ActionScript | 771 lines | 336 code | 87 blank | 348 comment | 66 complexity | 0faf5268d38d50e8b95dc4e47a315e15 MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * @author Trevor McCauley
- * @link www.senocular.com
- */
- package org.papervision3d.core.utils.virtualmouse
- {
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
- import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
- import flash.display.SimpleButton;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.display.Stage;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- import org.papervision3d.core.log.PaperLogger;
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse state is updated.
- * @eventType flash.events.Event
- */
- [Event(name="update", type="flash.events.Event")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * Event.MOUSE_LEAVE event.
- * @eventType flash.events.Event
- */
- [Event(name="mouseLeave", type="flash.events.Event")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="mouseMove", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="mouseOut", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="rollOut", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="mouseOver", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="rollOver", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="mouseDown", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="mouseUp", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.CLICK event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="click", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched when the virtual mouse fires an
- * MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK event.
- * @eventType flash.events.MouseEvent
- */
- [Event(name="doubleClick", type="flash.events.MouseEvent")]
- /**
- * The VirtualMouse class is used to create a programmatic
- * version of the users mouse that can be moved about the
- * Flash player stage firing off mouse events of the display
- * objects it interacts with. This can allow you to simulate
- * interaction with buttons and movie clips through ActionScript.
- * <br />
- * Handled events include:
- * Event.MOUSE_LEAVE,
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,
- * MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,
- * MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,
- * MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP.
- * MouseEvent.CLICK, and,
- * MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK.
- * Along with dispatching those events for their respective
- * targets, the VirtualMouse instance will also dispatch the
- * event on itself allowing to capture which events are being
- * fired by the virtual mouse. The last event fired can also
- * be referenced in the lastEvent property.
- * <br />
- * VirtualMouse mouse cannot:
- * activate states of SimpleButton instances,
- * change object focus,
- * handle mouseWheel related events,
- * change the system's cursor location, or
- * spoof the location of the mouseX and mouseY properties
- * (which some components rely on).
- */
- public class VirtualMouse extends EventDispatcher {
- public static const UPDATE:String = "update";
- private var altKey:Boolean = false;
- private var ctrlKey:Boolean = false;
- private var shiftKey:Boolean = false;
- private var delta:int = 0; // mouseWheel unsupported
- private var _stage:Stage;
- private var _container:Sprite;
- private var target:InteractiveObject;
- private var location:Point;
- private var isLocked:Boolean = false;
- private var isDoubleClickEvent:Boolean = false;
- private static var _mouseIsDown:Boolean = false;
- private var disabledEvents:Object = new Object();
- private var ignoredInstances:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
- private var _lastEvent:Event;
- private var lastMouseDown:Boolean = false;
- private var updateMouseDown:Boolean = false;
- private var lastLocation:Point;
- private var lastDownTarget:DisplayObject;
- private var lastWithinStage:Boolean = true;
- private var _useNativeEvents:Boolean = false;
- private var eventEvent:Class = VirtualMouseEvent;
- private var mouseEventEvent:Class = VirtualMouseMouseEvent;
- /**
- * A reference to the Stage instance. This
- * reference needs to be passed to the
- * VirtualMouse instance either in its constructor
- * or through assigning it's stage property.
- * Without a valid reference to the stage, the
- * virtual mouse will not function.
- * @see VirtualMouse()
- */
- public function get stage():Stage {
- return _stage;
- }
- public function set stage(s:Stage):void {
- var hadStage:Boolean;
- if (_stage){
- hadStage = true;
- _stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyHandler);
- _stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyHandler);
- }else{
- hadStage = false;
- }
- _stage = s;
- if (_stage) {
- _stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyHandler);
- _stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyHandler);
- target = _stage;
- if (!hadStage) update();
- }
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param value Sprite container you want VirtualMouse to use with its testing of sub containers
- * @return
- */
- public function set container(value:Sprite):void
- {
- _container = value;
- }
- public function get container():Sprite { return _container; }
- /**
- * The last event dispatched by the VirtualMouse
- * instance. This can be useful for preventing
- * event recursion if performing VirtualMouse
- * operations within MouseEvent handlers.
- */
- public function get lastEvent():Event {
- return _lastEvent;
- }
- /**
- * True if the virtual mouse is being
- * pressed, false if not. The mouse is
- * down for the virtual mouse if press()
- * was called.
- * @see press()
- * @see release()
- */
- public function get mouseIsDown():Boolean {
- return _mouseIsDown;
- }
- /**
- * The x location of the virtual mouse. If you are
- * setting both the x and y properties of the
- * virtual mouse at the same time, you would probably
- * want to lock the VirtualMouse instance to prevent
- * additional events from firing.
