Python | 186 lines | 172 code | 5 blank | 9 comment | 0 complexity | dc17750925499a0239d508a24a889fcc MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- # Parser for Apple Discussion articles.
- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- #
- # For further information see https://duck.co/ia/view/apple_discussions
- __MODULE__ = "apple_discussions"
- __AUTHOR__ = "DuckDuckGo [https://duckduckgo.com]"
- __SOURCE__ = "https://discussions.apple.com/"
- __OUTPUT__ = "output.txt"
- __DEBUG__ = False
- import argparse
- import glob
- from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool
- import os
- import re
- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- CPU_COUNT = cpu_count()
- OUTPUT = """\
- {title}\t
- {entry_type}\t
- {redirect_title}\t
- {empty_field}\t
- {categories}\t
- {empty_field}\t
- {related_topics}\t
- {empty_field}\t
- {external_links}\t
- {disambiguation}\t
- {image}\t
- {abstract}\t
- {url}
- """.replace("\n", "").replace("\\n", "")
- <p><b>Answered by {username} ({date})</b></p>
- {information}
- """.replace("\n", "").replace("\\n", "")
- def parse_file(filename):
- """
- The pipeline to process the files
- """
- try:
- with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- contents = f.read()
- parsed_document = parse_html(contents, filename)
- if parsed_document != False:
- output = format_output(parsed_document)
- write_to_output(output)
- # If we can't parsed and __DEBUG__ is switched on we log to "errors.txt"
- elif __DEBUG__ == True and parsed_document == False:
- write_to_output(filename, output="errors.txt")
- except:
- pass # parser can't parse
- def parse_html(doc, url):
- """
- Parses the html docs for a Title, Answer and URL
- """
- soup = BeautifulSoup(doc, "html.parser")
- parsed_doc = {}
- # Builds the original URL
- pop_url_extension = url.split(".")[-2]
- url_id = pop_url_extension.split("/")[-1]
- parsed_doc["url"] = "https://discussions.apple.com/thread/" + url_id
- # Gets the title
- title = soup.h1.text
- temp_title = title.strip().replace("Q: ", "")
- parsed_doc["title"] = temp_title[0].capitalize() + temp_title[1:] # Capitalizes first word
- print("Parsing", parsed_doc["title"])
- # Adds category to the title (if we can)
- try:
- topic = soup.find("a", {"class": "jive-breadcrumb-last"}).text
- topic = topic.replace("Using ", "")
- parsed_doc["title"] += " ({topic})".format(topic=topic)
- except:
- pass
- # Get's the most 'Recommended Answer'
- if soup.find("div", {"class": "recommended-answers"}):
- for p in soup.findAll('p'):
- if p.string:
- p.string.replace_with(p.string.strip())
- # ditch the span tags
- for span in soup.findAll('span'):
- span.decompose()
- username = soup.find("div", {"class", "recommended-answers"}).find("a", {"class": "username"}).text
- username = username.strip()
- posted = soup.find("div", {"class", "recommended-answers"}).find("p", {"class": "meta-posted"}).text
- posted = posted.strip().replace("Posted on ", "")
- posted = posted.split(" ")
- posted = posted[0] + " " + posted[1] + " " + posted[2]
- content = soup.find("div", {"class", "recommended-answers"}).find("section").find("div", {"class": "jive-rendered-content"})
- for tags in content.findAll(True):
- tags.attrs = {}
- # Does some regex replacements that the parser just won't hit with grace
- contents = FHTEMPLATE.format(information=str(content), username=username, date=posted)
- contents = re.sub(re.compile("<p></p>"), "", contents)
- contents = re.sub(re.compile("<div ((.|\n)+?)>"), "", contents)
- contents = re.sub(re.compile("</div>"), "", contents)
- contents = re.sub(re.compile("<a>"), "", contents)
- contents = re.sub(re.compile("</a>"), "", contents)
- contents = re.sub(re.compile("\n"), "\\n", contents)
- parsed_doc["body"] = contents
- # Some last moment validation
- if "CodeBlockStart" in parsed_doc["body"]: # contains code
- return False
- if "<code" in parsed_doc["body"]: # contains code
- return False
- if "<pre" in parsed_doc["body"]:
- return False
- if "blockquote" in parsed_doc["body"]:
- return False
- if len(parsed_doc["body"].split(" ")) > 500:
- return False
- if len(parsed_doc["body"].split(" ")) < 30:
- return False
- if parsed_doc["url"] == "" or parsed_doc["url"] == None:
- return False
- else:
- return False
- return parsed_doc
- def format_output(doc):
- """
- Takes dict doc and formats it for the final output
- """
- document = OUTPUT.format(
- title = doc["title"],
- entry_type = "A",
- redirect_title = "",
- categories = "",
- empty_field = "",
- related_topics = "",
- external_links = "",
- disambiguation = "",
- image = "",
- abstract = doc["body"],
- url = doc["url"],
- )
- return document
- def write_to_output(article, output=__OUTPUT__):
- """
- Appends the parsed article to the `output.txt` file.
- """
- with open(output, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as f:
- f.write(article + "\n")
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- argparser.add_argument("data_folder",
- help="The folder containing the data. Maybe run parse.sh instead?")
- argparser.add_argument("-p", "--processes",
- help="Number of parrallel processes to parse corpus", type=int, default=CPU_COUNT)
- args = argparser.parse_args()
- folder = args.data_folder
- files_to_parse = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder, "*.txt"))
- pool = Pool(args.processes)
- pool.map(parse_file, files_to_parse)