Scala | 145 lines | 105 code | 24 blank | 16 comment | 4 complexity | d45168d52e22420c7b19251d9dbf1e66 MD5 | raw file
- package helix.db
- import helix.domain._
- import helix.lib.Repositories
- trait MongoRepositories extends Repositories {
- // import net.liftweb.common.Full
- // import net.liftweb.util.Props
- import helix.util.Config._
- import com.novus.salat._
- import com.novus.salat.global._
- import com.novus.salat.dao._
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- import com.mongodb.casbah.MongoURI
- class MongoRepository extends HelixRepository {
- def listProjectsAlphabetically(limit: Int, offset: Int): List[Project] =
- ProjectDAO.find(MongoDBObject("setupComplete" -> true))
- .limit(limit)
- .skip(offset)
- .sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("name" -> 1)).toList
- /** lists for projects **/
- def listFiveNewestProjects: List[Project] =
- ProjectDAO.find(MongoDBObject("setupComplete" -> true)
- ).limit(5).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("_id" -> -1)).toList
- def listFiveMostActiveProjects: List[Project] =
- ProjectDAO.find(MongoDBObject("setupComplete" -> true)
- ).limit(5).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("activityScore" -> -1)).toList
- /** global lists **/
- def listScalaVersions = ScalaVersionDAO.find(MongoDBObject()
- ).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject(
- "major" -> -1, "minor" -> -1, "micro" -> -1, "mode" -> 1)).toList
- // def listAllTags: List[Tag]
- /** finders **/
- def findProjectByGroupAndArtifact(group: String, artifact: String): Option[Project] =
- ProjectDAO.findOne(MongoDBObject("groupId" -> group, "artifactId" -> artifact))
- def findAllProjectCount = ProjectDAO.count()
- def findAverageForkCount: Double =
- ProjectDAO.group(
- MongoDBObject(), // condition
- MongoDBObject(), // key
- MongoDBObject("count" -> 0, "forks" -> 0), //initial
- "function(doc, out){ out.count++; out.forks+=doc.forkCount;}",
- "function(out){ out.average = out.forks / out.count; }").lastOption.map(
- _.get("average").asInstanceOf[Double]).getOrElse(0D)
- def findAverageWatcherCount: Double =
- ProjectDAO.group(
- MongoDBObject(), // condition
- MongoDBObject(), // key
- MongoDBObject("count" -> 0, "watchers" -> 0), //initial
- "function(doc, out){ out.count++; out.watchers+=doc.watcherCount;}",
- "function(out){ out.average = out.watchers / out.count; }").lastOption.map(
- _.get("average").asInstanceOf[Double]).getOrElse(0D)
- def findAverageContributorCount: Double =
- ProjectDAO.group(
- MongoDBObject(), // condition
- MongoDBObject(), // key
- MongoDBObject("count" -> 0, "contributors" -> 0), //initial
- "function(doc, out){ out.count++; out.contributors+=doc.contributorCount;}",
- "function(out){ out.average = out.contributors / out.count; }").lastOption.map(
- _.get("average").asInstanceOf[Double]).getOrElse(0D)
- def findStaleProjects(boundry: Long): List[Project] =
- ProjectDAO.find("updatedAt" $lt boundry).toList
- def findContributorByLogin(login: String): Option[Contributor] =
- ContributorDAO.findOne(MongoDBObject("login" -> login))
- /** creators **/
- def createProject(project: Project): Option[Project] =
- for(r <- ProjectDAO.insert(project)) yield project
- def createScalaVersion(version: ScalaVersion) =
- !ScalaVersionDAO.insert(version).isEmpty
- def createContributor(contributor: Contributor): Option[Contributor] =
- for(c <- ContributorDAO.insert(contributor)) yield contributor
- /** updaters **/
- // this is less than ideal, but there appears to be some
- // nightmarish overloading issue and implicits within salat
- def updateProject[T](id: T, project: Project): Unit =
- ProjectDAO.update(
- MongoDBObject("_id" -> id), project, false, false,
- new WriteConcern)
- def updateContributor[T](id: T, contrib: Contributor): Unit =
- ContributorDAO.update(
- MongoDBObject("_id" -> id), contrib, false, false,
- new WriteConcern)
- /** internals **/
- private lazy val mongo: MongoDB = {
- val db = MongoConnection(
- Conf.get[String]("mongo.host").getOrElse("localhost"),
- Conf.get[Int]("mongo.port").getOrElse(27017))(
- Conf.get[String]("mongo.db").getOrElse("helix")
- )
- // if the env specifies username and password, try to use
- // them, otherwise, just try to connect without auth.
- (Conf.get[String]("mongo.username"), Conf.get[String]("mongo.password")) match {
- case (Some(username), Some(password)) =>
- if(db.authenticate(username, password)) db
- else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inavlid username and/or password")
- case _ => db
- }
- }
- /** DAOs **/
- object ProjectDAO extends SalatDAO[Project, ObjectId](collection = mongo("projects")){
- import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- // this is a hack to work around a bug within Casbah:
- // https://twitter.com/#!/rit/status/116531065513967617
- def group[A <% DBObject, B <% DBObject, C <% DBObject](key: A, cond: B, initial: C, reduce: String, finalize: String): List[DBObject] = {
- val cmd = MongoDBObject(
- "ns" -> collection.getName,
- "key" -> key,
- "cond" -> cond,
- "$reduce" -> reduce,
- "initial" -> initial,
- "finalize" -> finalize)
- val result = collection.getDB.command(MongoDBObject("group" -> cmd))
- result.get("retval").asInstanceOf[DBObject].toMap.asScala
- .map(_._2.asInstanceOf[DBObject]).asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[DBObject]].toList
- }
- }
- object ScalaVersionDAO extends SalatDAO[ScalaVersion, ObjectId](
- collection = mongo("scala_versions"))
- object ContributorDAO extends SalatDAO[Contributor, ObjectId](
- collection = mongo("contributors"))
- }
- }