Python | 112 lines | 68 code | 15 blank | 29 comment | 12 complexity | 6a3fd71d23f001c1bda543c22de027e5 MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Copyright (C) 2016, ENPC - EDF R&D
- # Author(s): Sylvain Doré
- #
- # This file is part of the air quality modeling system Polyphemus.
- #
- # Polyphemus is developed in the INRIA - ENPC joint project-team CLIME and in
- # the ENPC - EDF R&D joint laboratory CEREA.
- #
- # Polyphemus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- # any later version.
- #
- # Polyphemus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- # more details.
- #
- # For more information, visit the Polyphemus web site:
- # http://cerea.enpc.fr/polyphemus/
- import glob
- import os
- from SCons.Script import *
- from . import run
- class Spack:
- def __init__(self, utils):
- self.utils = utils
- def dependency(self, path, exclude_dependency, build_dir=None):
- path = os.path.abspath(path)
- species_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.species")) + \
- glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "species"))
- reactions_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.reactions")) + \
- glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "reactions"))
- spack_config = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "spack_config"))
- if spack_config:
- spack_config = spack_config[0]
- if not species_file or not reactions_file:
- if spack_config:
- raise Exception, "In \"" + path + "\":\n"\
- "Spack needs a '.species' file "\
- "and a '.reactions' file to operate"
- return []
- if len(species_file) > 1:
- if spack_config:
- raise Exception, "In \"" + path + "\":\n"\
- "Several species file given to Spack, "\
- "only one is expected"
- return []
- if len(reactions_file) > 1:
- if spack_config:
- raise Exception, "In \"" + path + "\":\n"\
- "Several reactions file given to Spack, "\
- "only one is expected"
- return []
- if not spack_config:
- raise Exception, "In \"" + path + "\":\n"\
- "There is a species file and reactions file, "\
- "but Spack needs a 'spack_config' file to operate"
- # Creates a vanilla environment since Spack does not depends on
- # environment specifics and can be run in the source tree instead
- # of the build directory.
- spack_env = self.utils.create_env()
- spack_fortran_output = []
- for filename in ["dimensions.f", "dratedc.f", "fexchem.f",
- "jacdchemdc.f", "kinetic.f", "rates.f",
- "LU_decompose.f", "LU_solve.f", "LU_solve_tr.f"]:
- fortran_file = os.path.join(path, filename)
- spack_fortran_output.append(fortran_file)
- spack_config_output = os.path.join(path, "species.spack.dat")
- spack_exe = os.path.join(self.utils.polyphemus_path,
- "include/spack/src/generate_chem_files.sh")
- spack_arg = [os.path.basename(p)
- for p in species_file + reactions_file]
- spack_input = [spack_config] + species_file + reactions_file
- # Generates the files with Spack.
- spack_target = spack_env.Command(spack_fortran_output +
- [spack_config_output],
- spack_input,
- [ "cd " + path + " && " +
- " ".join([spack_exe] + spack_arg)])
- # Automatically builds Spack if needed.
- spack_dir = os.path.dirname(spack_exe)
- run.sconstruct(spack_dir + "/SConstruct")
- Depends(spack_target, Dir(spack_dir))
- # Copies the generated files into the current build directory.
- copy_fortran = []
- for f in spack_fortran_output:
- copy_fortran.append(Copy(self.utils.rebase_dir(build_dir, f), f))
- fortran_target = spack_env.Command(self.utils.rebase_dir(build_dir,
- spack_fortran_output),
- spack_target,
- copy_fortran)
- # Avoids building Spack files from the source tree, we have copies
- # in the build directories.
- exclude_dependency += spack_fortran_output
- return [fortran_target]