C++ | 438 lines | 334 code | 57 blank | 47 comment | 51 complexity | 2d0a49bad39d3015395a6ad527474369 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception, LGPL-2.0
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- and also edited by
- Yuichiro Nakaya (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Yoshinori Suzuki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- warp.cpp
- Abstract:
- Geometry transformation:
- 2D Affine
- 2D Perspective
- Revision History:
- Jan. 13, 1999: Code for disallowing zero demoninators in perspective
- warping added by Hitachi, Ltd.
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <math.h>
- #include "basic.hpp"
- #include "svd.h"
- #include "warp.hpp"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- CVector2D CMatrix2x2D::apply (const CVector2D& v) const
- {
- return CVector2D (
- m_value [0] [0] * v.x + m_value [0] [1] * v.y,
- m_value [1] [0] * v.x + m_value [1] [1] * v.y
- );
- }
- CMatrix2x2D::CMatrix2x2D (Double d)
- {
- m_value [0] [0] = d;
- m_value [1] [1] = d;
- m_value [0] [1] = 0;
- m_value [1] [0] = 0;
- }
- CMatrix2x2D::CMatrix2x2D (Double d00, Double d01, Double d10, Double d11)
- {
- m_value [0] [0] = d00;
- m_value [1] [1] = d11;
- m_value [0] [1] = d01;
- m_value [1] [0] = d10;
- }
- CMatrix2x2D::CMatrix2x2D (const CVector2D& v0, const CVector2D& v1, Bool fAsColumns)
- {
- m_value [0] [0] = v0.x;
- m_value [1] [0] = v0.y;
- m_value [0] [1] = v1.x;
- m_value [1] [1] = v1.y;
- if (!fAsColumns) transpose ();
- }
- CMatrix2x2D::CMatrix2x2D (const CVector2D v [2])
- {
- *this = CMatrix2x2D (v [0], v [1]);
- }
- CMatrix2x2D CMatrix2x2D::operator * (const CMatrix2x2D& x) const
- {
- CMatrix2x2D r;
- r.m_value [0] [0] = m_value [0] [0] * x.m_value [0] [0] + m_value [0] [1] * x.m_value [1] [0];
- r.m_value [1] [0] = m_value [1] [0] * x.m_value [0] [0] + m_value [1] [1] * x.m_value [1] [0];
- r.m_value [0] [1] = m_value [0] [0] * x.m_value [0] [1] + m_value [0] [1] * x.m_value [1] [1];
- r.m_value [1] [1] = m_value [1] [0] * x.m_value [0] [1] + m_value [1] [1] * x.m_value [1] [1];
- return r;
- }
- CMatrix2x2D::CMatrix2x2D (const CVector2D& s0, const CVector2D& s1, const CVector2D& d0, const CVector2D& d1)
- {
- *this = CMatrix2x2D (d0, d1) * CMatrix2x2D (s0, s1).inverse ();
- }
- CMatrix2x2D::CMatrix2x2D (const CVector2D source [2], const CVector2D dest [2])
- {
- *this = CMatrix2x2D (source [0], source [1], dest [0], dest [1]);
- }
- CMatrix2x2D CMatrix2x2D::inverse () const
- {
- Double det = determinant ();
- if (det == 0) // ill conditioned -- make this a better test
- {
- return CMatrix2x2D ((Double) 0);
- }
- CMatrix2x2D r;
- Double detInv = (Double) 1.0 / det;
- r.m_value [0] [0] = m_value [1] [1] * detInv;
- r.m_value [1] [1] = m_value [0] [0] * detInv;
