PHP | 259 lines | 171 code | 46 blank | 42 comment | 8 complexity | 178f798d05be864c66af3c33206b7cec MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- require_once("../lib/ebpls.utils.php");
- define('FPDF_FONTPATH','font/');
- require('../ebpls-php-lib/html2pdf_lib/fpdf.php');
- include("../lib/phpFunctions-inc.php");
- include("../includes/variables.php");
- include("../lib/multidbconnection.php");
- $dbLink =Open($dbtype,$connecttype,$dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass,$dbname);
- class PDF extends FPDF
- {
- var $prov;
- var $lgu;
- var $office;
- var $y0;
- function setLGUinfo($p='', $l='', $o='') {
- $this->prov = $p;
- $this->lgu = $l;
- $this->office = $o;
- // echo 'setLGUinfo'.$this->prov;
- }
- function AcceptPageBreak()
- {
- //Method accepting or not automatic page break
- if($this->y<2)
- {
- //Set ordinate to top
- $this->SetY($this->y0);
- //Keep on page
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- //Page header
- function Header()
- {
- //Logo
- //$this->Image('logo_pb.png',10,8,33);
- //Arial bold 15
- $this->Image('../images/ebpls_logo.jpg',10,8,33);
- $this->SetFont('Arial','B',12);
- $this->Cell(680,5,'REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES',0,1,'C');
- $this->Cell(680,5,$this->lgu,0,1,'C');
- $this->Cell(680,5,$this->prov,0,2,'C');
- $this->SetFont('Arial','B',12);
- $this->Cell(680,5,$this->office,0,2,'C');
- $this->Cell(680,5,'',0,2,'C');
- $this->SetFont('Arial','BU',16);
- $this->Cell(680,5,'ABSTRACT OF COLLECTION REPORT' ,0,1,'C');
- $this->Ln(22);
- }
- //Page footer
- function Footer()
- {
- //Position at 1.5 cm from bottom
- $this->SetY(-15);
- //Arial italic 8
- $this->SetFont('Arial','I',8);
- //Page number
- $this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo().'/{nb}',0,0,'C');
- }
- } // end of PDF class
- $result=mysql_query("select lguname, lguprovince, lguoffice from ebpls_buss_preference")
- or die(mysql_error());
- $resulta=mysql_fetch_row($result);
- $getlgu = @mysql_query("select city_municipality_desc from ebpls_city_municipality where city_municipality_code = '$resulta[0]'");
- $getlgu = @mysql_fetch_row($getlgu);
- $getprov = @mysql_query("select province_desc from ebpls_province where province_code = '$resulta[1]'");
- $getprov = @mysql_fetch_row($getprov);
- //$pdf=new FPDF('L','mm','Legal');
- $pdf=new PDF('L','mm','ledger');
- $pdf->setLGUinfo($getlgu[0],$getprov[0],'');
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- $pdf->SetY($Y_Label_position);
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- $pdf->Cell(680,5,'From '.$date_from. ' to '.$date_to ,0,1,'C');
- $Y_Label_position = 50;
- $Y_Table_Position = 55;
- $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10);
- $pdf->SetY($Y_Label_position);
- $pdf->SetX(5);
- $pdf->Cell(50,5,'NAME OF PAYOR',1,0,'C');
- $pdf->Cell(240,5,'BUSINESS/ADDRESS/NATURE',1,0,'C');
- $pdf->Cell(40,5,'OR #',1,0,'C');
- // $pdf->SetX(55);
- // $v = 0;
- // $xx = 55;
- $staxfee = SelectMultiTable($dbtype,$dbLink,"ebpls_buss_preference",
- "staxesfees","");
- $prefset = FetchArray($dbtype,$staxfee);
- // $result = mysql_query("select tfodesc from ebpls_buss_tfo limit 8")
- $sassess = $prefset[staxesfees];
- $result = mysql_query("select a.tfoid, a.tfodesc from ebpls_buss_tfo a, rpt_temp_abs b
- where a.tfoid=b.tfoid ") ;
- while ($resulta=mysql_fetch_row($result))
- {
- $v++;
- $tfoid[$v] = $resulta[0];
- $pdf->Cell(30,5,$resulta[1],1,0,'C'); //tax/fee name
- }
- $pdf->Cell(10,5,'',0,1,'C') ;
- $result = mysql_query ("select concat(b.owner_first_name, ' ', b.owner_middle_name, ' ', b.owner_last_name) as fulln,
- concat(b.owner_street, ' ', i.barangay_desc, ' ',j.city_municipality_desc, ' ', k.province_desc, ' ',
- b.owner_zip_code) as owner_add,
- a.business_name, a.owner_id, a.business_id,
- concat(a.business_street, ' ', f.barangay_desc, ' ',g.city_municipality_desc, ' ', h.province_desc, ' ',
- b.owner_zip_code) as business_add
- from ebpls_business_enterprise a, ebpls_owner b,
- ebpls_barangay f , ebpls_city_municipality g , ebpls_province h, ebpls_barangay i , ebpls_city_municipality j , ebpls_province k where
- a.owner_id=b.owner_id
- and i.barangay_code = b.owner_barangay_code and j.city_municipality_code = b.owner_city_code
- and k.province_code = b.owner_province_code and
- f.barangay_code = a.business_barangay_code and g.city_municipality_code = a.business_city_code
- and h.province_code = a.business_province_code ");
- while ($gd = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- $owner_id = $gd['owner_id'];
- $business_id=$gd['business_id'];
