Java | 413 lines | 305 code | 84 blank | 24 comment | 64 complexity | 4b59a621d3297dc80a4d64e54f56d181 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Boyter Online Services
- *
- * Use of this software is governed by the Fair Source License included
- * in the LICENSE.TXT file, but will be eventually open under GNU General Public License Version 3
- * see the README.md for when this clause will take effect
- *
- * Version 1.3.15
- */
- package com.searchcode.app.service;
- import com.searchcode.app.config.IDatabaseConfig;
- import com.searchcode.app.config.MySQLDatabaseConfig;
- import com.searchcode.app.config.SQLiteDatabaseConfig;
- import com.searchcode.app.config.Values;
- import com.searchcode.app.dao.*;
- import com.searchcode.app.dto.CodeIndexDocument;
- import com.searchcode.app.dto.RunningIndexJob;
- import com.searchcode.app.service.index.IIndexService;
- import com.searchcode.app.service.index.IndexService;
- import com.searchcode.app.service.index.SphinxIndexService;
- import com.searchcode.app.service.route.TimeSearchRouteService;
- import com.searchcode.app.util.*;
- import org.quartz.Scheduler;
- import org.quartz.SchedulerException;
- import org.quartz.SchedulerFactory;
- import org.quartz.impl.StdSchedulerFactory;
- import java.util.AbstractMap;
- import java.util.Queue;
- import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
- import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
- /**
- * Lazy Singleton Implementation
- * Generally used to share anything that the Quartz jobs require and to create all the shared objects
- * No idea if it really needs to be lazy other than it saves us creating everything on start although it all
- * gets called pretty quickly anyway so thats probably a moot point
- */
- public final class Singleton {
- private static AbstractMap<String, RunningIndexJob> runningIndexRepoJobs = null; // Used to know which jobs are currently running
- private static ISpellingCorrector spellingCorrectorInstance = null;
- private static Queue<CodeIndexDocument> codeIndexQueue = null; // Documents ready to be indexed
- private static SearchCodeLib searchcodeLib = null;
- private static FileClassifier fileClassifier = null;
- private static LoggerWrapper loggerWrapper = null;
- private static Scheduler scheduler = null;
- private static IRepo repo = null;
- private static Data data = null;
- private static Api api = null;
- private static Source source = null;
- private static SourceCode sourceCode = null;
- private static LanguageType languageType = null;
- private static ApiService apiService = null;
- private static DataService dataService = null;
- private static TimeSearchRouteService timeSearchRouteService = null;
- private static StatsService statsService = null;
- private static JobService jobService = null;
- private static IDatabaseConfig databaseConfig = null;
- private static Helpers helpers = null;
- private static ValidatorService validatorService = null;
- private static IIndexService indexService = null;
- private static CodeMatcher codematcher = null;
- private static SlocCounter slocCounter = null;
- private static OWASPClassifier owaspClassifier = null;
- private static RepositorySource repositorySource = null;
- private static Highlight highlight = null;
- private static UniqueRepoQueue uniqueGitRepoQueue = null; // Used to queue the next repository to be indexed
- private static UniqueRepoQueue uniqueFileRepoQueue = null; // Used to queue the next repository to be indexed
- private static UniqueRepoQueue uniqueSvnRepoQueue = null; // Used to queue the next repository to be indexed
- private static boolean enqueueRepositoryJobFirstRun = true;
- private static boolean enqueueFileRepositoryJobFirstRun = true;
- private static MySQLDatabaseConfig mysqlDatabaseConfig = null;
- public static synchronized void setEnqueueRepositoryJobFirstRun(boolean value) {
- enqueueRepositoryJobFirstRun = value;
- }
- public static synchronized void setEnqueueFileRepositoryJob(boolean value) {
- enqueueFileRepositoryJobFirstRun = value;
- }
- public static synchronized boolean getEnqueueRepositoryJobFirstRun() {
- return enqueueRepositoryJobFirstRun;
- }
- public static synchronized boolean getEnqueueFileRepositoryJobFirstRun() {
- return enqueueFileRepositoryJobFirstRun;
- }
- public static Timer getNewTimer() {
- return new Timer();
- }
- public static synchronized CodeMatcher getCodeMatcher() {
- if (codematcher == null) {
- codematcher = new CodeMatcher();
- }
- return codematcher;
- }
- public static synchronized UniqueRepoQueue getUniqueGitRepoQueue() {
- if (uniqueGitRepoQueue == null) {
- uniqueGitRepoQueue = new UniqueRepoQueue(new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>());
- }
- return uniqueGitRepoQueue;
- }
- public static synchronized UniqueRepoQueue getUniqueFileRepoQueue() {
- if (uniqueFileRepoQueue == null) {
- uniqueFileRepoQueue = new UniqueRepoQueue(new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>());
- }
- return uniqueFileRepoQueue;
- }
- public static synchronized UniqueRepoQueue getUniqueSvnRepoQueue() {
- if (uniqueSvnRepoQueue == null) {
- uniqueSvnRepoQueue = new UniqueRepoQueue(new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>());
- }
- return uniqueSvnRepoQueue;
- }
- public static synchronized IIndexService getIndexService() {
- if (indexService == null) {
- String index = Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.INDEX_SERVICE, Values.DEFAULT_INDEX_SERVICE);
- switch (index) {
- case "sphinx":
- indexService = new SphinxIndexService();
- break;
- case "internal":
- default:
- indexService = new IndexService();
- break;
- }
- }
- return indexService;
- }
- public static synchronized SlocCounter getSlocCounter() {
- if (slocCounter == null) {
