Java | 223 lines | 1 code | 1 blank | 221 comment | 0 complexity | f847a8e051f0cf74632e3573bcd1163c MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * <p>
- * This package provides support for
- * <a href="http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/">Guice</a>
- * dependency injection in DWR-based web applications.
- * This documentation assumes you already understand Guice concepts.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * To use this support minimally,
- * <ul>
- * <li> install a concrete extension of
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.DwrGuiceServletContextListener}
- * as a {@code <listener>} in your web application's configuration
- * file ({@code web.xml}), </li>
- * <li> install {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.DwrGuiceServlet} for all
- * requests to {@code /dwr/*}. </li>
- * </ul>
- * For example:
- * </p>
- * <pre>
- * <listener>
- * <listener-class>org.myorg.myproj.MyServletContextListener</listener-class>
- * </listener>
- *
- * <servlet>
- * <servlet-name>dwr-invoker</servlet-name>
- * <servlet-class>org.directwebremoting.guice.DwrGuiceServlet</servlet-class>
- * </servlet>
- *
- * <servlet-mapping>
- * <servlet-name>dwr-invoker</servlet-name>
- * <url-pattern>/dwr/*</url-pattern>
- * </servlet-mapping>
- * </pre>
- * <p>
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.DwrGuiceServletContextListener}
- * is also an abstract Guice module; it extends
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule},
- * which extends {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.util.AbstractModule},
- * which in turn extends Guice's {@link com.google.inject.AbstractModule}.
- * Your listener class must define
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.DwrGuiceServletContextListener#configure configure};
- * this is where you do your Guice binding.
- * You can also put binding code in a separate class or classes with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.util.AbstractModule#install AbstractModule.install}.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Alternatively,
- * if you already have an existing {@link com.google.inject.Injector Injector} instance
- * with bindings from one or more {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule}, use
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.CustomInjectorServletContextListener}
- * by defining {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.CustomInjectorServletContextListener#createInjector createInjector}
- * to return your existing {@link com.google.inject.Injector Injector}.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * To turn classes into remote DWR services, use the
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindRemoted(Class) bindRemoted}
- * or
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindRemotedAs(String,Class) bindRemotedAs}
- * methods. The binding instructs DWR to handle requests for the given type name (or script name,
- * if you use the second variant) by getting a fully-injected instance of the given class from the
- * Guice injector and calling the requested method on that instance.
- * The target type of these bindings can be an abstract class or interface
- * bound in the normal Guice way to a concrete class, instance, or provider;
- * in that case, only the methods defined on the abstract class or
- * interface are accessible on the remoted object, even if the implementing class has other public
- * methods. You can supply different bindings for different script names, including
- * using the same interface with different implementations for different script names,
- * or different interfaces for different script names mapping to the same implementation
- * type (assuming it implements both interfaces).
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Alternatively, annotate your remoted classes with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteProxy}, and remotely
- * callable methods with {@link org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteMethod},
- * using {@code creator=}{@link org.directwebremoting.guice.GuiceCreator}.
- * When a request comes in for the remoted type, it is retrieved from the Guice injector
- * using your bindings for that type.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * In either case, your data transfer objects should be bound with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.annotations.DataTransferObject}, and the
- * remotely accessible properties with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteProperty}.
- * Use {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindAnnotatedClasses bindAnnotatedClasses}
- * to tell DWR which classes need to be scanned for annotations.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * You can bind a type or type pattern string to a custom converter with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindConversion(Class) bindConversion},
- * and you can put Ajax filters on scripts with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindFilter(String) bindFilter}.
- * Note, however, that you can achieve the effect of an Ajax filter more flexibly using
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.util.AbstractModule#bindInterceptor(Class,Class[]) bindInterceptor}.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * You can install your own DWR {@link org.directwebremoting.extend.Configurator} using
- * {@code bind(Configurator.class).toInstance(yourConfigurator)},
- * which then overrides any {@code dwr.xml} configuration.
- * You'll probably want to use a {@link org.directwebremoting.fluent.FluentConfigurator} for this purpose.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * You can still configure DWR's settings via {@code <init-param>}
- * directives in {@code web.xml}, but usually there is no need to. Most DWR
- * settings can be set with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindParameter(ParamName) bindParameter}.
- * The {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.ParamName}
- * enum type lists the available parameters.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * For creating your own scopes where the instance injected depends on some
- * run-time value, create a concrete extension of
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.util.AbstractContextScope}.
