Java | 513 lines | 384 code | 68 blank | 61 comment | 18 complexity | 6b428c84675380618d195d8da21ba229 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Boyter Online Services
- *
- * Use of this software is governed by the Fair Source License included
- * in the LICENSE.TXT file, but will be eventually open under GNU General Public License Version 3
- * see the README.md for when this clause will take effect
- *
- * Version 1.3.15
- */
- package com.searchcode.app.service;
- import com.searchcode.app.config.Values;
- import com.searchcode.app.dao.IRepo;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.DeleteRepositoryJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.PopulateSpellingCorrectorJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.enqueue.EnqueueFileRepositoryJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.enqueue.EnqueueRepositoryJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.enqueue.EnqueueSearchcodeRepositoryJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.repository.IndexDocumentsJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.repository.IndexFileRepoJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.repository.IndexGitRepoJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.repository.IndexSvnRepoJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.jobs.searchcode.ReindexerJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.model.RepoResult;
- import com.searchcode.app.service.index.IIndexService;
- import com.searchcode.app.util.Helpers;
- import com.searchcode.app.util.LoggerWrapper;
- import com.searchcode.app.util.Properties;
- import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
- import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils;
- import org.quartz.Scheduler;
- import org.quartz.SchedulerException;
- import org.zeroturnaround.exec.ProcessExecutor;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.text.DateFormat;
- import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
- import java.util.Date;
- import static org.quartz.JobBuilder.newJob;
- import static org.quartz.SimpleScheduleBuilder.simpleSchedule;
- import static org.quartz.TriggerBuilder.newTrigger;
- /**
- * Starts all of the quartz jobs which perform background tasks such as cloning/updating from GIT/SVN and
- * the jobs which delete repositories and which add repositories to the queue to be indexed.
- * TODO implement using below for the stopping and starting of jobs
- * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7159080/how-to-interrupt-or-stop-currently-running-quartz-job#7159719
- */
- public class JobService {
- private final Helpers helpers;
- private final LoggerWrapper logger;
- private final Scheduler scheduler;
- private final IRepo repo;
- private final DataService dataservice;
- private int UPDATETIME;
- private int INDEXTIME;
- private int NUMBERGITPROCESSORS = Singleton.getHelpers().tryParseInt(Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.NUMBER_GIT_PROCESSORS, Values.DEFAULT_NUMBER_GIT_PROCESSORS), Values.DEFAULT_NUMBER_GIT_PROCESSORS);
- private int NUMBERSVNPROCESSORS = Singleton.getHelpers().tryParseInt(Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.NUMBER_SVN_PROCESSORS, Values.DEFAULT_NUMBER_SVN_PROCESSORS), Values.DEFAULT_NUMBER_SVN_PROCESSORS);
- private int NUMBERFILEPROCESSORS = Singleton.getHelpers().tryParseInt(Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.NUMBER_FILE_PROCESSORS, Values.DEFAULT_NUMBER_FILE_PROCESSORS), Values.DEFAULT_NUMBER_FILE_PROCESSORS);
- private String REPOLOCATION = Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.REPOSITORYLOCATION, Values.DEFAULTREPOSITORYLOCATION);
- private String TRASHLOCATION = Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.TRASH_LOCATION, Values.DEFAULT_TRASH_LOCATION);
- private boolean LOWMEMORY = Boolean.parseBoolean(com.searchcode.app.util.Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.LOWMEMORY, Values.DEFAULTLOWMEMORY));
- private boolean SVNENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(com.searchcode.app.util.Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.SVNENABLED, Values.DEFAULTSVNENABLED));
- private boolean initialJobsRun = false;
- public JobService() {
- this.scheduler = Singleton.getScheduler();
- this.helpers = Singleton.getHelpers();
- this.repo = Singleton.getRepo();
- this.dataservice = Singleton.getDataService();
- this.UPDATETIME = Singleton.getHelpers().tryParseInt(Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.CHECKREPOCHANGES, Values.DEFAULTCHECKREPOCHANGES), Values.DEFAULTCHECKREPOCHANGES);
- this.INDEXTIME = Singleton.getHelpers().tryParseInt(Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.INDEXTIME, Values.DEFAULTINDEXTIME), Values.DEFAULTINDEXTIME);
- this.logger = Singleton.getLogger();
- }
- /**
- * Starts all of the above jobs as per their unique requirements between searchcode.com
- * and local runner
- */
- public synchronized void initialJobs() {
- // Having this run multiple times can be an issue so ensure it can not happen
- if (this.initialJobsRun) {
- return;
- }
- this.initialJobsRun = true;
- if (Singleton.getHelpers().isStandaloneInstance()) {
- this.startDeleteJob();
- this.startSpellingJob();
- this.startRepositoryJobs();
- this.startEnqueueJob();
- } else {
- // searchcode.com path
- this.startHighlighter();
- this.startReIndexer();
- this.startRepositoryJobs();
- this.startSearchcodeEnqueueJob();
- }
- // This will determine itself what index to use so no need to if condition it
- this.startIndexerJob();
- }
- /**
- * Creates a git repo indexer job which will pull from the list of git repositories and start
