http://github.com/spawngrid/erel · Erlang · 89 lines · 73 code · 15 blank · 1 comment · 1 complexity · b779a0342e4338190a18f1a346031565 MD5 · raw file
- -module(erel_endp_amqp).
- -behaviour(gen_bunny).
- -include_lib("erel_master/include/erel_master.hrl").
- -include_lib("gen_bunny/include/gen_bunny.hrl").
- -export([init/1,
- handle_message/2,
- handle_call/3,
- handle_cast/2,
- handle_info/2,
- terminate/2]).
- -export([start_link/2]).
- -record(state, { handler :: atom(),
- hstate :: term(),
- vsn :: binary() }).
- start_link(Handler, Arg) ->
- [Host, Port,
- Username, Password,
- VHost] = [ begin {ok, Value} = application:get_env(Config), Value end
- || Config <- [amqp_host, amqp_port, amqp_username, amqp_password, amqp_vhost]],
- ConnectInfo = {network, Host, Port, {list_to_binary(Username), list_to_binary(Password)}, list_to_binary(VHost)},
- Declare = binding_to_declare(Handler:binding(Arg)),
- gen_server:start_link(gen_bunny, [?MODULE, ConnectInfo,
- Declare, [Handler, Arg]], []).
- init([Handler, Arg]) ->
- {ok, HState} = Handler:init(self(), Arg),
- {ok, Vsn} = application:get_key(erel_common, vsn),
- {ok, #state{ handler = Handler, hstate = HState, vsn = list_to_binary(Vsn) }}.
- handle_message(#amqp_msg{ props = Props,
- payload = Message},
- #state{ vsn = Vsn,
- handler = Handler,
- hstate = HState } = State) ->
- case lists:keyfind(<<"erel_common_version">>, 1, Props#'P_basic'.headers) of
- {_, _, Vsn} ->
- {ok, HState1} = Handler:handle_message(binary_to_term(Message), HState),
- {noreply, State#state{ hstate = HState1 }};
- {_, _, OtherVsn} ->
- ?ERROR("Incompatible erl_commons version (~p) of the message received (message_id=~p), ignoring", [OtherVsn, Props#'P_basic'.message_id]),
- {noreply, State}
- end.
- handle_call(Call, From, #state{ handler = Handler, hstate = HState } = State) ->
- case Handler:handle_call(Call, From, HState) of
- {reply, Reply, HState1} ->
- {reply, Reply, State#state{ hstate = HState1 }};
- {noreply, HState1} ->
- {noreply, State#state{ hstate = HState1 }}
- end.
- handle_cast({cast, Exchange, Topic, Message}, #state{ vsn = Vsn } = State) ->
- BasicPublish = #'basic.publish'{
- exchange = atom_to_binary(Exchange, latin1),
- routing_key = list_to_binary(Topic)
- },
- Self = self(),
- #amqp_msg{} = Msg0 = bunny_util:new_message(term_to_binary(Message)),
- Msg = Msg0#amqp_msg{ props = #'P_basic'{ headers = [{<<"erel_common_version">>, longstr, Vsn}] }},
- spawn_link(fun () ->
- amqp_channel:cast(gen_bunny:get_channel(Self), BasicPublish,
- Msg) end),
- {noreply, State};
- handle_cast(Msg, #state{ handler = Handler, hstate = HState} = State) ->
- {noreply, HState1} = Handler:handle_cast(Msg, HState),
- {noreply, State#state{ hstate = HState1 }}.
- handle_info(Info, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
- terminate(Reason, _State) ->
- ok.
- %%
- binding_to_declare(#endp_binding{ name = Name, type = Type, topic = Topic}) ->
- {#'exchange.declare'{exchange = atom_to_binary(Name, latin1), type =
- binding_type_to_type(Type), auto_delete = true }, #'queue.declare'{ queue = <<>>, auto_delete = true, exclusive = true}, list_to_binary(Topic)}.
- binding_type_to_type(topic) ->
- <<"topic">>;
- binding_type_to_type(direct) ->
- <<"direct">>.