- * </p>
- * <p>For example:</p>
- * <pre>
- * public final class MyServletContextListener extends DwrGuiceServletContextListener
- * {
- * protected void configure()
- * {
- * bindRemotedAs("Hello", HelloService.class)
- * .to(HelloServiceImpl.class)
- * .in(ApplicationScoped.class);
- *
- * bindInterceptor(
- * HelloService.class,
- * AuthenticationInterceptor.class);
- *
- * bindFilter("Hello")
- * .to(TraceFilter.class);
- *
- * bind(MessageService.class)
- * .to(MessageServiceImpl.class)
- * .in(ScriptSessionScoped.class);
- *
- * bindAnnotatedClasses(
- * DomainService.class, // @RemoteProxy(creator=GuiceCreator.class)/@RemoteMethod
- * HelloRecordImpl.class // @DataTransferObject/@RemoteProperty
- * );
- *
- * // When converting HelloRecord, use existing converter for HelloRecordImpl.
- * bindConversion(
- * HelloRecord.class,
- * HelloRecordImpl.class);
- *
- * bindConversion(DateTime.class)
- * .toInstance(DateTimeConverter.get("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm a"));
- *
- * bind(Configurator.class).toInstance(new FluentConfigurator()
- * {
- * public void configure() {
- * String localTime = "localTime";
- * withConverterType(localTime, DateTimeConverter.class.getName());
- * withConverter(localTime, LocalTime.class.getName())
- * .addParam("format", "yyyy-MM-dd");
- * }
- * });
- *
- * bindParameter(DEBUG).to(true);
- * }
- * }
- * </pre>
- * <p>
- * This example illustrates:
- * <ul>
- * <li>two ways to define remoted objects,
- * <ol>
- * <li>calling {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindRemotedAs(String,Class) bindRemotedAs} and</li>
- * <li>annotating with {@link org.directwebremoting.annotations.RemoteProxy};</li>
- * </ol>
- * </li>
- * <li>two ways to define conversions,
- * <ol>
- * <li>using {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindConversion(Class) bindConversion} and</li>
- * <li>using a custom {@link org.directwebremoting.extend.Configurator};</li>
- * </ol>
- * </li>
- * <li>two ways to intercept remote method calls,
- * <ol>
- * <li>binding a MethodInterceptor with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.util.AbstractModule#bindInterceptor(Class,Class[]) bindInterceptor(Class<?>, Class<?>...)}
- * and</li>
- * <li>binding a script name to an {@link org.directwebremoting.AjaxFilter},</li>
- * </ol>
- * <li>how to register annotated classes at bind-time; and</li>
- * <li>how to set a DWR parameter
- * ({@link org.directwebremoting.guice.ParamName#DEBUG DEBUG}, in this case) at bind-time.</li>
- * </ul>
- * It does not use an {@code <init-param>} directive, and it doesn't have
- * a {@code dwr.xml}.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Note that because application scope is larger than script session scope,
- * {@code HelloServiceImpl} would have an injected constructor (not shown here)
- * taking a {@code Provider<MessageService>} rather than a plain {@code MessageService}.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * There are several classes in this package with names that start with {@code Internal}.
- * These classes have to be public with a parameterless constructor so the non-Guicy DWR
- * machinery can create them. They are not meant to be used directly.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The classes that handle DWR scopes are modeled on the classes in the
- * {@code com.google.inject.servlet} package, but are independent of them.
- * You do <em>not</em> need to install com.google.inject.servlet.GuiceFilter and
- * the Guice com.google.inject.servlet.ServletModule to use the DWR scopes.
- * There is the potential for binding conflict with this module, however, so this package creates
- * bindings for the potentially conflicting types using a special {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.Dwr @Dwr}
- * annotation. It also makes the standard binding if the Guice servlet module is not found in the
- * class loader. The machinery to achieve this is called automatically with
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.DwrGuiceServletContextListener}.
- * If you use
- * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.CustomInjectorServletContextListener},
- * remember to call {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindDwrScopes() bindDwrScopes}
- * before doing any other bindings.
- * In both cases, the standard behavior can be overridden explicitly;
- * see {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindDwrScopes(boolean) bindDwrScopes(boolean)}
- * and {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.AbstractDwrModule#bindPotentiallyConflictingTypes(boolean) bindPotentiallyConflictingTypes}.
- * </p>
- * @author Tim Peierls [tim at peierls dot net]
- */
- package org.directwebremoting.guice;