Java | 3084 lines | 3033 code | 51 blank | 0 comment | 504 complexity | 8299523255297d1b0d18333e3f59400b MD5 | raw file
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- package com.alibaba.fastjson.parser;
- import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
- import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONException;
- import java.io.Closeable;
- import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
- import java.math.BigDecimal;
- import java.math.BigInteger;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Calendar;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- public abstract class JSONLexerBase
- implements JSONLexer, Closeable
- {
- protected static final int INT_MULTMIN_RADIX_TEN = -214748364;
- protected static final int INT_N_MULTMAX_RADIX_TEN = -214748364;
- protected static final long MULTMIN_RADIX_TEN = -922337203685477580L;
- protected static final long N_MULTMAX_RADIX_TEN = -922337203685477580L;
- private static final ThreadLocal<SoftReference<char[]>> SBUF_REF_LOCAL = new ThreadLocal();
- protected static final int[] digits;
- protected static final char[] typeFieldName = ("\"" + JSON.DEFAULT_TYPE_KEY + "\":\"").toCharArray();
- protected static boolean[] whitespaceFlags = new boolean[256];
- protected int bp;
- protected Calendar calendar = null;
- protected char ch;
- protected int eofPos;
- protected int features = JSON.DEFAULT_PARSER_FEATURE;
- protected boolean hasSpecial;
- protected Keywords keywods = Keywords.DEFAULT_KEYWORDS;
- public int matchStat = 0;
- protected int np;
- protected int pos;
- protected char[] sbuf;
- protected int sp;
- protected int token;
- static
- {
- whitespaceFlags[32] = true;
- whitespaceFlags[10] = true;
- whitespaceFlags[13] = true;
- whitespaceFlags[9] = true;
- whitespaceFlags[12] = true;
- whitespaceFlags[8] = true;
- digits = new int[103];
- int i = 48;
- while (i <= 57)
- {
- digits[i] = (i - 48);
- i += 1;
- }
- i = 97;
- while (i <= 102)
- {
- digits[i] = (i - 97 + 10);
- i += 1;
- }
- i = 65;
- while (i <= 70)
- {
- digits[i] = (i - 65 + 10);
- i += 1;
- }
- }
- public JSONLexerBase()
- {
- SoftReference localSoftReference = (SoftReference)SBUF_REF_LOCAL.get();
- if (localSoftReference != null)
- {
- this.sbuf = ((char[])localSoftReference.get());
- SBUF_REF_LOCAL.set(null);
- }
- if (this.sbuf == null)
- this.sbuf = new char[64];
- }
- public static final boolean isWhitespace(char paramChar)
- {
- return (paramChar == ' ') || (paramChar == '\n') || (paramChar == '\r') || (paramChar == '\t') || (paramChar == '\f') || (paramChar == '\b');
- }
- private final void scanStringSingleQuote()
- {
- this.np = this.bp;
- this.hasSpecial = false;
- while (true)
- {
- char c = next();
- if (c == '\'')
- {
- this.token = 4;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (c == '\032')
- throw new JSONException("unclosed single-quote string");
- char[] arrayOfChar;
- int i;
- if (c == '\\')
- {
- if (!this.hasSpecial)
- {
- this.hasSpecial = true;
- if (this.sp > this.sbuf.length)
- {
- arrayOfChar = new char[this.sp * 2];
- System.arraycopy(this.sbuf, 0, arrayOfChar, 0, this.sbuf.length);
- this.sbuf = arrayOfChar;
- }
- copyTo(this.np + 1, this.sp, this.sbuf);
- }
- c = next();
- switch (c)
- {
- default:
- this.ch = c;
- throw new JSONException("unclosed single-quote string");
- case '0':
- putChar('\000');
- break;
- case '1':
- putChar('\001');
- break;
- case '2':
- putChar('\002');
- break;
- case '3':
- putChar('\003');
- break;
- case '4':
- putChar('\004');
- break;
- case '5':
- putChar('\005');
- break;
- case '6':
- putChar('\006');
- break;
- case '7':
- putChar('\007');
- break;
- case 'b':
- putChar('\b');
- break;
- case 't':
- putChar('\t');
- break;
- case 'n':
- putChar('\n');
- break;
- case 'v':
- putChar('\013');
- break;
- case 'F':
- case 'f':
- putChar('\f');
- break;
- case 'r':
- putChar('\r');
- break;
- case '"':
- putChar('"');
- break;
- case '\'':
- putChar('\'');
- break;
- case '/':
- putChar('/');
- break;
- case '\\':
- putChar('\\');
- break;
- case 'x':
- i = next();
- int j = next();
- putChar((char)(digits[i] * 16 + digits[j]));
- break;
- case 'u':
- putChar((char)Integer.parseInt(new String(new char[] { next(), next(), next(), next() }), 16));
- break;
- }
- }
- else if (!this.hasSpecial)
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- }
- else if (this.sp == this.sbuf.length)
- {
- putChar(c);
- }
- else
- {
- arrayOfChar = this.sbuf;
- i = this.sp;
- this.sp = (i + 1);
- arrayOfChar[i] = c;
- }
- }
- }
- public abstract String addSymbol(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, SymbolTable paramSymbolTable);
- protected abstract void arrayCopy(int paramInt1, char[] paramArrayOfChar, int paramInt2, int paramInt3);
- public abstract byte[] bytesValue();
- protected abstract boolean charArrayCompare(char[] paramArrayOfChar);
- public abstract char charAt(int paramInt);
- public void close()
- {
- if (this.sbuf.length <= 8192)
- SBUF_REF_LOCAL.set(new SoftReference(this.sbuf));
- this.sbuf = null;
- }
- public void config(Feature paramFeature, boolean paramBoolean)
- {
- this.features = Feature.config(this.features, paramFeature, paramBoolean);
- }
