# · C# · 223 lines · 141 code · 30 blank · 52 comment · 4 complexity · 63ab85ab310729d1fb12fb0b5ed65d8b MD5 · raw file
- /* ****************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- *
- * This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
- * copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
- * you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
- * ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- * by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- *
- * You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- *
- *
- * ***************************************************************************/
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Text;
- using MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation.Controls;
- using MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation;
- using MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation.Waiters;
- using System.Windows.Automation;
- using System.Threading;
- using System.Windows.Forms;
- class WinClass:Window
- {
- public WinClass(UIObject ui):base(ui)
- {
- }
- public void Test_about()
- {
- UICondition uICondition = UICondition.Create("@Name='about'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIObject = this.Descendants.Find(uICondition);
- Window obj = new Window(uIObject);
- UICondition uICondition2 = UICondition.Create("@Name='Tile Size'", new Object[0]);
- obj.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(300);
- UIObject result = this.Children.Find(uICondition2);
- }
- public void Test_options()
- {
- UICondition uICondition = UICondition.Create("@Name='options'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIObject = this.Descendants.Find(uICondition);
- Window obj = new Window(uIObject);
- UICondition uI2 = UICondition.Create("@Name='Tile Size'",new Object[0]);
- UICondition uI50 = UICondition.Create("@Name='50%'",new Object[0]);
- UICondition uI100 = UICondition.Create("@Name='100%'", new Object[0]);
- UICondition uI75 = UICondition.Create("@Name='75%'", new Object[0]);
- obj.Click();
- UIObject uITileSize = this.Descendants.Find(uI2);
- UIObject uIo75 = this.Descendants.Find(uI75);
- UIObject uIo100 = this.Descendants.Find(uI100);
- Window obj75 = new Window(uIo75);
- obj75.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(200);
- Window obj100 = new Window(uIo100);
- obj100.Click();
- UIObject uIo50 = this.Descendants.Find(uI50);
- Thread.Sleep(200);
- Window obj50= new Window(uIo50);
- obj50.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(200);
- //UICondition uICache = UICondition.Create("@Name='Allow caching'", new Object[0]);
- //UIObject uIoCache = this.Descendants.Find(uICache);
- //Window objCache = new Window(uIoCache);
- //objCache.Click();
- //Thread.Sleep(200);
- UICondition uIClsCa = UICondition.Create("@Name='Clear Cache'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIoClsCa = this.Descendants.Find(uIClsCa);
- Window objClsCa = new Window(uIoClsCa);
- objClsCa.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(200);
- }
- public void Test_load()
- {
- UICondition uICondition = UICondition.Create("@Name='load'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIObject = this.Descendants.Find(uICondition);
- Window obj = new Window(uIObject);
- obj.Click();
- UICondition uIButton1 = UICondition.Create("@Name='Seattle (default game)\n(327, 714)\nAerial - Zoom Level 11 - 3x3'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIoButton1 = this.Descendants.Find(uIButton1);
- Window objButton1 = new Window(uIoButton1);
- objButton1.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(100);
- UICondition uIButton2 = UICondition.Create("@Name='New York\n(1205, 1538)\nRoad - Zoom Level 12 - 3x3'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIoButton2 = this.Descendants.Find(uIButton2);
- Window objButton2 = new Window(uIoButton2);
- objButton2.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(100);
- UICondition uIButton3 = UICondition.Create("@Name='World\n(0, 0)\nHybrid - Zoom Level 2 - 4x4'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIoButton3 = this.Descendants.Find(uIButton3);
- Window objButton3 = new Window(uIoButton3);
- objButton3.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(100);
