ActionScript | 158 lines | 63 code | 11 blank | 84 comment | 0 complexity | 125d8ae8cb8aa531026c88e3e515a2ca MD5 | raw file
- /*
- [Adobe Alchemy Hacks]
- AlchemyAD_hack.as
- {Simple example for using inline asm and
- accessing memory in AS3}
- By Bruce Jawn (January/23/2011)
- [http://bruce-lab.blogspot.com]
- To compile this source file with Alchemy:
- cd /cygdrive/f/alchemy/
- java -Xms16M -Xmx196M -jar F:/alchemy/bin/asc.jar -AS3 -strict -import F:/alchemy/flashlibs/global.abc -import F:/alchemy/flashlibs/playerglobal.abc -config Alchemy::Debugger=false -config Alchemy::NoDebugger=true -config Alchemy::Shell=false -config Alchemy::NoShell=true -config Alchemy::LogLevel=0 -config Alchemy::Vector=true -config Alchemy::NoVector=false -config Alchemy::SetjmpAbuse=false -swf AlchemyAD_hack,800,600,60 AlchemyAD_hack.as
- */
- package
- {
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
- import flash.utils.Endian;
- import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
- public class AlchemyAD_hack extends Sprite{
- public function AlchemyAD_hack ()
- {
- /*Create the print shell*/
- var MyShell:TextField=new TextField();
- MyShell.height=600;
- addChild(MyShell);
- function print(output:*):void
- {
- MyShell.appendText(String(output));
- MyShell.appendText("\n");
- }
- /*Test Memory Write*/
- //ByteArray for the test
- var testData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
- testData.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
- testData.length=0xffff*4;
- //select testdata in memory
- ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory=testData;
- var AdrInt:int=0;
- //the test value we will write into testData via memory
- var testValue:int=123;
- //write the testValue into testData
- ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory[0] = testValue;
- //Check if testValue has been written into testData
- print(testData[0]);//should print 123
- /*Test Memory Read*/
- var readedValue:int=ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory[0];
- print(readedValue);//should print 123
- /*Test Inline ASM*/
- //label and jump
- __asm(jump, target('myLable'));
- print("not jumped!");//this line will be skipped
- __asm(label, lbl('myLable'));
- print("jumped!");
- //switch jump
- var myState:int=1;
- __asm(push(myState), switchjump('state0','state1','state2'));
- __asm(lbl('state0'));
- print("This is state0.");
- __asm(lbl('state1'));
- print("This is state1.");
- __asm(lbl('state2'));
- print("This is state2.");
- //iftrue jump
- var temp:int=1;
- __asm(push(temp!=0), iftrue, target('turejump'));
- print("iftrue not jumped!");//this line will be skipped
- __asm(label, lbl('turejump'));
- print("iftrue jumped!");
- /*Test Alchemy Memory Instructions*/
- //All memory opcodes listed here:
- /*
- Get a 32 bit value at the location addr and return as an int:
- _mr32(addr:int):int{ return __xasm<int>(push(addr), op(0x37)); }
- Get a 16 bit unsigned value at the location addr and return as an int:.
- _mru16(addr:int):int { return __xasm<int>(push(addr), op(0x36)); }
- Get a 16 bit signed value at the location addr and return as an int:
- _mrs16(addr:int):int { return __xasm<int>(push(addr), op(0x36)); } // li16
- Get a 8 bit value at the location addr and return as an int:
- _mru8(addr:int):int { return __xasm<int>(push(addr), op(0x35)); }
- Get a 8 bit value at the location addr and return as an int:
- _mrs8(addr:int):int { return __xasm<int>(push(addr), op(0x35)); }
- Get a float value at the location addr and return as an Number:
- _mrf(addr:int):Number { return __xasm<int>(push(addr), op(0x38)); }
- Get a double value at the location addr and return as an Number:
- _mrd(addr:int):Number { return __xasm<int>(push(addr), op(0x39)); }
- Write an int as a 32 bit value at the location addr:
- _mw32(addr:int, val:int):void { __asm(push(val), push(addr), op(0x3c)); }
- Write an int as a 16 bit value at the location addr:
- _mw16(addr:int, val:int):void { __asm(push(val), push(addr), op(0x3b)); }
- Write an int as a 8 bit value at the location addr:
- _mw8(addr:int, val:int):void { __asm(push(val), push(addr), op(0x3a)); }
- Write a Number as a float at the location addr:
- _mwf(addr:int, val:Number):void { __asm(push(val), push(addr), op(0x3d)); }
- Write a Number as a double at the location addr:
- _mwd(addr:int, val:Number):void { __asm(push(val), push(addr), op(0x3e)); }
- */
- //Write an int 654321 as a 32 bit value at the location 1000
- __asm(push(654321),push(1000),op(0x3c));
- //Trace the memory
- ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory.position=1000;
- print(ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory.readInt());//should print 654321
- //Get a 32 bit value at the location 1000 and return as an int
- var temp:int=__xasm<int>(push(1000), op(0x37));
- print(temp);//should print 654321
- /*Test some AVM2 Instructions*/
- //More AVM2 Instructions can be found at:
- //http://www.anotherbigidea.com/javaswf/avm2/AVM2Instructions.html
- //test add: 0xA0
- var var1:int=123;
- var var2:int=321;
- //write (var1+var2)=444 to testData[0] via memory
- //ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory.position=AdrInt;
- //ApplicationDomain.currentDomain.domainMemory.writeInt(var1+var2);
- __asm(push(var1), push(var2), op(0xA0), push(AdrInt), op(0x3c));
- testData.position=0;
- print(testData.readInt());//should print 444
- //test subtract: 0xA1
- var result:int=__xasm(push(var1), push(var2), op(0xA1));//var result=var1-var2;
- print(result);//should print -198
- //write (var1-var2)=-198 to testData[1] via memory in a different way
- __asm(push(result),push(AdrInt+4),op(0x3c));
- testData.position=4;
- print(testData.readInt());//should print -198
- }//end of function AlchemyAD_hack
- }//end of class
- }//end of pacakge
- /*
- References:
- http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Alchemy:Documentation:Developing_with_Alchemy:AS3_API
- http://unitzeroone.com/blog/2009/05/22/another-scream-on-flash-alchemy-memory-and-compilers/
- http://blog.frankula.com/?p=211
- http://forums.adobe.com/message/2616985
- http://forums.adobe.com/message/3001861
- Special thanks to Bernd Paradies (http://forums.adobe.com/people/Bernd%20Paradies)
- */