot;") {
  61. $chars = $chars-5;
  62. } elseif (mb_substr($text, ($i+1), 4, $locale['charset']) == "amp;" || mb_substr($text, ($i+1), 4, $locale['charset']) == "#39;" || mb_substr($text, ($i+1), 4, $locale['charset']) == "#92;") {
  63. $chars = $chars-4;
  64. } elseif (mb_substr($text, ($i+1), 3, $locale['charset']) == "lt;" || mb_substr($text, ($i+1), 3, $locale['charset']) == "gt;") {
  65. $chars = $chars-3;
  66. }
  67. } elseif ($chr == ">") {
  68. $tags--;
  69. } elseif ($chr == " ") {
  70. $chars = 0;
  71. } elseif (!$tags) {
  72. $chars++;
  73. }
  74. if (!$tags && $chars == 18) {
  75. $chr .= "<br />";
  76. $chars = 0;
  77. }
  78. $res .= $chr;
  79. }
  80. return $res;
  81. }
  82. }
  83. openside($locale['SB_title']);
  84. if (iMEMBER || $shout_settings['guest_shouts'] == "1") {
  85. include_once INCLUDES."bbcode_include.php";
  86. if (isset($_POST['post_shout'])) {
  87. $flood = FALSE;
  88. if (iMEMBER) {
  89. $shout_name = $userdata['user_id'];
  90. } elseif ($shout_settings['guest_shouts'] == "1") {
  91. $shout_name = trim(stripinput($_POST['shout_name']));
  92. $shout_name = preg_replace("(^[+0-9\s]*)", "", $shout_name);
  93. if (isnum($shout_name)) {
  94. $shout_name = "";
  95. }
  96. include_once INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/securimage.php";
  97. $securimage = new Securimage();
  98. if (!isset($_POST['sb_captcha_code']) || $securimage->check($_POST['sb_captcha_code']) == FALSE) {
  99. redirect($link);
  100. }
  101. }
  102. $shout_message = str_replace("\n", " ", $_POST['shout_message']);
  103. $shout_message = preg_replace("/^(.{255}).*$/", "$1", $shout_message);
  104. $shout_message = trim(stripinput(censorwords($shout_message)));
  105. if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['s_action']) && $_GET['s_action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['shout_id']) && isnum($_GET['shout_id']))) {
  106. $comment_updated = FALSE;
  107. if ((iADMIN && checkrights("S")) || (iMEMBER && dbcount("(shout_id)", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."' AND shout_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"))) {
  108. if ($shout_message) {
  109. $result = dbquery("UPDATE ".DB_SHOUTBOX." SET shout_message='$shout_message' WHERE shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."'".(iADMIN ? "" : " AND shout_name='".$userdata['user_id']."'"));
  110. }
  111. }
  112. redirect($link);
  113. } elseif ($shout_name && $shout_message) {
  114. require_once INCLUDES."flood_include.php";
  115. if (!flood_control("shout_datestamp", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_ip='".USER_IP."'")) {
  116. $result = dbquery("INSERT INTO ".DB_SHOUTBOX." (shout_name, shout_message, shout_datestamp, shout_ip, shout_ip_type, shout_hidden".(multilang_table("SB") ? ", shout_language)" : ")")." VALUES ('$shout_name', '$shout_message', '".time()."', '".USER_IP."', '".USER_IP_TYPE."', '0'".(multilang_table("SB") ? ", '".LANGUAGE."')" : ")"));
  117. }
  118. }
  119. redirect($link);
  120. }
  121. if (iMEMBER && (isset($_GET['s_action']) && $_GET['s_action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['shout_id']) && isnum($_GET['shout_id']))) {
  122. $esresult = dbquery("SELECT ts.shout_id, ts.shout_name, ts.shout_message, tu.user_id, tu.user_name
  123. FROM ".DB_SHOUTBOX." ts
  124. LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." tu ON ts.shout_name=tu.user_id
  125. ".(multilang_table("SB") ? "WHERE shout_language='".LANGUAGE."' AND" : "WHERE")." ts.shout_id='".$_GET['shout_id']."'");
  126. if (dbrows($esresult)) {
  127. $esdata = dbarray($esresult);
  128. if ((iADMIN && checkrights("S")) || (iMEMBER && $esdata['shout_name'] == $userdata['user_id'] && isset($esdata['user_name']))) {
  129. if ((isset($_GET['s_action']) && $_GET['s_action'] == "edit") && (isset($_GET['shout_id']) && isnum($_GET['shout_id']))) {
  130. $edit_url = $sep."s_action=edit&amp;shout_id=".$esdata['shout_id'];
  131. } else {
  132. $edit_url = "";
  133. }
  134. $shout_link = $link.$edit_url;
  135. $shout_message = $esdata['shout_message'];
  136. }
  137. } else {
  138. $shout_link = $link;
  139. $shout_message = "";
  140. }
  141. } else {
  142. $shout_link = $link;
