C++ Header | 436 lines | 272 code | 63 blank | 101 comment | 38 complexity | 9840556a6ccffa9081b7583ff5b7be42 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause, LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0, GPL-2.0
- /*=============================================================================
- Copyright (c) 2002 Juan Carlos Arevalo-Baeza
- Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Hartmut Kaiser
- Copyright (c) 2003 Giovanni Bajo
- http://spirit.sourceforge.net/
- Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
- file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
- =============================================================================*/
- #include <string>
- #include <boost/config.hpp>
- #include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
- #include <boost/spirit/home/classic/namespace.hpp>
- #include <boost/spirit/home/classic/iterator/position_iterator_fwd.hpp>
- namespace boost { namespace spirit {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // file_position_without_column
- //
- // A structure to hold positional information. This includes the file,
- // and the line number
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename String>
- struct file_position_without_column_base {
- String file;
- int line;
- file_position_without_column_base(String const& file_ = String(),
- int line_ = 1):
- file (file_),
- line (line_)
- {}
- bool operator==(const file_position_without_column_base& fp) const
- { return line == fp.line && file == fp.file; }
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // file_position
- //
- // This structure holds complete file position, including file name,
- // line and column number
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename String>
- struct file_position_base : public file_position_without_column_base<String> {
- int column;
- file_position_base(String const& file_ = String(),
- int line_ = 1, int column_ = 1):
- file_position_without_column_base<String> (file_, line_),
- column (column_)
- {}
- bool operator==(const file_position_base& fp) const
- { return column == fp.column && this->line == fp.line && this->file == fp.file; }
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // position_policy<>
- //
- // This template is the policy to handle the file position. It is specialized
- // on the position type. Providing a custom file_position also requires
- // providing a specialization of this class.
- //
- // Policy interface:
- //
- // Default constructor of the custom position class must be accessible.
- // set_tab_chars(unsigned int chars) - Set the tabstop width
- // next_char(PositionT& pos) - Notify that a new character has been
- // processed
- // tabulation(PositionT& pos) - Notify that a tab character has been
- // processed
- // next_line(PositionT& pos) - Notify that a new line delimiter has
- // been reached.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <typename PositionT> class position_policy;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- }} /* namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS */
- // This must be included here for full compatibility with old MSVC
- #include "boost/spirit/home/classic/iterator/impl/position_iterator.ipp"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- namespace boost { namespace spirit {
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // position_iterator
- //
- // It wraps an iterator, and keeps track of the current position in the input,
- // as it gets incremented.
- //
- // The wrapped iterator must be at least a Forward iterator. The position
- // iterator itself will always be a non-mutable Forward iterator.
- //
- // In order to have begin/end iterators constructed, the end iterator must be
- // empty constructed. Similar to what happens with stream iterators. The begin
- // iterator must be constructed from both, the begin and end iterators of the
- // wrapped iterator type. This is necessary to implement the lookahead of
- // characters necessary to parse CRLF sequences.
- //
- // In order to extract the current positional data from the iterator, you may
- // use the get_position member function.
- //
- // You can also use the set_position member function to reset the current
- // position to something new.
- //
- // The structure that holds the current position can be customized through a
- // template parameter, and the class position_policy must be specialized
- // on the new type to define how to handle it. Currently, it's possible
- // to choose between the file_position and file_position_without_column
- // (which saves some overhead if managing current column is not required).
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #error "Please use at least Boost V1.31.0 while compiling the position_iterator class!"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Uses the newer iterator_adaptor version (should be released with
- // Boost V1.31.0)
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <
- typename ForwardIteratorT,
- typename PositionT,
- typename SelfT
- >
- class position_iterator
- : public iterator_::impl::position_iterator_base_generator<
- SelfT,
- ForwardIteratorT,
- PositionT
- >::type,
- public position_policy<PositionT>
- {
- private:
- typedef position_policy<PositionT> position_policy_t;
- typedef typename iterator_::impl::position_iterator_base_generator<
- SelfT,
- ForwardIteratorT,
- PositionT
- >::type base_t;
- typedef typename iterator_::impl::position_iterator_base_generator<
- SelfT,
- ForwardIteratorT,
- PositionT
- >::main_iter_t main_iter_t;
- public:
- typedef PositionT position_t;
- position_iterator()
- : _isend(true)
- {}
- position_iterator(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end)
- : base_t(begin), _end(end), _pos(PositionT()), _isend(begin == end)
- {}
- template <typename FileNameT>
- position_iterator(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end,
- FileNameT fileName)
- : base_t(begin), _end(end), _pos(PositionT(fileName)),
- _isend(begin == end)
- {}
- template <typename FileNameT, typename LineT>
- position_iterator(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end,
- FileNameT fileName, LineT line)
- : base_t(begin), _end(end), _pos(PositionT(fileName, line)),
- _isend(begin == end)
- {}
- template <typename FileNameT, typename LineT, typename ColumnT>
- position_iterator(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end,
- FileNameT fileName, LineT line, ColumnT column)
- : base_t(begin), _end(end), _pos(PositionT(fileName, line, column)),
- _isend(begin == end)
- {}
- position_iterator(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end,
- const PositionT& pos)
- : base_t(begin), _end(end), _pos(pos), _isend(begin == end)
- {}
- position_iterator(const position_iterator& iter)
- : base_t(iter.base()), position_policy_t(iter),
- _end(iter._end), _pos(iter._pos), _isend(iter._isend)
- {}
- position_iterator& operator=(const position_iterator& iter)
- {
- base_t::operator=(iter);
- position_policy_t::operator=(iter);
- _end = iter._end;
- _pos = iter._pos;
- _isend = iter._isend;
- return *this;
- }
- void set_position(PositionT const& newpos) { _pos = newpos; }
- PositionT& get_position() { return _pos; }
- PositionT const& get_position() const { return _pos; }
- void set_tabchars(unsigned int chars)
- {
- // This function (which comes from the position_policy) has a
- // different name on purpose, to avoid messing with using
- // declarations or qualified calls to access the base template
- // function, which might break some compilers.
