Python | 563 lines | 460 code | 53 blank | 50 comment | 45 complexity | e7be3d207420f8d3f63edb2c53cdd60b MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- '''
- Copyright (C) 2013 Povilas Kanapickas <povilas@radix.lt>
- This file is part of cppreference-doc
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
- '''
- import argparse
- import fnmatch
- import json
- import os
- import sys
- import re
- import lxml.etree as e
- import lxml.html as html
- from index_transform import IndexTransform
- from xml_utils import xml_escape
- from build_link_map import build_link_map
- from ddg_parse_html import get_declarations, get_short_description, DdgException
- # Entry types
- # a class or struct
- # a member function or free function
- # a constructor
- # a constructor that is described in the same page as the class
- # a destructor
- # a destructor that is described in the same page as the class
- # a member function that is described in the same page as the class
- # an enum
- # a value of an enum
- # a variable
- # a member variable that is described in the same page as the containing class
- def get_item_type(el):
- if (el.tag == 'const' and el.getparent().tag == 'enum' and
- el.get('link') == '.'):
- if el.tag == 'function':
- if el.get('link') == '.':
- else:
- if el.tag == 'variable':
- if el.get('link') == '.':
- else:
- if el.tag == 'constructor':
- if el.get('link') == '.':
- else:
- if el.tag == 'destructor':
- if el.get('link') == '.':
- else:
- if el.tag == 'class':
- if el.tag == 'enum':
- return None # not recognized
- class DDGDebug:
- def __init__(self, enabled=False, ident_match=None, debug_abstracts_path=None):
- self.enabled = enabled
- self.ident_match = ident_match
- self.stat_line_nums = []
- self.debug_abstracts_file = sys.stdout
- if debug_abstracts_path is not None:
- self.debug_abstracts_file = open(debug_abstracts_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
- # track the statistics of number of lines used by the entries
- def submit_line_num(self, line_num):
- while len(self.stat_line_nums) <= line_num:
- self.stat_line_nums.append(0)
- self.stat_line_nums[line_num] += 1
- def should_skip_ident(self, ident):
- if self.ident_match is None:
- return False
- if isinstance(ident, list):
- for i in ident:
- if self.ident_match in i:
- return False
- else:
- if self.ident_match in ident:
- return False
- return True
- class Index2DuckDuckGoList(IndexTransform):
- def __init__(self, ident_map):
- self.ident_map = ident_map
- super(Index2DuckDuckGoList, self).__init__(ignore_typedefs=True)
- def process_item_hook(self, el, full_name, full_link):
- item_type = get_item_type(el)
- if item_type:
- if full_link in self.ident_map:
- self.ident_map[full_link][full_name] = item_type
- else:
- self.ident_map[full_link] = { full_name : item_type }
- IndexTransform.process_item_hook(self, el, full_name, full_link)
- def get_html_files(root):
- files = []
- for dir, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
- for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.html'):
- files.append(os.path.join(dir, filename))
- return files
- def get_processing_instructions(ident_map, link_map):
- proc_ins = {}
- for link in ident_map:
- if link in link_map.mapping:
- fn = link_map.mapping[link]
- if fn not in proc_ins:
- proc_ins[fn] = { 'fn': fn, 'link': link, 'idents': {}}
- for ident in ident_map[link]:
- proc_ins[fn]['idents'][ident] = { 'ident' : ident,
- 'type' : ident_map[link][ident] }
- return proc_ins
- # process the files
- # returns the unqualified name of an identifier
- def get_unqualified_name(ident):
- if ident.find('(') != -1:
- ident = re.sub('\(.*?\)', '', ident)
- if ident.find('<') != -1:
- ident = re.sub('\<.*?\>', '', ident)
- qpos = ident.rfind('::')
- if qpos != -1:
- ident = ident[qpos+2:]
- return ident
- # returns the version number common to all declarations. Returns none if two
- # declarations have different version numbers or if no version number is
- # provided
- def get_version(decls):
- rv = None
- for code,v in decls:
- if v:
- if rv == None:
- rv = v
- elif v != rv:
- return None
- return rv
- def build_abstract(decls, desc, max_code_lines, split_code_lines, debug=DDGDebug()):
- limited = False
- code_snippets = []
- for i,(code,ver) in enumerate(decls):
- code = code.strip()
- code = code.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
- code_num_lines = code.count('\n') + 1
- # limit the number of code snippets to be included so that total number
- # of lines is less than max_code_lines. The limit becomes active only
- # for the second and subsequent snippets.