- UICondition uIButton4 = UICondition.Create("@Name='North America\n(2, 5)\nAerial - Zoom Level 4 - 3x3'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIoButton4 = this.Descendants.Find(uIButton4);
- Window objButton4 = new Window(uIoButton4);
- objButton4.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(100);
- UICondition uILoad = UICondition.Create("@Name='Load Puzzle'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIoLoad = this.Descendants.Find(uILoad);
- Window objLoad = new Window(uIoLoad);
- objLoad.Click();
- }
- public void Test_play()
- {
- UICondition uIToStart = UICondition.Create("@Name='Shuffle\nto\nStart'", new Object[0]);
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
- {
- if (this.Descendants.Contains(uIToStart))
- {
- break;
- }
- Thread.Sleep(100);
- }
- UIObject uIoStart = this.Descendants.Find(uIToStart);
- Window objStart = new Window(uIoStart);
- objStart.Click();
- play_puzzle();
- }
- public void play_puzzle()
- {
- int i;
- UICollection<UIObject> UICoPane;
- UICondition uIpane = UICondition.Create("@ControlType=Pane", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIopane = this.Children.Find(uIpane);
- //UICondition uIpane = UICondition.Create("@ControlType=ControlType.Pane", new Object[0]);
- UICoPane = uIopane.Children.FindMultiple(uIpane);
- int Dim = UICoPane.Count;
- //foreach (UIObject i in UICoPane)
- //{
- // Window objpuzzle = new Window(i);
- // objpuzzle.Click();
- //}
- for(int aa = 0; aa < 40; aa++)
- {
- Random rand = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
- i = rand.Next(Dim);
- //Console.Write(i.ToString()+" : ");
- //Console.WriteLine(UICoPane.Count.ToString()+" : "+aa.ToString());
- Window objpuzzle = new Window(UICoPane[i]);
- objpuzzle.Click();
- Thread.Sleep(200);
- }
- }
- public void Test_exit()
- {
- UICondition uICexit = UICondition.Create("@Name='exit'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIoExit = this.Descendants.Find(uICexit);
- Window objexit = new Window(uIoExit);
- //http://ironpython.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=27142
- //UIProperty u = UIProperty.Get("ClassName");
- //UICondition uIcondition2 = UICondition.Create(u,"#32770");
- //WindowOpenedWaiter wait2 = new WindowOpenedWaiter(uIcondition2);
- //objexit.Click();
- //wait2.Wait(5000);
- //UIObject ui2 = this.Children.Find(uIcondition2);
- //UIObject uiyes = ui2.Children.Find(UICondition.Create("@Name='Yes'", new Object[0]));
- //Window winyes = new Window(uiyes);
- //Thread.Sleep(1000);
- //winyes.Click();
- }
- public void Test_create()
- {
- UICondition uICcreate = UICondition.Create("@Name='create'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIoCreate = this.Descendants.Find(uICcreate);
- Window objcreate = new Window(uIoCreate);
- objcreate.Click();
- UICondition uI3x3 = UICondition.Create("@Name='3x3'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIo3x3 = this.Descendants.Find(uI3x3);
- UICondition uI4x4 = UICondition.Create("@Name='4x4'", new Object[0]);
- UIObject uIo4x4 = this.Descendants.Find(uI4x4);
- MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation.Controls.RadioButton radioButton3 = new MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation.Controls.RadioButton(uIo3x3);
- MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation.Controls.RadioButton radioButton4 = new MS.Internal.Mita.Foundation.Controls.RadioButton(uIo4x4);
- if (radioButton3.IsSelected)
- {
- radioButton4.Select();
- }
- //http://ironpython.codeplex.com/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=27142
- //UICondition uICcreate2 = UICondition.Create("@Name='Create'", new Object[0]);
- //UIObject uIoCreate2 = this.Descendants.Find(uICcreate2);
- //Window objcreate2 = new Window(uIoCreate2);
- //UIProperty u = UIProperty.Get("ClassName");
- //UICondition uIcondition2 = UICondition.Create(u, "#32770");
- //WindowOpenedWaiter wait2 = new WindowOpenedWaiter(uIcondition2);
- //objcreate2.Click();
- //wait2.Wait(5000);
- //UIObject ui2 = this.Children.Find(uIcondition2);
- //UIObject uiyes = ui2.Children.Find(UICondition.Create("@Name='Yes'", new Object[0]));
- //Window winyes = new Window(uiyes);
- //Thread.Sleep(300);
- //winyes.Click();
- }
- }