- * @see lock
- * @see unlock
- * @see y
- * @see setLocation()
- * @see getLocation()
- */
- public function get x():Number {
- return location.x;
- }
- public function set x(n:Number):void {
- location.x = n;
- if (!isLocked) update();
- }
- /**
- * The y location of the virtual mouse. If you are
- * setting both the x and y properties of the
- * virtual mouse at the same time, you would probably
- * want to lock the VirtualMouse instance to prevent
- * additional events from firing.
- * @see lock
- * @see unlock
- * @see x
- * @see setLocation()
- * @see getLocation()
- */
- public function get y():Number {
- return location.y;
- }
- public function set y(n:Number):void {
- location.y = n;
- if (!isLocked) update();
- }
- /**
- * Determines if the events dispatched by the
- * VirtualMouse instance are IVirualMouseEvent
- * Events (wrapping Event and MouseEvent) or events
- * of the native Event and MouseEvent type. When using
- * non-native events, you can check to see if the
- * events originated from VirtualMouse by seeing if
- * the events are of the type IVirualMouseEvent.
- * @see lastEvent
- */
- public function get useNativeEvents():Boolean {
- return _useNativeEvents;
- }
- public function set useNativeEvents(b:Boolean):void {
- if (b == _useNativeEvents) return;
- _useNativeEvents = b;
- if (_useNativeEvents){
- eventEvent = VirtualMouseEvent;
- mouseEventEvent = VirtualMouseMouseEvent;
- }else{
- eventEvent = Event;
- mouseEventEvent = MouseEvent;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Initializes a new VirtualMouse instance.
- * @param stage A reference to the stage instance.
- * @param startX The initial x location of
- * the virtual mouse.
- * @param startY The initial y location of
- * the virtual mouse.
- */
- public function VirtualMouse(stage:Stage = null, container:Sprite = null, startX:Number = 0, startY:Number = 0) {
- this.stage = stage;
- this.container = container;
- location = new Point(startX, startY);
- lastLocation = location.clone();
- addEventListener(UPDATE, handleUpdate);
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the location (x and y) of the current
- * VirtualMouse instance. The location of the
- * virtual mouse is based in the global
- * coordinate space.
- * @return A Point instance representing the
- * location of the virtual mouse in
- * global coordinate space.
- * @see x
- * @see y
- * @see setLocation()
- */
- public function getLocation():Point {
- return location.clone();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the location (x and y) of the current
- * VirtualMouse instance. There are two ways to
- * call setLocation, either passing in a single
- * Point instance, or by passing in two Number
- * instances representing x and y coordinates.
- * The location of the virtual mouse is based in
- * the global coordinate space.
- * @param a A Point instance or x Number value.
- * @param b A y Number value if a is a Number.
- * @see x
- * @see y
- * @see getLocation()
- */
- public function setLocation(a:*, b:* = null):void
- {
- //log.debug("VM setLocation", a, b);
- if (a is Point) {
- var loc:Point = a as Point;
- location.x = loc.x;
- location.y = loc.y;
- }else{
- location.x = Number(a);
- location.y = Number(b);
- }
- if (!isLocked) update();
- }
- /**
- * Locks the current VirtualMouse instance
- * preventing updates from being made as
- * properties change within the instance.
- * To release and allow an update, call unlock().
- * @see lock()
- * @see update()
- */
- public function lock():void {
- isLocked = true;
- }
- /**
- * Unlocks the current VirtualMouse instance
- * allowing updates to be made for the
- * dispatching of virtual mouse events. After
- * unlocking the instance, it will update and
- * additional calls to press(), release(), or
- * changing the location of the virtual mouse
- * will also invoke updates.
- * @see lock()
- * @see update()
- */
- public function unlock():void {
- isLocked = false;
- update();
- }
- /**
- * Allows you to disable an event by type
- * preventing the virtual mouse from
- * dispatching that event during an update.
- * @param type The type for the event to
- * disable, e.g. MouseEvent.CLICK
- * @see enableEvent()
- */
- public function disableEvent(type:String):void {
- disabledEvents[type] = true;
- }
- /**
- * Re-enables an event disabled with
- * disableEvent.
- * @param type The type for the event to
- * enable, e.g. MouseEvent.CLICK
- * @see disableEvent()
- */
- public function enableEvent(type:String):void {
- if (type in disabledEvents) {
- delete disabledEvents[type];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Ignores a display object preventing that
- * object from recieving events from the
- * virtual mouse. This is useful for instances
- * used for cursors which may always be under
- * the virtual mouse's location.
- * @param instance A reference to the
- * DisplayObject instance to ignore.