- r.m_value [0] [1] = - m_value [0] [1] * detInv;
- r.m_value [1] [0] = - m_value [1] [0] * detInv;
- return r;
- }
- Void CMatrix2x2D::transpose ()
- {
- Double tmp = m_value [0] [1];
- m_value [0] [1] = m_value [1] [0];
- m_value [1] [0] = tmp;
- }
- CAffine2D::CAffine2D (const CSiteD& source, const CSiteD& dest) :
- m_mtx(1.), m_stdSrc (source), m_stdDst (dest)
- {
- // thats all folks
- }
- CAffine2D::CAffine2D (const CSiteD& s0, const CSiteD& s1, const CSiteD& d0, const CSiteD& d1) :
- m_mtx(s1 - s0, (s1 - s0).rot90 (), d1 - d0, (d1 - d0).rot90 ()),
- m_stdSrc (s0),
- m_stdDst (d0)
- {
- }
- CAffine2D::CAffine2D (
- const CSiteD& s, const CVector2D& sv0, const CVector2D& sv1,
- const CSiteD& d, const CVector2D& dv0, const CVector2D& dv1) :
- m_mtx(sv0, sv1, dv0, dv1), m_stdSrc (s), m_stdDst (d)
- {
- }
- CAffine2D::CAffine2D (const CSiteD source [3], const CSiteD dest [3]) :
- m_mtx (
- source [1] - source [0],
- source [2] - source [0],
- dest [1] - dest [0],
- dest [2] - dest [0]
- ),
- m_stdSrc (source [0]),
- m_stdDst (dest [0])
- {
- }
- CAffine2D::CAffine2D (const CoordD params [6]) :
- m_mtx (CVector2D (params [0], params [3]), CVector2D (params [1], params [4])),
- m_stdSrc (0, 0),
- m_stdDst (params [2], params [5])
- {
- }
- CAffine2D CAffine2D::inverse () const
- {
- CAffine2D affInv;
- affInv.m_mtx= m_mtx.inverse ();
- affInv.m_stdSrc = m_stdDst;
- affInv.m_stdDst = m_stdSrc;
- return affInv;
- }
- CAffine2D CAffine2D::setOrigin (const CSiteD& std) const
- {
- CAffine2D r;
- CVector2D vec;
- r.m_mtx = m_mtx;
- vec = m_mtx.apply (std - m_stdDst);
- r.m_stdDst.x = std.x - vec.x;
- r.m_stdDst.y = std.y - vec.y;
- r.m_stdSrc = m_stdSrc;
- return r;
- }
- Void CAffine2D::getParams (CoordD params [6]) const
- {
- params [0] = m_mtx.element (0, 0);
- params [1] = m_mtx.element (0, 1);
- params [3] = m_mtx.element (1, 0);
- params [4] = m_mtx.element (1, 1);
- params [2] = m_stdDst.x - params [0] * m_stdSrc.x - params [1] * m_stdSrc.y;
- params [5] = m_stdDst.y - params [3] * m_stdSrc.x - params [4] * m_stdSrc.y;
- }
- CPerspective2D::~CPerspective2D ()
- {
- delete [] m_rgCoeff;
- }
- CPerspective2D::CPerspective2D ()
- {
- m_rgCoeff = NULL;
- }
- CPerspective2D::CPerspective2D (const UInt pntNum, const CSiteD source [4], const CSiteD dest [4], const UInt accuracy) : m_rgCoeff (NULL)
- {
- UInt uiScale = 1 << (accuracy + 1);
- m_x0 = source [0].x;
- m_y0 = source [0].y;
- m_rgCoeff = new Double [9];
- Double x [4], dx [4], y [4], dy [4], a[4][4];
- memset(a, 0, sizeof(a));
- for (UInt k = 0; k < pntNum; k++) {
- m_rgstdSrc [k] = source [k];
- m_rgstdDst [k] = dest [k] * uiScale;
- x [k] = m_rgstdDst [k].x;
- y [k] = m_rgstdDst [k].y;
- }
- Int width = (Int) (m_rgstdSrc [1].x - m_rgstdSrc [0].x);
- Int height = (Int) (m_rgstdSrc [2].y - m_rgstdSrc [0].y);