- protected abstract void copyTo(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, char[] paramArrayOfChar);
- public final Number decimalValue(boolean paramBoolean)
- {
- int i = charAt(this.np + this.sp - 1);
- if (i == 70)
- return Float.valueOf(Float.parseFloat(numberString()));
- if (i == 68)
- return Double.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(numberString()));
- if (paramBoolean)
- return decimalValue();
- return Double.valueOf(doubleValue());
- }
- public final BigDecimal decimalValue()
- {
- return new BigDecimal(numberString());
- }
- public double doubleValue()
- {
- return Double.parseDouble(numberString());
- }
- public float floatValue()
- {
- return Float.parseFloat(numberString());
- }
- public final int getBufferPosition()
- {
- return this.bp;
- }
- public Calendar getCalendar()
- {
- return this.calendar;
- }
- public final char getCurrent()
- {
- return this.ch;
- }
- public abstract int indexOf(char paramChar, int paramInt);
- public final int intValue()
- {
- int j = 0;
- int m = 0;
- int k = this.np;
- int i1 = this.np + this.sp;
- int n;
- int i;
- label73: int i2;
- if (charAt(this.np) == '-')
- {
- m = 1;
- n = -2147483648;
- k += 1;
- if (m != 0);
- i = k;
- if (k < i1)
- {
- j = -digits[charAt(k)];
- i = k + 1;
- }
- if (i >= i1)
- break label215;
- k = i + 1;
- i2 = charAt(i);
- i = k;
- if (i2 != 76)
- {
- i = k;
- if (i2 != 83)
- {
- if (i2 != 66)
- break label141;
- i = k;
- }
- }
- }
- label141: label215:
- while (true)
- {
- if (m != 0)
- {
- if (i > this.np + 1)
- {
- return j;
- n = -2147483647;
- break;
- i = digits[i2];
- if (j < -214748364)
- throw new NumberFormatException(numberString());
- j *= 10;
- if (j < n + i)
- throw new NumberFormatException(numberString());
- j -= i;
- i = k;
- break label73;
- }
- throw new NumberFormatException(numberString());
- }
- return -j;
- }
- }
- public final Number integerValue()
- throws NumberFormatException
- {
- long l1 = 0L;
- int n = 0;
- if (this.np == -1)
- this.np = 0;
- int k = this.np;
- int i = this.np + this.sp;
- int j = 32;
- long l2;
- label105: int m;
- switch (charAt(i - 1))
- {
- default:
- if (charAt(this.np) == '-')
- {
- n = 1;
- l2 = -9223372036854775808L;
- k += 1;
- if (n != 0);
- m = k;
- if (k < i)
- {
- l1 = -digits[charAt(k)];
- m = k + 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'L':
- case 'S':
- case 'B':
- }
- while (true)
- {
- if (m >= i)
- break label259;
- k = digits[charAt(m)];
- if (l1 < -922337203685477580L)
- {
- return new BigInteger(numberString());
- i -= 1;
- j = 76;
- break;
- i -= 1;
- j = 83;
- break;
- i -= 1;
- j = 66;
- break;
- l2 = -9223372036854775807L;
- break label105;
- }
- l1 *= 10L;
- if (l1 < k + l2)
- return new BigInteger(numberString());
- l1 -= k;
- m += 1;
- }
- label259: if (n != 0)
- {
- if (m > this.np + 1)
- {
- if ((l1 >= -2147483648L) && (j != 76))
- return Integer.valueOf((int)l1);
- return Long.valueOf(l1);
- }
- throw new NumberFormatException(numberString());
- }
- l1 = -l1;
- if ((l1 <= 2147483647L) && (j != 76))
- {
- if (j == 83)
- return Short.valueOf((short)(int)l1);
- if (j == 66)
- return Byte.valueOf((byte)(int)l1);
- return Integer.valueOf((int)l1);
- }
- return Long.valueOf(l1);
- }
- public final boolean isBlankInput()
- {
- int i = 0;
- while (true)
- {
- char c = charAt(i);
- if (c == '\032')
- return true;
- if (!isWhitespace(c))
- return false;
- i += 1;
- }
- }
- public abstract boolean isEOF();
- public final boolean isEnabled(Feature paramFeature)
- {
- return Feature.isEnabled(this.features, paramFeature);
- }
- public final boolean isRef()
- {
- if (this.sp != 4);
- while ((charAt(this.np + 1) != '$') || (charAt(this.np + 2) != 'r') || (charAt(this.np + 3) != 'e') || (charAt(this.np + 4) != 'f'))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- protected void lexError(String paramString, Object[] paramArrayOfObject)
- {
- this.token = 1;
- }
- public final long longValue()
- throws NumberFormatException
- {
- long l1 = 0L;
- int k = 0;
- int j = this.np;
- int m = this.np + this.sp;
- long l2;
- int i;
- label74: int n;
- if (charAt(this.np) == '-')
- {
- k = 1;
- l2 = -9223372036854775808L;
- j += 1;
- if (k != 0);
- i = j;
- if (j < m)
- {
- l1 = -digits[charAt(j)];
- i = j + 1;
- }
- if (i >= m)
- break label230;
- j = i + 1;
- n = charAt(i);
- i = j;
- if (n != 76)
- {
- i = j;
- if (n != 83)
- {
- if (n != 66)
- break label143;
- i = j;
- }
- }
- }
- label143: label230:
- while (true)
- {
- if (k != 0)
- {
- if (i > this.np + 1)
- {
- return l1;
- l2 = -9223372036854775807L;
- break;
- i = digits[n];
- if (l1 < -922337203685477580L)
- throw new NumberFormatException(numberString());
- l1 *= 10L;
- if (l1 < i + l2)
- throw new NumberFormatException(numberString());
- l1 -= i;
- i = j;
- break label74;
- }
- throw new NumberFormatException(numberString());
- }
- return -l1;
- }
- }
- public final boolean matchField(char[] paramArrayOfChar)
- {
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- return false;
- this.bp += paramArrayOfChar.length;
- this.ch = charAt(this.bp);
- if (this.ch == '{')
- {
- next();
- this.token = 12;
- }
- while (true)
- {
- return true;
- if (this.ch == '[')
- {
- next();
- this.token = 14;
- }
- else
- {
- nextToken();
- }
- }
- }
- public final int matchStat()
