https://git.sr.ht/~kevin8t8/mutt/ · C · 1480 lines · 1165 code · 180 blank · 135 comment · 381 complexity · c9c5d2567bfd2574a776fd53de08fab2 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins <me@mutt.org>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- # include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include "mutt.h"
- #include "sort.h"
- #include "mailbox.h"
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #define VISIBLE(hdr, ctx) (hdr->virtual >= 0 || (hdr->collapsed && (!ctx->pattern || hdr->limited)))
- /* determine whether a is a descendant of b */
- static int is_descendant (THREAD *a, THREAD *b)
- {
- while (a)
- {
- if (a == b)
- return (1);
- a = a->parent;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /* Determines whether to display a message's subject. */
- static int need_display_subject (CONTEXT *ctx, HEADER *hdr)
- {
- THREAD *tmp, *tree = hdr->thread;
- /* if the user disabled subject hiding, display it */
- return (1);
- /* if our subject is different from our parent's, display it */
- if (hdr->subject_changed)
- return (1);
- /* if our subject is different from that of our closest previously displayed
- * sibling, display the subject */
- for (tmp = tree->prev; tmp; tmp = tmp->prev)
- {
- hdr = tmp->message;
- if (hdr && VISIBLE (hdr, ctx))
- {
- if (hdr->subject_changed)
- return (1);
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- /* if there is a parent-to-child subject change anywhere between us and our
- * closest displayed ancestor, display the subject */
- for (tmp = tree->parent; tmp; tmp = tmp->parent)
- {
- hdr = tmp->message;
- if (hdr)
- {
- if (VISIBLE (hdr, ctx))
- return (0);
- else if (hdr->subject_changed)
- return (1);
- }
- }
- /* if we have no visible parent or previous sibling, display the subject */
- return (1);
- }
- static void linearize_tree (CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- THREAD *tree = ctx->tree;
- HEADER **array = ctx->hdrs + (Sort & SORT_REVERSE ? ctx->msgcount - 1 : 0);
- while (tree)
- {
- while (!tree->message)
- tree = tree->child;
- *array = tree->message;
- array += Sort & SORT_REVERSE ? -1 : 1;
- if (tree->child)
- tree = tree->child;
- else
- {
- while (tree)
- {
- if (tree->next)
- {
- tree = tree->next;
- break;
- }
- else
- tree = tree->parent;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* this calculates whether a node is the root of a subtree that has visible
- * nodes, whether a node itself is visible, whether, if invisible, it has
- * depth anyway, and whether any of its later siblings are roots of visible
- * subtrees. while it's at it, it frees the old thread display, so we can
- * skip parts of the tree in mutt_draw_tree() if we've decided here that we
- * don't care about them any more.
- */
- static void calculate_visibility (CONTEXT *ctx, int *max_depth)
- {
- THREAD *tmp, *tree = ctx->tree;
- int hide_top_missing = option (OPTHIDETOPMISSING) && !option (OPTHIDEMISSING);
- int hide_top_limited = option (OPTHIDETOPLIMITED) && !option (OPTHIDELIMITED);
- int depth = 0;
- /* we walk each level backwards to make it easier to compute next_subtree_visible */
- while (tree->next)
- tree = tree->next;
- *max_depth = 0;
- {
- if (depth > *max_depth)
- *max_depth = depth;
- tree->subtree_visible = 0;
- if (tree->message)
- {
- FREE (&tree->message->tree);
- if (VISIBLE (tree->message, ctx))
- {
- tree->deep = 1;
- tree->visible = 1;
- tree->message->display_subject = need_display_subject (ctx, tree->message);
- for (tmp = tree; tmp; tmp = tmp->parent)
- {
- if (tmp->subtree_visible)
- {
- tmp->deep = 1;
- tmp->subtree_visible = 2;
- break;
- }
- else
- tmp->subtree_visible = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tree->visible = 0;
- tree->deep = !option (OPTHIDELIMITED);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tree->visible = 0;
- tree->deep = !option (OPTHIDEMISSING);
- }
- tree->next_subtree_visible = tree->next && (tree->next->next_subtree_visible
- || tree->next->subtree_visible);
- if (tree->child)
- {
- depth++;
- tree = tree->child;
- while (tree->next)
- tree = tree->next;
- }
- else if (tree->prev)
- tree = tree->prev;
- else
- {
- while (tree && !tree->prev)
- {
- depth--;
- tree = tree->parent;
- }
- if (!tree)
- break;
- else
- tree = tree->prev;
- }
- }
- /* now fix up for the OPTHIDETOP* options if necessary */
- if (hide_top_limited || hide_top_missing)
- {
- tree = ctx->tree;
- {
- if (!tree->visible && tree->deep && tree->subtree_visible < 2
- && ((tree->message && hide_top_limited) || (!tree->message && hide_top_missing)))
- tree->deep = 0;
- if (!tree->deep && tree->child && tree->subtree_visible)
- tree = tree->child;
- else if (tree->next)
- tree = tree->next;
- else
- {
- while (tree && !tree->next)
- tree = tree->parent;
- if (!tree)
- break;
- else
- tree = tree->next;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Since the graphics characters have a value >255, I have to resort to
- * using escape sequences to pass the information to print_enriched_string().
