JavaScript | 152 lines | 105 code | 20 blank | 27 comment | 22 complexity | 4f6ecb00dc0fe036ce28d4f949e4e089 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- (function (env) {
- "use strict";
- env.ddg_spice_board_game_geek_search = function(api_result){
- // Validate the response (customize for your Spice)
- if (!api_result || api_result.error || !api_result.items || !api_result.items.item) {
- return Spice.failed('board_game_geek');
- }
- var items = api_result.items.item,
- // Get the query without the trigger words.
- script = $('[src*="/js/spice/board_game_geek/"]')[0],
- source = $(script).attr("src"),
- query = source.match(/board_game_geek\/search\/([^\/]+)/)[1];
- // because of the XML parsing, a response with 1 item gets
- // turned into an object rather than array
- if (!(items instanceof Array)) {
- items = [items];
- }
- // in some cases BGG returns FAR TOO MANY results, including expansions
- // this is especially a problem with games with fan expansions,
- // e.g. Ticket To Ride has 100+ results
- //
- // to eliminate most of the expansions, we get the earliest result by year
- // (using the numeric ID as a tiebreaker) and grab the first 25 entries only
- items.sort(function (a, b) {
- var aYear = Number(a.yearpublished && a.yearpublished.value) || 5000,
- bYear = Number(b.yearpublished && b.yearpublished.value) || 5000;
- if (aYear === bYear) {
- return Number(a.id) < Number(b.id) ? -1 : 1;
- } else {
- return aYear < bYear ? -1 : 1;
- }
- });
- items = items.slice(0, 25);
- // Render the response
- Spice.add({
- id: "board_game_geek",
- name: "Board Games",
- data: items,
- meta: {
- itemType: "Board Games",
- searchTerm: decodeURIComponent(query),
- sourceName: "BoardGameGeek",
- sourceUrl: "http://boardgamegeek.com/geeksearch.php?action=search&objecttype=boardgame&q=" + query,
- sourceIcon: true,
- rerender: ["img", "img_m", "abstract", "rating", "reviewCount", "players", "playTime", "age"]
- },
- normalize: function(item) {
- return {
- bggId: item.id, // store id to use it in onItemShown
- heading: item.name.value,
- img: "",
- img_m: "",
- url: "http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/" + item.id,
- url_review: "http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/" + item.id + "/reviews"
- };
- },
- onItemShown: function (item) {
- if (item.loadedDetails) {
- return;
- }
- $.getJSON("/js/spice/board_game_geek/get_details/" + item.bggId, function (response) {
- var responseItem = response.items.item,
- rating = DDG.getProperty(responseItem, "statistics.ratings.average.value"),
- img_m = DDG.getProperty(responseItem, "image.text"),
- img = DDG.getProperty(responseItem, "thumbnail.text");
- // the BGG rating is out of 10 so divide to get a five star rating
- if (rating) {
- rating /= 2;
- }
- item.set({
- img_m: addProtocol(img_m),
- img: addProtocol(img),
- abstract: DDG.getProperty(responseItem, "description.text"),
- rating: rating,
- reviewCount: DDG.getProperty(responseItem, "statistics.ratings.usersrated.value"),
- players: getRange(responseItem, "players"),
- playTime: getRange(responseItem, "playtime"),
- age: getRange(responseItem, "age")
- });
- })
- item.loadedDetails = true;
- },
- templates: {
- group: 'products',
- options: {
- price: false,
- hideReviewText: true,
- subtitle_content: Spice.board_game_geek_search.subtitle,
- buy: Spice.board_game_geek_search.buy
- }
- }
- });
- };
- /**
- * Images with a placeholder protocol seem to break when we try and request
- * https images - so force http:// on them
- *
- * They'll be proxied via https://images.duckduckgo.com anyway so it's not a problem
- */
- function addProtocol(img) {
- if (img.indexOf("//") === 0) {
- img = "http:" + img;
- }
- return img;
- }
- /**
- * Possible values this returns are based on
- * what the min/max values are, and whether they're defined:
- *
- * 15 (if min and max are the same)
- * 5-15 (min and max)
- * 5+ (min only)
- * <5 (max only)
- */
- function getRange(responseItem, rangeName) {
- var min = Number(DDG.getProperty(responseItem, "min" + rangeName + ".value")),
- max = Number(DDG.getProperty(responseItem, "max" + rangeName + ".value")),
- range = "";
- if (min && max) {
- if (min === max) {
- range = min;
- } else {
- range = min + "-" + max;
- }
- } else if (min) {
- range = min + "+";
- } else if (max) {
- range = "<" + max;
- }
- return range;
- }
- }(this));