- {
- return this.matchStat;
- }
- public abstract char next();
- public final void nextIdent()
- {
- while (isWhitespace(this.ch))
- next();
- if ((this.ch == '_') || (Character.isLetter(this.ch)))
- {
- scanIdent();
- return;
- }
- nextToken();
- }
- public final void nextToken()
- {
- this.sp = 0;
- while (true)
- {
- this.pos = this.bp;
- if (this.ch == '"')
- {
- scanString();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == ',')
- {
- next();
- this.token = 16;
- return;
- }
- if ((this.ch >= '0') && (this.ch <= '9'))
- {
- scanNumber();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '-')
- {
- scanNumber();
- return;
- }
- switch (this.ch)
- {
- default:
- if (!isEOF())
- break label444;
- if (this.token != 20)
- break;
- throw new JSONException("EOF error");
- case '\'':
- if (!isEnabled(Feature.AllowSingleQuotes))
- throw new JSONException("Feature.AllowSingleQuotes is false");
- scanStringSingleQuote();
- return;
- case '\b':
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- case '\f':
- case '\r':
- case ' ':
- next();
- case 't':
- case 'T':
- case 'S':
- case 'f':
- case 'n':
- case '(':
- case ')':
- case '[':
- case ']':
- case '{':
- case '}':
- case ':':
- }
- }
- scanTrue();
- return;
- scanTreeSet();
- return;
- scanSet();
- return;
- scanFalse();
- return;
- scanNullOrNew();
- return;
- next();
- this.token = 10;
- return;
- next();
- this.token = 11;
- return;
- next();
- this.token = 14;
- return;
- next();
- this.token = 15;
- return;
- next();
- this.token = 12;
- return;
- next();
- this.token = 13;
- return;
- next();
- this.token = 17;
- return;
- this.token = 20;
- int i = this.eofPos;
- this.bp = i;
- this.pos = i;
- return;
- label444: lexError("illegal.char", new Object[] { String.valueOf(this.ch) });
- next();
- }
- public final void nextToken(int paramInt)
- {
- this.sp = 0;
- switch (paramInt)
- {
- case 3:
- case 5:
- case 6:
- case 7:
- case 8:
- case 9:
- case 10:
- case 11:
- case 13:
- case 17:
- case 19:
- default:
- case 12:
- case 16:
- case 2:
- case 4:
- case 14:
- case 15:
- case 20:
- case 18:
- }
- while (true)
- if ((this.ch == ' ') || (this.ch == '\n') || (this.ch == '\r') || (this.ch == '\t') || (this.ch == '\f') || (this.ch == '\b'))
- {
- next();
- break;
- if (this.ch == '{')
- {
- this.token = 12;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '[')
- {
- this.token = 14;
- next();
- return;
- if (this.ch == ',')
- {
- this.token = 16;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '}')
- {
- this.token = 13;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == ']')
- {
- this.token = 15;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '\032')
- {
- this.token = 20;
- return;
- if ((this.ch >= '0') && (this.ch <= '9'))
- {
- this.pos = this.bp;
- scanNumber();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '"')
- {
- this.pos = this.bp;
- scanString();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '[')
- {
- this.token = 14;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '{')
- {
- this.token = 12;
- next();
- return;
- if (this.ch == '"')
- {
- this.pos = this.bp;
- scanString();
- return;
- }
- if ((this.ch >= '0') && (this.ch <= '9'))
- {
- this.pos = this.bp;
- scanNumber();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '[')
- {
- this.token = 14;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '{')
- {
- this.token = 12;
- next();
- return;
- if (this.ch == '[')
- {
- this.token = 14;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '{')
- {
- this.token = 12;
- next();
- return;
- if (this.ch == ']')
- {
- this.token = 15;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '\032')
- {
- this.token = 20;
- return;
- nextIdent();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- nextToken();
- }
- public final void nextTokenWithChar(char paramChar)
- {
- this.sp = 0;
- while (true)
- {
- if (this.ch == paramChar)
- {
- next();
- nextToken();
- return;
- }
- if ((this.ch != ' ') && (this.ch != '\n') && (this.ch != '\r') && (this.ch != '\t') && (this.ch != '\f') && (this.ch != '\b'))
- break;
- next();
- }
- throw new JSONException("not match " + paramChar + " - " + this.ch);
- }
- public final void nextTokenWithChar(char paramChar, int paramInt)
- {
- this.sp = 0;
- if (this.ch == paramChar)
- next();
- while (true)
- {
- if (paramInt == 2)
- {
- if ((this.ch >= '0') && (this.ch <= '9'))
- {
- this.pos = this.bp;
- scanNumber();
- return;
- if (isWhitespace(this.ch))
- {
- next();
- break;
- }
- throw new JSONException("not match " + paramInt + " - " + this.ch);
- }
- if (this.ch != '"')
- break label289;
- this.pos = this.bp;
- scanString();
- return;
- }
- if (paramInt == 4)
- {
- if (this.ch == '"')
- {
- this.pos = this.bp;
- scanString();
- return;
- }
- if ((this.ch >= '0') && (this.ch <= '9'))
- {
- this.pos = this.bp;
- scanNumber();
- }
- }
- else if (paramInt == 12)
- {
- if (this.ch == '{')
- {
- this.token = 12;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '[')
- {
- this.token = 14;
- next();
- }
- }
- else if (paramInt == 14)
- {
- if (this.ch == '[')
- {
- this.token = 14;
- next();
- return;
- }
- if (this.ch == '{')
- {
- this.token = 12;
- next();
- return;
- }
- }
- label289: if (!isWhitespace(this.ch))