- * These are the macros MUTT_TREE_* defined in mutt.h.
- *
- * ncurses should automatically use the default ASCII characters instead of
- * graphics chars on terminals which don't support them (see the man page
- * for curs_addch).
- */
- void mutt_draw_tree (CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- char *pfx = NULL, *mypfx = NULL, *arrow = NULL, *myarrow = NULL, *new_tree;
- int depth = 0, start_depth = 0, max_depth = 0, width = option (OPTNARROWTREE) ? 1 : 2;
- THREAD *nextdisp = NULL, *pseudo = NULL, *parent = NULL, *tree = ctx->tree;
- /* Do the visibility calculations and free the old thread chars.
- * From now on we can simply ignore invisible subtrees
- */
- calculate_visibility (ctx, &max_depth);
- pfx = safe_malloc (width * max_depth + 2);
- arrow = safe_malloc (width * max_depth + 2);
- while (tree)
- {
- if (depth)
- {
- myarrow = arrow + (depth - start_depth - (start_depth ? 0 : 1)) * width;
- if (depth && start_depth == depth)
- myarrow[0] = nextdisp ? MUTT_TREE_LTEE : corner;
- else if (parent->message && !option (OPTHIDELIMITED))
- myarrow[0] = MUTT_TREE_HIDDEN;
- else if (!parent->message && !option (OPTHIDEMISSING))
- myarrow[0] = MUTT_TREE_MISSING;
- else
- myarrow[0] = vtee;
- if (width == 2)
- myarrow[1] = pseudo ? MUTT_TREE_STAR
- : (tree->duplicate_thread ? MUTT_TREE_EQUALS : MUTT_TREE_HLINE);
- if (tree->visible)
- {
- myarrow[width] = MUTT_TREE_RARROW;
- myarrow[width + 1] = 0;
- new_tree = safe_malloc ((2 + depth * width));
- if (start_depth > 1)
- {
- strncpy (new_tree, pfx, (start_depth - 1) * width);
- strfcpy (new_tree + (start_depth - 1) * width,
- arrow, (1 + depth - start_depth) * width + 2);
- }
- else
- strfcpy (new_tree, arrow, 2 + depth * width);
- tree->message->tree = new_tree;
- }
- }
- if (tree->child && depth)
- {
- mypfx = pfx + (depth - 1) * width;
- mypfx[0] = nextdisp ? MUTT_TREE_VLINE : MUTT_TREE_SPACE;
- if (width == 2)
- mypfx[1] = MUTT_TREE_SPACE;
- }
- parent = tree;
- nextdisp = NULL;
- pseudo = NULL;
- do
- {
- if (tree->child && tree->subtree_visible)
- {
- if (tree->deep)
- depth++;
- if (tree->visible)
- start_depth = depth;
- tree = tree->child;
- /* we do this here because we need to make sure that the first child thread
- * of the old tree that we deal with is actually displayed if any are,
- * or we might set the parent variable wrong while going through it. */
- while (!tree->subtree_visible && tree->next)
- tree = tree->next;
- }
- else
- {
- while (!tree->next && tree->parent)
- {
- if (tree == pseudo)
- pseudo = NULL;
- if (tree == nextdisp)
- nextdisp = NULL;
- if (tree->visible)
- start_depth = depth;
- tree = tree->parent;
- if (tree->deep)
- {
- if (start_depth == depth)
- start_depth--;
- depth--;
- }
- }
- if (tree == pseudo)
- pseudo = NULL;
- if (tree == nextdisp)
- nextdisp = NULL;
- if (tree->visible)
- start_depth = depth;
- tree = tree->next;
- if (!tree)
- break;
- }
- if (!pseudo && tree->fake_thread)
- pseudo = tree;
- if (!nextdisp && tree->next_subtree_visible)
- nextdisp = tree;
- }
- while (!tree->deep);
- }
- FREE (&pfx);
- FREE (&arrow);
- }
- /* since we may be trying to attach as a pseudo-thread a THREAD that
- * has no message, we have to make a list of all the subjects of its
- * most immediate existing descendants. we also note the earliest
- * date on any of the parents and put it in *dateptr. */
- static LIST *make_subject_list (THREAD *cur, time_t *dateptr)
- {
- THREAD *start = cur;
- ENVELOPE *env;
- time_t thisdate;
- LIST *curlist, *oldlist, *newlist, *subjects = NULL;
- int rc = 0;
- {
- while (!cur->message)
- cur = cur->child;
- if (dateptr)
- {
- thisdate = option (OPTTHREADRECEIVED)
- ? cur->message->received : cur->message->date_sent;