- first = True if i == 0 else False;
- last = True if i == len(decls)-1 else False;
- if not first:
- if last:
- if code_num_lines > max_code_lines:
- limited = True
- break
- else:
- if code_num_lines > max_code_lines - 1:
- # -1 because we need to take into account
- # < omitted declarations > message
- limited = True
- break
- code_snippets.append(code)
- max_code_lines -= code_num_lines
- if split_code_lines:
- code_snippets = ['<pre><code>' + s + '</code></pre>' for s in code_snippets]
- code_text = ''.join(code_snippets)
- else:
- code_text = '<pre><code>' + '\n\n'.join(code_snippets) + '</code></pre>'
- if limited:
- code_text += '\n<p><em>Additional declarations have been omitted</em></p>'
- # count the number of lines used
- num_lines = code_text.count('\n') + 1 # last line has no newline after it
- if len(desc) > 110:
- num_lines += 2
- else:
- num_lines += 1
- debug.submit_line_num(num_lines)
- result_lines = [
- '<section class="prog__container">',
- '<p>' + desc + '</p>',
- code_text,
- '</section>'
- ]
- result_text = '\n'.join(result_lines)
- if debug.enabled and num_lines >= 10:
- print("# error : large number of lines: ")
- print("# BEGIN ======")
- print(result_text)
- print("# END ========")
- return result_text
- ''' Outputs additional redirects for an identifier.
- Firstly, we replace '::' with spaces. Then we add two redirects: one with
- unchanged text and another with '_' replaced with spaces. We strip one
- level of namespace/class qualification and repeat the process with the
- remaining text.
- For constructors and destructors, we strip the function name and apply the
- abovementioned algorithm, the only difference being that we append
- (or prepend) 'constructor' or 'destructor' to the title of the redirect
- respectively.
- Each redirect has a 'priority', which is defined by the number of stripped
- namespace/class qualifications from the entry that produced the redirect.
- This is used to remove duplicate redirects. For each group of duplicate
- redirects, we find the redirect with the highest priority (i.e. lowest
- number of qualifications stripped) and remove all other redirects. If the
- number of highest-priority redirects is more than one, then we remove all
- redirects from the group altogether.
- We don't add any redirects to specializations, overloads or operators.