- * @see unignore()
- */
- public function ignore(instance:DisplayObject):void {
- ignoredInstances[instance] = true;
- }
- /**
- * Removes an instance from the ignore list
- * defined by ignore(). When an ingored
- * object is passed into unignore(), it will
- * be able to receive events from the virtual
- * mouse.
- * @param instance A reference to the
- * DisplayObject instance to unignore.
- * @see ignore()
- */
- public function unignore(instance:DisplayObject):void {
- if (instance in ignoredInstances){
- delete ignoredInstances[instance];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Simulates the pressing of the left
- * mouse button. To release the mouse
- * button, use release().
- * @see release()
- * @see click()
- */
- public function press():void {
- //if (_mouseIsDown) return;
- updateMouseDown = true;
- _mouseIsDown = true;
- if (!isLocked) update();
- }
- /**
- * Simulates the release of the left
- * mouse button. This method has no
- * effect unless press() was called first.
- * @see press()
- * @see click()
- */
- public function release():void {
- //if (!_mouseIsDown) return;
- updateMouseDown = true;
- _mouseIsDown = false;
- if (!isLocked) update();
- }
- /**
- * Simulates a click of the left
- * mouse button (press and release)
- * @see press()
- * @see release()
- * @see click()
- * @see doubleClick()
- */
- public function click():void {
- press();
- release();
- }
- /**
- * Simulates a double-click of the left
- * mouse button (press and release twice).
- * Calling this command is the only way to
- * simulate a double-click for the virtual
- * mouse. Calling press() and release() or
- * click() is rapid succession will not
- * invoke a double-click event. The double-click
- * event will also only fire for an instance
- * if it's doubleClickEnabled property is
- * set to true.
- * @see click()
- */
- public function doubleClick():void {
- // if locked, doubleClick will
- // not fire but the mouse will
- // be released if not already
- if (isLocked) {
- release();
- }else{
- // call update with a click, press, then release
- // and double-click notification for release
- click();
- press();
- isDoubleClickEvent = true;
- release();
- isDoubleClickEvent = false;
- }
- }
- /*Added by Jim Kremens kremens@gmail.com 08/16/07 */
- public function exitContainer():void {
- if( !container ) return;
- var targetLocal:Point = target.globalToLocal(location);
- //log.debug("Targetlocal", target != container);
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT]) {
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- container.dispatchEvent(new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta));
- dispatchEvent(new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta));
- }
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT]) { // rolls do not propagate
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, false, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- container.dispatchEvent(new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, false, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta));
- dispatchEvent(new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, false, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta));
- }
- if (target != container) {
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT]) {
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- target.dispatchEvent(new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta));
- dispatchEvent(new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta));
- }
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT]) { // rolls do not propagate
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, false, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- target.dispatchEvent(new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, false, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta));
- dispatchEvent(new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, false, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, container, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta));
- }
- }
- //reset the target to the stage, which is the value it starts at.
- target = _stage;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the VirtualMouse instance's state
- * to reflect a change in the virtual mouse.
- * Within this method all events will be dispatched.
- * update() is called any time a VirtualMouse
- * property is changed unless lock() was used to
- * lock the instance. update() will then not be
- * called until unlock() is used to unlock
- * the instance. Typically you would never call
- * update() directly; it is called automatically
- * by the VirtualMouse class. Calling update()
- * manually will override lock(). Whenever update()
- * is called, the UPDATE event is dispatched.
