# · C# · 252 lines · 189 code · 34 blank · 29 comment · 26 complexity · 8a066f7943cb5173a84b4e27855d9ff5 MD5 · raw file
- /* ****************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- *
- * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Microsoft Public License. A
- * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
- * you cannot locate the Microsoft Public License, please send an email to
- * ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- * by the terms of the Microsoft Public License.
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- * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
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- *
- * ***************************************************************************/
- using System;
- namespace IronPythonTest {
- public enum DeTestEnum {
- Value_0,
- Value_1,
- Value_2,
- Value_3,
- Value_4
- }
- public enum DeTestEnumLong : long {
- Value_1 = 12345678901234L,
- Value_2 = 43210987654321L
- }
- public struct DeTestStruct {
- public int intVal;
- //public string stringVal;
- //public float floatVal;
- //public double doubleVal;
- //public DeTestEnum eshort;
- //public DeTestEnumLong elong;
- #pragma warning disable 169
- void Init() {
- intVal = 0;
- //stringVal = "Hello";
- //floatVal = 0;
- //doubleVal = 0;
- //eshort = DeTestEnum.Value_3;
- //elong = DeTestEnumLong.Value_2;
- }
- #pragma warning restore 169
- }
- public class DeTest {
- public delegate DeTestStruct TestStruct(DeTestStruct dts);
- public delegate string TestTrivial(string s1);
- public delegate string TestStringDelegate(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5, string s6);
- public delegate int TestEnumDelegate(DeTestEnum e);
- public delegate long TestEnumDelegateLong(DeTestEnumLong e);
- public delegate string TestComplexDelegate(string s, int i, float f, double d, DeTestEnum e, string s2, DeTestEnum e2, DeTestEnumLong e3);
- public event TestStruct e_struct;
- public event TestTrivial e_tt;
- public event TestTrivial e_tt2;
- public event TestStringDelegate e_tsd;
- public event TestEnumDelegate e_ted;
- public event TestComplexDelegate e_tcd;
- public event TestEnumDelegateLong e_tedl;
- public TestStruct d_struct;
- public TestTrivial d_tt;
- public TestTrivial d_tt2;
- public TestStringDelegate d_tsd;
- public TestEnumDelegate d_ted;
- public TestComplexDelegate d_tcd;
- public TestEnumDelegateLong d_tedl;
- public string stringVal;
- public string stringVal2;
- public int intVal;
- public float floatVal;
- public double doubleVal;
- public DeTestEnum enumVal;
- public DeTestEnumLong longEnumVal;
- public DeTest() {
- }
- public void Init() {
- e_struct = ActualTestStruct;
- e_tt = VoidTestTrivial;
- e_tsd = VoidTestString;
- e_ted = VoidTestEnum;
- e_tedl = VoidTestEnumLong;
- e_tcd = VoidTestComplex;
- e_struct = ActualTestStruct;
- d_tt = VoidTestTrivial;
- d_tsd = VoidTestString;
- d_ted = VoidTestEnum;
- d_tedl = VoidTestEnumLong;
- d_tcd = VoidTestComplex;
- }
- public void RunTest() {
- if (e_struct != null) {
- DeTestStruct dts;
- dts.intVal = intVal;
- //dts.stringVal = stringVal;
- //dts.floatVal = floatVal;
- //dts.doubleVal = doubleVal;
- //dts.elong = longEnumVal;
- //dts.eshort = enumVal;
- e_struct(dts);
- }
- if (e_tt != null) {
- e_tt(stringVal);
- }
- if (e_tt2 != null) {
- e_tt2(stringVal2);
- }
- if (d_tt != null) {
- d_tt(stringVal);
- }
- if (e_tsd != null) {
- e_tsd(stringVal, stringVal2, stringVal, stringVal2, stringVal, stringVal2);
- }
- if (d_tsd != null) {
- d_tsd(stringVal, stringVal2, stringVal, stringVal2, stringVal, stringVal2);
- }
- if (e_ted != null) {
- e_ted(enumVal);
- }
- if (d_ted != null) {
- d_ted(enumVal);
- }
- if (e_tedl != null) {
- e_tedl(longEnumVal);
- }
- if (d_tedl != null) {
- d_tedl(longEnumVal);
- }
- if (e_tcd != null) {
- e_tcd(stringVal, intVal, floatVal, doubleVal, enumVal, stringVal2, enumVal, longEnumVal);
- }
- if (d_tcd != null) {
- d_tcd(stringVal, intVal, floatVal, doubleVal, enumVal, stringVal2, enumVal, longEnumVal);
- }
- }
- public DeTestStruct ActualTestStruct(DeTestStruct dts) {
- object x = dts;
- return (DeTestStruct)x;
- }
- public string ActualTestTrivial(string s1) {
- return s1;
- }
- public string VoidTestTrivial(string s1) {
- return String.Empty;
- }
- public string ActualTestString(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5, string s6) {
- return s1 + " " + s2 + " " + s3 + " " + s4 + " " + s5 + " " + s6;
- }
- public string VoidTestString(string s1, string s2, string s3, string s4, string s5, string s6) {
- return String.Empty;
- }
- public int ActualTestEnum(DeTestEnum e) {
- return (int)e + 1000;
- }
- public int VoidTestEnum(DeTestEnum e) {
- return 0;
- }
- public long ActualTestEnumLong(DeTestEnumLong e) {
- return (long)e + 1000000000;
- }
- public long VoidTestEnumLong(DeTestEnumLong e) {
- return 0;
- }
- public string ActualTestComplex(string s, int i, float f, double d, DeTestEnum e, string s2, DeTestEnum e2, DeTestEnumLong e3) {
- return s + " " + i.ToString() + " " + f.ToString() + " " + d.ToString() + " " + s2 + " " + e2.ToString() + " " + e3.ToString();
- }
- public string VoidTestComplex(string s, int i, float f, double d, DeTestEnum e, string s2, DeTestEnum e2, DeTestEnumLong e3) {
- return String.Empty;
- }
- public void SetupE() {
- e_tt = ActualTestTrivial;
- e_tt2 = ActualTestTrivial;
- e_tsd = ActualTestString;
- e_ted = ActualTestEnum;
- e_tedl = ActualTestEnumLong;
- e_tcd = ActualTestComplex;
- }
- public void SetupS() {
- e_struct += ActualTestStruct;
- e_struct += ActualTestStruct;
- }
- public void SetupD() {
- d_tt = ActualTestTrivial;
- d_tt2 = ActualTestTrivial;
- d_tsd = ActualTestString;
- d_ted = ActualTestEnum;
- d_tedl = ActualTestEnumLong;
- d_tcd = ActualTestComplex;
- }
- public void Setup() {
- SetupE();
- SetupD();
- }
- public static DeTestStruct staticDeTestStruct(object o, DeTestStruct dts) {
- object oo = dts;
- return (DeTestStruct)oo;
- }
- public static void Test() {
- DeTest dt = new DeTest();
- dt.SetupS();
- dt.RunTest();
- }
- }
- public delegate float FloatDelegate(float f);
- public class ReturnTypes {
- public event FloatDelegate floatEvent;
- public float RunFloat(float f) {
- return floatEvent(f);
- }
- }
- public delegate void VoidDelegate();
- public class SimpleType {
- public event VoidDelegate SimpleEvent;
- public void RaiseEvent() {
- if (SimpleEvent != null)
- SimpleEvent();
- }
- }
- }