- this->position_policy_t::set_tab_chars(chars);
- }
- private:
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- void increment()
- {
- typename base_t::reference val = *(this->base());
- if (val == '\n') {
- ++this->base_reference();
- this->next_line(_pos);
- static_cast<main_iter_t &>(*this).newline();
- }
- else if ( val == '\r') {
- ++this->base_reference();
- if (this->base_reference() == _end || *(this->base()) != '\n')
- {
- this->next_line(_pos);
- static_cast<main_iter_t &>(*this).newline();
- }
- }
- else if (val == '\t') {
- this->tabulation(_pos);
- ++this->base_reference();
- }
- else {
- this->next_char(_pos);
- ++this->base_reference();
- }
- // The iterator is at the end only if it's the same
- // of the
- _isend = (this->base_reference() == _end);
- }
- template <
- typename OtherDerivedT, typename OtherIteratorT,
- typename V, typename C, typename R, typename D
- >
- bool equal(iterator_adaptor<OtherDerivedT, OtherIteratorT, V, C, R, D>
- const &x) const
- {
- OtherDerivedT const &rhs = static_cast<OtherDerivedT const &>(x);
- bool x_is_end = rhs._isend;
- return (_isend == x_is_end) && (_isend || this->base() == rhs.base());
- }
- protected:
- void newline(void)
- {}
- ForwardIteratorT _end;
- PositionT _pos;
- bool _isend;
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // position_iterator2
- //
- // Equivalent to position_iterator, but it is able to extract the current
- // line into a string. This is very handy for error reports.
- //
- // Notice that the footprint of this class is higher than position_iterator,
- // (how much depends on how bulky the underlying iterator is), so it should
- // be used only if necessary.
- //
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template
- <
- typename ForwardIteratorT,
- typename PositionT
- >
- class position_iterator2
- : public position_iterator
- <
- ForwardIteratorT,
- PositionT,
- position_iterator2<ForwardIteratorT, PositionT>
- >
- {
- typedef position_iterator
- <
- ForwardIteratorT,
- PositionT,
- position_iterator2<ForwardIteratorT, PositionT> // JDG 4-15-03
- > base_t;
- public:
- typedef typename base_t::value_type value_type;
- typedef PositionT position_t;
- position_iterator2()
- {}
- position_iterator2(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end):
- base_t(begin, end),
- _startline(begin)
- {}
- template <typename FileNameT>
- position_iterator2(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end,
- FileNameT file):
- base_t(begin, end, file),
- _startline(begin)
- {}
- template <typename FileNameT, typename LineT>
- position_iterator2(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end,
- FileNameT file, LineT line):
- base_t(begin, end, file, line),
- _startline(begin)
- {}
- template <typename FileNameT, typename LineT, typename ColumnT>
- position_iterator2(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end,
- FileNameT file, LineT line, ColumnT column):
- base_t(begin, end, file, line, column),
- _startline(begin)
- {}
- position_iterator2(
- const ForwardIteratorT& begin,
- const ForwardIteratorT& end,
- const PositionT& pos):
- base_t(begin, end, pos),
- _startline(begin)
- {}
- position_iterator2(const position_iterator2& iter)
- : base_t(iter), _startline(iter._startline)
- {}
- position_iterator2& operator=(const position_iterator2& iter)
- {
- base_t::operator=(iter);
- _startline = iter._startline;
- return *this;
- }
- ForwardIteratorT get_currentline_begin(void) const
- { return _startline; }
- ForwardIteratorT get_currentline_end(void) const
- { return get_endline(); }
- std::basic_string<value_type> get_currentline(void) const
- {
- return std::basic_string<value_type>
- (get_currentline_begin(), get_currentline_end());
- }
- protected:
- ForwardIteratorT _startline;
- friend class position_iterator<ForwardIteratorT, PositionT,
- position_iterator2<ForwardIteratorT, PositionT> >;
- ForwardIteratorT get_endline() const
- {
- ForwardIteratorT endline = _startline;
- while (endline != this->_end && *endline != '\r' && *endline != '\n')
- {
- ++endline;
- }
- return endline;
- }
- void newline(void)
- { _startline = this->base(); }
- };
- }} // namespace BOOST_SPIRIT_CLASSIC_NS
- #endif