- break label307;
- next();
- }
- label307: nextToken();
- }
- public final void nextTokenWithColon()
- {
- nextTokenWithChar(':');
- }
- public final void nextTokenWithColon(int paramInt)
- {
- nextTokenWithChar(':');
- }
- public final void nextTokenWithComma()
- {
- nextTokenWithChar(':');
- }
- public final void nextTokenWithComma(int paramInt)
- {
- nextTokenWithChar(',');
- }
- public abstract String numberString();
- public final Number numberValue()
- {
- int i = charAt(this.np + this.sp - 1);
- String str = numberString();
- switch (i)
- {
- case 69:
- default:
- return new BigDecimal(str);
- case 68:
- return Double.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(str));
- case 70:
- }
- return Float.valueOf(Float.parseFloat(str));
- }
- public final int pos()
- {
- return this.pos;
- }
- protected final void putChar(char paramChar)
- {
- if (this.sp == this.sbuf.length)
- {
- arrayOfChar = new char[this.sbuf.length * 2];
- System.arraycopy(this.sbuf, 0, arrayOfChar, 0, this.sbuf.length);
- this.sbuf = arrayOfChar;
- }
- char[] arrayOfChar = this.sbuf;
- int i = this.sp;
- this.sp = (i + 1);
- arrayOfChar[i] = paramChar;
- }
- public final void resetStringPosition()
- {
- this.sp = 0;
- }
- public boolean scanBoolean(char paramChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- char c = this.bp;
- int i = 0 + 1;
- c = charAt(c + '\000');
- boolean bool = false;
- if (c == 't')
- if ((charAt(this.bp + 1) == 'r') && (charAt(this.bp + 1 + 1) == 'u') && (charAt(this.bp + 1 + 2) == 'e'))
- {
- c = this.bp;
- i = i + 3 + 1;
- c = charAt(c + '\004');
- bool = true;
- }
- while (true)
- if (c == paramChar)
- {
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- return bool;
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- if (c == 'f')
- if ((charAt(this.bp + 1) == 'a') && (charAt(this.bp + 1 + 1) == 'l') && (charAt(this.bp + 1 + 2) == 's') && (charAt(this.bp + 1 + 3) == 'e'))
- {
- c = this.bp;
- i = i + 4 + 1;
- c = charAt(c + '\005');
- bool = false;
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return bool;
- }
- }
- public Enum<?> scanEnum(Class<?> paramClass, SymbolTable paramSymbolTable, char paramChar)
- {
- paramSymbolTable = scanSymbolWithSeperator(paramSymbolTable, paramChar);
- if (paramSymbolTable == null)
- return null;
- return Enum.valueOf(paramClass, paramSymbolTable);
- }
- public final void scanFalse()
- {
- if (this.ch != 'f')
- throw new JSONException("error parse false");
- next();
- if (this.ch != 'a')
- throw new JSONException("error parse false");
- next();
- if (this.ch != 'l')
- throw new JSONException("error parse false");
- next();
- if (this.ch != 's')
- throw new JSONException("error parse false");
- next();
- if (this.ch != 'e')
- throw new JSONException("error parse false");
- next();
- if ((this.ch == ' ') || (this.ch == ',') || (this.ch == '}') || (this.ch == ']') || (this.ch == '\n') || (this.ch == '\r') || (this.ch == '\t') || (this.ch == '\032') || (this.ch == '\f') || (this.ch == '\b'))
- {
- this.token = 7;
- return;
- }
- throw new JSONException("scan false error");
- }
- public boolean scanFieldBoolean(char[] paramArrayOfChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- {
- this.matchStat = -2;
- return false;
- }
- int j = paramArrayOfChar.length;
- int k = this.bp;
- int i = j + 1;
- j = charAt(k + j);
- boolean bool;
- if (j == 116)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- if (charAt(k + i) != 'r')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- i = this.bp;
- k = j + 1;
- if (charAt(i + j) != 'u')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- j = this.bp;
- i = k + 1;
- if (charAt(j + k) != 'e')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- bool = true;
- }
- while (true)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- i = charAt(k + i);
- if (i != 44)
- break label333;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return bool;
- if (j != 102)
- break;
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- if (charAt(k + i) != 'a')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- k = this.bp;
- i = j + 1;
- if (charAt(k + j) != 'l')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- j = this.bp;
- k = i + 1;
- if (charAt(j + i) != 's')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- if (charAt(this.bp + k) != 'e')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- bool = false;
- i = k + 1;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- label333: if (i == 125)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- i = j + 1;
- j = charAt(k + j);
- if (j == 44)
- {
- this.token = 16;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- while (true)
- {
- this.matchStat = 4;
- return bool;
- if (j == 93)
- {
- this.token = 15;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (j == 125)
- {
- this.token = 13;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- else
- {
- if (j != 26)
- break;
- this.token = 20;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- this.ch = '\032';
- }
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return false;
- }
- public final double scanFieldDouble(char paramChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- char c1 = charAt(this.bp + 0);
