Autoconf | 480 lines | 368 code | 72 blank | 40 comment | 67 complexity | 2963fb9ee3caf17c2f88732538c8e08e MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- #!@PERL@
- #
- # Fetches the latest ModSecurity Ruleset
- #
- use strict;
- use Sys::Hostname;
- use LWP::UserAgent ();
- use LWP::Debug qw(-);
- use URI ();
- use HTTP::Date ();
- use Cwd qw(getcwd);
- use Getopt::Std;
- my $VERSION = "0.0.1";
- my($SCRIPT) = ($0 =~ m/([^\/\\]+)$/);
- my $CRLFRE = qr/\015?\012/;
- my $HOST = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
- my $UNZIP = [qw(unzip -a)];
- my $SENDMAIL = [qw(/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t)];
- my $HAVE_GNUPG = 0;
- my %PREFIX_MAP = (
- -dev => 0,
- -rc => 1,
- "" => 9,
- );
- my %GPG_TRUST = ();
- eval "use GnuPG qw(:trust)";
- if ($@) {
- warn "Could not load GnuPG module - cannot verify ruleset signatures\n";
- }
- else {
- $HAVE_GNUPG = 1;
- %GPG_TRUST = (
- &TRUST_UNDEFINED => "not",
- &TRUST_NEVER => "not",
- &TRUST_MARGINAL => "marginally",
- &TRUST_FULLY => "fully",
- &TRUST_ULTIMATE => "ultimatly",
- );
- }
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- my @fetched = ();
- my %opt = ();
- getopts('c:r:p:s:v:t:e:f:EuS:D:R:U:F:L:ldh', \%opt);
- usage(1) if(defined $opt{h});
- usage(1) if(@ARGV > 1);
- # Make sure we have an action
- if (! grep { defined } @opt{qw(S D R U F L l)}) {
- usage(1, "Action required.");
- }
- # Merge config with commandline opts
- if ($opt{c}) {
- %opt = parse_config($opt{c}, \%opt);
- }
- LWP::Debug::level("+") if ($opt{d});
- # Make the version into a regex
- if (defined $opt{v}) {
- my($a,$b,$c,$d) = ($opt{v} =~ m/^(\d+)\.?(\d+)?\.?(\d+)?(?:-(\D+\d+$)|($))/);
- if (defined $d) {
- (my $key = $d) =~ s/^(\D+)\d+$/-$1/;
- unless (exists $PREFIX_MAP{$key}) {
- usage(1, "Invalid version (bad suffix \"$d\"): $opt{v}");
- }
- $opt{v} = qr/^$a\.$b\.$c-$d$/;
- }
- elsif (defined $c) {
- $opt{v} = qr/^$a\.$b\.$c(?:-|$)/;
- }
- elsif (defined $b) {
- $opt{v} = qr/^$a\.$b\./;
- }
- elsif (defined $a) {
- $opt{v} = qr/^$a\./;
- }
- else {
- usage(1, "Invalid version: $opt{v}");
- }
- if ($opt{d}) {
- print STDERR "Using version regex: $opt{v}\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- $opt{v} = qr/^/;
- }
- # Remove trailing slashes from uri and path
- $opt{r} =~ s/\/+$//;
- $opt{p} =~ s/\/+$//;
- # Required opts
- usage(1, "Repository (-r) required.") unless(defined $opt{r});
- usage(1, "Local path (-p) required.") unless(defined $opt{p} or defined $opt{l});
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
- agent => "ModSecurity Updator/$VERSION",
- keep_alive => 1,
- env_proxy => 1,
- max_redirect => 5,
- requests_redirectable => [qw(GET HEAD)],
- timeout => ($opt{t} || 600),
- );
- sub usage {
- my $rc = defined($$_[0]) ? $_[0] : 0;
- my $msg = defined($_[1]) ? "\n$_[1]\n\n" : "";
- print STDERR << "EOT";
- ${msg}Usage: $SCRIPT [-c config_file] [[options] [action]
- Options (commandline will override config file):
- -r uri RepositoryURI Repository URI.
- -p path LocalRepository Local repository path to use as base for downloads.
- -s path LocalRules Local rules base path to use for unpacking.