- if (pntNum == 1) {
- a[1][1] = (Double) uiScale;
- a[2][1] = 0;
- a[3][1] = x [0];
- a[1][2] = 0;
- a[2][2] = (Double) uiScale;
- a[3][2] = y [0];
- a[1][3] = 0;
- a[2][3] = 0;
- a[3][3] = 1.0;
- } else if (pntNum == 2) {
- a[1][1] = (x [1] - x [0]) ;
- a[2][1] = (y [0] - y [1]) ;
- a[3][1] = x [0] * width;
- a[1][2] = (y [1] - y [0]) ;
- a[2][2] = (x [1] - x [0]) ;
- a[3][2] = y [0] * width;
- a[1][3] = 0;
- a[2][3] = 0;
- a[3][3] = width;
- } else if (pntNum == 3) {
- a[1][1] = (x [1] - x [0]) * height;
- a[2][1] = (x [2] - x [0]) * width;
- a[3][1] = x [0] * height * width;
- a[1][2] = (y [1] - y [0]) * height;
- a[2][2] = (y [2] - y [0]) * width;
- a[3][2] = y [0] * height * width;
- a[1][3] = 0;
- a[2][3] = 0;
- a[3][3] = height * width;
- } else if (pntNum == 4) {
- dx [1] = x [1] - x [3]; dx [2] = x [2] - x [3]; dx [3] = x [0] - x [1] + x [3] - x [2];
- dy [1] = y [1] - y [3]; dy [2] = y [2] - y [3]; dy [3] = y [0] - y [1] + y [3] - y [2];
- if ((dx [3] == 0 && dy [3] == 0) || pntNum == 3) {
- a[1][1] = (x [1] - x [0]) * height;
- a[2][1] = (x [2] - x [0]) * width;
- a[3][1] = x [0] * height * width;
- a[1][2] = (y [1] - y [0]) * height;
- a[2][2] = (y [2] - y [0]) * width;
- a[3][2] = y [0] * height * width;
- a[1][3] = 0;
- a[2][3] = 0;
- a[3][3] = height * width;
- } else {
- Double deltaD = dx [1] * dy [2] - dx [2] * dy [1];
- a[1][3] = (dx [3] * dy [2] - dx [2] * dy [3]) * height;
- a[2][3] = (dx [1] * dy [3] - dx [3] * dy [1]) * width;
- a[1][1] = (x [1] - x [0]) * height * deltaD + a[1][3] * x [1];
- a[2][1] = (x [2] - x [0]) * width * deltaD + a[2][3] * x [2];
- a[3][1] = x [0] * height * width * deltaD;
- a[1][2] = (y [1] - y [0]) * deltaD * height + a[1][3] * y [1];
- a[2][2] = (y [2] - y [0]) * deltaD * width + a[2][3] * y [2];
- a[3][2] = y [0] * height * width * deltaD;
- a[3][3] = height * width * deltaD;
- }
- }
- m_rgCoeff [0] = a[1][1];
- m_rgCoeff [1] = a[2][1];
- m_rgCoeff [2] = a[3][1];
- m_rgCoeff [3] = a[1][2];
- m_rgCoeff [4] = a[2][2];
- m_rgCoeff [5] = a[3][2];
- m_rgCoeff [6] = a[1][3];
- m_rgCoeff [7] = a[2][3];
- m_rgCoeff [8] = a[3][3];
- }
- CPerspective2D::CPerspective2D (const CSiteD source [4], const CSiteD dest [4]) : m_rgCoeff (NULL)
- {
- m_x0 = m_y0 = 0.0;
- UInt pts = 4;
- UInt rows = 2 * pts, cols = 8, i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- m_rgstdSrc [i] = source [i];
- m_rgstdDst [i] = dest [i];
- }
- Double* B = new Double [rows];
- Double** A = (Double**) new Double* [rows];
- for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
- A [i] = new Double [cols] ;
- for (i = 0; i < pts; i++) {
- A [i] [0] = m_rgstdSrc [i].x ;
- A [i] [1] = m_rgstdSrc [i].y ;
- A [i] [2] = 1;
- A [i] [3] = A [i] [4] = A[i] [5] =0;
- A [i] [6] = (-1) * (m_rgstdSrc [i].x * m_rgstdDst [i].x );