- char c2;
- char c3;
- char c4;
- if ((c1 >= '0') && (c1 <= '9'))
- {
- for (c1 = 0 + 1; ; c1 = c3)
- {
- c2 = this.bp;
- c3 = c1 + '\001';
- c4 = charAt(c2 + c1);
- if ((c4 < '0') || (c4 > '9'))
- break;
- }
- c2 = c4;
- c1 = c3;
- if (c4 == '.')
- {
- c2 = this.bp;
- c1 = c3 + '\001';
- c2 = charAt(c2 + c3);
- if ((c2 >= '0') && (c2 <= '9'))
- while (true)
- {
- c2 = this.bp;
- c3 = c1 + '\001';
- c4 = charAt(c2 + c1);
- c2 = c4;
- c1 = c3;
- if (c4 < '0')
- break;
- c2 = c4;
- c1 = c3;
- if (c4 > '9')
- break;
- c1 = c3;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0D;
- }
- if (c2 != 'e')
- {
- c3 = c2;
- c4 = c1;
- if (c2 != 'E');
- }
- else
- {
- c3 = this.bp;
- c2 = c1 + '\001';
- c1 = charAt(c3 + c1);
- if ((c1 != '+') && (c1 != '-'))
- break label420;
- c3 = this.bp;
- c1 = c2 + '\001';
- c3 = charAt(c3 + c2);
- c2 = c1;
- c1 = c3;
- }
- }
- label420:
- while (true)
- {
- c3 = c1;
- c4 = c2;
- if (c1 >= '0')
- {
- c3 = c1;
- c4 = c2;
- if (c1 <= '9')
- {
- c1 = charAt(this.bp + c2);
- c2 += '\001';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- c1 = this.bp;
- double d = Double.parseDouble(subString(c1, this.bp + c4 - c1 - 1));
- if (c3 == paramChar)
- {
- this.bp += c4 - '\001';
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return d;
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0D;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return d;
- }
- }
- }
- public final double scanFieldDouble(char[] paramArrayOfChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- {
- this.matchStat = -2;
- return 0.0D;
- }
- int i = paramArrayOfChar.length;
- int j = charAt(this.bp + i);
- int k;
- int m;
- if ((j >= 48) && (j <= 57))
- {
- i += 1;
- while (true)
- {
- j = this.bp;
- k = i + 1;
- m = charAt(j + i);
- if ((m < 48) || (m > 57))
- break;
- i = k;
- }
- j = m;
- i = k;
- if (m == 46)
- {
- j = this.bp;
- i = k + 1;
- j = charAt(j + k);
- if ((j >= 48) && (j <= 57))
- while (true)
- {
- j = this.bp;
- k = i + 1;
- m = charAt(j + i);
- j = m;
- i = k;
- if (m < 48)
- break;
- j = m;
- i = k;
- if (m > 57)
- break;
- i = k;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0D;
- }
- if (j != 101)
- {
- m = j;
- k = i;
- if (j != 69);
- }
- else
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- i = charAt(k + i);
- if ((i != 43) && (i != 45))
- break label624;
- k = this.bp;
- i = j + 1;
- k = charAt(k + j);
- j = i;
- i = k;
- }
- }
- label624:
- while (true)
- {
- m = i;
- k = j;
- if (i >= 48)
- {
- m = i;
- k = j;
- if (i <= 57)
- {
- i = charAt(this.bp + j);
- j += 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- i = this.bp + paramArrayOfChar.length;
- double d = Double.parseDouble(subString(i, this.bp + k - i - 1));
- if (m == 44)
- {
- this.bp += k - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return d;
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0D;
- }
- if (m == 125)
- {
- j = this.bp;
- i = k + 1;
- j = charAt(j + k);
- if (j == 44)
- {
- this.token = 16;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- while (true)
- {
- this.matchStat = 4;
- return d;
- if (j == 93)
- {
- this.token = 15;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (j == 125)
- {
- this.token = 13;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- else
- {
- if (j != 26)
- break;
- this.token = 20;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- this.ch = '\032';
- }
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0D;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0D;
- }
- }
- }
- public final float scanFieldFloat(char[] paramArrayOfChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- {
- this.matchStat = -2;
- return 0.0F;
- }
- int i = paramArrayOfChar.length;
- int j = charAt(this.bp + i);
- int k;
- float f;
- if ((j >= 48) && (j <= 57))
- {
- i += 1;
- int m;
- while (true)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- m = charAt(k + i);
- if ((m < 48) || (m > 57))
- break;
- i = j;
- }
- k = m;
- i = j;
- if (m == 46)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- i = j + 1;
- j = charAt(k + j);
- if ((j >= 48) && (j <= 57))
- while (true)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- m = charAt(k + i);
- k = m;
- i = j;
- if (m < 48)
- break;
- k = m;
- i = j;
- if (m > 57)
- break;
- i = j;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0F;
- }
- j = this.bp + paramArrayOfChar.length;
- f = Float.parseFloat(subString(j, this.bp + i - j - 1));
- if (k == 44)
- {
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return f;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0F;
- }
- if (k == 125)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- i = charAt(k + i);
- if (i == 44)
- {
- this.token = 16;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- while (true)
- {
- this.matchStat = 4;
- return f;
- if (i == 93)
- {
- this.token = 15;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (i == 125)
- {
- this.token = 13;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- else
- {
- if (i != 26)
- break;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- this.token = 20;
- this.ch = '\032';
- }
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0F;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0F;
- }
