Python | 114 lines | 77 code | 28 blank | 9 comment | 13 complexity | 1d445585fcce8f3bb38f90cc8295772a MD5 | raw file
- #! /usr/bin/python
- from optparse import OptionParser
- import os, shutil, tempfile, commands, glob, sys, re, subprocess, shutil, time
- from apt import Package
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option( "-i", "--iso-file",
- dest="isofilename", default=None,
- help="The filename of the .iso that'll be made" )
- parser.add_option( "-n", "--cd-name",
- dest="name", default=None,
- help="The name of the CD" )
- parser.add_option( "-d", "--deb-dir",
- dest="debdir", default=None,
- help="The directory that has all the debs" )
- parser.add_option( "-D", "--dist",
- dest="dist", default=None, type="choice",
- choices=['warty', 'hoary', 'breezy', 'dapper', 'edgy', 'feisty', 'gutsy', 'hardy', 'intrepid',
- '4.10', '7.04', '7.10', '6.10', '6.06', '5.10', '8.04', '5.04', '8.10'],
- help="The ubuntu distrobution we're using" )
- parser.add_option( "-k", "--gpg-key",
- dest="gpgkey", default=None, type="string",
- help="The GPG key used to sign the packages" )
- (options, unneeded) = parser.parse_args()
- assert options.isofilename is not None, "You must specify the filename for the resultant ISO file with --iso-file/-i"
- assert options.name is not None, "You must provide a name for the CD with --name/-n"
- assert options.debdir is not None, "You must provide a directory that contains all the debs using --deb-dir/-d"
- assert options.gpgkey is not None, "You must provide the GPG key to sign the packages using --gpg-key/-k"
- debdir = os.path.abspath( options.debdir )
- # this is the CD we work in and will have be the cd image layout
- apt_cdrom_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( prefix="make-apt-cdrom-cdrom-", dir=os.getcwd() )
- dist_version_to_name = {'4.10': 'warty', '7.04': 'feisty', '7.10': 'gutsy', '6.10': 'edgy', '6.06': 'dapper', '5.10': 'breezy', '8.04': 'hardy', '5.04': 'hoary', '8.10': 'intrepid'}
- if options.dist in dist_version_to_name:
- dist = dist_version_to_name[options.dist]
- else:
- dist = options.dist
- for dir in ["pool", "pool/main", "dists", "dists/"+dist, "dists/"+dist+"/main", "dists/"+dist+"/main/binary-i386"]:
- os.mkdir( os.path.join( apt_cdrom_dir, dir ) )
- for package, filename in [(Package(filename=filename), filename) for filename in glob.glob( os.path.join( debdir, "*.deb" ) )]:
- print "Found deb %s" % package
- if package.name[0:3] == 'lib':
- dir_name = package.name[0:4]
- else:
- dir_name = package.name[0]
- dir_name = os.path.join( apt_cdrom_dir, "pool", "main", dir_name, package.name )
- if not os.path.isdir( dir_name ):
- os.makedirs( dir_name )
- shutil.copy( filename, dir_name )
- # remake the packages file
- status, output = commands.getstatusoutput( "apt-ftparchive packages \"%(aptdir)s/pool/main/\" | gzip -9c > \"%(aptdir)s/dists/%(dist)s/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz\"" % {'aptdir':apt_cdrom_dir, 'dist':dist} )
- if status != 0:
- print output
- #assert status == 0
- # release file:
- config_file, config_filename = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix="make-apt-cdrom-release-conf-", dir=os.getcwd() )
- # TODO remove tha 'apt-move' stuff. What else should it be called
- open( config_filename, "w" ).write("""APT::FTPArchive::Release {
- Origin "APT-Move";
- Label "APT-Move";
- Suite "%(dist)s";
- Codename "%(dist)s";
- Architectures "i386";
- Components "main";
- Description "%(name)s";
- };""" % {'name':options.name, 'dist':dist} )
- status, output = commands.getstatusoutput( "apt-ftparchive -c \"%(config_filename)s\" release %(aptdir)s/dists/%(dist)s/" % {'config_filename':config_filename, 'aptdir':apt_cdrom_dir, 'dist':dist } )
- if status != 0:
- print output
- assert status == 0
- open( os.path.join( apt_cdrom_dir, 'dists', dist, 'Release'), 'w').write( output )
- status,output = commands.getstatusoutput( "gpg -ba --default-key=%(gpg_key)s -o \"%(aptdir)s/dists/%(dist)s/Release.gpg\" \"%(aptdir)s/dists/%(dist)s/Release\"" % {'gpg_key':options.gpgkey, 'aptdir':apt_cdrom_dir, 'dist':dist } )
- if status != 0:
- print output
- # Add the .disk directory to tell ubuntu about this
- os.mkdir( os.path.join( apt_cdrom_dir, ".disk" ) )
- open( os.path.join( apt_cdrom_dir, '.disk', 'info' ), 'w' ).write( options.name )
- # Add the signature to the disk
- status, output = commands.getstatusoutput( "gpg --export -a \"%s\" > \"%s\"" % (options.gpgkey, os.path.join( apt_cdrom_dir, "signature.key" ) ) )
- if status != 0:
- print output
- assert status == 0
- # make the cd iso
- status, output = commands.getstatusoutput( "mkisofs -r -A \"%(cd_name)s\" -o \"%(iso_filename)s\" \"%(aptdir)s\" " % {'cd_name':options.name, 'iso_filename':options.isofilename, 'aptdir':apt_cdrom_dir } )
- if status != 0:
- print output
- assert status == 0
- print "Created the ISO"