- A [i] [7] = (-1) * (m_rgstdSrc [i].y * m_rgstdDst [i].x );
- B [i] = m_rgstdDst [i].x;
- }
- for (i = pts, j = 0; i < rows; i++, j++) {
- A [i] [0] = A [i] [1] = A [i] [2] = 0;
- A [i] [3] = m_rgstdSrc [j].x ;
- A [i] [4] = m_rgstdSrc [j].y ;
- A [i] [5] = 1;
- A [i] [6] = (-1) * (m_rgstdSrc [j].x * m_rgstdDst [j].y);
- A [i] [7] = (-1) * (m_rgstdSrc [j].y * m_rgstdDst [j].y);
- B [i] = m_rgstdDst [j].y;
- }
- m_rgCoeff = linearLS (A, B, rows, cols);
- delete [] B;
- for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
- delete [] A [i];
- delete [] A;
- }
- CPerspective2D::CPerspective2D (Double* rgCoeff) : m_rgCoeff (NULL)
- {
- m_rgCoeff = new Double [8];
- UInt i;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- m_rgCoeff [i] = rgCoeff [i];
- m_rgstdSrc [0] = CSiteD (0, 0);
- m_rgstdSrc [1] = CSiteD (176, 0);
- m_rgstdSrc [2] = CSiteD (0, 144);
- m_rgstdSrc [3] = CSiteD (176, 144);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- m_rgstdDst [i] = (*this * m_rgstdSrc [i]).s;
- }
- }
- CSiteDWFlag CPerspective2D::apply (const CSiteD& s0) const
- {
- Double destX, destY, destW;
- CSiteDWFlag destST;
- destX = (s0.x - m_x0) * m_rgCoeff [0] + (s0.y - m_y0) * m_rgCoeff [1] + m_rgCoeff [2];
- destY = (s0.x - m_x0 ) * m_rgCoeff [3] + (s0.y - m_y0 ) * m_rgCoeff [4] + m_rgCoeff [5];
- destW = (s0.x - m_x0) * m_rgCoeff [6] + (s0.y - m_y0) * m_rgCoeff [7] + m_rgCoeff [8];
- if (destW != 0.0) {
- destST.s.x = destX / destW;
- destST.s.y = destY / destW;
- destST.f = FALSE;
- } else // destW == 0.0
- destST.f = TRUE;
- return destST;
- }
- CSiteWFlag CPerspective2D::apply (const CSite& s0) const
- {
- Double destX, destY, destW;
- CSiteWFlag destST;
- destX = (s0.x - m_x0) * m_rgCoeff [0] + (s0.y - m_y0) * m_rgCoeff [1] + m_rgCoeff [2];
- destY = (s0.x - m_x0 ) * m_rgCoeff [3] + (s0.y - m_y0 ) * m_rgCoeff [4] + m_rgCoeff [5];
- destW = (s0.x - m_x0) * m_rgCoeff [6] + (s0.y - m_y0) * m_rgCoeff [7] + m_rgCoeff [8];
- if (destW != 0.0) {
- if ((destX >= 0 && destW > 0) || (destX <= 0 && destW < 0)) {
- destST.s.x = (CoordI) ((destX + destW / 2) / destW);
- } else {
- if (destX > 0 && destW < 0) {
- destST.s.x = (CoordI) ((destX - (destW + 1) / 2) / destW);
- } else {
- destST.s.x = (CoordI) ((destX - (destW - 1) / 2) / destW);
- }
- }
- if ((destY >= 0 && destW > 0) || (destY <= 0 && destW < 0)) {
- destST.s.y = (CoordI) ((destY + destW / 2) / destW);
- } else {
- if (destY > 0 && destW < 0) {
- destST.s.y = (CoordI) ((destY - (destW + 1) / 2) / destW);
- } else {
- destST.s.y = (CoordI) ((destY - (destW - 1) / 2) / destW);
- }
- }
- destST.f = FALSE;
- } else // destW == 0.0
- destST.f = TRUE;
- return destST;
- }
- CPerspective2D CPerspective2D::inverse () const
- {
- return CPerspective2D (m_rgstdDst, m_rgstdSrc);
- }