- -v text Version Full/partial version (EX: 1, 1.5, 1.5.2, 1.5.2-dev3)
- -t secs Timeout Timeout for fetching data in seconds (default 600).
- -e addr NotifyEmail Notify via email on update (comma separated list).
- -f addr NotifyEmailFrom From address for notification email.
- -u Unpack Unpack into LocalRules/version path.
- -d Debug Print out lots of debugging.
- Actions:
- -S name Fetch the latest stable ruleset, "name"
- -D name Fetch the latest development ruleset, "name"
- -R name Fetch the latest release candidate ruleset, "name"
- -U name Fetch the latest unstable (non-stable) ruleset, "name"
- -F name Fetch the latest ruleset, "name"
- -l Print listing of what is available
- Misc:
- -c Specify a config file for options.
- -h This help
- Examples:
- # Get a list of what the repository contains:
- $SCRIPT -rhttp://host/repo/ -l
- # Get a partial list of versions 1.5.x:
- $SCRIPT -rhttp://host/repo/ -v1.5 -l
- # Get the latest stable version of "breach_ModSecurityCoreRules":
- $SCRIPT -rhttp://host/repo/ -p/my/repo -Sbreach_ModSecurityCoreRules
- # Get the latest stable 1.5 release of "breach_ModSecurityCoreRules":
- $SCRIPT -rhttp://host/repo/ -p/my/repo -v1.5 -Sbreach_ModSecurityCoreRules
- exit $rc;
- }
- sub sort_versions {
- (my $A = $a) =~ s/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-[^-\d]+|)(\d*)$/sprintf("%03d%03d%03d%03d%03d", $1, $2, $3, $PREFIX_MAP{$4}, $5)/e;
- (my $B = $b) =~ s/^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-[^-\d]+|)(\d*)$/sprintf("%03d%03d%03d%03d%03d", $1, $2, $3, $PREFIX_MAP{$4}, $5)/e;
- return $A cmp $B;
- }
- sub parse_config {
- my($file,$clo) = @_;
- my %cfg = ();
- print STDERR "Parsing config: $file\n" if ($opt{d});
- open(CFG, "<$file") or die "Failed to open config \"$file\": $!\n";
- while(<CFG>) {
- # Skip comments and empty lines
- next if (/^\s*(?:#|$)/);
- # Parse
- chomp;
- my($var,$q1,$val,$q2) = (m/^\s*(\S+)\s+(['"]?)(.*)(\2)\s*$/);
- # Fixup values
- $var = lc($var);
- if ($val =~ m/^(?:true|on)$/i) { $val = 1 };
- if ($val =~ m/^(?:false|off)$/i) { $val = 0 };
- # Set opts
- if ($var eq "repositoryuri") { $cfg{r} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "localrepository") { $cfg{p} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "localrules") { $cfg{s} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "version") { $cfg{v} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "timeout") { $cfg{t} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "notifyemail") { $cfg{e} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "notifyemailfrom") { $cfg{f} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "notifyemaildiff") { $cfg{E} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "unpack") { $cfg{u} = $val }
- elsif ($var eq "debug") { $cfg{d} = $val }
- else { die "Invalid config directive: $var\n" }
- }
- close CFG;
- my($k, $v);
- while (($k, $v) = each %{$clo || {}}) {
- $cfg{$k} = $v if (defined $v);
- }
- return %cfg;
- }
- sub repository_dump {
- my @replist = repository_listing();
- print STDERR "\nRepository: $opt{r}\n\n";
- unless (@replist) {
- print STDERR "No matching entries.\n";
- return;
- }
- for my $repo (@replist) {
- print "$repo {\n";
- my @versions = ruleset_available_versions($repo);
- for my $version (@versions) {
- if ($version =~ m/$opt{v}/) {