- '''
- ''' array of dict { 'title' -> redirect title,
- 'target' -> redirect target,
- 'priority' -> redirect priority as int
- }
- '''
- def build_redirects(redirects, item_ident, item_type):
- for ch in [ '(', ')', '<', '>', 'operator' ]:
- if ch in item_ident:
- return
- target = item_ident
- parts = item_ident.split('::')
- # -----
- def do_parts(redirects, parts, prepend='', append=''):
- if prepend != '':
- prepend = prepend + ' '
- if append != '':
- append = ' ' + append
- p = 0
- while p < len(parts):
- redir1 = prepend + ' '.join(parts[p:]) + append
- redir2 = prepend + ' '.join(x.replace('_',' ') for x in parts[p:]) + append
- redir1 = redir1.replace(' ', ' ').replace(' ', ' ')
- redir2 = redir2.replace(' ', ' ').replace(' ', ' ')
- redirects.append({'title' : redir1, 'target' : target,
- 'priority' : p})
- if redir1 != redir2:
- redirects.append({'title' : redir2, 'target' : target,
- 'priority' : p})
- p += 1
- # -----
- if item_type in [ ITEM_TYPE_CLASS,
- do_parts(redirects, parts)
- elif item_type in [ ITEM_TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR,
- parts.pop()
- do_parts(redirects, parts, prepend='constructor')
- do_parts(redirects, parts, append='constructor')
- elif item_type in [ ITEM_TYPE_DESTRUCTOR,
- parts.pop()
- do_parts(redirects, parts, prepend='destructor')
- do_parts(redirects, parts, append='destructor')
- else:
- pass # should not be here
- def output_redirects(out, redirects):
- # convert to a convenient data structure
- # dict { title -> dict { priority -> list ( targets ) } }
- redir_map = {}
- for r in redirects:
- title = r['title']
- target = r['target']
- priority = r['priority']
- if title not in redir_map:
- redir_map[title] = {}
- if priority not in redir_map[title]:
- redir_map[title][priority] = []
- redir_map[title][priority].append(target)
- # get non-duplicate redirects
- ok_redirects = [] # list ( dict { 'title' : title, 'target' : target })
- for title in redir_map:
- # priority decreases with increasing values
- highest_prio = min(redir_map[title])
- if len(redir_map[title][highest_prio]) == 1:
- # not duplicate
- target = redir_map[title][highest_prio][0]
- ok_redirects.append({ 'title' : title, 'target' : target })
- # sort the redirects
- ok_redirects = sorted(ok_redirects, key=lambda x: x['title'])
- # output
- for r in ok_redirects:
- # title
- line = r['title'] + '\t'
- # type
- line += 'R\t'
- # redirect
- line += r['target'] + '\t'
- # otheruses, categories, references, see_also, further_reading,
- # external links, disambiguation, images, abstract, source url
- line += '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n'
- out.write(line)
- def process_identifier(out, redirects, root, link, item_ident, item_type,
- opts, debug=DDGDebug()):
- # get the name by extracting the unqualified identifier
- name = get_unqualified_name(item_ident)
- debug_verbose = True if debug.enabled and debug.ident_match is not None else False
- try:
- if item_type == ITEM_TYPE_CLASS:
- decls = get_declarations(root, name)
- desc = get_short_description(root, get_version(decls), opts.max_sentences, opts.max_characters,
- opts.max_paren_chars, debug=debug_verbose)
- abstract = build_abstract(decls, desc, opts.max_code_lines,
- opts.split_code_snippets, debug=debug)
- elif item_type in [ ITEM_TYPE_FUNCTION,
- decls = get_declarations(root, name)
- desc = get_short_description(root, get_version(decls), opts.max_sentences, opts.max_characters,
- opts.max_paren_chars, debug=debug_verbose)
- abstract = build_abstract(decls, desc, opts.max_code_lines,
- opts.split_code_snippets, debug=debug)
- elif item_type in [ ITEM_TYPE_FUNCTION_INLINEMEM,
- raise DdgException("INLINEMEM") # not implemented
- ''' Implementation notes:
- * the declarations are possibly versioned
- * declaration is selected from the member table
- * the member table is found according to the identifier
- (last part after :: is enough, hopefully)
- '''
- elif item_type in [ ITEM_TYPE_VARIABLE,
- raise DdgException("ENUM") # not implemented
- ''' Implementation notes:
- * the declarations are possibly versioned
- '''
- elif item_type == ITEM_TYPE_ENUM_CONST:
- raise DdgException("ENUM_CONST") # not implemented
- ''' Implementation notes:
- * the abstract will come from the const -> definition table,
- which is always put before the first heading.
- * the declaration will come from the dcl template. We need
- to split the content at ';' and ',', then search for the
- name of the enum. If we find duplicates, signal an error.