- * indexing them
- */
- public void startIndexGitRepoJobs(String uniquename) {
- try {
- var job = newJob(IndexGitRepoJob.class)
- .withIdentity("updateindex-git-" + uniquename)
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("updateindex-git-" + uniquename)
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(this.INDEXTIME)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(1)
- .build();
- job.getJobDataMap().put("REPOLOCATIONS", this.REPOLOCATION);
- job.getJobDataMap().put("LOWMEMORY", this.LOWMEMORY);
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("93ef44ae::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates a file repo indexer job which will pull from the file queue and index
- */
- public void startIndexFileRepoJobs(String uniquename) {
- try {
- var job = newJob(IndexFileRepoJob.class)
- .withIdentity("updateindex-file-" + uniquename)
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("updateindex-file-" + uniquename)
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(this.INDEXTIME)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(1)
- .build();
- job.getJobDataMap().put("REPOLOCATIONS", this.REPOLOCATION);
- job.getJobDataMap().put("LOWMEMORY", this.LOWMEMORY);
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("c0f207cd::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates a svn repo indexer job which will pull from the list of git repositories and start
- * indexing them
- */
- public void startIndexSvnRepoJobs(String uniquename) {
- try {
- var job = newJob(IndexSvnRepoJob.class)
- .withIdentity("updateindex-svn-" + uniquename)
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("updateindex-svn-" + uniquename)
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(this.INDEXTIME)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(1)
- .build();
- job.getJobDataMap().put("REPOLOCATIONS", this.REPOLOCATION);
- job.getJobDataMap().put("LOWMEMORY", this.LOWMEMORY);
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("70845099::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Starts a background job which pulls all repositories from the database and adds them to the
- * queue to be indexed
- */
- private void startEnqueueJob() {
- try {
- // Setup the indexer which runs forever adding documents to be indexed
- var job = newJob(EnqueueRepositoryJob.class)
- .withIdentity("enqueuejob")
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("enqueuejob")
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(this.UPDATETIME)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(2)
- .build();
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- // Setup the indexer which runs forever adding documents to be indexed
- var job2 = newJob(EnqueueFileRepositoryJob.class)
- .withIdentity("enqueuefilejob")
- .build();
- var trigger2 = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("enqueuefilejob")
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(this.FILEINDEXUPDATETIME)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(2)
- .build();
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job2, trigger2);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("40f20408::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- private void startSearchcodeEnqueueJob() {
- try {
- // Setup the indexer which runs forever adding documents to be indexed
- var job = newJob(EnqueueSearchcodeRepositoryJob.class)
- .withIdentity("enqueuesearchcodejob")
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("enqueuesearchcodejob")
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(this.UPDATETIME)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(2)
- .build();
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("9c4b9ccc::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Starts a background job which deletes repositories from the database, index and checked out disk
- */
- private void startDeleteJob() {
- try {
- var job = newJob(DeleteRepositoryJob.class)
- .withIdentity("deletejob")
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("deletejob")
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(1)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(2)
- .build();
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("703d6d7f::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Starts a background job which updates the spelling corrector
- */
- private void startSpellingJob() {
- try {
- var job = newJob(PopulateSpellingCorrectorJob.class)
- .withIdentity("spellingjob")
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("spellingjob")
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(3600)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(1)
- .build();
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("6e131da2::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * This job runs in the background connecting to the searchcode.com database
- * pulling out files and adding them to the queue to be indexed
- */
- public void startReIndexer() {
- var job = newJob(ReindexerJob.class)
- .withIdentity("reindexer")
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("reindexer")
- .withSchedule(simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(this.INDEXTIME)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(15)
- .build();
- try {
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("5e7b51d8::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Starts a background process used to highlight code
- */
- public void startHighlighter() {
- try {
- if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_LINUX) {