  143. $shout_message = "";
  144. }
  145. echo "<a id='edit_shout' name='edit_shout'></a>\n";
  146. echo openform('shout_form', 'post', $shout_link, array('notice' => 0, 'max_tokens' => 1));
  147. if (iGUEST) {
  148. echo $locale['SB_name']."<br />\n";
  149. echo "<input type='text' name='shout_name' value='' class='textbox' maxlength='30' style='width:140px' /><br />\n";
  150. echo $locale['SB_message']."<br />\n";
  151. }
  152. echo display_bbcodes("150px;", "shout_message", "shout_form", "smiley|b|u|url|color")."\n";
  153. echo form_textarea('shout_message', '', $shout_message);
  154. if (iGUEST) {
  155. echo $locale['SB_validation_code']."<br />\n";
  156. echo "<img id='sb_captcha' src='".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/securimage_show.php' alt='' /><br />\n";
  157. echo "<a href='".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/securimage_play.php'><img src='".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/images/audio_icon.gif' alt='' class='tbl-border' style='margin-bottom:1px' /></a>\n";
  158. echo "<a href='#' onclick=\"document.getElementById('sb_captcha').src = '".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/securimage_show.php?sid=' + Math.random(); return false\"><img src='".INCLUDES."captchas/securimage/images/refresh.gif' alt='' class='tbl-border' /></a><br />\n";
  159. echo $locale['SB_enter_validation_code']."<br />\n<input type='text' name='sb_captcha_code' class='textbox' style='width:100px' /><br />\n";
  160. }
  161. echo form_button('post_shout', $locale['SB_shout'], $locale['SB_shout'], array('class' => 'btn-block btn-primary button',
  162. 'icon' => "entypo icomment"));
  163. echo closeform();
  164. } else {
  165. echo "<div style='text-align:center'>".$locale['SB_login_req']."</div><br />\n";
  166. }
  167. $numrows = dbcount("(shout_id)", DB_SHOUTBOX, "shout_hidden='0'");
  168. $result = dbquery("SELECT ts.shout_id, ts.shout_name, ts.shout_message, ts.shout_datestamp, tu.user_id, tu.user_name, tu.user_status, tu.user_avatar
  169. FROM ".DB_SHOUTBOX." ts
  170. LEFT JOIN ".DB_USERS." tu ON ts.shout_name=tu.user_id
  171. ".(multilang_table("SB") ? "WHERE shout_language='".LANGUAGE."' AND" : "WHERE")." shout_hidden='0'
  172. ORDER BY ts.shout_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".$shout_settings['visible_shouts']);
  173. if (dbrows($result)) {
  174. $i = 0;
  175. while ($data = dbarray($result)) {
  176. echo "<div class='display-block shoutboxwrapper clearfix' style='width:100%;'>\n";
  177. echo "<div class='shoutboxavatar pull-left m-r-10 m-t-5'>\n";
  178. echo display_avatar($data, '50px');
  179. echo "</div>\n";
  180. if ((iADMIN && checkrights("S")) || (iMEMBER && $data['shout_name'] == $userdata['user_id'] && isset($data['user_name']))) {
  181. echo "<div class='pull-right btn-group'>\n";
  182. echo "<a class='btn btn-default btn-xs' title='".$locale['SB_edit']."' href='".$link.$sep."s_action=edit&amp;shout_id=".$data['shout_id']."#edit_shout"."' class='side'><i class='entypo pencil'></i></a>\n"; //
  183. echo "<a class='btn btn-default btn-xs' title='".$locale['SB_delete']."' href='".$link.$sep."s_action=delete&amp;shout_id=".$data['shout_id']."' onclick=\"return confirm('".$locale['SB_warning_shout']."');\" class='side'><i class='entypo trash'></i></a>\n"; //
  184. echo "</div>\n";
  185. }
  186. echo "<div class='shoutboxname'>\n";
  187. echo ($data['user_name']) ? "<span class='side'>".profile_link($data['shout_name'], $data['user_name'], $data['user_status'])."</span>\n" : $data['shout_name']."\n";
  188. echo "</div>\n";
  189. echo "<div class='shoutboxdate'>".timer($data['shout_datestamp'])."</div>\n"; //".showdate("forumdate", $data['shout_datestamp'])."</div>";
  190. echo "<div class='shoutbox'>".sbwrap(parseubb(parsesmileys($data['shout_message']), "b|i|u|url|color"))."</div>\n";
  191. //if ($i != $numrows) { echo "<br />\n"; }
  192. echo "</div>\n";
  193. }
  194. if ($numrows > $shout_settings['visible_shouts']) {
  195. echo "<div style='text-align:center'>\n<a href='".INFUSIONS."shoutbox_panel/shoutbox_archive.php' class='side'>".$locale['SB_archive']."</a>\n</div>\n";
  196. }
  197. } else {
  198. echo "<div>".$locale['SB_no_msgs']."</div>\n";
  199. }
  200. closeside();