- public int scanFieldInt(char[] paramArrayOfChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- {
- this.matchStat = -2;
- return 0;
- }
- int j = paramArrayOfChar.length;
- int i = charAt(this.bp + j);
- int m;
- int k;
- if ((i >= 48) && (i <= 57))
- {
- i = digits[i];
- j += 1;
- while (true)
- {
- m = this.bp;
- k = j + 1;
- j = charAt(m + j);
- if ((j < 48) || (j > 57))
- break;
- i = i * 10 + digits[j];
- j = k;
- }
- if (j == 46)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (i < 0)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (j == 44)
- {
- this.bp += k - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return i;
- }
- if (j == 125)
- {
- m = this.bp;
- j = k + 1;
- k = charAt(m + k);
- if (k == 44)
- {
- this.token = 16;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- while (true)
- {
- this.matchStat = 4;
- return i;
- if (k == 93)
- {
- this.token = 15;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (k == 125)
- {
- this.token = 13;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- else
- {
- if (k != 26)
- break;
- this.token = 20;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- this.ch = '\032';
- }
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- public long scanFieldLong(char[] paramArrayOfChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- {
- this.matchStat = -2;
- return 0L;
- }
- int i = paramArrayOfChar.length;
- int j = charAt(this.bp + i);
- long l;
- int k;
- if ((j >= 48) && (j <= 57))
- {
- l = digits[j];
- i += 1;
- while (true)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- i = charAt(k + i);
- if ((i < 48) || (i > 57))
- break;
- l = 10L * l + digits[i];
- i = j;
- }
- if (i == 46)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0L;
- }
- if (l < 0L)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0L;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0L;
- }
- if (i == 44)
- {
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return l;
- }
- if (i == 125)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- i = j + 1;
- j = charAt(k + j);
- if (j == 44)
- {
- this.token = 16;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- while (true)
- {
- this.matchStat = 4;
- return l;
- if (j == 93)
- {
- this.token = 15;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (j == 125)
- {
- this.token = 13;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- else
- {
- if (j != 26)
- break;
- this.token = 20;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- this.ch = '\032';
- }
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0L;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0L;
- }
- public String scanFieldString(char[] paramArrayOfChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- {
- this.matchStat = -2;
- return stringDefaultValue();
- }
- int m = paramArrayOfChar.length;
- if (charAt(this.bp + m) != '"')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return stringDefaultValue();
- }
- int k = 0;
- int n = indexOf('"', this.bp + paramArrayOfChar.length + 1);
- if (n == -1)
- throw new JSONException("unclosed str");
- int i = this.bp + paramArrayOfChar.length + 1;
- String str = subString(i, n - i);
- i = this.bp + paramArrayOfChar.length + 1;
- while (true)
- {
- j = k;
- if (i < n)
- {
- if (charAt(i) == '\\')
- j = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (j == 0)
- break;
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return stringDefaultValue();
- }
- i += 1;
- }
- int j = m + 1 + (n - (this.bp + paramArrayOfChar.length + 1) + 1);
- k = this.bp;
- i = j + 1;
- j = charAt(k + j);
- if (j == 44)
- {
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- return str;
- }
- if (j == 125)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- i = charAt(k + i);
- if (i == 44)
- {
- this.token = 16;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- while (true)
- {
- this.matchStat = 4;
- return str;
- if (i == 93)
- {
- this.token = 15;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (i == 125)
- {
- this.token = 13;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- else
- {
- if (i != 26)
- break;
- this.token = 20;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- this.ch = '\032';
- }
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return stringDefaultValue();
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return stringDefaultValue();
- }
- public Collection<String> scanFieldStringArray(char[] paramArrayOfChar, Class<?> paramClass)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- {
- this.matchStat = -2;
- return null;
- }
- if (paramClass.isAssignableFrom(HashSet.class))
- paramClass = new HashSet();
- while (true)
- {
- i = paramArrayOfChar.length;
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- if (charAt(k + i) != '[')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- if (paramClass.isAssignableFrom(ArrayList.class))
- {
- paramClass = new ArrayList();
- continue;
- }
- try
- {
- paramClass = (Collection)paramClass.newInstance();
- }
- catch (Exception paramArrayOfChar)
- {
- throw new JSONException(paramArrayOfChar.getMessage(), paramArrayOfChar);
- }
- }
- }
- int k = this.bp;
- int i = j + 1;
- int j = charAt(k + j);