- if (!*dateptr || thisdate < *dateptr)
- *dateptr = thisdate;
- }
- env = cur->message->env;
- if (env->real_subj &&
- ((env->real_subj != env->subject) || (!option (OPTSORTRE))))
- {
- for (curlist = subjects, oldlist = NULL;
- curlist; oldlist = curlist, curlist = curlist->next)
- {
- rc = mutt_strcmp (env->real_subj, curlist->data);
- if (rc >= 0)
- break;
- }
- if (!curlist || rc > 0)
- {
- newlist = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (LIST));
- newlist->data = env->real_subj;
- if (oldlist)
- {
- newlist->next = oldlist->next;
- oldlist->next = newlist;
- }
- else
- {
- newlist->next = subjects;
- subjects = newlist;
- }
- }
- }
- while (!cur->next && cur != start)
- {
- cur = cur->parent;
- }
- if (cur == start)
- break;
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- return (subjects);
- }
- /* find the best possible match for a parent message based upon subject.
- * if there are multiple matches, the one which was sent the latest, but
- * before the current message, is used.
- */
- static THREAD *find_subject (CONTEXT *ctx, THREAD *cur)
- {
- struct hash_elem *ptr;
- THREAD *tmp, *last = NULL;
- LIST *subjects = NULL, *oldlist;
- time_t date = 0;
- subjects = make_subject_list (cur, &date);
- while (subjects)
- {
- for (ptr = hash_find_bucket (ctx->subj_hash, subjects->data); ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
- {
- tmp = ((HEADER *) ptr->data)->thread;
- if (tmp != cur && /* don't match the same message */
- !tmp->fake_thread && /* don't match pseudo threads */
- tmp->message->subject_changed && /* only match interesting replies */
- !is_descendant (tmp, cur) && /* don't match in the same thread */
- (date >= (option (OPTTHREADRECEIVED) ?
- tmp->message->received :
- tmp->message->date_sent)) &&
- (!last ||
- (last->message->received < tmp->message->received) :
- (last->message->date_sent < tmp->message->date_sent))) &&
- tmp->message->env->real_subj &&
- mutt_strcmp (subjects->data, tmp->message->env->real_subj) == 0)
- last = tmp; /* best match so far */
- }
- oldlist = subjects;
- subjects = subjects->next;
- FREE (&oldlist);
- }
- return (last);
- }
- /* remove cur and its descendants from their current location.
- * also make sure ancestors of cur no longer are sorted by the
- * fact that cur is their descendant. */
- static void unlink_message (THREAD **old, THREAD *cur)
- {
- THREAD *tmp;
- if (cur->prev)
- cur->prev->next = cur->next;
- else
- *old = cur->next;
- if (cur->next)
- cur->next->prev = cur->prev;
- if (cur->sort_key)
- {
- for (tmp = cur->parent; tmp && tmp->sort_key == cur->sort_key;
- tmp = tmp->parent)
- tmp->sort_key = NULL;
- }
- }
- /* add cur as a prior sibling of *new, with parent newparent */
- static void insert_message (THREAD **new, THREAD *newparent, THREAD *cur)
- {
- if (*new)
- (*new)->prev = cur;
- cur->parent = newparent;
- cur->next = *new;
- cur->prev = NULL;
- *new = cur;
- }
- /* thread by subject things that didn't get threaded by message-id */
- static void pseudo_threads (CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- THREAD *tree = ctx->tree, *top = tree;
- THREAD *tmp, *cur, *parent, *curchild, *nextchild;
- if (!ctx->subj_hash)
- ctx->subj_hash = mutt_make_subj_hash (ctx);
- while (tree)
- {
- cur = tree;
- tree = tree->next;
- if ((parent = find_subject (ctx, cur)) != NULL)
- {
- cur->fake_thread = 1;
- unlink_message (&top, cur);
- insert_message (&parent->child, parent, cur);
- parent->sort_children = 1;
- tmp = cur;
- {
- while (!tmp->message)
- tmp = tmp->child;
- /* if the message we're attaching has pseudo-children, they
- * need to be attached to its parent, so move them up a level.
