# · Python · 186 lines · 140 code · 26 blank · 20 comment · 21 complexity · e92a0d793d5c834f52fae5740d1cea7a MD5 · raw file
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- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
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- # This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public
- # License. A copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the
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- from common import *
- import testdata
- # comparison among python numbers
- class oldstyle:
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(self.value, other)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "oldstyle(%s)" % str(self.value)
- class newstyle(object):
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(self.value, other)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "newstyle(%s)" % str(self.value)
- import sys
- collection = testdata.merge_lists(
- [None],
- testdata.list_int,
- testdata.list_float,
- testdata.list_long,
- testdata.list_bool,
- testdata.list_myint,
- testdata.list_myfloat,
- testdata.list_mylong,
- testdata.get_clrnumbers(),
- )
- collection_oldstyle = [oldstyle(x) for x in collection]
- collection_newstyle = [newstyle(x) for x in collection]
- class common(object):
- def true_compare(self, leftc, rightc, oplist = ["<", ">", ">=", "<=", "==", "<>" ]):
- for a in leftc:
- for b in rightc:
- for op in oplist:
- try:
- printwith("case", a, op, b, type(a), type(b))
- printwith("same", eval("a %s b" % op))
- except:
- printwith("except", sys.exc_type)
- try:
- printwith("case", "cmp(", a, ",", b, ")", type(a), type(b))
- printwith("same", cmp(a, b))
- except:
- printwith("except", sys.exc_type)
- def compare_asbool(self, leftc, rightc, oplist = ["<", ">", ">=", "<=", "==", "<>" ]):
- for a in leftc:
- for b in rightc:
- for op in oplist:
- line = "if a %s b: print 'same##', True\nelse: print 'same##', False" % op
- try:
- printwith("case", "RetBool", a, op, b, type(a), type(b))
- exec line
- except:
- printwith("except", sys.exc_type)
- class test_simple(common):
- def __init__(self):
- self.collection = collection
- self.collection_oldstyle = collection_oldstyle
- self.collection_newstyle = collection_newstyle
- def test_true_compare(self): super(test_simple, self).true_compare(self.collection, self.collection)
- def test_compare_asbool(self): super(test_simple, self).compare_asbool(self.collection, self.collection)
- def test_true_compare_oldc_left(self): super(test_simple, self).true_compare(self.collection_oldstyle, self.collection)
- def test_compare_asbool_oldc_left(self): super(test_simple, self).compare_asbool(self.collection_oldstyle, self.collection)
- def test_true_compare_oldc_right(self): super(test_simple, self).true_compare(self.collection, self.collection_oldstyle)
- def test_compare_asbool_oldc_right(self): super(test_simple, self).compare_asbool(self.collection, self.collection_oldstyle)
- def test_true_compare_newc_left(self): super(test_simple, self).true_compare(self.collection_newstyle, self.collection)
- def test_compare_asbool_newc_left(self): super(test_simple, self).compare_asbool(self.collection_newstyle, self.collection)
- def test_true_compare_newc_right(self): super(test_simple, self).true_compare(self.collection, self.collection_newstyle)
- def test_compare_asbool_newc_right(self): super(test_simple, self).compare_asbool(self.collection, self.collection_newstyle)
- class test_enum(test_simple):
- def __init__(self):
- self.collection = testdata.merge_lists(testdata.get_enums(), testdata.list_bool, testdata.list_int)
- self.collection_oldstyle = [oldstyle(x) for x in self.collection]
- self.collection_newstyle = [newstyle(x) for x in self.collection]
- class test_onetype(common):
- def test_true_compare_pos(self):
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(self.data, self.data)
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(self.data, [newstyle(x) for x in self.data])
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare([newstyle(x) for x in self.data], self.data)
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(self.data, [oldstyle(x) for x in self.data])
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare([oldstyle(x) for x in self.data], self.data)
- def test_compare_asbool_pos(self):
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(self.data, self.data)
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(self.data, [newstyle(x) for x in self.data])
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool([newstyle(x) for x in self.data], self.data)
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(self.data, [oldstyle(x) for x in self.data])
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool([oldstyle(x) for x in self.data], self.data)
- def xtest_true_compare_neg(self):
- # comparing to None is still valid
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(self.data, collection)
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(collection, self.data)
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(self.data, collection_newstyle)
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(self.data, collection_oldstyle)
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(collection_newstyle, self.data)
- super(test_onetype, self).true_compare(collection_oldstyle, self.data)
- def xtest_compare_asbool_neg(self):
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(self.data, collection)
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(collection, self.data)
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(self.data, collection_newstyle)
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(self.data, collection_oldstyle)
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(collection_newstyle, self.data)
- super(test_onetype, self).compare_asbool(collection_oldstyle, self.data)
- class test_string(test_onetype):
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = testdata.merge_lists(testdata.list_str, testdata.list_mystr)
- class test_complex(test_onetype):
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = testdata.merge_lists(testdata.list_complex, testdata.list_mycomplex)
- class test_dict(test_onetype):
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = testdata.merge_lists(testdata.list_dict)
- runtests(test_simple)
- #guess this is not going to happen
- #runtests(test_enum)
- runtests(test_string)
- runtests(test_complex)
- runtests(test_dict)
- # redefine oldstyle/newstyle, since cmp does not work on set by spec
- class oldstyle:
- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
- def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other
- def __gt__(self, other): return self.value > other
- def __le__(self, other): return self.value <= other
- def __ge__(self, other): return self.value >= other
- def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other
- def __ne__(self, other): return self.value <> other
- def __repr__(self): return "oldstyle(%s)" % str(self.value)
- class newstyle(object):
- def __init__(self, value): self.value = value
- def __lt__(self, other): return self.value < other
- def __gt__(self, other): return self.value > other
- def __le__(self, other): return self.value <= other
- def __ge__(self, other): return self.value >= other
- def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other
- def __ne__(self, other): return self.value <> other
- def __repr__(self): return "newstyle(%s)" % str(self.value)
- class test_set(test_onetype):
- def __init__(self):
- self.data = testdata.merge_lists(
- [None],
- testdata.list_set,
- testdata.list_frozenset,
- )
- #runtests(test_set)