- //check if line is paid
- $lp = mysql_query("select * from ebpls_transaction_payment_or_details a, ebpls_transaction_payment_or b where a.trans_id='$owner_id' and a.payment_id='$business_id' and a.ts between '$date_from 00:00:00' and '$date_to 23:59:59' and a.or_no = b.or_no");
- //echo "select * from tempbusnature where owner_id='$owner_id' and business_id='$business_id' and recpaid='1'";
- //$lp = mysql_query("select * from tempbusnature a, ebpls_buss_nature b, ebpls_transaction_payment_or_details c where owner_id='$owner_id' and business_id='$business_id' and recpaid='1' and a.bus_code=b.natureid and
- //a.owner_id=c.trans_id and a.business_id=c.payment_id and c.ts between '$date_from 00:00:00' and '$date_to 23:59:59'");
- while ($gp = mysql_fetch_assoc($lp)) {
- //get details
- $f=0;
- $pdf->SetX(5);
- $pdf->Cell(50,5,$gd[fulln],1,0,'C');
- $pdf->Cell(240,5,$gd[business_name]."/".$gd[business_add],1,0,'L');
- //get or
- $getor = mysql_query("select * from ebpls_transaction_payment_or_details a, ebpls_transaction_payment_or b where a.trans_id='$owner_id' and a.payment_id='$business_id' and a.or_no=b.or_no");
- $getor = mysql_fetch_assoc($getor);
- $RX = $pdf->GetX();
- $pdf->Cell(40,5,'',1,0,'C');
- //$pdf->Cell(40,5,$getor[or_no],1,0,'C');
- //get paytax/fee
- $gettax = mysql_Query("select * from tempassess a where a.owner_id='$owner_id' and a.business_id='$business_id'");
- $dfv = 0;
- while ($gett = mysql_fetch_assoc($gettax)) {
- //while ($dfv < $v) {
- $dfv++;
- //display
- $f++;
- $disp = mysql_Query("select sum(amount) from ebpls_payment_details a, rpt_temp_abs b where a.owner_id='$owner_id' and a.business_id='$business_id' and a.tfoid='$tfoid[$f]' and a.tfoid = b.tfoid and or_no = '$gp[payment_code]' order by or_no asc");
- //echo "select * from ebpls_payment_details a where a.owner_id='$owner_id' and a.business_id='$business_id' and a.tfoid='$tfoid[$f]' <br>";
- //$disp = mysql_Query("select * from tempassess a where a.owner_id='$owner_id' and a.business_id='$business_id' and a.natureid='$gp[bus_code]' and a.tfoid='$tfoid[$f]'");
- $cntm = mysql_num_rows($disp);
- if ($tfoid[$f]<>'') {
- if ($cntm==0 and $sassess==1) {
- //reg fee
- $disp = mysql_Query("select sum(amount) from ebpls_payment_details a, rpt_temp_abs b where a.owner_id='$owner_id' and a.business_id='$business_id' and a.tfoid='$tfoid[$f]' and a.tfoid = b.tfoid and or_no = '$gp[payment_code]' order by or_no asc");
- //$disp = mysql_Query("select * from tempassessz a where a.owner_id='$owner_id' and a.business_id='$business_id' and a.tfoid='$tfoid[$f]'");
- }
- $dis = mysql_fetch_row($disp);
- $pdf->Cell(30,5,number_format($dis[0],2),1,0,'R'); //tax/fee name
- $newv[$f] = $newv[$f] + $dis[0];
- }
- }
- $pdf->SetX($RX);
- $pdf->Cell(40,5,$gp[payment_code],0,0,'C');
- $pdf->Cell(10,5,'',0,1,'C') ;
- }
- }
- $pdf->SetX(5);
- $pdf->Cell(50,5,'',1,0,'C');
- $pdf->Cell(240,5,'',1,0,'L');
- $pdf->Cell(40,5,'Total',1,0,'L');
- $r = 0;
- while ($r < $v) {
- $r++;
- $pdf->Cell(30,5,number_format($newv[$r],2),1,0,'R'); //tax/fee name
- }
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- $pdf->SetX(5);
- $pdf->Cell(10,5,'',0,1,'C') ;
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- $pdf->Cell(472,5,'Prepared By :',0,0,'L');
- $pdf->Cell(172,5,'Noted By :',0,1,'L');
- $pdf->Cell(270,5,'',0,1,'C');
- $pdf->Cell(270,5,'',0,1,'C');
- $getuser = @mysql_query("select * from ebpls_user where username = '$usernm'") or die(mysql_error());
- $getuser = @mysql_fetch_array($getuser);
- $getsignatories = @mysql_query("select * from report_signatories where report_file='Top Business Establishment' and sign_type='3'");
- $getsignatories1 = @mysql_fetch_array($getsignatories);
- $getsignatories = @mysql_query("select * from global_sign where sign_id='$getsignatories1[sign_id]'");
- $getsignatories1 = @mysql_fetch_array($getsignatories);
- $pdf->SetX(5);
- $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10);
- $pdf->Cell(172,5,$getuser[firstname].' '.$getuser[lastname],0,0,'L');
- $pdf->Cell(172,5,$getsignatories1[gs_name],0,1,'L');
- $pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10);
- $pdf->SetX(5);
- $pdf->Cell(472,5,'',0,0,'C');
- $pdf->Cell(172,5,$getsignatories1[gs_pos],0,1,'L');
- $report_desc='Abstract of Collection';
- //include 'report_signatories_footer1.php';
- //Robert
- //$pdf->SetX(5);
- //$pdf->SetFont('Arial','BU',10);
- //$pdf->Cell(172,5,'',1,0,'C');
- //$pdf->Cell(172,5,$resulta[0],1,1,'C');
- //$pdf->SetFont('Arial','B',10);
- //$pdf->SetX(5);
- //$pdf->Cell(172,5,'',1,0,'C');
- //$pdf->Cell(172,5,$resulta[2],1,0,'C');
- $pdf->Output();
- ?>