- printf "%15s: %s_%s.zip\n", $version, $repo, $version;
- }
- elsif ($opt{d}) {
- print STDERR "Skipping version: $version\n";
- }
- }
- print "}\n";
- }
- }
- sub repository_listing {
- my $res = $ua->get("$opt{r}/.listing");
- unless ($res->is_success()) {
- die "Failed to get repository listing \"$opt{r}/.listing\": ".$res->status_line()."\n";
- }
- return grep(/\S/, split(/$CRLFRE/, $res->content)) ;
- }
- sub ruleset_listing {
- my $res = $ua->get("$opt{r}/$_[0]/.listing");
- unless ($res->is_success()) {
- die "Failed to get ruleset listing \"$opt{r}/$_[0]/.listing\": ".$res->status_line()."\n";
- }
- return grep(/\S/, split(/$CRLFRE/, $res->content)) ;
- }
- sub ruleset_available_versions {
- return sort sort_versions map { m/_([^_]+)\.zip.*$/; $1 } ruleset_listing($_[0]);
- }
- sub ruleset_fetch {
- my($repo, $version) = @_;
- # Create paths
- if (! -e "$opt{p}" ) {
- mkdir "$opt{p}" or die "Failed to create \"$opt{p}\": $!\n";
- }
- if (! -e "$opt{p}/$repo" ) {
- mkdir "$opt{p}/$repo" or die "Failed to create \"$opt{p}/$repo\": $!\n";
- }
- my $fn = "${repo}_$version.zip";
- my $ruleset = "$repo/$fn";
- my $ruleset_sig = "$repo/$fn.sig";
- if (-e "$opt{p}/$ruleset") {
- die "Refused to overwrite ruleset \"$opt{p}/$ruleset\".\n";
- }
- # Fetch the ruleset
- print STDERR "Fetching: $ruleset ...\n";
- my $res = $ua->get(
- "$opt{r}/$ruleset",
- ":content_file" => "$opt{p}/$ruleset",
- );
- die "Failed to retrieve ruleset $ruleset: ".$res->status_line()."\n" unless ($res->is_success());
- # Fetch the ruleset signature
- if (-e "$opt{p}/$ruleset_sig") {
- die "Refused to overwrite ruleset signature \"$opt{p}/$ruleset_sig\".\n";
- }
- $res = $ua->get(
- "$opt{r}/$ruleset_sig",
- ":content_file" => "$opt{p}/$ruleset_sig",
- );
- # Verify the signature if we can
- if ($HAVE_GNUPG) {
- die "Failed to retrieve ruleset signature $ruleset_sig: ".$res->status_line()."\n" unless ($res->is_success());
- ruleset_verifysig("$opt{p}/$ruleset", "$opt{p}/$ruleset_sig");
- }
- push @fetched, [$repo, $version, $ruleset, undef];
- }
- sub ruleset_unpack {
- my($repo, $version, $ruleset) = @{ $_[0] || [] };
- my $fn = "$opt{p}/$ruleset";
- if (! -e "$fn" ) {
- die "Internal Error: No ruleset to unpack - \"$fn\"\n";
- }
- # Create paths
- if (! -e "$opt{s}" ) {
- mkdir "$opt{s}" or die "Failed to create \"$opt{p}\": $!\n";
- }
- if (! -e "$opt{s}/$repo" ) {
- mkdir "$opt{s}/$repo" or die "Failed to create \"$opt{p}/$repo\": $!\n";
- }
- if (! -e "$opt{s}/$repo/$version" ) {
- mkdir "$opt{s}/$repo/$version" or die "Failed to create \"$opt{p}/$repo/$version\": $!\n";
- }
- else {
- die "Refused to overwrite previously unpacked \"$opt{s}/$repo/$version\".\n";
- }
- # TODO: Verify sig
- my $pwd = getcwd();
- my $unpackdir = "$opt{s}/$repo/$version";
- chdir "$unpackdir";
- if ($@) {
- my $err = $!;
- chdir $pwd;
- die "Failed to chdir to \"$unpackdir\": $err\n";
- }
- undef $!;
- system(@$UNZIP, $fn);
- if ($? != 0) {
- my $err = $!;
- chdir $pwd;
- die "Failed to unpack \"$unpackdir\"".($err?": $err":".")."\n";
- }
- chdir $pwd;
- # Add where we unpacked it
- $_->[3] = $unpackdir;
- return 0;
- }
- sub ruleset_fetch_latest {
- my($repo, @type) = @_;
- my @versions = ruleset_available_versions($repo);
- my $verre = defined($opt{v}) ? qr/^$opt{v}/ : qr/^/;