- new ProcessExecutor().command(HIGHLIGHTER_BINARY_LOCATION + "/searchcode-server-highlighter-x86_64-unknown-linux").destroyOnExit().start().getFuture();
- } else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
- new ProcessExecutor().command(HIGHLIGHTER_BINARY_LOCATION + "/searchcode-server-highlighter-x86_64-pc-windows.exe").destroyOnExit().start().getFuture();
- } else if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_MAC) {
- new ProcessExecutor().command(HIGHLIGHTER_BINARY_LOCATION + "/searchcode-server-highlighter-x86_64-apple-darwin").destroyOnExit().start().getFuture();
- }
- } catch (IOException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("947e8a85::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets up the indexer job which runs in the background forever
- * indexing files that are added to the index queue
- */
- private void startIndexerJob() {
- var job = newJob(IndexDocumentsJob.class)
- .withIdentity("indexerjob")
- .build();
- var trigger = newTrigger()
- .withIdentity("indexerjob")
- .withSchedule(
- simpleSchedule()
- .withIntervalInSeconds(this.INDEXTIME)
- .repeatForever()
- )
- .withPriority(15)
- .build();
- try {
- this.scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);
- this.scheduler.start();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("8c3cd302::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- private void startRepositoryJobs() {
- // Create a pool of crawlers which read from the queue
- for (int i = 0; i < this.NUMBERGITPROCESSORS; i++) {
- this.startIndexGitRepoJobs(Values.EMPTYSTRING + i);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < this.NUMBERSVNPROCESSORS; i++) {
- this.startIndexSvnRepoJobs(Values.EMPTYSTRING + i);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < this.NUMBERFILEPROCESSORS; i++) {
- this.startIndexFileRepoJobs(Values.EMPTYSTRING + i);
- }
- }
- private void shutdownScheduler() {
- try {
- this.scheduler.shutdown();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- this.logger.severe(String.format("12cce757::error in class %s exception %s", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- private boolean attemptMoveToTrash(String repoLocation, String indexLocation) {
- boolean successful;
- this.logger.severe(String.format("e71a5492::searchcode was unable to remove files or folders in the index %s or repository %s they have been moved to trash and must be removed manually", indexLocation, repoLocation));
- successful = true;
- try {
- if (new File(repoLocation).exists()) {
- this.moveDirectoryToTrash(repoLocation);
- }
- } catch (IOException ex) {
- successful = false;
- this.logger.severe(String.format("dfd26713::error in class %s exception %s it is unlikely that searchcode can recover from this remove all please remove the folder %s manually and restart searchcode", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage(), repoLocation));
- }
- try {
- if (new File(repoLocation).exists()) {
- this.moveDirectoryToTrash(indexLocation);
- }
- } catch (IOException ex) {
- successful = false;
- this.logger.severe(String.format("fa274f76::error in class %s exception %s it is unlikely that searchcode can recover from this remove all please remove the folder %s manually and restart searchcode", ex.getClass(), ex.getMessage(), indexLocation));
- }
- return successful;
- }
- public void moveDirectoryToTrash(String troublesome) throws IOException {
- Date date = new Date();
- DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
- String newLocation = this.TRASHLOCATION + "/" + dateFormat.format(date);
- FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(troublesome), new File(newLocation));
- }
- public boolean forceEnqueue() {
- // TODO refactor this dependency, because we have circular dependencies
- if (Singleton.getIndexService().shouldPause(IIndexService.JobType.REPO_ADDER)) {
- return false;
- }
- var repoResultList = this.helpers.filterRunningAndDeletedRepoJobs(this.repo.getAllRepo());
- this.logger.info(String.format("ea4fc311::adding %d repositories to be indexed", repoResultList.size()));
- repoResultList.forEach(this::enqueueRepository);
- return true;
- }
- public int forceEnqueueWithCount() {
- // Get all of the repositories and enqueue them
- var repoResultList = this.helpers.filterRunningAndDeletedRepoJobs(this.repo.getAllRepo());
- this.logger.info(String.format("de4d4b59::adding %d repositories to be indexed", repoResultList.size()));
- repoResultList.forEach(this::enqueueRepository);
- return repoResultList.size();
- }
- public boolean forceEnqueue(RepoResult repoResult) {
- // TODO refactor this dependency, because we have circular dependencies
- if (Singleton.getIndexService().shouldPause(IIndexService.JobType.REPO_ADDER)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (this.dataservice.getPersistentDelete().contains(repoResult.getName()) ||
- Singleton.getRunningIndexRepoJobs().containsKey(repoResult.getName())) {
- return false;
- }
- this.enqueueRepository(repoResult);
- return true;
- }
- private void enqueueRepository(RepoResult rr) {
- var repoGitQueue = Singleton.getUniqueGitRepoQueue();
- var repoSvnQueue = Singleton.getUniqueSvnRepoQueue();
- var repoFileQueue = Singleton.getUniqueFileRepoQueue();
- this.logger.info(String.format("e30a1dca::adding %s to %s queue", rr.getName(), rr.getScm()));
- switch (rr.getScm().toLowerCase()) {
- case "git":
- repoGitQueue.add(rr);
- break;
- case "svn":
- repoSvnQueue.add(rr);
- break;
- case "file":
- repoFileQueue.add(rr);
- break;
- default:
- this.logger.severe(String.format("e9cc3dd6::unknown scm type for %s type %s queue, this should be removed from the list of repositories", rr.getName(), rr.getScm()));
- break;
- }
- }
- }