- * but only do this if they have the same real subject as the
- * parent, since otherwise they rightly belong to the message
- * we're attaching. */
- if (tmp == cur
- || !mutt_strcmp (tmp->message->env->real_subj,
- parent->message->env->real_subj))
- {
- tmp->message->subject_changed = 0;
- for (curchild = tmp->child; curchild; )
- {
- nextchild = curchild->next;
- if (curchild->fake_thread)
- {
- unlink_message (&tmp->child, curchild);
- insert_message (&parent->child, parent, curchild);
- }
- curchild = nextchild;
- }
- }
- while (!tmp->next && tmp != cur)
- {
- tmp = tmp->parent;
- }
- if (tmp == cur)
- break;
- tmp = tmp->next;
- }
- }
- }
- ctx->tree = top;
- }
- void mutt_clear_threads (CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++)
- {
- /* mailbox may have been only partially read */
- if (ctx->hdrs[i])
- {
- ctx->hdrs[i]->thread = NULL;
- ctx->hdrs[i]->threaded = 0;
- }
- }
- ctx->tree = NULL;
- if (ctx->thread_hash)
- hash_destroy (&ctx->thread_hash, *free);
- }
- static int compare_threads (const void *a, const void *b)
- {
- static sort_t *sort_func = NULL;
- if (a && b)
- return ((*sort_func) (&(*((THREAD **) a))->sort_key,
- &(*((THREAD **) b))->sort_key));
- /* a hack to let us reset sort_func even though we can't
- * have extra arguments because of qsort
- */
- else
- {
- sort_func = mutt_get_sort_func (Sort);
- return (sort_func ? 1 : 0);
- }
- }
- THREAD *mutt_sort_subthreads (THREAD *thread, int init)
- {
- THREAD **array, *sort_key, *top, *tmp;
- HEADER *oldsort_key;
- int i, array_size, sort_top = 0;
- /* we put things into the array backwards to save some cycles,
- * but we want to have to move less stuff around if we're
- * resorting, so we sort backwards and then put them back
- * in reverse order so they're forwards
- */
- if (!compare_threads (NULL, NULL))
- return (thread);
- top = thread;
- array = safe_calloc ((array_size = 256), sizeof (THREAD *));
- while (1)
- {
- if (init || !thread->sort_key)
- {
- thread->sort_key = NULL;
- if (thread->parent)
- thread->parent->sort_children = 1;
- else
- sort_top = 1;
- }
- if (thread->child)
- {
- thread = thread->child;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- /* if it has no children, it must be real. sort it on its own merits */
- thread->sort_key = thread->message;
- if (thread->next)
- {
- thread = thread->next;
- continue;
- }
- }
- while (!thread->next)
- {
- /* if it has siblings and needs to be sorted, sort it... */
- if (thread->prev && (thread->parent ? thread->parent->sort_children : sort_top))
- {
- /* put them into the array */
- for (i = 0; thread; i++, thread = thread->prev)
- {
- if (i >= array_size)
- safe_realloc (&array, (array_size *= 2) * sizeof (THREAD *));
- array[i] = thread;
- }
- qsort ((void *) array, i, sizeof (THREAD *), *compare_threads);
- /* attach them back together. make thread the last sibling. */
- thread = array[0];
- thread->next = NULL;
- array[i - 1]->prev = NULL;
- if (thread->parent)
- thread->parent->child = array[i - 1];
- else
- top = array[i - 1];
- while (--i)
- {
- array[i - 1]->prev = array[i];
- array[i]->next = array[i - 1];
- }
- }
- if (thread->parent)
- {
- tmp = thread;
- thread = thread->parent;
- if (!thread->sort_key || thread->sort_children)
- {
- /* make sort_key the first or last sibling, as appropriate */
- sort_key = (!(Sort & SORT_LAST) ^ !(Sort & SORT_REVERSE)) ? thread->child : tmp;
- /* we just sorted its children */
- thread->sort_children = 0;
- oldsort_key = thread->sort_key;
- thread->sort_key = thread->message;
- if (Sort & SORT_LAST)
- {
- if (!thread->sort_key
- || ((((Sort & SORT_REVERSE) ? 1 : -1)
- * compare_threads ((void *) &thread,
- (void *) &sort_key))
- > 0))
- thread->sort_key = sort_key->sort_key;
- }
- else if (!thread->sort_key)
- thread->sort_key = sort_key->sort_key;
- /* if its sort_key has changed, we need to resort it and siblings */
- if (oldsort_key != thread->sort_key)
- {
- if (thread->parent)
- thread->parent->sort_children = 1;
- else
- sort_top = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- FREE (&array);