- if (j != 34)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- j = i;
- while (true)
- {
- k = j;
- int m = this.bp;
- j = k + 1;
- k = charAt(m + k);
- if (k == 34)
- {
- i = this.bp + i;
- paramClass.add(subString(i, this.bp + j - i - 1));
- k = this.bp;
- i = j + 1;
- j = charAt(k + j);
- if (j != 44)
- break label284;
- j = charAt(this.bp + i);
- i += 1;
- break;
- }
- if (k == 92)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- label284: if (j == 93)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- i = charAt(k + i);
- if (i == 44)
- {
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- return paramClass;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- if (i == 125)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- i = j + 1;
- j = charAt(k + j);
- if (j == 44)
- {
- this.token = 16;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- while (true)
- {
- this.matchStat = 4;
- return paramClass;
- if (j == 93)
- {
- this.token = 15;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (j == 125)
- {
- this.token = 13;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- }
- else
- {
- if (j != 26)
- break;
- this.bp += i - 1;
- this.token = 20;
- this.ch = '\032';
- }
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- public String scanFieldSymbol(char[] paramArrayOfChar, SymbolTable paramSymbolTable)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- if (!charArrayCompare(paramArrayOfChar))
- {
- this.matchStat = -2;
- return null;
- }
- int j = paramArrayOfChar.length;
- if (charAt(this.bp + j) != '"')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- int i = 0;
- j += 1;
- while (true)
- {
- int m = this.bp;
- int k = j + 1;
- j = charAt(m + j);
- if (j == 34)
- {
- j = this.bp + paramArrayOfChar.length + 1;
- paramArrayOfChar = addSymbol(j, this.bp + k - j - 1, i, paramSymbolTable);
- j = this.bp;
- i = k + 1;
- j = charAt(j + k);
- if (j == 44)
- {
- this.bp += i - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- return paramArrayOfChar;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- i = i * 31 + j;
- if (j != 92)
- break label371;
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- if (j == 125)
- {
- k = this.bp;
- j = i + 1;
- i = charAt(k + i);
- if (i == 44)
- {
- this.token = 16;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- while (true)
- {
- this.matchStat = 4;
- return paramArrayOfChar;
- if (i == 93)
- {
- this.token = 15;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (i == 125)
- {
- this.token = 13;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- next();
- }
- else
- {
- if (i != 26)
- break;
- this.token = 20;
- this.bp += j - 1;
- this.ch = '\032';
- }
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- label371: j = k;
- }
- }
- public final float scanFloat(char paramChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- char c1 = charAt(this.bp + 0);
- float f;
- if ((c1 >= '0') && (c1 <= '9'))
- {
- char c4;
- for (char c2 = 0 + 1; ; c2 = c1)
- {
- c3 = this.bp;
- c1 = c2 + '\001';
- c4 = charAt(c3 + c2);
- if ((c4 < '0') || (c4 > '9'))
- break;
- }
- c2 = c4;
- char c3 = c1;
- if (c4 == '.')
- {
- c3 = this.bp;
- c2 = c1 + '\001';
- c1 = charAt(c3 + c1);
- if ((c1 >= '0') && (c1 <= '9'))
- while (true)
- {
- c3 = this.bp;
- c1 = c2 + '\001';
- c4 = charAt(c3 + c2);
- c2 = c4;
- c3 = c1;
- if (c4 < '0')
- break;
- c2 = c4;
- c3 = c1;
- if (c4 > '9')
- break;
- c2 = c1;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0F;
- }
- c1 = this.bp;
- f = Float.parseFloat(subString(c1, this.bp + c3 - c1 - 1));
- if (c2 == paramChar)
- {
- this.bp += c3 - '\001';
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return f;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0.0F;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return f;
- }
- public final void scanIdent()
- {
- this.np = (this.bp - 1);
- this.hasSpecial = false;
- do
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- while (Character.isLetterOrDigit(this.ch));
- Object localObject = stringVal();
- localObject = this.keywods.getKeyword((String)localObject);
- if (localObject != null)
- {
- this.token = ((Integer)localObject).intValue();
- return;
- }
- this.token = 18;
- }
- public int scanInt(char paramChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- int i = charAt(this.bp + 0);
- char c1;
- char c2;
- if ((i >= 48) && (i <= 57))
- {
- i = digits[i];
- for (c1 = 0 + 1; ; c1 = c2)
- {
- char c3 = this.bp;
- c2 = c1 + '\001';
- c1 = charAt(c3 + c1);
- if ((c1 < '0') || (c1 > '9'))
- break;
- i = i * 10 + digits[c1];
- }
- if (c1 == '.')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (i < 0)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (c1 == paramChar)
- {
- this.bp += c2 - '\001';
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return i;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return i;
- }
- public long scanLong(char paramChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- char c1 = charAt(this.bp + 0);
- long l;
- char c2;
- if ((c1 >= '0') && (c1 <= '9'))
- {
- l = digits[c1];
- for (c1 = 0 + 1; ; c1 = c2)
- {
- char c3 = this.bp;
- c2 = c1 + '\001';
- c1 = charAt(c3 + c1);
- if ((c1 < '0') || (c1 > '9'))
- break;
- l = 10L * l + digits[c1];
- }
- if (c1 == '.')