- '''
- if debug.enabled:
- debug.debug_abstracts_file.write("--------------\n")
- debug.debug_abstracts_file.write(item_ident + '\n')
- debug.debug_abstracts_file.write(abstract + '\n')
- # title
- line = item_ident + '\t'
- # type
- line += 'A\t'
- # redirect, otheruses, categories, references, see_also,
- # further_reading, external links, disambiguation, images
- line += '\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'
- # abstract
- abstract = abstract.replace('\n','\\n')
- line += abstract + '\t'
- # source url
- line += 'http://en.cppreference.com/w/' + link + '\n'
- out.write(line)
- build_redirects(redirects, item_ident, item_type)
- except DdgException as err:
- if debug.enabled:
- line = '# error (' + str(err) + "): " + link + ": " + item_ident + "\n"
- out.write(line)
- def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='index2ddg.py')
- parser.add_argument('index', type=str,
- help='The path to the XML index containing identifier data')
- parser.add_argument('reference', type=str,
- help=('The path to the downloaded reference (reference '
- 'directory in the downloaded archive)'))
- parser.add_argument('output', type=str,
- help='The path to destination output.txt file')
- parser.add_argument('--split_code_snippets', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Puts each declaration into a separate code snippet.')
- parser.add_argument('--max_code_lines', type=int, default=6,
- help='Maximum number of lines of code to show in abstract')
- parser.add_argument('--max_sentences', type=int, default=1,
- help='Maximum number of sentences to use for the description')
- parser.add_argument('--max_characters', type=int, default=200,
- help='Maximum number of characters to use for the description')
- parser.add_argument('--max_paren_chars', type=int, default=40,
- help='Maximum size of parenthesized text in the description. '+
- 'Parenthesized chunks longer than that is removed, unless '+
- 'they are within <code>, <b> or <i> tags')
- parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Enables debug mode.')
- parser.add_argument('--debug_ident', type=str, default=None,
- help='Processes only the identifiers that match debug_ident')
- parser.add_argument('--debug_abstracts_path', type=str, default=None,
- help='Path to print the abstracts before newline stripping occurs')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # If a the second argument is 'debug', the program switches to debug mode and
- # prints everything to stdout. If the third argument is provided, the program
- # processes only the identifiers that match the provided string
- debug = DDGDebug(args.debug, args.debug_ident, args.debug_abstracts_path)
- index_file = args.index
- output_file = args.output
- # a map that stores information about location and type of identifiers
- # it's two level map: full_link maps to a dict that has full_name map to
- # ITEM_TYPE_* value
- ident_map = {}
- # get a list of pages to analyze
- tr = Index2DuckDuckGoList(ident_map)
- tr.transform(index_file)
- # get a list of existing pages
- html_files = get_html_files(args.reference)
- # get a mapping between titles and pages
- # linkmap = dict { title -> filename }
- link_map = build_link_map(args.reference)
- # create a list of processing instructions for each page
- proc_ins = get_processing_instructions(ident_map, link_map)
- # sort proc_ins to produce ordered output.txt
- proc_ins = [ v for v in proc_ins.values() ]
- proc_ins = sorted(proc_ins, key=lambda x: x['link'])
- for page in proc_ins:
- idents = page['idents']
- idents = [ v for v in idents.values() ]
- idents = sorted(idents, key=lambda x: x['ident'])
- page['idents'] = idents
- redirects = []
- out = open(output_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
- #i=1
- for page in proc_ins:
- idents = page['idents']
- link = page['link']
- fn = page['fn']
- if debug.should_skip_ident([ i['ident'] for i in idents ]):
- continue
- #print(str(i) + '/' + str(len(proc_ins)) + ': ' + link)
- #i+=1
- root = e.parse(os.path.join(args.reference, fn), parser=html.HTMLParser())
- for ident in idents:
- item_ident = ident['ident']
- item_type = ident['type']
- process_identifier(out, redirects, root, link, item_ident, item_type,
- args, debug=debug)
- output_redirects(out, redirects)
- if debug.enabled:
- print('=============================')
- print('Numbers of lines used:')
- for i,l in enumerate(debug.stat_line_nums):
- print(str(i) + ': ' + str(l) + ' result(s)')
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()