- return (top);
- }
- }
- thread = thread->next;
- }
- }
- static void check_subjects (CONTEXT *ctx, int init)
- {
- HEADER *cur;
- THREAD *tmp;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++)
- {
- cur = ctx->hdrs[i];
- if (cur->thread->check_subject)
- cur->thread->check_subject = 0;
- else if (!init)
- continue;
- /* figure out which messages have subjects different than their parents' */
- tmp = cur->thread->parent;
- while (tmp && !tmp->message)
- {
- tmp = tmp->parent;
- }
- if (!tmp)
- cur->subject_changed = 1;
- else if (cur->env->real_subj && tmp->message->env->real_subj)
- cur->subject_changed = mutt_strcmp (cur->env->real_subj,
- tmp->message->env->real_subj) ? 1 : 0;
- else
- cur->subject_changed = (cur->env->real_subj
- || tmp->message->env->real_subj) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- }
- void mutt_sort_threads (CONTEXT *ctx, int init)
- {
- HEADER *cur;
- int i, oldsort, using_refs = 0;
- THREAD *thread, *new, *tmp, top;
- LIST *ref = NULL;
- /* set Sort to the secondary method to support the set sort_aux=reverse-*
- * settings. The sorting functions just look at the value of
- */
- oldsort = Sort;
- Sort = SortAux;
- if (!ctx->thread_hash)
- init = 1;
- if (init)
- ctx->thread_hash = hash_create (ctx->msgcount * 2, MUTT_HASH_ALLOW_DUPS);
- /* we want a quick way to see if things are actually attached to the top of the
- * thread tree or if they're just dangling, so we attach everything to a top
- * node temporarily */
- top.parent = top.next = top.prev = NULL;
- top.child = ctx->tree;
- for (thread = ctx->tree; thread; thread = thread->next)
- thread->parent = ⊤
- /* put each new message together with the matching messageless THREAD if it
- * exists. otherwise, if there is a THREAD that already has a message, thread
- * new message as an identical child. if we didn't attach the message to a
- * THREAD, make a new one for it. */
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++)
- {
- cur = ctx->hdrs[i];
- if (!cur->thread)
- {
- if ((!init || option (OPTDUPTHREADS)) && cur->env->message_id)
- thread = hash_find (ctx->thread_hash, cur->env->message_id);
- else
- thread = NULL;
- if (thread && !thread->message)
- {
- /* this is a message which was missing before */
- thread->message = cur;
- cur->thread = thread;
- thread->check_subject = 1;
- /* mark descendants as needing subject_changed checked */
- for (tmp = (thread->child ? thread->child : thread); tmp != thread; )
- {
- while (!tmp->message)
- tmp = tmp->child;
- tmp->check_subject = 1;
- while (!tmp->next && tmp != thread)
- tmp = tmp->parent;
- if (tmp != thread)
- tmp = tmp->next;
- }
- if (thread->parent)
- {
- /* remove threading info above it based on its children, which we'll
- * recalculate based on its headers. make sure not to leave
- * dangling missing messages. note that we haven't kept track
- * of what info came from its children and what from its siblings'
- * children, so we just remove the stuff that's definitely from it */
- do
- {
- tmp = thread->parent;
- unlink_message (&tmp->child, thread);
- thread->parent = NULL;
- thread->sort_key = NULL;
- thread->fake_thread = 0;
- thread = tmp;
- } while (thread != &top && !thread->child && !thread->message);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- new = (option (OPTDUPTHREADS) ? thread : NULL);
- thread = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (THREAD));
- thread->message = cur;
- thread->check_subject = 1;
- cur->thread = thread;
- hash_insert (ctx->thread_hash,
- cur->env->message_id ? cur->env->message_id : "",
- thread);
- if (new)
- {
- if (new->duplicate_thread)
- new = new->parent;
- thread = cur->thread;
- insert_message (&new->child, new, thread);
- thread->duplicate_thread = 1;
- thread->message->threaded = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* unlink pseudo-threads because they might be children of newly
- * arrived messages */
- thread = cur->thread;
- for (new = thread->child; new; )
- {
- tmp = new->next;
- if (new->fake_thread)
- {
- unlink_message (&thread->child, new);
