http://github.com/ebastien/erlang-edi-parser · Erlang · 264 lines · 151 code · 54 blank · 59 comment · 0 complexity · 860a218387b1ab033426f506e473ffdc MD5 · raw file
- %% compile:file(editest, [native, {hipe, [o3,verbose,load]}]).
- -module(editest).
- -export([start/0, bench/2, bench2/1]).
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- file_to_value(File) ->
- {ok, Data} = file:read_file(File),
- String = binary_to_list(Data),
- {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(String),
- {ok, Exprs} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens),
- {value, Value, _} = erl_eval:exprs(Exprs, []),
- Value.
- start() ->
- Spec = file_to_value("edispec.erl"),
- {ok, Data} = file:read_file("AFIVRQ.edi"),
- Message = parse(Spec, Data),
- Stream = term_to_binary(Message),
- io:format("Start~n", []),
- {Time, _} = timer:tc(editest, bench2, [Stream]),
- %%Message = parse(Spec, Data),
- %%io:format("Message ~p~n", [Message]).
- io:format("End ~p~n", [Time]).
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Parse a stream of bytes as an list of EDIFACT segments
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -define(SSEP, $').
- -define(DSEP, $+).
- -define(CSEP, $:).
- %% Composite strings are kept in reverse order.
- %% It is up to the concrete message decoder to reverse them if needed.
- %% Entry point.
- parse_string(String) ->
- parse_string_seg(String, [], []).
- %% Final point.
- parse_string_seg( [], Segments, [] ) ->
- {ok, lists:reverse(Segments)};
- %% Match a segment separator => Insert an empty segment.
- parse_string_seg( [?SSEP|NextChars],
- Segments, Tag ) ->
- NewTag = list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Tag)),
- NewSegments = [{NewTag, []}|Segments],
- parse_string_seg(NextChars, NewSegments, []);
- %% Match a data element separator => Switch to the compound state.
- parse_string_seg( [?DSEP|NextChars],
- Segments, Tag ) ->
- parse_string_cpd(NextChars, Segments, Tag, [], [], {num, 0, []});
- %% Match a character part of the segment name.
- parse_string_seg( [Char|NextChars],
- Segments, Tag ) ->
- parse_string_seg(NextChars, Segments, [Char|Tag]).
- %% Match a segment separator => Finalize pending compound, element and segment.
- parse_string_cpd( [?SSEP|NextChars],
- Segments, Tag, Elements, Compounds, Compound ) ->
- NewCompounds = lists:reverse([Compound|Compounds]),
- NewElements = lists:reverse([NewCompounds|Elements]),
- NewTag = list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Tag)),
- NewSegments = [{NewTag, NewElements}|Segments],
- parse_string_seg(NextChars, NewSegments, []);
- %% Match a data element separator => Finalize pending compound and element.
- parse_string_cpd( [?DSEP|NextChars],
- Segments, Tag, Elements, Compounds, Compound ) ->
- NewCompounds = lists:reverse([Compound|Compounds]),
- NewElements = [NewCompounds|Elements],
- parse_string_cpd(NextChars, Segments, Tag, NewElements, [], {num, 0, []});
- %% Match a compound separator => Finalize pending compound.
- parse_string_cpd( [?CSEP|NextChars],
- Segments, Tag, Elements, Compounds, Compound ) ->
- NewCompounds = [Compound|Compounds],
- parse_string_cpd(NextChars, Segments, Tag, Elements, NewCompounds, {num, 0, []});
- %% Match a numeric character => Append to the current compound.
- parse_string_cpd( [Char|NextChars],
- Segments, Tag, Elements, Compounds,
- {num, Length, Chars} ) when (Char >= $0) and (Char =< $9) ->
- parse_string_cpd(NextChars, Segments, Tag, Elements, Compounds, {num, Length+1, [Char|Chars]});
- %% Match an alpha-numeric character => Append to the current compound.
- parse_string_cpd( [Char|NextChars],
- Segments, Tag, Elements, Compounds,
- {_, Length, Chars} ) ->
- parse_string_cpd(NextChars, Segments, Tag, Elements, Compounds, {aln, Length+1, [Char|Chars]}).
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Parse a list of composites against an EDIFACT specification
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Entry point.
- parse_composites(Spec, Composites) ->
- parse_composites(Spec, Composites, []).
- %% Final point.
- parse_composites([], [], SubRecords) ->
- SubRecords;
- %% Match end of spec with remaining data.
- parse_composites([], _, SubRecords) ->
- ['garbage' | SubRecords];
- %% Skip a conditional spec when the input stream is exhausted.
- parse_composites([{_, 'cond', _, _, _, _} | NextSpecs], Composites=[], SubRecords) ->
- parse_composites(NextSpecs, Composites, SubRecords);
- %% Jump to composite parsing loop.
- parse_composites([{Name, _, Cardinality, Type, Min, Max} | NextSpecs], Composites, SubRecords) ->
- parse_composites_cps(Cardinality, Type, Min, Max, Name, NextSpecs, Composites, SubRecords).
- %% Match the end of the cardinality loop.
- parse_composites_cps(0, _, _, _, _, NextSpecs, Composites, SubRecords) ->
- parse_composites(NextSpecs, Composites, SubRecords);
- %% Append a composite matching the spec to the list of records.
- parse_composites_cps(Cardinality, SType, Min, Max, Name, NextSpecs,
- [{DType, Length, Data} | NextComposites], SubRecords)
- when (Length >= Min) and (Length =< Max) and ((SType =:= 'aln') or (SType =:= DType)) ->
- NewSubRecords = [{Name, lists:reverse(Data)} | SubRecords],
- parse_composites_cps(Cardinality-1, 'cond', Min, Max, Name, NextSpecs, NextComposites, NewSubRecords).