- slocCounter = new SlocCounter();
- }
- return slocCounter;
- }
- /**
- * Used as cheap attempt to not have all the jobs trying to process the same thing note this has a race condition
- * and should be resolved at some point
- * TODO investigate usage and resolve race conditions
- */
- public static synchronized AbstractMap<String, RunningIndexJob> getRunningIndexRepoJobs() {
- if (runningIndexRepoJobs == null) {
- runningIndexRepoJobs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
- }
- return runningIndexRepoJobs;
- }
- public static synchronized IRepo getRepo() {
- if (repo == null) {
- String index = Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.INDEX_SERVICE, Values.DEFAULT_INDEX_SERVICE);
- switch (index) {
- case "sphinx":
- repo = new MySQLRepo();
- break;
- case "internal":
- default:
- repo = new SQLiteRepo();
- break;
- }
- }
- return repo;
- }
- public static synchronized ISpellingCorrector getSpellingCorrector() {
- if (spellingCorrectorInstance == null) {
- spellingCorrectorInstance = new SearchcodeSpellingCorrector();
- }
- return spellingCorrectorInstance;
- }
- public static synchronized RepositorySource getRepositorySource() {
- if (repositorySource == null) {
- repositorySource = new RepositorySource();
- }
- return repositorySource;
- }
- public static synchronized Highlight getHighlight() {
- if (highlight == null) {
- highlight = new Highlight();
- }
- return highlight;
- }
- public static synchronized OWASPClassifier getOwaspClassifier() {
- if (owaspClassifier == null) {
- owaspClassifier = new OWASPClassifier();
- }
- return owaspClassifier;
- }
- public static synchronized Queue<CodeIndexDocument> getCodeIndexQueue() {
- if (codeIndexQueue == null) {
- codeIndexQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
- }
- return codeIndexQueue;
- }
- public static synchronized Scheduler getScheduler() {
- try {
- if (scheduler == null || scheduler.isShutdown()) {
- try {
- SchedulerFactory sf = new StdSchedulerFactory();
- scheduler = sf.getScheduler();
- } catch (SchedulerException ex) {
- Singleton.getLogger().severe(" caught a " + ex.getClass() + "\n with message: " + ex.getMessage());
- }
- }
- } catch (SchedulerException e) {
- }
- return scheduler;
- }
- public static synchronized LoggerWrapper getLogger() {
- if (loggerWrapper == null) {
- loggerWrapper = new LoggerWrapper();
- }
- return loggerWrapper;
- }
- public static synchronized SearchCodeLib getSearchCodeLib() {
- if (searchcodeLib == null) {
- searchcodeLib = new SearchCodeLib();
- }
- return searchcodeLib;
- }
- public static synchronized TimeSearchRouteService getTimeSearchRouteService() {
- if (timeSearchRouteService == null) {
- timeSearchRouteService = new TimeSearchRouteService();
- }
- return timeSearchRouteService;
- }
- /**
- * Overwrites the internal searchcode lib with the new one which will refresh the data it needs. Mainly used to
- * change the minified settings.
- */
- public static synchronized SearchCodeLib getNewSearchcodeLib() {
- searchcodeLib = new SearchCodeLib();
- return searchcodeLib;
- }
- public static synchronized StatsService getStatsService() {
- if (statsService == null) {
- statsService = new StatsService();
- }
- return statsService;
- }
- public static synchronized ValidatorService getValidatorService() {
- if (validatorService == null) {
- validatorService = new ValidatorService();
- }
- return validatorService;
- }
- public static synchronized void setStatsService(StatsService statsService) {
- Singleton.statsService = statsService;
- }
- public static synchronized Data getData() {
- if (data == null) {
- data = new Data();
- }
- return data;
- }
- public static synchronized void setData(Data data) {
- Singleton.data = data;
- }
- public static synchronized Api getApi() {
- if (api == null) {
- api = new Api();
- }
- return api;
- }
- public static synchronized void setApi(Api api) {
- Singleton.api = api;
- }
- public static synchronized LanguageType getLanguageType() {
- if (languageType == null) {
- languageType = new LanguageType();
- }
- return languageType;
- }
- public static synchronized Source getSource() {
- if (source == null) {
- source = new Source();
- }
- return source;
- }
- public static synchronized SourceCode getSourceCode() {
- if (sourceCode == null) {
- sourceCode = new SourceCode();
- }
- return sourceCode;
- }
- public static synchronized ApiService getApiService() {
- if (apiService == null) {
- apiService = new ApiService();
- }
- return apiService;
- }
- public static synchronized DataService getDataService() {
- if (dataService == null) {
- dataService = new DataService();
- }
- return dataService;
- }
- public static synchronized void setJobService(JobService jobService) {
- Singleton.jobService = jobService;
- }
- public static synchronized JobService getJobService() {
- if (jobService == null) {
- jobService = new JobService();
- }
- return jobService;
- }
- public static synchronized FileClassifier getFileClassifier() {
- if (fileClassifier == null) {
- fileClassifier = new FileClassifier();
- }
- return fileClassifier;
- }
- public static synchronized IDatabaseConfig getDatabaseConfig() {
- if (databaseConfig == null) {
- String index = Properties.getProperties().getProperty(Values.INDEX_SERVICE, Values.DEFAULT_INDEX_SERVICE);
- switch (index) {
- case "sphinx":
- databaseConfig = new MySQLDatabaseConfig();
- break;
- case "internal":
- default:
- databaseConfig = new SQLiteDatabaseConfig();
- break;
- }
- }
- return databaseConfig;
- }
- public static synchronized Helpers getHelpers() {
- if (helpers == null) {
- helpers = new Helpers();
- }
- return helpers;
- }
- public static synchronized void setDatabaseConfig(IDatabaseConfig databaseConfig) {
- Singleton.databaseConfig = databaseConfig;
- }
- }