- insert_message (&top.child, &top, new);
- new->fake_thread = 0;
- }
- new = tmp;
- }
- }
- }
- /* thread by references */
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++)
- {
- cur = ctx->hdrs[i];
- if (cur->threaded)
- continue;
- cur->threaded = 1;
- thread = cur->thread;
- using_refs = 0;
- while (1)
- {
- if (using_refs == 0)
- {
- /* look at the beginning of in-reply-to: */
- if ((ref = cur->env->in_reply_to) != NULL)
- using_refs = 1;
- else
- {
- ref = cur->env->references;
- using_refs = 2;
- }
- }
- else if (using_refs == 1)
- {
- /* if there's no references header, use all the in-reply-to:
- * data that we have. otherwise, use the first reference
- * if it's different than the first in-reply-to, otherwise use
- * the second reference (since at least eudora puts the most
- * recent reference in in-reply-to and the rest in references)
- */
- if (!cur->env->references)
- ref = ref->next;
- else
- {
- if (mutt_strcmp (ref->data, cur->env->references->data))
- ref = cur->env->references;
- else
- ref = cur->env->references->next;
- using_refs = 2;
- }
- }
- else
- ref = ref->next; /* go on with references */
- if (!ref)
- break;
- if ((new = hash_find (ctx->thread_hash, ref->data)) == NULL)
- {
- new = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (THREAD));
- hash_insert (ctx->thread_hash, ref->data, new);
- }
- else
- {
- if (new->duplicate_thread)
- new = new->parent;
- if (is_descendant (new, thread)) /* no loops! */
- continue;
- }
- if (thread->parent)
- unlink_message (&top.child, thread);
- insert_message (&new->child, new, thread);
- thread = new;
- if (thread->message || (thread->parent && thread->parent != &top))
- break;
- }
- if (!thread->parent)
- insert_message (&top.child, &top, thread);
- }
- /* detach everything from the temporary top node */
- for (thread = top.child; thread; thread = thread->next)
- {
- thread->parent = NULL;
- }
- ctx->tree = top.child;
- check_subjects (ctx, init);
- if (!option (OPTSTRICTTHREADS))
- pseudo_threads (ctx);
- if (ctx->tree)
- {
- ctx->tree = mutt_sort_subthreads (ctx->tree, init);
- /* restore the oldsort order. */
- Sort = oldsort;
- /* Put the list into an array. */
- linearize_tree (ctx);
- /* Draw the thread tree. */
- mutt_draw_tree (ctx);
- }
- }
- static HEADER *find_virtual (THREAD *cur, int reverse)
- {
- THREAD *top;
- if (cur->message && cur->message->virtual >= 0)
- return (cur->message);
- top = cur;
- if ((cur = cur->child) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- while (reverse && cur->next)
- cur = cur->next;
- {
- if (cur->message && cur->message->virtual >= 0)
- return (cur->message);
- if (cur->child)
- {
- cur = cur->child;
- while (reverse && cur->next)
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- else if (reverse ? cur->prev : cur->next)
- cur = reverse ? cur->prev : cur->next;
- else
- {
- while (!(reverse ? cur->prev : cur->next))
- {
- cur = cur->parent;
- if (cur == top)
- return (NULL);
- }
- cur = reverse ? cur->prev : cur->next;
- }
- /* not reached */
- }
- }
- /* dir => true when moving forward, false when moving in reverse
- * subthreads => false when moving to next thread, true when moving to next subthread
- */
- int _mutt_aside_thread (HEADER *hdr, short dir, short subthreads)
- {
- THREAD *cur;
- HEADER *tmp;
- if ((Sort & SORT_MASK) != SORT_THREADS)
- {
- mutt_error _("Threading is not enabled.");
- return (hdr->virtual);
- }
- cur = hdr->thread;
- if (!subthreads)
- {
- while (cur->parent)
- cur = cur->parent;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((dir != 0) ^ ((Sort & SORT_REVERSE) != 0))
- {
- while (!cur->next && cur->parent)
- cur = cur->parent;
- }
- else
- {
- while (!cur->prev && cur->parent)
- cur = cur->parent;
- }
- }
- if ((dir != 0) ^ ((Sort & SORT_REVERSE) != 0))
- {
- do
- {
- cur = cur->next;
- if (!cur)
- return (-1);
- tmp = find_virtual (cur, 0);
- } while (!tmp);
- }
- else
- {
- do
- {
- cur = cur->prev;
- if (!cur)
- return (-1);
- tmp = find_virtual (cur, 1);
- } while (!tmp);
- }
- return (tmp->virtual);
- }