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Parse a list of data elements against an EDIFACT specification
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Entry point.
- parse_elements(Spec, Elements) ->
- parse_elements(Spec, Elements, []).
- %% Final point.
- parse_elements([], [], Records) ->
- Records;
- %% Match end of spec with remaining data.
- parse_elements([], _, Records) ->
- ['garbage' | Records];
- %% Skip a conditional spec when the input stream is exhausted.
- parse_elements([{_, 'cond', _, _} | NextSpecs], Elements=[], Records) ->
- parse_elements(NextSpecs, Elements, Records);
- %% Jump to compound parsing loop.
- parse_elements([{Name, _, Cardinality, CompoundSpec} | NextSpecs], Elements, Records) ->
- parse_elements_cpd(Cardinality, Name, CompoundSpec, NextSpecs, Elements, Records);
- %% Skip a conditional spec when the input stream is exhausted.
- parse_elements([{_, 'cond', _, _, _, _} | NextSpecs], Elements=[], Records) ->
- parse_elements(NextSpecs, Elements, Records);
- %% Parse a single data element.
- parse_elements([Spec | NextSpecs],
- [Element | NextElements],
- Records) ->
- [Record] = parse_composites([Spec], Element),
- NewRecords = [Record | Records],
- parse_elements(NextSpecs, NextElements, NewRecords).
- %% Match the end of the cardinality loop.
- parse_elements_cpd(0, _, _, NextSpecs, Elements, Records) ->
- parse_elements(NextSpecs, Elements, Records);
- %% Append a data element matching the spec to the list of records.
- parse_elements_cpd(Cardinality, Name, CompoundSpec, NextSpecs, [Element | NextElements], Records) ->
- RecordData = parse_composites(CompoundSpec, Element),
- NewRecords = [{Name, RecordData} | Records],
- parse_elements_cpd(Cardinality-1, Name, CompoundSpec, NextSpecs, NextElements, NewRecords).
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Parse a list of segments against an EDIFACT specification
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Entry point.
- parse_segments(Spec, Segments) ->
- {ok, Message, []} = parse_segments(Spec, Segments, []),
- {ok, Message}.
- %% Final point.
- parse_segments( [], Segments, Message ) ->
- {ok, lists:reverse(Message), Segments};
- %% Match a segment definition.
- parse_segments( [{{Tag, SegmentSpec}, Name, Type, Cardinality} | NextSpecs],
- Segments, Message ) ->
- parse_segments_seg(Tag, Type, Cardinality, Name, SegmentSpec, NextSpecs, Segments, Message );
- %% Match a group definition.
- parse_segments( [{Name, Type, Cardinality, GroupSpec=[{{Tag,_},_,_,_}|_]} | NextSpecs],
- Segments, Message ) ->
- parse_segments_grp(Tag, Type, Cardinality, Name, GroupSpec, NextSpecs, Segments, Message ).
- %% Skip a branch when the cardinality is exhausted.
- parse_segments_seg( _, _, 0, _, _, NextSpecs, Segments, Message ) ->
- parse_segments(NextSpecs, Segments, Message);
- %% Match a branch having the same tag as the current segment.
- parse_segments_seg( Tag, _, Cardinality, Name, SegmentSpec, NextSpecs,
- [{Tag, Elements} | NextSegments],
- Message ) ->
- Record = {Name, parse_elements(SegmentSpec, Elements)},
- NewMessage = [Record | Message],
- parse_segments_seg(Tag, 'cond', Cardinality-1, Name, SegmentSpec, NextSpecs, NextSegments, NewMessage);
- %% Skip a non-matching branch if it is conditional.
- parse_segments_seg( _, 'cond', _, _, _, NextSpecs, Segments, Message ) ->
- parse_segments(NextSpecs, Segments, Message).
- %% Skip a sub-branch when the cardinality is exhausted.
- parse_segments_grp( _, _, 0, _, _, NextSpecs, Segments, Message ) ->
- parse_segments(NextSpecs, Segments, Message);
- %% Match a sub-branch having the same tag as the current segment.
- parse_segments_grp( Tag, _, Cardinality, Name, GroupSpec, NextSpecs,
- Segments=[{Tag, _} | _],
- Message ) ->
- {ok, SubMessage, NewSegments} = parse_segments(GroupSpec, Segments, []),
- Record = {Name, SubMessage},
- NewMessage = [Record | Message],
- parse_segments_grp(Tag, 'cond', Cardinality-1, Name, GroupSpec, NextSpecs, NewSegments, NewMessage);
- %% Skip a non-matching sub-branch if it is conditional.
- parse_segments_grp( _, 'cond', _, _, _, NextSpecs, Segments, Message ) ->
- parse_segments(NextSpecs, Segments, Message).
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- parse(Spec, Data) ->
- String = binary_to_list(Data),
- {ok, Segments} = parse_string(String),
- {ok, Message} = parse_segments(Spec, Segments),
- Message.
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bench(Spec, Data) ->
- bench(Spec, Data, 0).
- bench(Spec, Data, 1000) ->
- _Message = parse(Spec, Data);
- %%io:format("Message ~p~n", [_Message]);
- bench(Spec, Data, N) ->
- parse(Spec, Data),
- bench(Spec, Data, N+1).
- %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bench2(Data) ->
- bench2(Data, 0).
- bench2(Data, 1000) ->
- _Message = binary_to_term(Data);
- %%io:format("Message ~p~n", [_Message]);
- bench2(Data, N) ->
- _Message = binary_to_term(Data),
- bench2(Data, N+1).