- my $typere = undef;
- # Figure out what to look for
- if (@type == 1 and $type[0] ne "") {
- my $type = $type[0];
- if ($type eq "UNSTABLE") {
- $typere = qr/\d-\D+\d+$/;
- }
- else {
- $typere = qr/\d-$type\d+$/;
- }
- }
- elsif (@type > 1) {
- my $type;
- for (@type) {
- if ($_ eq "") {
- $type .= ($type?"|":"").qr/\.\d+$/;
- }
- elsif ($_ eq "UNSTABLE") {
- $type .= ($type?"|":"").qr/\d-\D+\d+$/;
- }
- else {
- $type .= ($type?"|":"").qr/\d-$_\d+$/;
- }
- }
- $typere = qr/$type/;
- }
- else {
- $typere = qr/\.\d+$/;
- }
- if ($opt{d}) {
- print STDERR "REPO: $repo\n";
- print STDERR "TYPES: ".join(", ", @type)."\n";
- print STDERR "VERSIONS: ".join(", ", @versions)."\n";
- print STDERR "REGEX: version=$opt{v} type=$typere\n";
- }
- while (@versions) {
- my $last = pop(@versions);
- # Check REs on version
- if ($last =~ m/$opt{v}/ and (!defined($typere) || $last =~ m/$typere/)) {
- return ruleset_fetch($repo, $last);
- }
- if ($opt{d}) {
- print STDERR "Skipping version: $last\n";
- }
- }
- die "No '".join("' or '", @type)."' ruleset found.\n";
- }
- sub notify_email {
- my $version_text = join("\n", map { "$_->[0] v$_->[1]".(defined($_->[3])?": $_->[3]":"") } @_);
- my $from = $opt{f} ? "From: $opt{f}\n" : "";
- my $body = << "EOT";
- ModSecurity rulesets updated and ready to install on host $HOST:
- $version_text
- ModSecurity - http://www.modsecurity.org/
- # TODO: Diffs
- open(SM, "|-", @$SENDMAIL) or die "Failed to send mail: $!\n";
- print STDERR "Sending notification email to: $opt{e}\n";
- print SM << "EOT";
- ${from}To: $opt{e}
- Subject: [$HOST] ModSecurity Ruleset Update Notification
- $body
- close SM;
- }
- sub ruleset_verifysig {
- my($fn, $sigfn) = @_;
- print STDERR "Verifying \"$fn\" with signature \"$sigfn\"\n";
- my $gpg = new GnuPG();
- my $sig = eval { $gpg->verify( signature => $sigfn, file => $fn ) };
- if (defined $sig) {
- print STDERR sig2str($sig)."\n";
- }
- if (!defined($sig)) {
- die "Signature validation failed.\n";
- }
- if ( $sig->{trust} < $REQUIRED_SIG_TRUST ) {
- die "Signature is not trusted ".$GPG_TRUST{$REQUIRED_SIG_TRUST}.".\n";
- }
- return;
- }
- sub sig2str {
- my %sig = %{ $_[0] || {} };
- "Signature made ".localtime($sig{timestamp})." by $sig{user} (ID: $sig{keyid}) and is $GPG_TRUST{$sig{trust}} trusted.";
- }
- ################################################################################
- ################################################################################
- # List what is there
- if ($opt{l}) { repository_dump(); exit 0 }
- # Latest stable
- elsif (defined($opt{S})) { ruleset_fetch_latest($opt{S}, "") }
- # Latest development
- elsif (defined($opt{D})) { ruleset_fetch_latest($opt{D}, "dev") }
- # Latest release candidate
- elsif (defined($opt{R})) { ruleset_fetch_latest($opt{R}, "rc") }
- # Latest unstable
- elsif (defined($opt{U})) { ruleset_fetch_latest($opt{U}, "UNSTABLE") }
- # Latest release candidate or stable
- elsif (defined($opt{L})) { ruleset_fetch_latest($opt{R}, "rc", "") }
- # Latest (any type)
- elsif (defined($opt{F})) { ruleset_fetch_latest($opt{F}, undef) }
- # Unpack
- if ($opt{u}) {
- if (! defined $opt{s} ) { usage(1, "LocalRules is required for unpacking.") }
- for (@fetched) {
- ruleset_unpack($_);
- }
- }
- # Unpack
- if ($opt{e}) {
- notify_email(@fetched);
- }