- int mutt_parent_message (CONTEXT *ctx, HEADER *hdr, int find_root)
- {
- THREAD *thread;
- HEADER *parent = NULL;
- if ((Sort & SORT_MASK) != SORT_THREADS)
- {
- mutt_error _("Threading is not enabled.");
- return (hdr->virtual);
- }
- /* Root may be the current message */
- if (find_root)
- parent = hdr;
- for (thread = hdr->thread->parent; thread; thread = thread->parent)
- {
- if ((hdr = thread->message) != NULL)
- {
- parent = hdr;
- if (!find_root)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!parent)
- {
- mutt_error _("Parent message is not available.");
- return (-1);
- }
- if (!VISIBLE (parent, ctx))
- {
- if (find_root)
- mutt_error _("Root message is not visible in this limited view.");
- else
- mutt_error _("Parent message is not visible in this limited view.");
- return (-1);
- }
- return (parent->virtual);
- }
- void mutt_set_virtual (CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- int i, padding;
- HEADER *cur;
- ctx->vcount = 0;
- ctx->vsize = 0;
- padding = mx_msg_padding_size (ctx);
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++)
- {
- cur = ctx->hdrs[i];
- if (cur->virtual >= 0)
- {
- cur->virtual = ctx->vcount;
- ctx->v2r[ctx->vcount] = i;
- ctx->vcount++;
- ctx->vsize += cur->content->length + cur->content->offset -
- cur->content->hdr_offset + padding;
- }
- }
- }
- int _mutt_traverse_thread (CONTEXT *ctx, HEADER *cur, int flag)
- {
- THREAD *thread, *top;
- HEADER *roothdr = NULL;
- int final, reverse = (Sort & SORT_REVERSE), minmsgno;
- int num_hidden = 0, new = 0, old = 0;
- int min_unread_msgno = INT_MAX, min_unread = cur->virtual;
- #define CHECK_LIMIT (!ctx->pattern || cur->limited)
- if ((Sort & SORT_MASK) != SORT_THREADS)
- {
- mutt_error (_("Threading is not enabled."));
- return (cur->virtual);
- }
- final = cur->virtual;
- thread = cur->thread;
- while (thread->parent)
- thread = thread->parent;
- top = thread;
- while (!thread->message)
- thread = thread->child;
- cur = thread->message;
- minmsgno = cur->msgno;
- if (!cur->read && CHECK_LIMIT)
- {
- if (cur->old)
- old = 2;
- else
- new = 1;
- if (cur->msgno < min_unread_msgno)
- {
- min_unread = cur->virtual;
- min_unread_msgno = cur->msgno;
- }
- }
- if (cur->virtual == -1 && CHECK_LIMIT)
- num_hidden++;
- {
- cur->pair = 0; /* force index entry's color to be re-evaluated */
- cur->collapsed = flag & MUTT_THREAD_COLLAPSE;
- if (cur->virtual != -1)
- {
- roothdr = cur;
- final = roothdr->virtual;
- }
- }
- if (thread == top && (thread = thread->child) == NULL)
- {
- /* return value depends on action requested */
- {
- cur->num_hidden = num_hidden;
- return (final);
- }
- else if (flag & MUTT_THREAD_UNREAD)
- return ((old && new) ? new : (old ? old : new));
- else if (flag & MUTT_THREAD_NEXT_UNREAD)
- return (min_unread);
- }
- {
- cur = thread->message;
- if (cur)
- {
- {
- cur->pair = 0; /* force index entry's color to be re-evaluated */
- cur->collapsed = flag & MUTT_THREAD_COLLAPSE;
- if (!roothdr && CHECK_LIMIT)
- {
- roothdr = cur;
- final = roothdr->virtual;
- }
- if (reverse && (flag & MUTT_THREAD_COLLAPSE) && (cur->msgno < minmsgno) && CHECK_LIMIT)
- {
- minmsgno = cur->msgno;
- final = cur->virtual;
- }
- {
- if (cur != roothdr)
- cur->virtual = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- cur->virtual = cur->msgno;
- }
- }
- if (!cur->read && CHECK_LIMIT)
- {
- if (cur->old)
- old = 2;
- else
- new = 1;
- if (cur->msgno < min_unread_msgno)
- {
- min_unread = cur->virtual;
- min_unread_msgno = cur->msgno;
- }
- }
- if (cur->virtual == -1 && CHECK_LIMIT)
- num_hidden++;
- }
- if (thread->child)
- thread = thread->child;
- else if (thread->next)
- thread = thread->next;
- else
- {
- int done = 0;
- while (!thread->next)
- {
- thread = thread->parent;
- if (thread == top)
- {
- done = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (done)
- break;
- thread = thread->next;
- }
- }
- /* retraverse the thread and store num_hidden in all headers, with
- * or without a virtual index. this will allow ~v to match all
- * collapsed messages when switching sort order to non-threaded.