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0L;
- }
- if (l < 0L)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0L;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return 0L;
- }
- if (c1 == paramChar)
- {
- this.bp += c2 - '\001';
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- this.token = 16;
- return l;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return l;
- }
- public final void scanNullOrNew()
- {
- if (this.ch != 'n')
- throw new JSONException("error parse null or new");
- next();
- if (this.ch == 'u')
- {
- next();
- if (this.ch != 'l')
- throw new JSONException("error parse true");
- next();
- if (this.ch != 'l')
- throw new JSONException("error parse true");
- next();
- if ((this.ch == ' ') || (this.ch == ',') || (this.ch == '}') || (this.ch == ']') || (this.ch == '\n') || (this.ch == '\r') || (this.ch == '\t') || (this.ch == '\032') || (this.ch == '\f') || (this.ch == '\b'))
- {
- this.token = 8;
- return;
- }
- throw new JSONException("scan true error");
- }
- if (this.ch != 'e')
- throw new JSONException("error parse e");
- next();
- if (this.ch != 'w')
- throw new JSONException("error parse w");
- next();
- if ((this.ch == ' ') || (this.ch == ',') || (this.ch == '}') || (this.ch == ']') || (this.ch == '\n') || (this.ch == '\r') || (this.ch == '\t') || (this.ch == '\032') || (this.ch == '\f') || (this.ch == '\b'))
- {
- this.token = 9;
- return;
- }
- throw new JSONException("scan true error");
- }
- public final void scanNumber()
- {
- this.np = this.bp;
- if (this.ch == '-')
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- while ((this.ch >= '0') && (this.ch <= '9'))
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- int i = 0;
- if (this.ch == '.')
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- int j = 1;
- while (true)
- {
- i = j;
- if (this.ch < '0')
- break;
- i = j;
- if (this.ch > '9')
- break;
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- }
- if (this.ch == 'L')
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- while (i != 0)
- {
- this.token = 3;
- return;
- if (this.ch == 'S')
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (this.ch == 'B')
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- else if (this.ch == 'F')
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- i = 1;
- }
- else if (this.ch == 'D')
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- i = 1;
- }
- else if ((this.ch == 'e') || (this.ch == 'E'))
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- if ((this.ch == '+') || (this.ch == '-'))
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- while ((this.ch >= '0') && (this.ch <= '9'))
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- if ((this.ch == 'D') || (this.ch == 'F'))
- {
- this.sp += 1;
- next();
- }
- i = 1;
- }
- }
- this.token = 2;
- }
- public final void scanSet()
- {
- if (this.ch != 'S')
- throw new JSONException("error parse true");
- next();
- if (this.ch != 'e')
- throw new JSONException("error parse true");
- next();
- if (this.ch != 't')
- throw new JSONException("error parse true");
- next();
- if ((this.ch == ' ') || (this.ch == '\n') || (this.ch == '\r') || (this.ch == '\t') || (this.ch == '\f') || (this.ch == '\b') || (this.ch == '[') || (this.ch == '('))
- {
- this.token = 21;
- return;
- }
- throw new JSONException("scan set error");
- }
- public String scanString(char paramChar)
- {
- this.matchStat = 0;
- int i = charAt(this.bp + 0);
- if (i == 110)
- {
- if ((charAt(this.bp + 1) == 'u') && (charAt(this.bp + 1 + 1) == 'l') && (charAt(this.bp + 1 + 2) == 'l'))
- {
- if (charAt(this.bp + 4) == paramChar)
- {
- this.bp += 4;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- return null;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return null;
- }
- if (i != 34)
- {
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return stringDefaultValue();
- }
- int k = 0;
- i = this.bp + 1;
- int m = indexOf('"', i);
- if (m == -1)
- throw new JSONException("unclosed str");
- String str = subString(this.bp + 1, m - i);
- i = this.bp + 1;
- while (true)
- {
- int j = k;
- if (i < m)
- {
- if (charAt(i) == '\\')
- j = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (j == 0)
- break;
- this.matchStat = -1;
- return stringDefaultValue();
- }
- i += 1;
- }
- i = m - (this.bp + 1) + 1 + 1;
- if (charAt(this.bp + i) == paramChar)
- {
- this.bp += i + 1 - 1;
- next();
- this.matchStat = 3;
- retu…
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