- * @see lock()
- * @see unlock()
- */
- public function update():void {
- // dispatch an update event indicating that
- // an update has occured
- dispatchEvent(new Event(UPDATE, false, false));
- }
- private function handleUpdate(event:Event):void
- {
- if (!container) return;
- // go through each objectsUnderPoint checking:
- // 1) is not ignored
- // 2) is InteractiveObject
- // 3) mouseEnabled
- // 4) all parents have mouseChildren
- // if not interactive object, defer interaction to next object in list
- // if is interactive and enabled, give interaction and ignore rest
- // var p:Point = CoordinateTools.localToLocal(container, stage, location);
- //var objectsUnderPoint:Array = container.getObjectsUnderPoint(p);
- if( container.scrollRect ){
- PaperLogger.warning("The container that virtualMouse is trying to test against has a scrollRect defined, and may cause an issue with finding objects under a defined point. Use MovieMaterial.rect to set a rectangle area instead");
- }
- var originalPoint:Point = new Point();
- originalPoint.x = container.x;
- originalPoint.y = container.y;
- container.x = container.y = 0;
- var objectsUnderPoint:Array = container.getObjectsUnderPoint(location);
- container.x = originalPoint.x;
- container.y = originalPoint.y;
- var currentTarget:InteractiveObject;
- var currentParent:DisplayObject;
- var i:int = objectsUnderPoint.length;
- while (i--) {
- currentParent = objectsUnderPoint[i];
- // go through parent hierarchy
- while (currentParent) {
- // don't use ignored instances as the target
- if (ignoredInstances[currentParent]
- ) {
- currentTarget = null;
- break;
- }
- // invalid target if in a SimpleButton
- if (currentTarget && currentParent is SimpleButton)
- {
- //log.debug("found SimpleButton - setting currentTarget to null");
- currentTarget = null;
- // invalid target if a parent has a
- // false mouseChildren
- } else if (currentTarget && !DisplayObjectContainer(currentParent).mouseChildren)
- {
- //log.debug("parent false mouseChildren - setting currentTarget to null");
- currentTarget = null;
- }
- // define target if an InteractiveObject
- // and mouseEnabled is true
- if (!currentTarget && currentParent is InteractiveObject && InteractiveObject(currentParent).mouseEnabled)
- {
- //log.debug("found InteractiveObject && mouseEnabled = true - setting currentTarget");
- currentTarget = InteractiveObject(currentParent);
- }
- // next parent in hierarchy
- currentParent = currentParent.parent;
- }
- // if a currentTarget was found
- // ignore all other objectsUnderPoint
- if (currentTarget){
- break;
- }
- }
- // if a currentTarget was not found
- // the currentTarget is the stage
- if (!currentTarget)
- {
- //trace("no CurrentTarget", container.hitTestPoint(location.x, location.y));
- currentTarget = container;
- //currentTarget = _stage;
- //log.debug("no new target found, using stage");
- }
- // get local coordinate locations
- var targetLocal:Point = target.globalToLocal(location);
- var currentTargetLocal:Point = currentTarget.globalToLocal(location);
- // move event
- if (lastLocation.x != location.x || lastLocation.y != location.y)
- {
- var withinStage:Boolean = false;
- if(stage) withinStage = (location.x >= 0 && location.y >= 0 && location.x <= stage.stageWidth && location.y <= stage.stageHeight);
- // mouse leave if left stage
- if (!withinStage && lastWithinStage && !disabledEvents[Event.MOUSE_LEAVE]){
- _lastEvent = new eventEvent(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, false, false);
- stage.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- // only mouse move if within stage
- if (withinStage && !disabledEvents[MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE]){
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, currentTargetLocal.x, currentTargetLocal.y, currentTarget, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- currentTarget.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- // remember if within stage
- lastWithinStage = withinStage;
- }
- // roll/mouse (out and over) events
- if (currentTarget != target)
- {
- // off of last target
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT]){
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, true, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, currentTarget, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- target.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT]){ // rolls do not propagate
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, false, false, targetLocal.x, targetLocal.y, currentTarget, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- target.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- // on to current target
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER]){
- //log.debug("*** MOUSEOVER****");
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, true, false, currentTargetLocal.x, currentTargetLocal.y, target, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- currentTarget.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER]){ // rolls do not propagate
- //log.debug("*** ROLLOVER****");
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, false, false, currentTargetLocal.x, currentTargetLocal.y, target, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- currentTarget.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- }
- // click/up/down events
- if (updateMouseDown) {
- if (_mouseIsDown) {
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN]){
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, true, false, currentTargetLocal.x, currentTargetLocal.y, currentTarget, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- currentTarget.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- // remember last down
- lastDownTarget = currentTarget;
- updateMouseDown = false;
- // mouse is up
- }else{
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP]){
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, true, false, currentTargetLocal.x, currentTargetLocal.y, currentTarget, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- currentTarget.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- if (!disabledEvents[MouseEvent.CLICK] && currentTarget == lastDownTarget) {
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK, true, false, currentTargetLocal.x, currentTargetLocal.y, currentTarget, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- currentTarget.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- // clear last down
- lastDownTarget = null;
- updateMouseDown = false;
- }
- }
- // explicit call to doubleClick()
- if (isDoubleClickEvent && !disabledEvents[MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK] && currentTarget.doubleClickEnabled) {
- _lastEvent = new mouseEventEvent(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, true, false, currentTargetLocal.x, currentTargetLocal.y, currentTarget, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, _mouseIsDown, delta);
- currentTarget.dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- dispatchEvent(_lastEvent);
- }
- // remember last values
- lastLocation = location.clone();
- lastMouseDown = _mouseIsDown;
- target = currentTarget;
- }
- private function keyHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
- // update properties used in MouseEvents
- altKey = event.altKey;
- ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;
- shiftKey = event.shiftKey;
- }
- }
- }