- */
- {
- thread = top;
- {
- cur = thread->message;
- if (cur)
- cur->num_hidden = num_hidden + 1;
- if (thread->child)
- thread = thread->child;
- else if (thread->next)
- thread = thread->next;
- else
- {
- int done = 0;
- while (!thread->next)
- {
- thread = thread->parent;
- if (thread == top)
- {
- done = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (done)
- break;
- thread = thread->next;
- }
- }
- }
- /* return value depends on action requested */
- return (final);
- else if (flag & MUTT_THREAD_UNREAD)
- return ((old && new) ? new : (old ? old : new));
- else if (flag & MUTT_THREAD_NEXT_UNREAD)
- return (min_unread);
- return (0);
- #undef CHECK_LIMIT
- }
- /* if flag is 0, we want to know how many messages
- * are in the thread. if flag is 1, we want to know
- * our position in the thread. */
- int mutt_messages_in_thread (CONTEXT *ctx, HEADER *hdr, int flag)
- {
- THREAD *threads[2];
- int i, rc;
- if ((Sort & SORT_MASK) != SORT_THREADS || !hdr->thread)
- return (1);
- threads[0] = hdr->thread;
- while (threads[0]->parent)
- threads[0] = threads[0]->parent;
- threads[1] = flag ? hdr->thread : threads[0]->next;
- for (i = 0; i < ((flag || !threads[1]) ? 1 : 2); i++)
- {
- while (!threads[i]->message)
- threads[i] = threads[i]->child;
- }
- if (Sort & SORT_REVERSE)
- rc = threads[0]->message->msgno - (threads[1] ? threads[1]->message->msgno : -1);
- else
- rc = (threads[1] ? threads[1]->message->msgno : ctx->msgcount) - threads[0]->message->msgno;
- if (flag)
- rc += 1;
- return (rc);
- }
- HASH *mutt_make_id_hash (CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- int i;
- HEADER *hdr;
- HASH *hash;
- hash = hash_create (ctx->msgcount * 2, 0);
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++)
- {
- hdr = ctx->hdrs[i];
- if (hdr->env->message_id)
- hash_insert (hash, hdr->env->message_id, hdr);
- }
- return hash;
- }
- HASH *mutt_make_subj_hash (CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- int i;
- HEADER *hdr;
- HASH *hash;
- hash = hash_create (ctx->msgcount * 2, MUTT_HASH_ALLOW_DUPS);
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->msgcount; i++)
- {
- hdr = ctx->hdrs[i];
- if (hdr->env->real_subj)
- hash_insert (hash, hdr->env->real_subj, hdr);
- }
- return hash;
- }
- static void clean_references (THREAD *brk, THREAD *cur)
- {
- THREAD *p;
- LIST *ref = NULL;
- int done = 0;
- for (; cur; cur = cur->next, done = 0)
- {
- /* parse subthread recursively */
- clean_references (brk, cur->child);
- if (!cur->message)
- break; /* skip pseudo-message */
- /* Looking for the first bad reference according to the new threading.
- * Optimal since Mutt stores the references in reverse order, and the
- * first loop should match immediately for mails respecting RFC2822. */
- for (p = brk; !done && p; p = p->parent)
- for (ref = cur->message->env->references; p->message && ref; ref = ref->next)
- if (!mutt_strcasecmp (ref->data, p->message->env->message_id))
- {
- done = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (done)
- {
- HEADER *h = cur->message;
- /* clearing the References: header from obsolete Message-ID(s) */
- mutt_free_list (&ref->next);
- h->changed = 1;
- h->env->changed |= MUTT_ENV_CHANGED_REFS;
- }
- }
- }
- void mutt_break_thread (HEADER *hdr)
- {
- mutt_free_list (&hdr->env->in_reply_to);
- mutt_free_list (&hdr->env->references);
- hdr->changed = 1;
- hdr->env->changed |= (MUTT_ENV_CHANGED_IRT | MUTT_ENV_CHANGED_REFS);
- clean_references (hdr->thread, hdr->thread->child);
- }
- static int link_threads (HEADER *parent, HEADER *child, CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- if (child == parent)
- return 0;
- mutt_break_thread (child);
- child->env->in_reply_to = mutt_new_list ();
- child->env->in_reply_to->data = safe_strdup (parent->env->message_id);
- mutt_set_flag (ctx, child, MUTT_TAG, 0);
- child->changed = 1;
- child->env->changed |= MUTT_ENV_CHANGED_IRT;
- return 1;
- }
- int mutt_link_threads (HEADER *cur, HEADER *last, CONTEXT *ctx)
- {
- int i, changed = 0;
- if (!last)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < ctx->vcount; i++)
- if (ctx->hdrs[Context->v2r[i]]->tagged)
- changed |= link_threads (cur, ctx->hdrs[Context->v2r[i]], ctx);
- }
- else
- changed = link_threads (cur, last, ctx);
- return changed;
- }